Debugger does'nt display after update - debugging

I've a strange problem since yesterday, I've made an update of Symfony and since I don't have the debug toolbar anymore. It is displayed in my html code like this :
<div id="sfwdtd14ed8" class="sf-toolbar sf-display-none" data-sfurl="/_wdt/d14ed8" style="display: none;">
Here is my web profiler config :
toolbar: true
intercept_redirects: false
My config is good and I can display the debugger with url like this :
I can't find any solution if you could help me thank you.

Updating the Symfony Client to latest version (4.5.1) resolved the issue, which was probably the "broken Symfony WDT", fixed in 4.4.5.


Error: Option 'ajax' is not allowed for Select2 when attached to a element - After version upgrade to 3.1.2

Recently I have updated the wocommerce version to 3.1.2. But I am fetching problem when going to add variable product or editing variable product. It showing "Uncaught Error: Option 'ajax' is not allowed for Select2 when attached to a element." js error when selecting product attribute or variation.
Uncaught Error: Option 'ajax' is not allowed for Select2 when attached to a <select> element.
at String.<anonymous> (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:1)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui&load[]=-menu,wp-a11y,jquery-ui-autocomplete,underscore,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:2)
at d.prepareOpts (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:1)
at d.prepareOpts (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:2)
at d.init (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:1)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:2)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui&load[]=-menu,wp-a11y,jquery-ui-autocomplete,underscore,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:2)
at a.fn.init.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui&load[]=-menu,wp-a11y,jquery-ui-autocomplete,underscore,backbone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,plupload,jquery-ui-tooltip&ver=4.8.1:2)
at a.fn.init.a.fn.select2 (ultimate-woocomposer-backend.min.js:2)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (wc-enhanced-select.min.js:1)
See the screenshot below;
I have googled about this problem but no solution found, most of them are saying it is a bug (I am not sure).
Please help to resolve the problem.
I know it's been a while, but I just want to share what I found and might can help someone else.
I got same issue with attribute section will stay in the loop, exactly same error I got in the console.
Here's I try:
Disable most common conflict plugin with this same error case I found online.
Disable Yoast SEO (which still not working for me, then just turn them back on)
Disable Visual composer, like page builder plugin, when I turn off "Ultimate_VC_Addons" this plugin, my attribute section is working agaian.
Might cause the conflict by theme, fall back to Wordpress default theme to check.
If cause by Advance custom field, you can check this thread.
Check this woocommerce doc if none of this help.

Domino 9.01 Fix 3 CKEditor error - No error on 9.01 Fix 1

Hope someone can help me, I've been stuck for a few days now.
After updating my Domino server to 9.01 Fix 3 I keep getting an error on the javascript console:
TypeError: this.editor.getData is not a function
This is the image of the error:
Console Error Message
And all buttons on my page stop working.
If I comment the Richtext code on the page, everything starts working again, this is the code:
<xp:inputRichText id="ds_decisao" styleClass="data" disableClientSideValidation="true" value="#{dts_proposta.ds_texto}" required="false" disableValidators="true" title="titulo" immediate="true"></xp:inputRichText>
This server is for test purposes, so we have the same code in another one that the version is 9.01 Fix 1, and the error does not happen there. The page code is exactly the same, just the server version is different.
I don't know where in the code the problem is, inside CKEditor or Domino, because both of them get updates going from Fix 1 to Fix 3.
I have tried downgrading the version of CKEditor to the same one that is on the 9.01 Fix 1 server, but the error persists. So maybe that points to something on the Domino code, not the CKEditor, but I don't know.
I have to use Fix 3 for security reasons, and I do need CKEditor.
Has anyone encounter this problem?
Any help is appreciated.
I have recently run in to exactly this issue and exact error message with CKEditor in XPages 9.0.1 FP3
I found that when there is an SSJS onClientLoad event on the page it causes an AJAX POST event to the server and this is stopping the CKEditor from loading successfully. Removing the SSJS onClientLoad event allowed the page to load as expected.

Form not submitted on click using watir-webdriver in Chrome

I am using ruby/cucumber/watir-webdriver and the page-objects gem to run my tests. My tests are usually run in firefox but decided to give chrome a try. While the click works in firefox it does not in chrome. Here is the sample html code:
<form id='test-form' method='post' class='validate-inline'>
<div class='margin-top'>
<input class='btn' data-disable-with='wait...' type='submit' value='Submit Form'></input>
In my class page I have the button declared as the following:
button(:submit_form_btn, :value => 'Submit Form')
And call it this way:
I do see the button text change to 'wait...' for a few seconds then returns to 'Submit Form' but does not seem to submit the form. As mentioned before it works with firefox and when clicked manually. Just seems to be an issue in Chrome. Any ideas how to get around it?
I tried clicking the div, and tried clicking the button twice but same issue.
As always your help is appreciated. Thanks.
I know this question is little old now, but I thought I'd post in case this helps anyone.
Most of the times I've run into similar issues, it was caused by an update to Chrome that caused issues with the version of the watir-webdriver gem (or one of it's dependencies) or with the version of chromedriver that I was using. I've had success in the past by updating my gems and chromedriver and the other times I've had to roll back the browser version to the previous release.
It's not ideal to be testing on an older version of chrome but it worked fine as a stop gap until the issue was fixed.
If you do go for the previous version of chrome approach, make sure to log a bug ticket if there isn't already one there.

Ck editor displaying tags on content load in phone browsers

I am using ck-editor on a MVC project and I noticed when testing on Phone(android,windows) that editor does not loading text properly. Editor is Displaying Tags as well.
But when I tested in system it is working very much fine with all the browsers.Just wondering why it is not working in phone browsers. Please help me in this issue.
Thanks in Advance!
CKEditor can be Enabled in Unsupported Environments
It will work on ckeditor version 4.X (it gives option to enable compatibility)
So download latest version of ckeditor and add this script
CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible = true;
Source Website
If you use razor page use this code to solve it:
#Html.Raw(your text)

Unable to "click" in recent webdriver release on FireFox

I am facing intermittent issue in Clicking on a button or a hyperlink on Firefox.
I am using webdriver version 2.27 and FF17.
The buttons are simple html button -
<input class="btn" type="button" title="AddP" onclick="navigateToUrl('/p/tyy/SelectSearch?addTo=006y67&retURL=%2F00999yu2Boy9','MM_LIST','addP');" name="addP" value="Add P">
I use locator as : name=addP
For hyperlinks I use locator as : link=hyperlinktext
The Click will not fail with any exception, it will simply highlight the button or link, but not perform the actual click.
The frequency of failure is once in 3 times.
Upgrade to at least Selenium 2.28. There were some bugs for Firefox 17 before that.
Here is what i found :
Issue 1: I was using By.linkText("test test").click which should have been By.partialLinkText("test test").click . Thanks to stackoverflow for the answer.
Issue 2: I rewrote the css locators for failed button to start from class of some parent above.
For e.g. instead of
I am now using
css=.individualPalette input[name='j_id0:j_id2:j_id3:j_id4']
And it works all the time. I am not sure why??
I am still to rerun my scripts couple of more times to be sure these helps.
