How to get previous finger position in Leap Motion - processing

Im a beginner at Leap Motion. I am wondering how to get the previous finger position of my hand. I am basically looking for the equivalent of pmouseX and pmouseY from Processing.

I'm not really familiar with Leap Motion, but assuming you have access to the current finger position, you could always track the previous position yourself. In Processing it would look something like this:
int previousMouseX;
int previousMouseY;
void draw(){
line(previousMouseX, previousMouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
previousMouseX = mouseX;
previouseMouseY = mouseY;
This is pretty much what Processing is doing for you with the pmouseX and pmouseY variables.


How to get the real position were a point is drawn after translate and rotate in P5JS

I read a lot, and tried many things, but can't get this done, and it seems simple
I have the following p5js code
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
// MISSING CODE to get 75,125
And I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to get the actual coordinates were the point is drawn,
I read about getTransform, the matrix, and a lot of stuff, but seems impossible to get it done. Also I need to use rotation in the transform, so that makes it even harder
Use variables, so you can keep track of how much you translated and the location of your point, so you can them add them to obtain the desired result.
let trans_x = 50
let trans_y = 100
let point_x = 25
let point_y = 25
translate(trans_x, trans_y);
point(point_x, point_y);
result_x = trans_x + point_x // 50+25=75
result_y = trans_y + point_y // 100+25=125
You could use Vectors so you don't have to define 2 variables, but you get the idea.
Usually you would call WorldPosition to the absolute position of the object and RelativePosition to the position the object relative to the CameraPosition
The translation would be called CameraPosition and to make your code more efficient you should only draw objects that their RelativePosition falls inside the drawable area.

How can I optimize an animation in Processing, and keep it from leaving a trail of images?

I am creating a model of a solar system in processing, and after removing the background I noticed the planets were leaving a trail of their image behind them. The program runs fine when the background is back in, but I want to add a lot more and I am sure this is inefficient and will bog things down.
I am very new to processing, and I am really not sure how to solve this. Maybe delete previous images after a delay to create a shortened trail?
These are just the parts I think are important cherry picked from the code, this is just the example of one planet. Sorry if the code is clunky, any suggestions are happily accepted.
Planet p1;
void setup() {
mercury = loadImage("mercury.png")
p1 = new Planet(40, random(TWO_PI), 0.05);
void draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
class Planet {
float radius;
float angle;
float distance;
float orbitSpeed;
Planet(float r, float d, float o) {
radius = r;
distance = d;
orbitSpeed = o;
angle = random(TWO_PI);
void orbit() {
angle = angle + orbitSpeed;
void display1() {
translate(distance, 0);
image(mercury, radius, radius, 10, 10);
I realized that this would probably happen, and I am not sure how to stop it.
The behavior you describe is simply the nature of computer graphics; it's how games, operating systems, and hardware displays all work – they clear and redraw everything every frame.
In Processing, graphic objects that are pushed to a buffer remain there indefinitely until the buffer is cleared or something is pushed on top of them (this is why the planets are leaving a trail without calling background() – previous frames remain in the buffer).
You are worried about the background() being inefficient. Don't be, as it's one of the fastest operations (simply sets the value of each pixel, as given by the user).
Processing does provide a clear() function, but this is equivalent to background(0).
If you're are still concerned about efficiency and speed, one way to speed up Processing is to use the FX2D renderer rather than default AWT renderer. Another way is cache drawn objects into PGraphics objects to prevent successive rasterization (since your planets are image files and not drawn with processing, you needn't worry about this).
Your code is simple enough that it doesn't need optimisations at this stage.
As micycle mentions, you are are drawing an image at a translated position, pretty similar to blitting.
In terms of the trails, one common trick you could use is not clear the screen completely, but draw a transparent rectangle as the background. The more transparency, the longer the trails.
Here's a tweaked version of your code:
// planet object
Planet p1;
// planet texture
PImage mercury;
void setup() {
size(300, 300);
// draw image from center
// clear to black one
// remove strokes (we'll use rect() later)
// set the fill to black but with 9/255 transparency (~3.5% transparent)
// init texture
mercury = loadImage("mercury.png");
// init planet
p1 = new Planet(40, random(TWO_PI), 0.05);
void draw() {
// draw a transparent rectangle instead of completely clearing the screen
// render planet
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
class Planet {
float radius;
float angle;
float distance;
float orbitSpeed;
Planet(float r, float d, float o) {
radius = r;
distance = d;
orbitSpeed = o;
angle = random(TWO_PI);
void orbit() {
angle = angle + orbitSpeed;
void display1() {
translate(distance, 0);
image(mercury, radius, radius, 10, 10);
It's an efficient quick'n'dirty hack as you won't need to store previous position and redraw multiple times, however it has it limitations in terms of the flexibility of the trails. Hopefully tweaking the fill() alpha parameter will get you the desired effect.
Later on if you're drawing many many many planets it things start running slow have a peak at VisualVM. Profile the CPU and see the methods that take the longest to complete and focus on those. Don't need to optimise everything, just the slowest calls. Remember that Processing have multiple renderers: JAVA2D is the default one, but there's also FX2D and P2D/P3D and they will behave differently. I strongly recommend optimising at the last moment (otherwise code might be less flexible and readable and will slow down development/iteration).

using camera to focus on object after translations and rotations in processing 3.0

I have a program where a box ( player ) can land on the ground ( environment ), move and jump around. In the process of trying to make the boxes forward direction independent from the environment I used a couple or translations and rotations. this works fine for the boxes movement but now i do not know the coordinates of the box to use the camera function to focus on it.
void setup() {
PVector eye = new PVector(0,0,0);
PVector translations = new PVector(0,0,0);
translate(width/2, height/2);
//ground would be drawn here
translate(50, 100 ,490);
translations.add(0,0,0);//translations occurring from rotations and translation
eye.add(500, 1000, 500); //translate the eye away from the point its looking at
camera(eye.x, eye.y, eye.z, translations.x, translations.y, translations.z, 0, 0, -1);
How can I find the position of the box after the translations? I know that the use of sin and cos is necessary but i cannot for the life of me get an algorithm that works perfectly.
edit: I changed the code to be complete and verifiable

Not drawing at desired position in "Processing"

I am trying to draw at one place by dragging a mouse (for example, a circle in left upper quadrant) and have the figure appear at 4 places around center of canvas (including one right under the mouse cursor). I have tried following code:
int x=0;
int y=0;
void setup(){
size(400, 400);
translate(width/2, height/2);
void draw() {
void mouseDragged(){
translate(width/2, height/2);
for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
x= mouseX ; y=mouseY;
line(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
However, the figure does not get drawn under the mouse cursor. If I am very close to upper left corner, the lines get drawn at center of canvas.
Secondly, a total of 5 figures get drawn instead of 4 as I am trying. If I draw near left upper corner, the unwanted figure appears at right lower corner of canvas. This unwanted figure is fainter than other figures.
Where are the errors and how can both these problems be corrected? I want to achieve this with rotate commands (rotating around center of canvas), though I saw that I can also use translate command to draw at 4 places on canvas.
Thanks for your help.
None of your points are under the mouse because you're translating the canvas (to width/2, height/2) before drawing your points, but you're using mouseX, mouseY to draw them. Think of mouseX, mouseY as the X and Y distance from the upper-left corner. If you want a point to be under the mouse, you have to use the distance from the point you translated to!
In other words, instead of this:
x = mouseX;
y = mouseY;
You want this:
x = width/2 - mouseX;
y = height/2 - mouseY;
As for the extra point being drawn, that seems to be a side-effect of using the mouseDragged() function. Something strange is going on there, but you can get around this problem by just using the draw() function and the mousePressed variable instead of the mouseDragged() function.
Edit: I switched the order they should be in. Check out my answer to your next question for a better explanation.

howto generate a smooth movement in xna for wp7?

i want to create a game and addes a image to my game, now i want it to move down smoothly. i have a code like this:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
pos.Y = pos.Y + 1;
the movement works but it dont looks smooth, it looks like it jiggle. pos is a vector2 for the position in the image.
how to make it more smooth?
If you want movement to be smooth without adding a physics library you just have to factor in gameTime to your position update.
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
pos.Y = pos.Y * 100 * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
I don't have access to XNA + visual studio right now, but the changes I made should give you an idea of what to try out. Keep in mind the Update call happens multiple times a second so the elapsed time will be a small number so then you have to multiply it by a larger "movement" value in this case I put 100. Tweak 100 until you see the movement speed you desire.
Beanish is right, you should multiply by GameTime if you want smoothness. Physics is an overkill if you only want your animation to look smooth.
The best way I've found to do animation is by using position interpolation, for this to work you have to know the initial (you already know this) and final position of the image.
If you want to move from A to B in, say, 2 seconds, you can use the following code.
Vector2 a = new Vector2(0, 0);
Vector2 b = new Vector2(0, 100);
float elapsedTime = 0;
float duration = 2.0;
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
float dt = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
elapsedTime += dt;
if (elapsedTime > 1)
elapsedTime = 1;
float param = elapsedTime / duration;
pos = Vector2.Lerp(a, b, param);
The best thing about using this approach is that you can now use "easing" to make you animation look really really nice.
To do this just add a Power operation to the interpolator parameter:
pos = Vector2.Lerp(a, b, (float)Math.Pow(param /2.0, 0.5));
This will make you image slow down as it arrives to B. You can play with the exponent value (0.5) to get different results, try 2.0 for example.
Another important thing is that your image will always stop at B. If you use the Euler integration approach (your approach, adding a velocity each frame) you might have some trouble making the image stop at the right position (aka B) and it gets even worse when using 2 or 3 dimesions.
To know more about easing, check Robert Penner's Easing Equations.
First I can tell you what the problem isn't. You don't need a physics engine to have smooth movement. And changing the Update to include the ElapsedGameTime will not make a lick of difference for the smoothness (assuming you haven't changed the default of IsFixedTimestep to false). When there is a fixed timestep, ElapsedGameTime will always have the same value, it will not vary.
I don't how much you are doing in your code, but if it's too much, XNA will start skipping the Draw portion of your code, and this can definitely cause jerkiness. One way to check: in your Update method, test the value of IsRunningSlowly. Whenever it is true, XNA will skip some Draw calls.
If you are not doing anything complicated, then the culprit may be the refresh rate of your monitor. If it is set to anything other than 60Hz, you will have jerkiness. You could fix this by changing your monitor's refresh rate. Alternatively you can change the value of TargetElapsedTime to match your monitor's rate.
You should consider adding to your game a library for handling physics, as for example FarseerPhysics. By calculating the position in a per time base with physics rules applied your movements will be smooth and natural.
