Pipe CURL result to BC - bash

I have a CURL command
echo "{cur_format}" | curl -w #- -s -o /dev/null https://example.com
Let's say the above command outputs a string of "I waited 1 day".
How can I convert "I waited 1 day" to "I waited 24 hours" (i.e. pipe "1 * 24" to the bc command")?
Thank you.

I managed to resolve this by using "awk" command. For example,
echo "{cur_format}" | curl -w #- -s -o /dev/null https://example.com | awk -F'[:\|]' '{print $1 ":" (($2*24)) "|" $3 "|" $4;}'
Note that -F'[:\|]' is a list of any delimiters you need.


How do I do a website health check using CURL command

I'm trying to monitor a website using curl but the output doesn't seem to work, please see commands below:
varDate=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
varCurlError=$(curl -sSf https://website.com > /dev/null)
varHttpCode=$(curl -Is https://website.com | head -n 1)
varResponseTime=$(curl -s -w '%{time_total}' -o /dev/null website.com)
varOutput="$varDate | $varCurlError | $varHttpCode | $varResponseTime"
echo $varOutput
The output looks like this :
| 0.07323 18:51:40 | | HTTP/1.1 200 OK
What can I change or add to fix the output.
Much appreciated.
varDate=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
varCurlError=$(curl -sSf https://website.com 2>&1 >/dev/null)
varHttpCode=$(curl -Is https://website.com | head -n 1)
varResponseTime=$(curl -s -w '%{time_total}' -o /dev/null website.com | tr -d \\r )
varOutput="$varDate | $varCurlError | $varHttpCode | $varResponseTime"
echo $varOutput
There are two corrections:
tr -d \r was added as per glenn jackman. The CR is causing your varResponseTime to be printed at the beginning of the line. The tr command deletes the CR.
You need to first redirect stderr to stdout before you close file descriptor 1 in your varCurlError statement. Now, errors reported by curl to stderr will be sent to stdout (and captured by your $() enclosure). The output curl sends to stdout will go to the bitbucket. Order is important. >/dev/null 2>&1 doesn't work - it sends stdout and stderr to /dev/null.
#glenn jackman is correct about the need to pipe the curl output to | tr -d '\r'
That is, change your code to
varDate=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' | tr -d '\r')
varCurlError=$(curl -sSf https://website.com | tr -d '\r' > /dev/null)
varHttpCode=$(curl -Is https://website.com | tr -d '\r' | head -n 1)
varResponseTime=$(curl -s -w '%{time_total}' -o /dev/null website.com | tr -d '\r')
varOutput="$varDate | $varCurlError | $varHttpCode | $varResponseTime"
echo "$varOutput"
It can be done with wget so you see if you can get any data and it can be simple like this:
dt=$(date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S');
wget domain/yourindex
if [ -f /home/$USER/yourindex ] ; then
#echo $dt GOOD >> /var/log/fix.log
echo GOOD >/dev/null 2>&1
#counter measures like sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm.service && sudo systemctl restart nginx
echo $dt BROKEN >> /var/log/fix.log
rm login*

Need help escaping from awk quotations in bash script

I have an alias in my bashrc file that outputs current folder contents and system available storage, updated continuously by the watch function.
alias wtch='watch -n 0 -t "du -sch * -B 1000000 2>/dev/null | sort -h && df -h -B 1000000| head -2 | awk '{print \$4}'"'
The string worked fine until I put in the awk part. I know I need to escape the single quotation marks, while still staying in the double quotation marks and the $4 but I haven't been able to get it to work. What am I doing wrong?
This is the error I get
-bash: alias: $4}": not found
Since the quoting for the alias is making it tough, you could just make it a function instead:
wtch() {
watch -n 0 -t "du -sch * -B 1000000 2>/dev/null | sort -h && df -h -B 1000000| head -2 | awk '{print $4}'"
This is a lot like issue 2 in the BashFAQ/050
Also, a minor thing but you can skip the head process at the end and just have awk do it, even exiting after the second row like
wtch() {
watch -n 0 -t "du -sch * -B 1000000 2>/dev/null | sort -h && df -h -B 1000000| awk '{print $4} NR >= 3 {exit}'"
In this case you can use cut instead of awk. And you'll have the same effect.
alias wtch="watch -n 0 -t 'du -sch * -B 1000000 2>/dev/null | sort -h && df -h -B 1000000| head -2 | cut -d\ -f4'"
Explaining cut:
-d option defines a delimiter
-d\ means that my delimiter is space
-f selects a column
-f4 gives you the fourth column

curl in bash script vs curl one liner

This code ouputs a http status of 000 - which seems to indicate something didn't connect properly but when I do this curl outside of the bash script it works fine and produces a 200 so something with this code is off... any guidance?
URLs=$(< test.txt | grep Url | awk -F\ ' { print $2 } ')
# printf "Preparing to check $URLs \n"
for line in $URLs
do curl -L -s -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" $line
your script works on my vt.
I added in a couple of debugging lines, this may help you to see where any metacharacters are getting in, as I would have to agree with the posted coments.
I've output lines in the for to a file which is then printed out with od.
I have amended the curl line to grab the last line, just to get the response code.
echo -n > $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile # truncate urltstfile
URLs=$(cat testurl.txt | grep Url | awk -F\ ' { print $2 } ')
# printf "Preparing to check $URLs \n"
for line in $URLs
do echo $line >> $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile;
echo line:$line:
curl -IL -s -w "%{http_code}\n" $line | tail -1
od -c $HOME/Desktop/urltstfile
#do curl -L -s -w "%{http_code} %{url_effective}\\n" "$line\n"

how to create multi user paramerter in zabbix from a script

This is a shell script return 2 values one for packet loss percentage and another for True or False :
checkip=`ping -c 2 -W 2 $SERVER_IP | grep "packet loss" | cut -d " " -f 6 | cut -d "%" -f1`
echo $checkip
if [ $test1 -eq 0 ]; then
echo "1"
echo "0"
in zabbix when you create an item you enter only one parameter with value but i have 2 values one packet loss and second for ping result (0 and 1)
how can i create two items 1 for packet lost percentage and second for ping health check with only this script? i dont want to create another one
Thanks to Andre
try this script this will guide you to what exactly you want :
case $1 in
packetloss) ping -c2 -W1 -q | grep -oP '\d+(?=% packet loss)' ;;
timeout) ping -c2 -q | grep 'time' | awk -F',' '{ print$4}' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-4 ;;
*) echo "Use: packetloss , timeout";;
try (im in zsh):
zabbix_agentd -t ping.loss\[timeout\]
ping.loss[timeout] [t|1000]
or in zabbix server use get ( im also in zsh here too):
zabbix_get -s -k ping.loss\[timeout\]
now create items with these keys.
UserParameter=key[*],/path_of_script.sh $1
At the GUI:
Key: key[Server_IP]
Another example:
UserParameter=general[*],/usr/local/etc/scripts/general.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
$ cat general.sh
case $1 in
ddate) ddate;;
minute) echo "`date +%M`%2" | bc;;
files) ls -l $2 | grep ^- | wc -l;;
size.dir) du -s $2 | cut -f1;;
script) /bin/bash /usr/local/etc/scripts/script.sh;;
*) echo "Use: ddate, minute, files <parameters>, size.dir <parameters> or script";;
$ zabbix_get -s Server_IP -k general[minute]

Bash Xargs Sleep (Multiple Command Line Arguments)

Ok so I have the following script that updates Route43 DNS entries. Unfortunately there is a limit to the number of calls per second you can make so I need to make the final Xargs command sleep for about a second between each iteration.
I've tried a couple of things like ' {../cli53 blah; sleep 10; } ' and I cant seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions please:
set root='dirname $0'
ec2-describe-instances -O ******* -W ******* --region eu-west-1 |
perl -ne '/^INSTANCE\s+(i-\S+).*?(\S+\.amazonaws\.com)/
and do { $dns = $2; print "$1 $dns\n" }; /^TAG.+\sName\s+(\S+)/
and print "$1 $dns\n"' |
perl -ane 'print "$F[0] CNAME $F[1] --replace\n"' |
grep -v 'i-' | xargs --verbose -n 4 /usr/local/bin/cli53 rrcreate -x 5 contoso.com
Edit: Thanks Etan for the Answer. Here is my solution for anyone else that needs it:
I had to include the -I %variable% switch into the xargs statement aswel to make sure that the feed in was passed as parameters to cli53 but it all looks to be working nicely now.
set root='dirname $0'
ec2-describe-instances -O ******* -W ******* --region eu-west-1 |
perl -ne '/^INSTANCE\s+(i-\S+).*?(\S+\.amazonaws\.com)/
and do { $dns = $2; print "$1 $dns\n" }; /^TAG.+\sName\s+(\S+)/
and print "$1 $dns\n"' |
perl -ane 'print "$F[0] CNAME $F[1] --replace\n"' |
grep -v '^i-' |
xargs --verbose -n 4 -I myvar /bin/sh -c '{ /usr/local/bin/cli53 rrcreate -x 5 contoso.com 'myvar'; sleep 1; printf "\n\n"; }'
The simplest solution would be to simply put the cli53 and sleep calls in a script and use xargs to execute the script.
If you don't want to do that you should be able to do what you were trying to do with this:
... | xargs ... /bin/sh -c '{ /usr/local/bin/cli53 ... "$#"; sleep 10; }' -
