Why it is able to split between 82 and 10? - algorithm

If I have the array [9, 82, 10]. By using the merge sort, I should compare the left index to the right index and if l < r, I split it to two arrays, right? But in the video, it shows that it has been cut it to half between 82 and 10. But, 82 > 10. I am so confused.

I think you confuse this logic with maybe another algorithm (QuickSort maybe?), because the split happens irrespective of the values. Where the split happens is only influenced by the current length of the array. The idea is to split the array in half. In case the length of the array is odd, that is not exactly possible, so the middle element is then put in the left or right part (it does not matter).
In this case it could split the array in either [9] and [82, 10] or in [9, 82] and [10]. Apparently you have seen it happen like in the latter case.
Only after the split the actual values start to play a role. This is when the parts are merged back together. First the left and right part are sorted (recursively), and then the left and right part are merged.
During that merge, a value from the left part and a value from the right part are compared. Every time the smaller one is put in the result array, and the "pointer" of where it came from is moved one position ahead.
In short: merge sort has two phases: split and merge. Values are not compared during the split phase, only during the merge phase.

To further clarify, no sorting or merging takes place until recursion produces two sub-arrays of size 1, at which point merging begins, and then follows the stack path, merging in a depth first / left first pattern (the animation makes this appear to be in parallel).
The particular implementation used in the video works with first and last indexes. The middle index effectively is (first+last)/2, and since array[4] = 9, array[5] = 82, array[6] = 10, first = 4, last = 6, middle = (4+6)/2 = 5, so it splits the sub-array into array[4,5] and array[6,6]. Although this is common for quick sort, most merge sorts work with beginning and ending index, beginning index = first index, and ending index = 1 + last index. In this case, begin = 4, end = 7, middle = (4+7)/2 = 5, and the split would be array[4, 5) = array[4,4] and array[5,7} = array[5,6] (using ...} to indicate the ending index = 1 + last index).
It should also be noted that most library implementations of stable sorts are some variation of iterative bottom up merge sort, which skips the recursive process and instead considers an array of n elements as n sorted runs of size 1, and begins merging immediately, in breadth first (across the array) order, merging even and odd runs, which doubles the size of sorted runs until run size >= array size. Typical variations of merge sort are hybrids of insertion sort and merge sort, such as timsort.


Preallocate or change size of vector

I have a situation where I have a process which needs to "burn-in". This means that I
Start with p values, p relatively small
For n>p, generate nth value using most recently generated p values (e.g. p+1 generated from values 1 to p, p+2 generated from values 2, p+1, etc.)
Repeat until n=N, where N large
Now, only the most recently generated p values will be useful to me, so there are two ways for me to implement this. I can either
Start with a vector of p initial values. At each iteration, mutate the vector, removing the first element, and replacing the last element with the most recently generated value or,
Preallocate a large array of length N, where first p elements are initial values. At iteration n, mutate nth value with most recently generated value
There are pros and cons to both approaches.
Pros of the first, are that we only store most relevant values. Cons of the first are that we are changing the length of the vector at each iteration.
Pros of the second are that we preallocate all the memory we need. Cons of the second is that we store much more than we need.
What is the best way to proceed? Does it depend on what aspect of performance I most need to care about? What will be the quickest?
Cheers in advance.
edit: approximately, p is usually in the order of low tens, N can be several thousand
The first solution has another huge cons: removing the first item of an array takes O(n) time since elements should be moved in memory. This certainly cause the algorithm to runs in quadratic time which is not reasonable. Shifting the items as proposed by #ForceBru should also cause this quadratic run time (since many items are moved just to add one value every time).
The second solution should be pretty fast compared to the first but, indeed, it can use a lot of memory so it should be sub-optimal (it takes time to write values in the RAM).
A faster solution is to use a data structure called a deque. Such data structure enable you to remove the first item in constant time and append a new value at the end also in constant time. That being said, it also introduces some overhead to be able to do that. Julia provide such data structure (more especially queues).
Since the number of in-flight items appears to be bounded in your algorithm, you can implement a rolling buffer. Fortunately, Julia also implement this: see CircularBuffer. This solution should be quite simple and fast (since the operations you want to do are done in O(1) time on it).
It is probably simplest to use CircularArrays.jl for your use case:
julia> using CircularArrays
julia> c = CircularArray([1,2,3,4])
4-element CircularVector(::Vector{Int64}):
julia> for i in 5:10
c[i] = i
#show c
c = [5, 2, 3, 4]
c = [5, 6, 3, 4]
c = [5, 6, 7, 4]
c = [5, 6, 7, 8]
c = [9, 6, 7, 8]
c = [9, 10, 7, 8]
In this way - as you can see - you can can continue using an increasing index and array will wrap around internally as needed (discarding old values that are not needed any more).
In this way you always store last p values in the array without having to copy anything or re-allocate memory in each step.
...only the most recently generated p values will be useful to me...
Start with a vector of p initial values. At each iteration, mutate the vector, removing the first element, and replacing the last element with the most recently generated value.
Cons of the first are that we are changing the length of the vector at each iteration.
There's no need to change the length of the vector. Simply shift its elements to the left (overwriting the first element) and write the new data to the_vector[end]:
the_vector = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
function shift_and_add!(vec::AbstractVector, value)
vec[1:end-1] .= #view vec[2:end] # shift
vec[end] = value # replace the last value
#assert shift_and_add!(the_vector, 80) == [2,3,4,5,6,80]
# `the_vector` will be mutated
#assert the_vector == [2,3,4,5,6,80]

Finding the combination from an array of numbers that gives the required coefficient

Please recommend the optimal algorithm or solution for such a task:
There are several arrays with fractional numbers
a = [1.5, 2, 3, 4.5, 7, 10, ...(up to 100 numbers)]
b = [5, 6, 8, 14, ...]
c = [1, 2, 4, 6.25, 8.15 ...] (up to 7 arrays)
Arrays can be of arbitrary length and contain a different count of numbers.
It is required to select one number from each array in such a way that their product was into a given range.
For example data required product should be between 40 and 50.
Solution can be:
a[2] * b[2] * c[1] = 3 * 8 * 2 = 48
a[0] * b[3] * c[1] = 1.5 * 14 * 2 = 42
If there can be several solutions (different combinations), then how can you find them all in the optimal way?
This is doable, but barely. This will require combining pairs of things over and over again using a variety of strategies.
First of all if you have 2 arrays of no more than 100 things, you can create an array of all pairs, sorted by sum either ascending or descending, and it only has 10,000 things in it.
Next, we can use a heap to implement a priority queue.
With a priority queue, we can combine 2 ordered arrays of size at most 10,000 to stream out the sums in either ascending or descending order while not keeping track of more than 10,000 things. How? First we create a data structure like this:
Create priority queue
For every entry a of array A:
Put (a, B[0], 0) into our queue using the product as a priority
return a data structure which contains B and the priority queue
And now we can get values out like this:
If the priority queue is empty:
We're done
Take the first element of the queue
if not at the end of B:
insert (a, b[next_index], next_index) into the queue
return that first element
And we can peek at them by just looking at the first element of the queue without touching the data structure.
This strategy can stream through 2 arrays of size 10,000 with total work just a few billion operations.
OK, so now we can arrange to always have 7 arrays. (Some may simply be a trivial [1].) We can start as follows with the brute force strategy.
Combine the first 2 ascending.
Combine the second 2 ascending.
Combine the third 2 descending.
Arrange the last descending.
Next we can use the priority queue merge strategy as follows:
Combine (first 2) with (second 2) ascending
Combine (third 2) with last descending
We just need the generators at the moment.
Now our strategy will look like this:
For each combination (in ascending order) from first 4:
For each combination that lands in window from last 3:
emit final combination
But how do we do the window? Well, as the combination from the first 4 goes up, the window that the last 3 has to fall in goes down. So adjusting the window looks like this:
while there is a next value and next value is large enough to fit in the window:
Extract next value
Add next value to end of window
while first value is too large for the window:
remove first value from the window
(Variable sized arrays, such as Python's List, can do both these operations in amortized O(1) each.)
So our actual way to finish is:
For each combination (in ascending order) from first 4:
adjust entries in window from last 3
For each in window from last 3:
emit final combination
This has a fixed overhead of a few billion operations plus O(number of answers) to actually emit the combinations. This includes a number of data structures with around 10k items, plus a window whose maximum size is 1 million items for a maximum memory usage of a few hundred MB.

Sorting a list that have n fixed segments already sorted in ascending order

The question goes as follows:
Lists which consist of a small fixed number, n, of segments connected
end-to-end, each segment is already in ascending order.
I thought about using mergesort with base case being if equal to n then go back and merge them since we already know that they are sorted, but if I have 3 segments it won't work since I'm dividing by two and you can't divide 3 segments equally into two parts.
The other approach which is similar to merge sort. so I use n stacks for each segment, which we can identify if L[i] > L[i+1] since segments are in ascending order. But I need n comparisons to figure out which element comes first, and I don't know an efficient way of comparing n elements dynamically without using another data structure to compare the elements at the top of the stack.
Also, you are supposed to use the problem feature, segments already ordered, to get better results than conventional algorithms. i.e. complexity less than O(nlogn).
A pseudocode would be nice if you have an idea.
An example would be [(14,20,22),(7,8,9),(1,2,3)] here we have 3 segments of 3 elements, even though the segments are sorted, the whole list isn't.
p.s. () is there to point out the segments only
I think maybe you've misunderstood mergesort. While usually you would split in half and sort each half before merging, it's really the merging part which makes the algorithm. You just need to merge on runs instead.
With your example of [(14,20,22),(7,8,9),(1,2,3)]
After first merge you have [(7, 8, 9, 14, 20, 22),(1, 2, 3)]
After second merge you have [(1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 20, 22)]
l = [14, 20, 22, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3]
rl = [] # run list
sl = [l[0]] # temporary sublist
#split list into list of sorted sublists
for item in l[1:]:
if item > sl[-1]:
sl = [item]
#function for merging two sorted lists
def merge(l1, l2):
l = [] #list we add into
while True:
if not l1:
# first list is empty, add second list onto new list
return l + l2
if not l2:
# second list is empty, add first list onto new list
return l + l1
if l1[0] < l2[0]:
# rather than deleting, you could increment an index
# which is likely to be faster, or reverse the list
# and pop off the end, or use a data structure which
# allows you to pop off the front
del l1[0]
del l2[0]
# keep mergins sublists until only one remains
while len(rl) > 1:
rl.append(merge(rl.pop(), rl.pop()))
It's worth noting that unless this is simply an excercise, you are probably better off using whatever inbuilt sorting function your language of choice uses.

Compare rotated lists, containing duplicates [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to check whether two lists are circularly identical in Python
(18 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm looking for an efficient way to compare lists of numbers to see if they match at any rotation (comparing 2 circular lists).
When the lists don't have duplicates, picking smallest/largest value and rotating both lists before comparisons works.
But when there may be many duplicate large values, this isn't so simple.
For example, lists [9, 2, 0, 0, 9] and [0, 0, 9, 9, 2] are matches,where [9, 0, 2, 0, 9] won't (since the order is different).
Heres an example of an in-efficient function which works.
def min_list_rotation(ls):
return min((ls[i:] + ls[:i] for i in range(len(ls))))
# example use
ls_a = [9, 2, 0, 0, 9]
ls_b = [0, 0, 9, 9, 2]
print(min_list_rotation(ls_a) == min_list_rotation(ls_b))
This can be improved on for efficiency...
check sorted lists match before running exhaustive tests.
only test rotations that start with the minimum value(skipping matching values after that)effectively finding the minimum value with the furthest & smallest number after it (continually - in the case there are multiple matching next-biggest values).
compare rotations without creating the new lists each time..
However its still not a very efficient method since it relies on checking many possibilities.
Is there a more efficient way to perform this comparison?
Related question:
Compare rotated lists in python
If you are looking for duplicates in a large number of lists, you could rotate each list to its lexicographically minimal string representation, then sort the list of lists or use a hash table to find duplicates. This canonicalisation step means that you don't need to compare every list with every other list. There are clever O(n) algorithms for finding the minimal rotation described at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicographically_minimal_string_rotation.
You almost have it.
You can do some kind of "normalization" or "canonicalisation" of a list independently of the others, then you only need to compare item by item (or if you want, put them in a map, in a set to eliminate duplicates, ..."
1 take the minimum item, which is not preceded by itself (in a circular way)
In you example 92009, you should take the first 0 (not the second one)
2 If you have always the same item (say 00000), you just keep that: 00000
3 If you have the same item several times, take the next item, which is minimal, and keep going until you find one unique path with minimums.
Example: 90148301562 => you have 0148.. and 0156.. => you take 0148
4 If you can not separate the different paths (= if you have equality at infinite), you have a repeating pattern: then, no matters: you take any of them.
Example: 014376501437650143765 : you have the same pattern 0143765...
It is like AAA, where A = 0143765
5 When you have your list in this form, it is easy to compare two of them.
How to do that efficiently:
Iterate on your list to get the minimums Mx (not preceded by itself). If you find several, keep all of them.
Then, iterate from each minimum Mx, take the next item, and keep the minimums. If you do an entire cycle, you have a repeating pattern.
Except the case of repeating pattern, this must be the minimal way.
Hope it helps.
I would do this in expected O(N) time using a polynomial hash function to compute the hash of list A, and every cyclic shift of list B. Where a shift of list B has the same hash as list A, I'd compare the actual elements to see if they are equal.
The reason this is fast is that with polynomial hash functions (which are extremely common!), you can calculate the hash of each cyclic shift from the previous one in constant time, so you can calculate hashes for all of the cyclic shifts in O(N) time.
It works like this:
Let's say B has N elements, then the the hash of B using prime P is:
for (i=0; i<N ; i++)
Hb = Hb*P + B[i];
This is an optimized way to evaluate a polynomial in P, and is equivalent to:
for (i=0; i<N ; i++)
Hb += B[i] * P^(N-1-i); //^ is exponentiation, not XOR
Notice how every B[i] is multiplied by P^(N-1-i). If we shift B to the left by 1, then every every B[i] will be multiplied by an extra P, except the first one. Since multiplication distributes over addition, we can multiply all the components at once just by multiplying the whole hash, and then fix up the factor for the first element.
The hash of the left shift of B is just
Hb1 = Hb*P + B[0]*(1-(P^N))
The second left shift:
Hb2 = Hb1*P + B[1]*(1-(P^N))
and so on...

How is counting sort a stable sort?

Suppose my input is (a,b and c to distinguish between equal keys)
1 6a 8 3 6b 0 6c 4
My counting sort will save as (discarding the a,b and c info!!)
0(1) 1(1) 3(1) 4(1) 6(3) 8(1)
which will give me the result
0 1 3 4 6 6 6 8
So, how is this stable sort?
I am not sure how it is "maintaining the relative order of records with equal keys."
Please explain.
To understand why counting sort is stable, you need to understand that counting sort can not only be used for sorting a list of integers, it can also be used for sorting a list of elements whose key is an integer, and these elements will be sorted by their keys while having additional information associated with each of them.
A counting sort example that sorts elements with additional information will help you to understand this. For instance, we want to sort three stocks by their prices:
[(GOOG 3), (CSCO 1), (MSFT 1)]
Here stock prices are integer keys, and stock names are their associated information.
Expected output for the sorting should be:
[(CSCO 1), (MSFT 1), (GOOG 3)]
(containing both stock price and its name,
and the CSCO stock should appear before MSFT so that it is a stable sort)
A counts array will be calculated for sorting this (let's say stock prices can only be 0 to 3):
counts array: [0, 2, 0, 1] (price "1" appear twice, and price "3" appear once)
If you are just sorting an integer array, you can go through the counts array and output "1" twice and "3" once and it is done, and the entire counts array will become an all-zero array after this.
But here we want to have stock names in sorting output as well. How can we obtain this additional information (it seems the counts array already discards this piece of information)? Well, the associated information is stored in the original unsorted array. In the unsorted array [(GOOG 3), (CSCO 1), (MSFT 1)], we have both the stock name and its price available. If we get to know which position (GOOG 3) should be in the final sorted array, we can copy this element to the sorted position in the sorted array.
To obtain the final position for each element in the sorted array, unlike sorting an integer array, you don't use the counts array directly to output the sorted elements. Instead, counting sort has an additional step which calculates the cumulative sum array from the counts array:
counts array: [0, 2, 2, 3] (i from 0 to 3: counts[i] = counts[i] + counts[i - 1])
This cumulative sum array tells us each value's position in the final sorted array currently. For example, counts[1]==2 means currently item with value 1 should be placed in the 2nd slot in the sorted array. Intuitively, because counts[i] is the cumulative sum from left, it shows how many smaller items are before the ith value, which tells you where the position should be for the ith value.
If a $1 price stock appears at the first time, it should be outputted to the second position of the sorted array and if a $3 price stock appears at the first time, it should be outputted to the third position of the sorted array. If a $1 stock appears and its element gets copied to the sorted array, we will decreased its count in the counts array.
counts array: [0, 1, 2, 3]
(so that the second appearance of $1 price stock's position will be 1)
So we can iterate the unsorted array from backwards (this is important to ensure the stableness), check its position in the sorted array according to the counts array, and copied it to the sorted array.
sorted array: [null, null, null]
counts array: [0, 2, 2, 3]
iterate stocks in unsorted stocks from backwards
1. the last stock (MSFT 1)
sorted array: [null, (MSFT 1), null] (copy to the second position because counts[1] == 2)
counts array: [0, 1, 2, 3] (decrease counts[1] by 1)
2. the middle stock (CSCO 1)
sorted array: [(CSCO 1), (MSFT 1), null] (copy to the first position because counts[1] == 1 now)
counts array: [0, 0, 2, 3] (decrease counts[1] by 1)
3. the first stock (GOOG 3)
sorted array: [(CSCO 1), (MSFT 1), (GOOG 3)] (copy to the third position because counts[3] == 3)
counts array: [0, 0, 2, 2] (decrease counts[3] by 1)
As you can see, after the array gets sorted, the counts array (which is [0, 0, 2, 2]) doesn't become an all-zero array like sorting an array of integers. The counts array is not used to tell how many times an integer appears in the unsorted array, instead, it is used to tell which position the element should be in the final sorted array. And since we decrease the count every time we output an element, we are essentially making the elements with same key's next appearance final position smaller. That's why we need to iterate the unsorted array from backwards to ensure its stableness.
Since each element contains not only an integer as key, but also some additional information, even if their key is the same, you could tell each element is different by using the additional information, so you will be able to tell if it is a stable sorting algorithm (yes, it is a stable sorting algorithm if implemented appropriately).
Some good materials explaining counting sort and its stableness:
http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Counting_sort (this article explains this question pretty well)
http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithms/Counting_sort (a list of counting sort implementations in different programming languages. If you compare them with the algorithm in wikipedia's entry below about counting sort, you will find most of which doesn't implement the exact counting sort correctly but implement only the integer sorting function and they don't have the additional step to calculate the cumulative sum array. But you could check out the implementation in 'Go' programming language in this link, which does provides two different implementations, one is used for sorting integers only and the other can be used for sorting elements containing additional information)
Simple, really: instead of a simple counter for each 'bucket', it's a linked list.
That is, instead of
0(1) 1(1) 3(1) 4(1) 6(3) 8(1)
You get
0(.) 1(.) 3(.) 4(.) 6(a,b,c) 8(.)
(here I use . to denote some item in the bucket).
Then just dump them back into one sorted list:
0 1 3 4 6a 6b 6c 8
That is, when you find an item with key x, knowing that it may have other information that distinguishes it from other items with the same key, you don't just increment a counter for bucket x (which would discard all those extra information).
Instead, you have a linked list (or similarly ordered data structure with constant time amortized append) for each bucket, and you append that item to the end of the list for bucket x as you scan the input left to right.
So instead of using O(k) space for k counters, you have O(k) initially empty lists whose sum of lengths will be n at the end of the "counting" portion of the algorithm. This variant of counting sort will still be O(n + k) as before.
Your solution is not a full counting sort, and discards the associated values.
Here's the full counting sort algorithm.
After you calculated the histogram:
0(1) 1(1) 3(1) 4(1) 6(3) 8(1)
you have to calculate the accumulated sums - each cell will contain how many elements are less than or equal to that value:
0(1) 1(2) 3(3) 4(4) 6(7) 8(8)
Now you start from the end of your original list and go backwards.
Last element is 4. There are 4 elements less than or equal to 4. So 4 will go on the 4th position. You decrement the counter for 4.
0(1) 1(2) 3(3) 4(3) 6(7) 8(8)
The next element is 6c. There are 7 elements less than or equal to 6. So 6c will go to the 7th position. Again, you decrement the counter for 6.
0(1) 1(2) 3(3) 4(3) 6(6) 8(8)
^ next 6 will go now to 6th position
As you can see, this algorithm is a stable sort. The order for the elements with the same key will be kept.
If your three "6" values are distinguishable, then your counting sort is wrong (it discards information about the values, which a true sort doesn't do, because a true sort only re-orders the values).
If your three "6" values are not distinguishable, then the sort is stable, because you have three indistinguishable "6"s in the input, and three in the output. It's meaningless to talk about whether they have or have not been "re-ordered": they're identical.
The concept of non-stability only applies when the values have some associated information which does not participate in the order. For instance if you were sorting pointers to those integers, then you could "tell the difference" between the three 6s by looking at their different addresses. Then it would be meaningful to ask whether any particular sort was stable. A counting sort based on the integer values then would not be sorting the pointers. A counting sort based on the pointer values would not order them by integer value, rather by address.
