Ocaml execution of program not producing new output after some time - shell

I have 3 ocaml modules, the last one of the tree does the actual computation and uses functions defined in the other 2.
The basic idea of the program is to have a port as initial state, which contains boats, and moving those boats until we reach either a winning situation or no more moves are possible.
The actual code is not really a problem here. It is probably not very efficient, but finds a solution... except when it does not.
While the program takes a few seconds for complex situations, in some cases, when I add a bit more complexity, it takes forever to find a solutions.
When I execute the program like this:
$ ocamlc -o test.exe port.ml moves.ml solver.ml
$ ./test.exe > file
The resulting file is really huge, but its size stops increasing after some time..
It seems to me that after a while the program stops running but without terminating, no Stackoverflow or out of memory error is thrown. The program simply does not continue the execution. In other words, the command
$ ./test.exe > file
is still executed, but no more new lines are added to the file. If I log to the shell itself and not a file, I get the same result: no new lines keep getting added after some time.
What could this be?
The main function (that is responsible for finding a solution) uses a Depth-First-Search algorithm, and contains a lot of List operations, such as List.fold, List.map, List.iter, List.partition, List.filter. I was thinking that maybe these functions have problems dealing with huge lists of complex types at some moment, but again, no error is thrown, the execution just stops.
I explained this very vaguely, but I really don't understand the problem here. I don't know whether the problem has to do with my shell (Ubuntu subsystem on windows) running out of memory, or ocaml List functions being limited at some point... If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment

To debug such cases you should use diagnostic utilities provided by your operating system and the OCaml infrastructure itself.
First of all, you shall look into the state of your process. You can use top or htop utilities if you're running a Unix machine. Otherwise, you can use the task manager.
If the process is running out of the physical memory, it could be swapped by the operating system. In that case, all memory operations will turn into hard drive reads and writes. Therefore, garbage collecting a heap stored in a hard drive will take some time. If this was the case, then you can use a memory profiler to identify the crux of the problem.
If the process is constantly running without a change in the memory footprint, then it looks like that you either hit a bug in your code, i.e., an infinite loop, or that some of your algorithms have exponential complexity, as Konstantin has mentioned in the comment. Use a debugging output or tracing to identify the location where the program stalled.
Finally, if your program is in the sleeping state, then it could be a deadlock. For example, if you're reading and writing to the same file, this can end up in a race condition. In general, if your program is multithreaded or operates multiple processes, there are lots of possibilities to induce a race condition.


Dynamically executing large volumes of execute-once, straight-line x86 code

Dynamically generating code is pretty well-known technique, for example to speed up interpreted languages, domain-specific languages and so on. Whether you want to work low-level (close to 1:1 with assembly), or high-level you can find libraries you help you out.
Note the distinction between self-modifying code and dynamically-generated code. The former means that some code that has executed will be modified in part and then executed again. The latter means that some code, that doesn't exist statically in the process binary on disk, is written to memory and then executed (but will not necessarily ever be modified). The distinction might be important below or simply because people treat self-modifying code as a smell, but dynamically generated code as a great performance trick.
The usual use-case is that the generated code will be executed many times. This means the focus is usually on the efficiency of the generated code, and to a lesser extent the compilation time, and least of all the mechanics of actually writing the code, making it executable and starting execution.
Imagine however, that your use case was generating code that will execute exactly once and that this is straight-line code without loops. The "compilation" process that generates the code is very fast (close to memcpy speed). In this case, the actual mechanics of writing to the code to memory and executing it once become important for performance.
For example, the total amount of code executed may be 10s of GBs or more. Clearly you don't want to just write all out to a giant buffer without any re-use: this would imply writing 10GB to memory and perhaps also reading 10GB (depending on how generation and execution was interleaved). Instead you'd probably want to use some reasonably sized buffer (say to fit in the L1 or L2 cache): write out a buffer's worth of code, execute it, then overwrite the buffer with the next chunk of code and so on.
The problem is that this seems to raise the spectre of self-modifying code. Although the "overwrite" is complete, you are still overwriting memory that was at one point already executed as instructions. The newly written code has to somehow make its way from the L1D to the L1I, and the associated performance hit is not clear. In particular, there have been reports that simply writing to the code area that has already been executed may suffer penalties of 100s of cycles and that the number of writes may be important.
What's the best way of generating a large about of dynamically generated straight-line code on x86 and executing it?
I think you're worried unnecessarily. Your case is more like when a process exits and its pages are reused for another process (with different code loaded into them), which shouldn't cause self-modifying code penalties. It's not the same as when a process writes into its own code pages.
The self-modifying code penalties are significant when the overwritten instructions have been prefetched or decoded to the trace cache. I think it is highly unlikely that any of the generated code will still be in the prefetch queue or trace cache by the time the code generator starts overwriting it with the next bit (unless the code generator is trivial).
Here's my suggestion: Allocate pages up to some fraction of L2 (as suggested by Peter), fill them with code, and execute them. Then map the same pages at the next higher virtual address and fill them with the next part of the code. You'll get the benefit of cache hits for the reads and the writes but I don't think you'll get any self-modifying code penalty. You'll use 10s of GB of virtual address space, but keep using the same physical pages.
Use a serializing operation such as CPUID before each time you start executing the modified instructions, as described in sections 8.1.3 and 11.6 of the Intel SDM.
I'm not sure you'll stand to gain much performance by using a gigantic amount of straight-line code instead of much smaller code with loops, since there's significant overhead in continually thrashing the instruction cache for so long, and the overhead of conditional jumps has gotten much better over the past several years. I was dubious when Intel made claims along those lines, and some of their statements were rather hyperbolic, but it has improved a lot in common cases. You can still always avoid call instructions if you need to for simplicity, even for tree recursive functions, by effectively simulating "the stack" with "a stack" (possibly itself on "the stack"), in the worst case.
That leaves two reasons I can think of that you'd want to stick with straight-line code that's only executed once on a modern computer: 1) it's too complicated to figure out how to express what needs to be computed with less code using jumps, or 2) it's an extremely heterogeneous problem being solved that actually needs so much code. #2 is quite uncommon in practice, though possible in a computer theoretical sense; I've just never encountered such a problem. If it's #1 and the issue is just how to efficiently encode the jumps as either short or near jumps, there are ways. (I've also just recently gotten back into x86-64 machine code generation in a side project, after years of not touching my assembler/linker, but it's not ready for use yet.)
Anyway, it's a bit hard to know what the stumbling block is, but I suspect that you'll get much better performance if you can figure out a way to avoid generating gigabytes of code, even if it may seem suboptimal on paper. Either way, it's usually best to try several options and see what works best experimentally if it's unclear. I've sometimes found surprising results that way. Best of luck!

Can we time commands deterministically?

We know that in bash, time foo will tell us how long a command foo takes to execute. But there is so much variability, depending on unrelated factors including what else is running on the machine at the time. It seems like there should be some deterministic way of measuring how long a program takes to run. Number of processor cycles, perhaps? Number of pipeline stages?
Is there a way to do this, or if not, to at least get a more meaningful time measurement?
You've stumbled into a problem that's (much) harder than it appears. The performance of a program is absolutely connected to the current state of the machine in which it is running. This includes, but is not limited to:
The contents of all CPU caches.
The current contents of system memory, including any disk caching.
Any other processes running on the machine and the resources they're currently using.
The scheduling decisions the OS makes about where and when to run your program.
...the list goes on and on.
If you want a truly repeatable benchmark, you'll have to take explicit steps to control for all of the above. This means flushing caches, removing interference from other programs, and controlling how your job gets run. This isn't an easy task, by any means.
The good news is that, depending on what you're looking for, you might be able to get away with something less rigorous. If you run the job on your regular workload and it produces results in a good amount of time, then that might be all that you need.

Debugging memory usage of external command inside OCaml program

I'm having memory issues in a program which I cannot isolate. I'm wondering which would be the best strategy to debug it.
My program exhausts available memory when running a line similar to this one:
Sys.command "solver file.in > file.out".
The error message is:
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("solver file.in > file.out: Cannot allocate memory")
Before the error, the program runs for about 15 seconds, consuming over 1 GB of RAM, until it finally dies.
However, running the exact same command line in the shell (with the same input file) only requires 0.7 seconds and uses less than 10 MB of RAM.
It seems something is leaking an absurd amount of memory, but I cannot identify it. Trying to isolate the error by copying it in a new OCaml file results in a situation similar to running it directly in the shell.
For information, file.in and file.out (the expected resulting file, when running the command in the shell) are both about 200 KB large.
I tried using Unix.system instead of Command.sys, but didn't notice any differences.
I'd like to know if Sys.command has some known limitations concerning memory (e.g. excessive memory usage), and what is the best way to identify why the behavior of the external program changes so drastically.
Sys.command just calls system() from the C library. The chances that the problem is in the thin wrapper around system() are pretty small.
Most likely some aspect of the process context is just different in the two cases.
The first thing I'd try would be to add a small amount of tracing to the solver code to get a feel for what's happening in the failure case.
If you don't have sources to the solver, you could just try re-creating the environment that seems to work. Something like the following might be worth a try:
Sys.command "/bin/bash -l -c 'solver file.in > file.out'"
This depends on the availability of bash. The -l flag tells bash to pretend it's a login shell. If you don't have bash you can try something similar with whatever shell you do have.
OK, it seems that the memory blowup is happening in your OCaml code before you run the solver. So the solver isn't the problem.
It's hard to say without knowing more about your OCaml code whether it's consuming a reasonable amount of memory.
It doesn't sound on the face of it like you're running out of stack space, so I wouldn't worry about lack of tail recursion right off. Often this is something to think about.
It actually sounds a lot like you have an infinite regression with memory being allocated along the way. This will eventually exhaust your memory space whether you have swapping turned on or not.
You can rule this out if your code works on a small example of whatever problem you're trying to solve. In that case, you might just have to reengineer you solution to take less memory.
After following the advice of Jeffrey Scofield, I realized that the out of memory issue happened before calling the solver, despite the error message.
The following simple OCaml file and Bash script were used to confirm it (matrix dimensions need to be adapted according to the available memory in your system):
let _ =
let _ = Array.create_matrix 45000 5000 0 in
Sys.command "./test.sh"
for x in {1..20000};do :;done
Using a script to measure memory usage (such as the one referenced in this question), I've been able to confirm that, while the Bash script uses no more than 5 MB on my machine, and the original program peaks over 1.7 GB, the displayed error message seems to associate the error to the Sys.command line, even though this would be highly unlikely in practice.
In other words, to debug memory usage of external commands, it's best to ensure that the external process is actually called, otherwise the error message may be misleading.

Elimination of run time variation over repeated executions of the same program

I am trying to design an Online Programming Contest Judge, and one of the things that I need to ensure is that when the same code is compiled (assuming the requirement),
given the same input, it should take exactly the same amount of time for the program to execute, each time this is done.
Currently, I am using a simple python script that
has 2 threads, one of which invokes a blocking system call that starts the execution of the test code, and the other keeps track of time and sends a kill signal to the
child process after the time limit expires. Incidentally, I am doing this inside a virtual machine for reason of security, and convenience (setting up a proper chroot is
way too complicated, and more risky).
However, given identical conditions (ie, when I restore a snapshot), I still get a variation in the time taken for execution in range of approximately 50ms on either side. As this prevents setting strict time limits, is there anyway to eliminate this variation?
I'm not an expert in that field, but I don't think you can do it. Even if you restore the snapshot inside the VM, the state of the "Outside" Machine is going to be pretty different. You have two OSs running, each one which multiple process which are probably going to compete for the resources at some point. If it's a website or a PC with an internet connection, you can get hit by different amounts of connections (or request), and that will make process start running and consume requests etc... If some application tries to access the hard disk, the initial position of the physical disk matters a lot for seek time, etc...
If you want a "deterministic" limit, you might wanna check if you can count how many instructions were executed by a certain process, or something like that.
Anyways, I've participated in several programming contents, and as far as I know, they don't care about the 50 ms differences... If you do a proper algorithm, you can get inside the time with a really big margin. So I'd advise you to live with it, and just include that in the rules.

Is there a parallel make system that is smart enough to intelligently respond to low-memory/swapping conditions?

I'm a big fan of speeding up my builds using "make -j8" (replacing 8 with whatever my current computer's number of cores is, of course), and compiling N files in parallel is usually very effective at reducing compile times... unless some of the compilation processes are sufficiently memory-intensive that the computer runs out of RAM, in which case all the various compile processes start swapping each other out, and everything slows to a crawl -- thus defeating the purpose of doing a parallel compile in the first place.
Now, the obvious solution to this problem is "buy more RAM" -- but since I'm too cheap to do that, it occurs to me that it ought to be possible to have an implementation of 'make' (or equivalent) that watches the system's available RAM, and when RAM gets down to near zero and the system starts swapping, make would automatically step in and send a SIGSTOP to one or more of the compile processes it had spawned. That would allow the stopped processes to get fully swapped out, so that the other processes could finish their compile without further swapping; then, when the other processes exit and more RAM becomes available, the 'make' process would send a SIGCONT to the paused processes, allowing them to resume their own processing. That way most swapping would be avoided, and I could safely compile on all cores.
Is anyone aware of a program that implements this logic? Or conversely, is there some good reason why such a program wouldn't/couldn't work?
For GNU Make, there's the -l option:
-l [load], --load-average[=load]
Specifies that no new jobs (commands) should be started if there are others jobs running and the load average is at least load (a floating-
point number). With no argument, removes a previous load limit.
I don't think there's a standard option for this, though.
