Error when set variable with condition - Ansible Playbook on Linux - ansible

Getting error when using an if/else condition to set a variable in a playbook on Red Hat.
I tried a few different permutations of quotes, brackets etc.
Executed as "ansible-playbook -e env=dev playbook.yaml"
Set Vars:
certenv: "{{ '' if {{env}} == 'eng' else '.dev.' if {{env}} == 'dev' else '.uat.' if {{env}} == 'stg' else '.prd.' if {{env}} == 'prd' }}"
- name: Update server.xml Cert
dest: "{{tomcat}}/conf/server.xml"
regexp: '^(.*)certificateFile(.*)$'
line: 'certificateFile="{{tomcat}}/webapps/{{appwar}}/certificates/app{{certenv}}domain.cer"'
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{{ '' if {{env}} == 'eng' else '.dev.' if {{env}} == 'dev' else '.uat.' if {{env}} == 'stg' else '.prd.' if {{env}} == 'prd' }}'.
Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: template error while templating string: expected token ':', got '}'. String: {{ '' if {{env}} == 'eng' else '.dev.' if {{env}} == 'dev' else '.uat.' if {{env}} == 'stg' else '.prd.' if {{env}} == 'prd' }}"}
Expecting the certenv variable to be set as ".dev." for example.

As per comments: Modify your variable to
certenv: "{{ '' if env == 'eng' else '.dev.' if env == 'dev' else '.uat.' if env == 'stg' else '.prd.' if env == 'prd' }}"
and run your playbook with:
ansible-playbook myplaybook.yml -e "env=dev".

For jinja2, the syntax is:
certenv: "{% if env == 'eng' %}{% elif env == 'dev' %}.dev.{% elif env == 'stg' %}.uat.{% elif env == 'prd' %}.prd.{% endif %}"
You do not need to put the variables in {{...}} because they are inside the jinja2 markers {%...%}.
You can also make it more readable:
"{% if env == 'eng' %}
{% elif env == 'dev' %}
{% elif env == 'stg' %}
{% elif env == 'prd' %}
{% endif %}"

An option would be to use selectattr and map. The play below
eng: ""
dev: ".dev."
stg: ".uat."
prd: ".prd."
env: "stg"
- set_fact:
certenv: "{{ cert_options|dict2items|selectattr('key', 'match', env)|map(attribute='value')|list }}"
- debug:
var: item
loop: "{{ certenv }}"
"item": ".uat."
This hint might help to solve the problem.
The fixed syntax of the code is below. (not tested)
- name: Update server.xml Cert
dest: "{{ tomcat }}/conf/server.xml"
regexp: "^(.*)certificateFile(.*)$"
line: "certificateFile={{ tomcat }}/webapps/{{ appwar }}/certificates/app{{ certenv }}domain.cer"


ansible jinja2 template delimiters failed if using 'when'

I have this code, where the first task fails and the second task produces the following warning:
[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ VRF }} == 17
I am assuming this warning and the failure of the first task are happening for the same reason. From what I understand, the variables are different types. How do I fix this?
- name: PE_CE
hosts: localhost
- include_vars: /opt/netsec/ansible/orchestration/capabilities/PE_CE/PE_CE_1.yml
- name: Build PE config Cisco
when: "{{ PX_HOSTNAME }} == None"
- name: Build CE config Cisco
when: "{{ VRF }} == 17"
What I really want to do is when: "{{ VRF }} == 17" and "{{ PX_HOSTNAME }} == None", or something like {{ PX_HOSTNAME }}|length < 1"
You do not need {{ and }} with when. Do it like this:
when: PX_HOSTNAME == "None" and when: VRF == "17"
Here is some documentation
when: PX_HOSTNAME == "None" will check if PX_HOSTNAME contains the string "None".
If you want to run the task if it is empty, do when: not PX_HOSTNAME or if you want to run the task it it is not empty, do when: PX_HOSTNAME.
You can use the length as well: when: PX_HOSTNAME|length > 0

Conditional ansible to set variable

Tried all luck but doesnot work. I would require to set the environment variable check with a condition and then run a play or task on the main.yml while doing includes and using 2 tasks.
- include: createnonprod.yml
when: "{{ environment }}" == 'dev' or "{{ environment }}" == 'qa' or "
{{ environment }}" == 'preprod'
- include: createprod.yml
when: "{{ environment }}" == 'prod'
The environment is set on groups_vars variable file "all"
"{{ lookup('env','ENVIRONMENT') }}"
But this logic to check fails
I need to run this logic so that it calls the task with a condition to check the variable
- name: Install all users from IAM of the AWS Account.
shell: "{{ scriptdir }}/ -i {{ iamgroup }},{{ sudogroup }} -s {{ sudogroup }}"
when: "{{ environment }}" == 'dev' or "{{ environment }}" == 'qa' or "{{ environment }}" == 'preprod'
- name: Install all users from IAM of the AWS Account.
shell: "{{ scriptdir }}/ -i {{ iamgroup }},{{ sudogroup }} -s {{ sudogroup }}"
when: "{{ environment }}" == 'prod'
Please help me with a logic that works. I get this error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "reason": "ERROR!
Syntax Error while loading YAML.\n\n\nThe error appears to have been in
'/tmp/ansible/roles/provision/users/tasks/create.yml': line 18, column
22, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n when:\n - {{
env_type }} == 'dev'\n ^ here\nWe could be wrong,
but this one looks like it might be an issue with\nmissing quotes.
Always quote template expression brackets when they\nstart a value. For
instance:\n\n with_items:\n - {{ foo }}\n\nShould be written
as:\n\n with_items:\n - \"{{ foo }}\"\n"}
The When Statement
The when clause, which contains a raw Jinja2 expression without
double curly braces
when: environment == 'dev' or environment == 'qa' or environment == 'preprod'
when: environment == 'prod'
What if you try this way.
Define a variable to handle the lookup of your environment:
env_value: "{{ lookup('env', 'ENVIRONMENT') }}"
and then use this variable in the when condition:
when: env_value == "dev"
Simple example:
- hosts: "localhost"
env_value: "{{ lookup('env', 'ENVIRONMENT') }}"
- shell: echo "I've got {{ env_value }} and am not afraid to use it!"
when: env_value == "prd"
Example in your code:
- name: Install all users from IAM of the AWS Account.
shell: "{{ scriptdir }}/ -i {{ iamgroup }},{{ sudogroup }} -s {{ sudogroup }}"
when: env_value == 'dev' or env_value == 'qa' or env_value == 'preprod'
Please, also look at this link about Ansible environment variable name being reserved.

Set Ansible role defaults conditionally

If env is de, set variable name to hello else if env is prod, set variable name to bye.
I tried
- name: setting variable
set_fact: name="hello"
when: "{{ env }}" == "de"
- name: setting variable
set_fact: name="bye"
when: "{{ env }}" == "prod"
ERROR! The default/main.yml file for role 'trial' must contain a
dictionary of variables
As per my requirement, it needs to be done in role.So it is done as follows:
name: "{% if env == 'de' %}hello{% elif env == 'prod' %}bye{% endif %}"

Escape Forward Slash in When Condition

I'm trying to do an Ansible "when compare string not equals"
like this :
when: "{{ result.stdout }} != '/var'"
How do I escape the / in '/var' because it's throwing a :
The error was: template error while templating string: unexpected '/'.
I have tried escaping the / with a \ but it throws the error :
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
The offending line appears to be:
shell: rsync -a /var/ "{{ result.stdout }}"
when: "{{ result.stdout }} != '\/var'"
^ here
I have tried creating a variable in defaults :
defaults -> main.yml
var_partition: /var
tasks -> main.yml
when: "{{ result.stdout }} != {{ var_partition }}"
but it throws the error :
"The conditional check '{{ result.stdout }} != {{ var_partition }}' failed.
The error was: template error while templating string: unexpected '/'.
String: {% if /disk1 != /var %}
This works :
when: "{{ result.stdout != '/var' }}"
I replaced slashes with dashes and got rid of this error:
- local_var_name: "{{ var_name | regex_replace('/', '-') }}"
when: local_var_name
You should not use braces in when statement:
... the when clause, which contains a raw Jinja2 expression without double curly braces ...
In your example, simply use:
when: result.stdout != '/var'

how to use variable in "when" statement in ansible?

I am trying to use a variable in when statement in ansible ,
my code snippet looks like this :
- name: git repo for non prod env
version={{ bld_env }}
when: ( "{{ bld_env }}" == "rc" ) or ( "{{ bld_env }}" == "sandbox" ) or ( "{{ bld_env }}" == "dev" ) or ( "{{ bld_env }}" == "qa" )
This is not working and gives an a error as :
The offending line appears to be:
version={{ bld_env }}
when: "{{ bld_env }}" == "rc"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
Let me know where I am wrong.
I think you don't have to use "{{ bld_env }}" == "rc".
Just compare variable to value bld_env == "rc" and so on as it is written in documentation
