How to listen global events with Cypress? - cypress

We have an application that polls the server periodically until a task is completed. We fire a global event so that Cypress can catch and find out if the task is finished but we had trouble using document.addEventListener on Cypress. Here's what we're doing:
document.addEventListener('queryEnd', () => {
However; when we use it in a spec, it doesn't work expected and we're not able to catch it. Also, Cypress doesn't wait for the test and runs afterEach without waiting for the callback to run.

The reason why your code isn't working like you expect is because in Cypress, your tests run in a separate frame than your application under test (AUT). The event you're waiting for will never fire inside of Cypress's document.
To get the document of the AUT, use cy.document() like this:
.then($document => {
// now $document is a reference to the AUT Document
To make Cypress wait for your event before continuing, you can just wrap it in a Cypress.Promise. The Cypress docs have an example about waiting for a Promise to complete. For your queryEnd event, it would look something like this:
cy.document() // get a handle for the document
.then($document => {
return new Cypress.Promise(resolve => { // Cypress will wait for this Promise to resolve
const onQueryEnd = () => {
$document.removeEventListener('queryEnd', onQueryEnd) // cleanup
resolve() // resolve and allow Cypress to continue
$document.addEventListener('queryEnd', onQueryEnd)
.then(() => {


How to get cypress to block datadog requests

We recently installed datadogRUM in our application and now so many DD events kick off in my cypress test that they cause a timeout and failure
I have tried cy.intercept in multiple ways:
cy.intercept('POST', '*', {
statusCode: 202,
body: {
cy.intercept('POST', '*', {});
cy.intercept(/\.*datadog.*$/, (req) => {
req.reply("console.log('datadog intercept');");
method: 'POST',
url: '/\.*datadog.*$/'
}, req => {
cy.intercept('POST', '*', { forceNetworkError: true });
just to start. I feel like I've tried every possible variation. I also created a cypress.json file in my /cypress folder
"blockHosts": "**"
I get hundreds of calls back in my network tab to with the preview of console.log('datadog intercept') as I've intercepted them. They all display the solid blue line as if they are being intercepted and blocked. When I set the intercept to an alias I see the alias in my cypress runner window. But there are no 503s or 404s anywhere. The page still fills up with events, cypress gets overloaded, and my test times out.
I even tried copying the data-dog-rum.ts from the src/utils folder to cypress/utils and either commenting out everything or setting the sampleRate to 0, no dice.
EDIT: I am able to get the test passing by adding
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', () => {
// returning false here prevents Cypress from
// failing the test
return false;
to my support/index.js but now whether I add a cy.intercept in my test makes absolutely no difference. The page still fills up with datadog requests regardless, and whether they come back as 200/pending/cancelled, they still delay a single it block in a spec to where it takes 60 seconds to run instead of approx 10 seconds
You can use javascript to perform the stub inside the routeHandler
cy.intercept('*', (req) => { // look at everything
if (req.url.includes('datadoghq')) { // add more conditions if needed
req.reply({}) // prevent request reaching the server
blockhosts should work with
Pass only the host
"blockHosts": "*"

How do you wait on multiple XHR in Cypress that match the same intercept

In my app after login in from a clean state, there are a series of sync queries that are being fired to make sure that the local data is updated. There is a loading screen while this is happening. I just need to cypress to wait for all these calls to finish before performing the test.
cy.intercept() is identifying the call, but cy.wait() only waits for the first one to be finished.
Is there a way to create the alias dynamilcally or have the application wait for the spinner to disapper?
describe('Navigation', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// Programmatically login via Amazon Cognito API
cy.intercept('POST', '**/graphql').as('dataStore');
cy.loginByCognitoApi(Cypress.env('cognito_username'), Cypress.env('cognito_password'));
it('shows logged in', function () {
You can repeat wait on a single intercept, so count up the number of orange dataStore tags (looks like 11) and wait that amount of times
cy.intercept('POST', '**/graphql').as('dataStore');
cy.loginByCognitoApi(Cypress.env('cognito_username'), Cypress.env('cognito_password'));
Cypress._.times(11, () => {
Or it might be 10 - looking at the route defn. In any case, experiment. The app should be consistent in the calls it makes.
I had a similar case. What I do is store an array of objects in a different file and each object represents a specific test scenario. That way you can iterate through your test cases an assign an alias dynamically.
So you could do something like this:
beforeEach(function () {
yourArray.forEach((testcase) => {
cy.intercept('POST', '**/graphql').as(`${testcase.testname}datastore`);
If the number of requests aren't consistent, something I've done is the following (I've since put this in a command to use in multiple places):
cy.intercept('POST', '**/graphql').as('dataStore');
cy.get('#dataStore.all').then(xhrs => cy.wait(Array(xhrs.length).fill('#dataStore')));
Doing a wait on the alias with "all" returns all of the calls made to aliased route that Cypress has seen since the alias was made.
#user16695029 is a great solution.
If you run into the issue of API calls not being predictable (kicked off by a timer async etc), then keeping track of API call count might be useful:
at the start of your test code
let responseCounter = 0;
cy.intercept({ method: 'POST', url: '/save', middleware: true }, req => {
req.on('response', (res) => {
then later
let expectedSaveCount = 12;
Cypress._.times(expectedSaveCount - responseCounter, () => {
cy.get('#save.all').should('have.length', expectedSaveCount)

Allow cy.wait to fail

After reading a lot of docs and try to find a solution to my problem I didn't find anything, so here we go.
I have the following problem testing my end to end flow, the flow I'm testing does launch requests continuously but in one case I expect these requests to stop. In other words, I want to throw an error if the request is made and continue with errors when hits the timeout without any request.
cy.wait('#my-request', { timeout: 20000 })
I expect this to timeout if the app works fine so I tried to do this.
cy.wait('#my-request', { timeout: 20000 })
.its('status').should('not.eq', 404)
.its('status').should('not.eq', 200);
I expected to execute the chained tasks but this only happens when the request is made, as well as tried to use a .then but I have the same problem.
Adding a global on fail event can help us but also limits to not execute additional code when this test is failing and we force it to be marked as done.
In the test definition we can add the done callback like in the example.
it('Description', (done) => {
// other test stuff
cy.on('fail', (err) => {
if ( === 'CypressError' && err.message.includes('routeAlias') && err.message.includes('Timed out')) {
return true;
throw err;
cy.wait('#routeAlias', { timeout: 20000 })
.then(() => {
throw new Error('Error request found.');
// Any remaining code won't be executed if you need to reset something you need to create a new step, like in my case I did a new step to click a cancel button and prepare the app for the next test.
Now our test passes when this specific error is caught but any other error will lead to a test error.
This kind of workarounds are not recommended by cypress but unless cypress adds a catch to manage some errors it's the only way to fix my problem.

Using asynchronous Nightwatch After Hook with client interaction does not work

As far as I can tell, using promises or callbacks in After hook prevents Command Queue from executing when using promises / callbacks. I'm trying to figure out why, any help or suggestions are appreciated. Closest issue I could find on github is:
which states: finding that trying to make browser calls in the after hook is too late; it appears that the session is closed before after is run. (exactly my problem). But there is no solution provided. I need to run cleanup steps after my scenarios run, and those cleanup steps need to be able to interact with browser.
In the snippet below, bar is never outputted. Just foo.
const { After } = require('cucumber');
const { client } = require('nightwatch-cucumber');
After(() => new Promise((resolve) => {
client.perform(() => {
I also tried using callback approach
After((browser, done) => {
client.perform(() => {
But similar to 1st example, bar is never outputted, just foo
You can instead use something like:
const moreWork = async () => {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10000);
After(() => client.perform(async () => {
But the asynchronous nature of moreWork means that the client terminates before my work is finished, so this isn't really workin for me. You can't use an await in the perform since they are in different execution contexts.
Basically the only way to get client commands to execute in after hook is my third example, but it prevents me from using async.
The 1st and 2nd examples would be great if the command queue didn't freeze and prevent execution.
edit: I'm finding more issues on github that state the browser is not available in before / after hooks:
What are you supposed to do if you want to clean up using the browser after all features have run?
Try the following
After(async () => {
await client.perform(() => {
await moreWork();

How listen for events in Hyperledger Fabric Composer?

I haven't received any event notifications and am wondering if I am missing something.
I followed the instructions from the Fabric Composer website to define the BasicEvent in my cto model and added the code for creating and emitting events in a transaction and updated the network. I created a separate eventListener.js program that subscribes to the events using the businessNetworkConnection using the code sample from the website.
After I start my eventListener.js app it seems to be listening (after receiving the connected status message in console, nothing else doesn't go back to the normal prompt line.)
I then execute the transaction that should emit the event and it runs successfully but no event is received in the other terminal window where the eventlistener.js is running.
Here is the key part of the eventListener.js program:
businessNetworkConnection.connect(connectionProfile, businessNetworkIdentifier, participantId, participantPwd)
.then((result) => {
businessNetworkDefinition = result;
console.log('Connected: BusinessNetworkDefinition obtained=' + businessNetworkDefinition.getIdentifier());
businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) => {
// event: { "$class": "org.namespace.BasicEvent", "eventId": "0000-0000-0000-000000#0" }
Is the businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) ... command supposed to cause the program to appear to hang while its listening?
If so, is there something else that could be done to troubleshoot where the problem is?
I'm using v0.6 HLF on local Docker.
I think your issue is that you don't wait for the businessNetworkDefinition to be connected before you register your listener. Remember that the then block is executed asynchronously and your following businessNetworkConnection.on code will execute immediately.
You should add a second then block to register your listener after the businessNetworkDefinition has been connected.
return adminConnection.connect('hlfv1', 'admin', 'adminpw')
.then(() => {
return BusinessNetworkDefinition.fromDirectory(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'));
.then((businessNetworkDefinition) => {
return adminConnection.deploy(businessNetworkDefinition);
// return true;
.then(() => {
businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();
return businessNetworkConnection.connect('hlfv1', 'my-network', 'admin', 'adminpw');
.then(() => {
businessNetworkConnection.on('event', (event) => {
console.log( '****** received the event ' + JSON.stringify(businessNetworkConnection.getBusinessNetwork().getSerializer().toJSON(event)));
I wrote a sample code for a basic sample application developed by Hyperledger team. You can check out about from this code snippet: SampleEventListener
