seek_cur command sets the cursor in an unknown place in the file - windows

I have a file that contains one word on every line (the number of words and their length is unknown) and I need to rewrite those words into another file, starting with the last word and getting to the first one. When I print the last word in the file, I try to set the cursor (seek_cur) to seek for the next word, but it sets it in an unknown place. Tried printing the current cursor to see what happens and it gives characters like "#A".
The second jmp get_out stops the program after writing the last word, if it's deleted it gets to the jmp search tag and then it's printing the same last word infinitely.
.model flat, stdcall
;includem biblioteci, si declaram ce functii vrem sa importam
includelib msvcrt.lib
extern exit: proc
extern fopen: proc
extern fclose: proc
extern fscanf: proc
extern fprintf: proc
extern fseek: proc
extern fgets:proc
;declaram simbolul start ca public - de acolo incepe executia
public start
;sectiunile programului, date, respectiv cod
file_read db "r",0
file_write db "w",0
file_name_read db "read.txt",0
file_name_write db "write.txt",0
seek_end dd 2
seek_cur dd 1
seek_set dd 0
caracter_format db "%c",0
string_format db "%s",0
decimal_format db "%d",0
string db 0
caracter db 0
back dd 0
first_word db 0
push offset file_read
push offset file_name_read
call fopen
add esp,8
mov esi,eax
push offset file_write
push offset file_name_write
call fopen
add esp,8
mov edi,eax
;in first_word se pune cuvantul de pe prima linie ca sa fie posibila comparatia mai incolo si sa se iese din bucla cand se ajunge la primul cuvant
push offset caracter
push offset caracter_format
push esi
call fscanf
add esp,12
inc back
cmp caracter,0Ah
je out_of_search_first_word
jmp repeat_search_first_word
inc back
neg back
push seek_cur
push back
push esi
call fseek
add esp,12
neg back
push esi
push back
push offset first_word
call fgets
add esp,12
mov back,0
;incepe cautarea cuvintelor de la capat
push seek_end
push -1
push esi
call fseek
add esp,12
push offset caracter
push offset caracter_format
push esi
call fscanf
add esp,12
inc back
cmp caracter,0Ah
jne is_caracter
push esi
push back
push offset string
call fgets
add esp,12
push offset string
push offset string_format
push edi
call fprintf
add esp,12
;testam daca cuvantul coincide cu primul (first_word)
mov ebx,0
mov bl,string
cmp bl,first_word
je get_out
add back,2
neg back
;problema pentru rularea infinita ii aici fiindca seek_cur muta cursorul intr-o zona necunoscuta din fisier
push seek_cur
push back
push esi
call fseek
add esp,12
mov back,0
jmp get_out ;linia 152 lasata fara comentariu permite afisare ultimului cuvant fara sa intre in rularea infinita a buclei
jmp search
push seek_cur
push -2
push esi
call fseek
add esp,12
jmp search
push edi
call fclose
add esp,4
push esi
call fclose
add esp,4
push 0
call exit
end start
read.txt contains:
write.txt should be:

string db 0 reserves space for 1 byte (initialized to zero).
You then call fgets(fp, string, back), which will overwrite later things in your data section if it reads more than 1 byte (including the terminating 0).
Use a bigger buffer in the BSS, like a couple MB or something.
Use a debugger to trace function calls / system calls. On Linux you could use ltrace to trace the libc stdio functions, or strace to trace the system calls they use. On Windows IDK. You can always step through and look at the args you've pushed on the stack before each call to make sure they're sane, but it's often easier to see a log-file style of listing when looking for one with the wrong args.


How to fix: (cannot have implicit far jump or call to near label) and (use a register assumed to ERROR)

I'm trying to create dll using VS 2017.
The dll will have one proc: symbol_count.
It asks to enter the string and then set symbol what is needed to count.
.def file
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap: none
include C:\masm32\include\
include C:\masm32\include\
include C:\masm32\include\
includelib C:\masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib
includelib C:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
msg_string db 'Enter string: ', 0
msg_symbol db 'Enter symbol: ', 0
result db 'Count = %d', 0
str_modifier db '%s', 0
sym_modifier db '%c', 0
string db ?
symbol db ?
DllEntry PROC hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, reserved:DWORD
mov eax, 1
DllEntry ENDP
symbol_count PROC
invoke crt_printf, OFFSET msg_string
invoke crt_scanf, OFFSET str_modifier, OFFSET string
invoke crt_printf, OFFSET msg_symbol
invoke crt_scanf, OFFSET sym_modifier, OFFSET symbol
xor esi, esi
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, OFFSET string
mov ecx, eax
mov al, symbol
loop1: <------------------------------------------ A2108
cmp byte ptr [ebx + ecx], 0
je endloop <------------------------------ A2107
cmp al, byte ptr [ebx + ecx]
jne next <-------------------------------- A2107
inc esi
next: <------------------------------------------- A2108
inc ecx
jmp loop1 <------------------------------- A2107
endloop: <---------------------------------------- A2108
invoke crt_printf, OFFSET result, esi
symbol_count ENDP
End DllEntry
Here is the list of error messages, what a compiler gives to me: (
in the code, I marked the places where the compiler swears)
A2108 use of register assumed to ERROR
A2108 use of register assumed to ERROR
A2108 use of register assumed to ERROR
A2107 cannot have implicit far jump or call to near label
A2107 cannot have implicit far jump or call to near label
A2107 cannot have implicit far jump or call to near label
procedure argument or local not referenced : hInstDLL } all this points
procedure argument or local not referenced : reason } to DllEntry ENDP
procedure argument or local not referenced : reserved }
"You put your code into the .data section which may or may not cause some of the errors. The last 3 should just be warnings as you don't use the arguments." – #Jester

Input Buffer holds old input despite FlushConsoleInputBuffer MASM

I wrote a program that processes the array and I need to check the correctness of the input. If you enter along with numbers and letters, then the input command loops and does not allow you to enter data, I decided to do the cleaning of the buffer before each input, but the problem remained
S1:invoke WriteConsole, h_output, ADDR ComSizeMas, Len_ComSize, ADDR nWrite, 0
invoke FlushConsoleInputBuffer,h_input
invoke crt_scanf, ADDR format_size_buf, ADDR Size_buf
CMP Size_buf,1
CMP Size_buf,100
scanf[_s] read data to internal crt buffer. call FlushConsoleInputBuffer have no effect on it. instead we need call fflush on stdin stream
If the stream is open for input, fflush clears the contents of the
so in c/c++ code we need fflush(__iob_func()) call.
demo example c/c++
ULONG __cdecl GetNumberc()
while (!scanf_s("%u", &n))
if (fflush(__iob_func())) break;
printf("invalid number\n");
return n;
for x86 asm
extern __imp__fflush : DWORD,
__imp____iob_func : DWORD,
__imp__scanf_s : DWORD,
__imp__printf : DWORD
format_number DB "%u",0
invalid_number DB "invalid number",10,0
_GetNumber proc
sub esp,4
push esp
push offset format_number
call __imp__scanf_s
add esp,8
test eax,eax
jnz ##1
call __imp____iob_func
push eax
call __imp__fflush
add esp,4
test eax,eax
jnz ##1
push offset invalid_number
call __imp__printf
add esp,4
jmp ##0
mov eax,[esp]
add esp,4
_GetNumber endp
for x64 asm
extern __imp_fflush : QWORD,
__imp___iob_func : QWORD,
__imp_scanf_s : QWORD,
__imp_printf : QWORD
format_number DB "%u",0
invalid_number DB "invalid number",10,0
GetNumber proc
sub rsp,28h
lea rdx,[rsp+30h]
lea rcx,format_number
call __imp_scanf_s
test eax,eax
jnz ##1
call __imp___iob_func
mov rcx,rax
call __imp_fflush
test eax,eax
jnz ##1
lea rcx,invalid_number
call __imp_printf
jmp ##0
mov eax,[rsp+30h]
add rsp,28h
GetNumber endp

Why syscall doesn't work?

I'm on MAC OSX and I'm trying to call through assembly the execve syscall..
His opcode is 59 .
In linux I have to set opcode into eax, then parameters into the others registers, but here I have to put the opcode into eax and push parameters into the stack from right to left.
So I need execve("/bin/sh",NULL,NULL), I found somewhere that with assembly null=0, so I put null into 2nd and 3rd parameters.
global start
section .text
jmp string
; 59 opcode
; int execve(char *fname, char **argp, char **envp);
pop ebx ;stringa
push 0x0 ;3rd param
push 0x0 ;2nd param
push ebx ;1st param
add eax,0x3b ;execve opcode
int 0x80 ;interupt
sub eax,0x3a ; exit opcode
int 0x80
call main
db '/bin/sh',0
When I try to execute it say:
Bad system call: 12
32-bit programs on BSD (on which OS/X is based) requires you to push an extra 4 bytes onto the stack if you intend to call int 0x80 directly. From the FreeBSD documentation you will find this:
By default, the FreeBSD kernel uses the C calling convention. Further, although the kernel is accessed using int 80h, it is assumed the program will call a function that issues int 80h, rather than issuing int 80h directly.
But assembly language programmers like to shave off cycles. The above example requires a call/ret combination. We can eliminate it by pushing an extra dword:
push dword mode
push dword flags
push dword path
mov eax, 5
push eax ; Or any other dword
int 80h
add esp, byte 16
When calling int 0x80 you need to adjust the stack pointer by 4. Pushing any value will achieve this. In the example they just do a push eax. Before your calls to int 0x80 push 4 bytes onto the stack.
Your other problem is that add eax,0x3b for example requires EAX to already be zero which is almost likely not the case. To fix that add an xor eax, eax to the code.
The fixes could look something like:
global start
section .text
jmp string
; 59 opcode
; int execve(char *fname, char **argp, char **envp);
xor eax, eax ;zero EAX
pop ebx ;stringa
push 0x0 ;3rd param
push 0x0 ;2nd param
push ebx ;1st param
add eax,0x3b ;execve opcode
push eax ;Push a 4 byte value after parameters per calling convention
int 0x80 ;interupt
sub eax,0x3a ; exit opcode
push eax ;Push a 4 byte value after parameters per calling convention
; in this case though it won't matter since the system call
; won't be returning
int 0x80
call main
db '/bin/sh',0
Your code is actually called the JMP/CALL/POP method and is used for writing exploits. Are you writing an exploit or did you just find this code online? If it is intended to be used as shell code you would need to avoid putting a 0x00 byte in the output string. push 0x00 will encode 0x00 bytes in the generated code. To avoid this we can use EAX which we are now zeroing out and push it on the stack. As well you won't be able to NUL terminate the string so you'd have to move a NUL(0) character into the string. One way after zeroing EAX and popping EBX is to move zero to the end of the string manually with something like mov [ebx+7], al. Seven is the index after the end of the string /bin/sh. Your code would then look like this:
global start
section .text
jmp string
; 59 opcode
; int execve(char *fname, char **argp, char **envp);
xor eax, eax ;Zero EAX
pop ebx ;stringa
mov [ebx+7], al ;append a zero onto the end of the string '/bin/sh'
push eax ;3rd param
push eax ;2nd param
push ebx ;1st param
add eax,0x3b ;execve opcode
push eax
int 0x80 ;interupt
sub eax,0x3a ; exit opcode
push eax
int 0x80
call main
db '/bin/sh',1
You are using a 64 bit syscall numbers and a 32 bit instruction to jump to the syscall. That is not going to work.
For 32 bit users:
opcode for Linux/MacOS execve: 11
instruction to call syscall: int 0x80
For 64 bit users:
opcode for Linux execve: 59 (MacOS 64-bit system calls also have a high bit set).
instruction to call syscall: syscall
The method for passing args to system calls is also different: 32-bit uses the stack, 64-bit uses similar registers to the function-calling convention.

Creating variables inside main's frame (Linux)

I'm trying to do my own assembly code to do what similar C code will do:
scanf("%d",&integer_var); // here must be the address of the integer_var
printf("Your Value is:%d",integer_var);
Well this is in C, so I'm doing with NASM under linux with extern functions. scanf and printf and compile first with nasm and then with gcc.
Here's my code (is not right :D)
argstr: db "%d",10,0
str: db "Your value is:%d",10,0
extern printf
extern scanf
global main
push ebp
mov esp,ebp
sub esp, 0x10 ;ok integer right?
mov [ebp-0x4],0x0 ;just put 0 number on our integer variable
mov eax,(ebp-0x4) ;here i don't know how to push the address of ebp-0x4
push ecx ;first push is last argument so here's our address to scanf
push argstr ;just the string format
call scanf ;call that to input something
;I have no idea how to do this
;but if i don't do this i get an error
;because the scanf won't clear the arguments on stack
;and what scanf can't return
pop edx ;maybe help here? but it works fine
pop edx
push [-0x4(ebp)] ;i want the value of our var :D
push str
call printf
pop edx ;clear the stack to avoid "segment fault" or something similar
pop edx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
ret ;the end :(
Compiler error:
a.asm:18: error: invalid operand type
a.asm:28: error: parser: expecting ]
Another thing: Do I need to align the stack on this case, by the way?
thanks guys ! :)
EDIT solved whole program!
well at least, I can print the variable with printf. scanf i will do later and then I will share here the last result:
str: db "Value is:%d",10,0
extern printf
global main
push ebp ;the main function starts here.
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,4 ;we need 4bytes of space for the integer
and esp,0xfffffff0 ;align the stack
mov [esp-4], dword 0xff ;move the value 0xff to our var
mov eax,[esp-4] ;move our variable value to the eax
push eax ;second argument of printf
push str ;first argument of printf
call printf ;printf
add esp,16 ;this add to the stack pointer what we pushed basicly
mov ebp,esp ;if we don't do add 16 to esp it shows us
pop ebp ;a segment fault cuz ret doesnt pop saved ebp
ret ;of who whatever called this program :)
To load the address EBP-4 into EAX, use lea eax, [ebp-4]. (this is NOT the same as pushing the address.)
In order to push the value at memory location EBP-4, push dword [ebp-4] should work.
Then you need to specify operand size for one of your movs, too: mov [ebp-4], dword 0x0.
These will fix your current assembler errors, and make your program compile, but there are a few other errors in there that will probably prevent it from running.
Here's a working attempt that is close to yours:
;note the sections, the string literals are better in .rodata
;all code goes in .text
SECTION .rodata
;no newline after scanf string
argstr: db "%d",0
str: db "Your value is: %d",10,0
extern printf
extern scanf
global main
push ebp
mov ebp,esp ;move esp to ebp, NOT other way round!
sub esp, 4 ;4 bytes are enough for the local variable
;there are NO alignment requirements for this program
lea eax,[ebp-4]
push eax
push dword argstr
call scanf
add esp, 8 ;since we don't actually need the popped values
;we can increment esp instead of two pop edx
push dword [ebp-4]
push dword str
call printf
add esp, 8
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp

Trouble with CommandLineToArgvW Windows Function in Assembly

I am trying just to print out the value of argc using the CommandLineToArgvW Window's API function in NASM. The following is what I have:
extern _ExitProcess#4
extern _GetCommandLineA#0
extern _CommandLineToArgvW#8
extern printf
global _start
section .code
db "%d",10,0
db "%s",10,0
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4 ; Create empty space for ArgC
call _GetCommandLineA#0
push eax; Push value beneath ArgC
mov ebx, ebp ; Set ebx to ebp
sub ebx, 4
push dword ebx ; pushes ArgC address onto stack
push dword [ebp - 8] ; pushes pointer to Command Line String
call _CommandLineToArgvW#8
push dword [ebp - 4]
push Format
call printf
push dword 0
call _ExitProcess#4
No matter what I do, the value for argc is 1. What am I doing wrong?
I assemble and link with these commands:
nasm -fwin32 FunctionTests.asm
golink FunctionTests.obj kernel32.dll msvcrt.dll shell32.dll /console /entry _start
FunctionTests.exe hi asdf asdf asdf asdf
As you can see, from the last line, argc should be 6.
Change _GetCommandLineA to _GetCommandLine*W* CommandLineToArgv expects a pointer to a UNICODE string.
MASM but just about the same:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 4
call GetCommandLineW
lea ecx, dword ptr[ebp - 4] ; need the address of local
push ecx ; address of local
push eax ; pointer to unicode string
call CommandLineToArgvW
push dword ptr [ebp - 4] ; value of local
push offset Format
call crt_printf
add esp, 8
; this is all? Then we don't have to restore stack.
push 0
call ExitProcess
end start
and this is the output:
D:\Projects>ConTest.exe boo boo I see you
Set a breakpoint just before you call CommandLineToArgvW and inspect the parameters you're about to pass. Observe that the first parameter you are passing is not a pointer to a string. It is a pointer to a pointer to a string.
You need to use GetCommandLineW rather than GetCommandLineA.
You are using CommandLineToArgvW with an ANSI string, use GetCommandLineW to get the command line in unicode.
You are also not dereferencing the pointer to the command line:
push ebx ; pushes ArgC address onto stack
