I have a case (PowerPoint COM API) where Shape.Type == msoPlaceholder. The shape is a picture. How can I verify that it is a picture?
You can use ContainedType
e.g. for a msoChart
oplc.PlaceholderFormat.ContainedType = msoChart (will return True / False)
Per the docs here
Hi I'm trying to capture a picture using kotlin and registerForActivityResult but I allways get a blur image with no quality I've read several post but I can't understand how to work with my application. I'm using a fragment to call the camera. Any suggestions? Sorry for my bad english I've spent about the full week trying it works. And nothing. Thanks in advance
private var imagenUri: Uri? =null
val startForResult = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult()) {
result: ActivityResult ->
if (result.resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
try {
val intent = result.data
intent!!.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, imagenUri)
val bitMap = intent?.extras?.get("data") as Bitmap
imagenUri= getImageUriFromBitmap(requireContext(),bitMap)
Toast.makeText(context, "la uri es: $imagenUri", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception){
Toast.makeText(context, "NO SE HA PODIDO ENCONTRAR IMAGEN", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()}
From the documentation:
public static final String ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE
Standard Intent action that can be sent to have the camera application capture an image and return it.
The caller may pass an extra EXTRA_OUTPUT to control where this image will be written. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is not present, then a small sized image is returned as a Bitmap object in the extra field. This is useful for applications that only need a small image. If the EXTRA_OUTPUT is present, then the full-sized image will be written to the Uri value of EXTRA_OUTPUT.
So you need to add the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra to get a full-size image stored at a URI you supply. Otherwise you get a small image as a data payload in the result Intent (those bundles can't handle large objects).
It looks like you're already trying to do that, you've just added it to the wrong place - you need to add it to the Intent you call launch with, not the result one. It's a configuration option for the task you're launching!
So this should work:
Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE).putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, imagenUri)
And then remove the same putExtra line from your result-handler code (it doesn't do anything, but there's no point having it there)
I am trying to find if a given LatLng exists in a Desired area.
I am using github.com/golang/geo/s2.
rect := s2.RectFromLatLng(s2.LatLng{0.0, 0.0})
rect = rect.AddPoint(s2.LatLng{2.0, 2.0})
isThere := rect.ContainsLatLng(s2.LatLng{1.0, 1.0})
fmt.Printf("%+v", rect.Hi())
fmt.Printf("%+v", rect.Lo())
I'm expecting it to return true but it gives false. Also, rect.Hi() and rect.Lo() are same.
Could someone help me understand it better, what I am doing wrong?
s2.LatLng creates a point based on radian and not in degree,
you should try using s2.LatLngFromDegrees() API.
I want to upload 2 scaled images and I do not want to upload the original image. To do this, I set sendOriginal to false. If I set hideScaled to true, no files show in the uploader. If set set hideScaled to false, both scaled images show up in the list. I realize that the documentation says not to use both options this way. Is there another way to achieve what I want? How do I make fineuploader show only 1 file on the file list no matter how many scaled images it has?
I ran into this exact same problem. I also wanted to rename the larger scale to match the original filename and to pass a custom parameter so the server script could sort the images into the db based on scale size.
I used this method as a hackish substitute for an onScaled event. If anyone is still interested.
// Must be onSubmitted, not onSubmit or the DOM element won't be rendered yet.
onSubmitted : function(id, name) {
// scaling.sizes.name = 'thumb'
if (name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (thumb).jpg') !== -1) {
// Hide the element displaying the thumbnail.
// Good place to include any custom parameters based on scale size.
this.setParams({gpsize : 'thumb'}, id);
// scaling.sizes.name = 'large'
else if (name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (large).jpg') !== -1) {
this.setParams({gpsize : 'large'}, id);
// If needed rename file in this event, not before, since filename
// is the hackish hook needed to connect scale size to file id.
var newName = name.slice(0, name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(' (large).jpg')) + '.jpg';
this.setName(id, newName);
return true;
It's not perfect, but it gets the job done without bushwhacking through the script files.
I have an image acting as a health bar, and i want to give it a cistume value more than 1:
public Image healthBar;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
float health = 4;
healthBar.fillAmount = health;
Debug.Log (gameObject + ""+ healthBar.fillAmount);
Problem is no matter what value I give health, the fillAmount always goes back to 1. Is there any way to make it higher ?
fillAmount is a value of 0-1, with at 1 the full image being shown. There is no behavior yet for numbers over 1.
You could change the width of the image based on the maximum health and calculate the percentage that needs to be filled.
healthBar.rectTransform.rect.width = maxHealth * healthBarWidth;
healthBar.fillAmount = health / maxHealth;
If you don't want one bar, but multiple images like hearts that still are filled partially, you might be able to do it with a tiled image which automatically truncates at the edges.
I think you made a spelling error when creating the heath float. You call health when you declared "healt"
healthBar.fillAmount += health;
Try to do the increment in the fillAmount value, as it will assign the value you want it, and then change the code little bit in order to reach the exact number.
I have an Android Phonegap app made with HTML5/Javascript/CSS. I'd like to suggest the users to choose between light and dark themes at the very first start of the app. When the user once chooses one of them this chose should be saved and relevant theme should be set as default at evry further start of the app. I have read some posts on this theme and am not sure which solution to take: Cache, cookies or HTML5 local storage (I am not familiar with any of them). Which one fits better to my app?
Thank you all!
localStorage wins, simply for persistence and ease-of-use:
// set the selected theme
localStorage.setItem("appTheme") = "dark";
var lsTheme = localStorage.getItem("appTheme"),
theme = (typeof lsTheme !== "undefined" ? lsTheme : "bright");
// do something with the selected theme; "bright" is default if no preference stored.
localStorage is the simplest and most effective solution like Kerri Shotts said however the setItem methods syntax is different to that displayed in her answer. As it takes to parameters one being the keyName the other being the keyValue like so: storage.setItem(keyName, keyValue); This then retrieved using the getItem method like so: var aValue = storage.getItem(keyName);.
localStorage.setItem('bgcolor', 'red');
localStorage.setItem('font', 'Helvetica');
localStorage.setItem('image', 'myCat.png');
var currentColor = localStorage.getItem('bgcolor');
var currentFont = localStorage.getItem('font');
var currentImage = localStorage.getItem('image');