PowerMockito mock private methods in springboot - spring-boot

I am trying to mock a private method inside my class under test which is as below.
public String processPayment(...) {
//some lines
return "";
private Object privateMethod(...) {
//some lines
return someObject;
Now I need to test processPayment method and mock privateMethod.
I tried creating spy of the above class, but the method gets called when I do below
final DeviceCheckoutServiceImpl spyDeviceCheckoutService = spy(injectedMockBeanOfAboveClass); //#InjectMock in test class
PowerMockito.doReturn(null).when(spyDeviceCheckoutService, "privateMethod", ArgumentMatchers.anyMap()); //method gets called here
spyDeviceCheckoutService.processPayment(...); //private method isn't mocked somehow, and gets called here too
The privateMethod gets called on the 2nd line itself.
Also, the privateMethod isn't mocked.
Maybe I am creating the spy object in a wrong way? Can't do spy(new DeviceCheckoutServiceImpl()); as it needs bean instantiation.
Powermockito version:
compile group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-module-junit4', version: '2.0.0'
compile group: 'org.powermock', name: 'powermock-api-mockito2', version: '2.0.0'
Let me know what I am doing wrong here.

In the test class we will call the spy() method of org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito by passing the reference to the class that needs to be tested:
MockPrivateMethodExample spy = PowerMockito.spy(mockPrivateMethodExample);
Then we define what we want to do when this particular private method is called.
PowerMockito.doReturn("Test").when(spy, {$methodName});
public class MockPrivateMethodExample {
public String getDetails() {
return "Mock private method example: " + iAmPrivate();
private String iAmPrivate() {
return new Date().toString();
public class MockPrivateMethodTest {
private MockPrivateMethodExample mockPrivateMethodExample;
// This is the name of the private method which we want to mock
private static final String METHOD = "iAmPrivate";
public void testPrivateMethod() throws Exception {
mockPrivateMethodExample = new MockPrivateMethodExample();
MockPrivateMethodExample spy = PowerMockito.spy(mockPrivateMethodExample);
PowerMockito.doReturn("Test").when(spy, METHOD);
String value = spy.getDetails();
Assert.assertEquals(value, "Mock private method example: Test");
PowerMockito.verifyPrivate(spy, Mockito.times(1)).invoke(METHOD);
More details here: https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/core-java/mockito/mockito-mock-private-method-example-with-powermock/

Issue solved!
Had forgot to add #PrepareForTest(DeviceCheckoutServiceImpl.class) on the test class.

Mockito introduced AdditionalAnswers.delegatesTo to support spying on Spring proxies and other such things:
Check out this issue: https://github.com/mockito/mockito/issues/529#issuecomment-239494581
So instead of spy(proxy) use mock(TestSubject.class,
However if annotations are need to read, then you'll need mockito 2
beta. Because mockito 1.x uses CGLIB which doesn't copies annotations
on the mockito subclass. Mockito 2 uses the great bytebuddy.


Testing functions in spring boot which have autowired dependencies

Here is a minimal version of code that I want to test:
public class Ver {
private DHClient dhclient;
private DHUrlService dhUrlService;
public String getLVersion(String LRversion)
String vers=dhclient.get(dhUrlService.getUrl());
return getVersion(vers, LRversion);
Now the problem with testing this is that. dhclient is autowired inside the Ver class.
The get function makes an HTTP Get request and fetches a response.
I want the test case to actually make the dhclient.get call and return the result.
Any ideas on how to go about testing this?
How do I test that getLVer(String lrVersion) returns null when "test" is passed as the argument?
public class DHClient {
private String clientId;
private HttpClient httpClient;
public String get(String URL){
HttpRequest request// build the HTTP request
HttpResponse<String> response = httpCient.send(request,HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
return response.body()
the above is the code of the DHClient. Since I want to make an actual GET call using the get function. Probably mocking the object is not a good idea. The alternative would be to create an actual object. But this has fields like clientId and httpClient which are initialized by Spring. I am not sure how to create an actual object for this.

Spring - generic superclass not instantiated properly?

ATM I am in the middle of refactoring our Selenium E2E Test Framework to use Spring.
My class/bean:
package info.fingo.selenium.utils.driver;
public class ProxyDecorator extends WebDriverDecorator<WebDriver> {
public ProxyDecorator(TestUtils testUtils, DriverManager driverManager) {
this.testUtils = testUtils;
this.driverManager = driverManager;
package org.openqa.selenium.support.decorators;
public class WebDriverDecorator<T extends WebDriver> {
private final Class<T> targetWebDriverClass;
private Decorated<T> decorated;
public WebDriverDecorator() {
this((Class<T>) WebDriver.class);
public WebDriverDecorator(Class<T> targetClass) {
this.targetWebDriverClass = targetClass;
public final T decorate(T original) {
Require.nonNull("WebDriver", original);
decorated = createDecorated(original);
return createProxy(decorated, targetWebDriverClass);
Issue occures on calling this line:
createProxy(decorated, targetWebDriverClass)
Where targetWebDriverClass for unknown reason is null and NullPointerException is later thrown.
This should not EVER happen as targetWebDriverClass is ALWAYS set through constructor - either provided by client (calling super(class)) or defaulted to WebDriver.class in default WebDriverDecorator constructor. Worked fine without Spring, and unfortunately I don't understand Spring enough to get any information through debugging.
My Spring dependencies:
ext.springVersion = '2.7.1'
dependencies {
api "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:$springVersion",
decorate method in superclass WebDriverDecorator in marked as final which makes it ineligible for Spring CGLIB proxying as it cannot proxy final methods (& classes) - Sorry, I don't know exact reason why this caused my issue.
This is not my own class, it is taken from inside of dependency so I cannot change this.
This means that this class cannot be managed by Spring. In order for this to somehow work I get rid of inheritance (extends keyword) and replace it with composition. Got to do some reflection magic (for one of its protected method) but this seems to do the trick.

Dependency injection with mockito example

I am very new with Mockito and I don't get the following example (classes were provided, only test to write) and how to solve it.
What I try to do is use a test double for the supplier so that we can control the returned greeting in the test and assert that the GreetingService does not modify the greeting message in any way. Then assert that the returned greeting string is equal to "Hello Andy.".
public class Greeting {
private final String template;
public Greeting(String template) {
this.template = template;
public String forName(String world) {
return String.format(template, world);
public class GreetingService {
private final Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
public GreetingService(Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier) {
this.greetingSupplier = greetingSupplier;
public String greet(String name) {
return greetingSupplier.get().forName(name);
public class RandomGreetingSupplier implements Supplier<Greeting> {
private final List<Greeting> greetings = Arrays.asList(
new Greeting("Hello %s."),
new Greeting("Hi %s!"),
private final Random random = new Random();
public Greeting get() {
return greetings.get(random.nextInt(greetings.size()));
public class GreetingServiceTest {
GreetingService greetingService;
Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
void getGreetingForPerson() {
String name = "Andy";
// that test cannot know which greeting will be returned by the supplier
//String greeting = greetingService.greet(name);
// WROTE SUCH TEST HERE -> NullPointerException WHY?
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You can't chain calls like that, you need to produce intermediate results, like
Supplier<Greeting> supplier = mock(Supplier.class);
Mockito.when(supplier).forName().thenReturn("Hello %s.");
For dependency injection, you need to create the subject under test with the mocked Supplier. You can do that in a #Before method for example.
Your mocking is wrong.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You mocked Supplier<Greeting> and the default behavior is to return null. So when you call greetingSupplier.get() in your first line it returns null. You directly chain forName which nou basicall is null.forName which leads to an error.
Your second part is actually (kind of) correct.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
You now properly return a response from greetingSupplier.get(). Instead of chaining the call.
However I would argue that your excercise is wrong. Why? When using a Supplier<?> in Spring it actually is a lazy beanFactory.getBean call. You can lazily inject dependencies this way. You should have a mock for Greeting which returns a hardcoded String which you can check.

Groovy + Spring - DI with no boilerplate (constructor) code

I have created spring-boot project which bases on Groovy instead of Java.
Now I have following #RestController:
class HelloRest {
private final HelloService helloService
String hello(#RequestParam("name") String name) {
Question is how to inject
class HelloService {...}
in most simple way avoiding boilerplate (in this case the constructor) code?
In Java I would use: #lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor and in fact it works also if I use it in my groovy project.
On the other hand for example the #Immutable annotation from groovy.transform doesn't work as it creates in fact more than single constructor. Whereas Spring expects single constructor to be able automatically #Autowired the dependencies.
As far I see 2 solutions:
Generate the constructor
Use lombok with its annotations
Is there any solution build into Groovy which could be used here instead?
At this moment there is no Groovy mechanism that does same thing as #lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor. The main problem in your case is that Groovy always generates no-args default constructor for all currently known features like #Immutable annotation. The closest (but not accurate) way is to use #TupleConstructor like:
#TupleConstructor(includes = ['helloService'], includeFields = true, includeProperties = false, force = true)
class HelloRest {
private final HelloService helloService
String hello(#RequestParam("name") String name) {
return helloService.createHelloMessage(name)
This Groovy code will produce bytecode similar to this Java code:
includeFields = true,
force = true,
includeProperties = false,
includes = {"helloService"}
public class HelloRest implements GroovyObject {
private final HelloService helloService;
public HelloRest(HelloService helloService) {
CallSite[] var2 = $getCallSiteArray();
MetaClass var3 = this.$getStaticMetaClass();
this.metaClass = var3;
this.helloService = (HelloService)ScriptBytecodeAdapter.castToType(helloService, HelloService.class);
public HelloRest() {
CallSite[] var1 = $getCallSiteArray();
public String hello(#RequestParam("name") String name) {
CallSite[] var2 = $getCallSiteArray();
return (String)ShortTypeHandling.castToString(var2[0].call(this.helloService, name));
It is almost what you need, except this default constructor that was generated as well.
Things are getting even more complicated when using #Immutable annotation, because this version would generate 3 constructors:
public HelloRest(HelloService helloService)
public HelloRest()
public HelloRest(HashMap args)
Of course in this case you would have to remove private final in front of HelloService field definition, because this AST transformation works only with fields that are not yet final.
In this case two options you have found (creating construct manually or using Lombok) are probably the best solutions to your problem.
Alternative solution
There is also one "dirty" solution that allows you to write less amount of code, but promotes injection by reflection. Consider following code:
class HelloRest {
private final HelloService helloService
String hello(#RequestParam("name") String name) {
return helloService.createHelloMessage(name)
It will generate bytecode similar to following Java code:
public class HelloRest implements GroovyObject {
private final HelloService helloService;
public HelloRest() {
CallSite[] var1 = $getCallSiteArray();
MetaClass var2 = this.$getStaticMetaClass();
this.metaClass = var2;
public String hello(#RequestParam("name") String name) {
CallSite[] var2 = $getCallSiteArray();
return (String)ShortTypeHandling.castToString(var2[0].call(this.helloService, name));
Even though there is only single default constructor that does not even touch our helloService field, Spring bean will get injected by reflection. I share this option only to show all alternatives, although your initial instinct to use constructor injection is the best possible way to use dependency injection in practice.
You can use #Cannonical or #Immutable on the class. That way the constructor will be created for you

How do I mock an autowired #Value field in Spring with Mockito?

I'm using Spring 3.1.4.RELEASE and Mockito 1.9.5. In my Spring class I have:
private String defaultUrl;
private String defaultrPassword;
// ...
From my JUnit test, which I currently have set up like so:
#ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:test-context.xml" })
public class MyTest
I would like to mock a value for my "defaultUrl" field. Note that I don't want to mock values for the other fields — I'd like to keep those as they are, only the "defaultUrl" field. Also note that I have no explicit "setter" methods (e.g. setDefaultUrl) in my class and I don't want to create any just for the purposes of testing.
Given this, how can I mock a value for that one field?
You can use the magic of Spring's ReflectionTestUtils.setField in order to avoid making any modifications whatsoever to your code.
The comment from Michał Stochmal provides an example:
use ReflectionTestUtils.setField(bean, "fieldName", "value"); before invoking your bean method during test.
Check out this tutorial for even more information, although you probably won't need it since the method is very easy to use
Since the introduction of Spring 4.2.RC1 it is now possible to set a static field without having to supply an instance of the class. See this part of the documentation and this commit.
It was now the third time I googled myself to this SO post as I always forget how to mock an #Value field. Though the accepted answer is correct, I always need some time to get the "setField" call right, so at least for myself I paste an example snippet here:
Production class:
private String defaultUrl;
Test class:
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils;
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(instanceUnderTest, "defaultUrl", "http://foo");
// Note: Don't use MyClassUnderTest.class, use the instance you are testing itself
// Note: Don't use the referenced string "#{myProps[‘some.default.url']}",
// but simply the FIELDs name ("defaultUrl")
You can use this magic Spring Test annotation :
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "my.spring.property=20" })
For example, this is the test class :
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { MyTestClass.Config.class })
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "my.spring.property=20" })
public class MyTestClass {
public static class Config {
MyClass getMyClass() {
return new MyClass ();
private MyClass myClass ;
public void myTest() {
And this is the class with the property :
public class MyClass {
private int mySpringProperty;
I'd like to suggest a related solution, which is to pass the #Value-annotated fields as parameters to the constructor, instead of using the ReflectionTestUtils class.
Instead of this:
public class Foo {
private String foo;
public class FooTest {
private Foo foo;
public void setUp() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(Foo.class, "foo", "foo");
public void testFoo() {
// stuff
Do this:
public class Foo {
private String foo;
public Foo(#Value("${foo}") String foo) {
this.foo = foo;
public class FooTest {
private Foo foo;
public void setUp() {
foo = new Foo("foo");
public void testFoo() {
// stuff
Benefits of this approach: 1) we can instantiate the Foo class without a dependency container (it's just a constructor), and 2) we're not coupling our test to our implementation details (reflection ties us to the field name using a string, which could cause a problem if we change the field name).
You can also mock your property configuration into your test class
#ContextConfiguration({ "classpath:test-context.xml" })
public class MyTest
public static class MockConfig{
public Properties myProps(){
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("default.url", "myUrl");
properties.setProperty("property.value2", "value2");
return properties;
private String defaultUrl;
public void testValue(){
Assert.assertEquals("myUrl", defaultUrl);
I used the below code and it worked for me:
private ClassABC classABC;
public void setUp() {
ReflectionTestUtils.setField(classABC, "constantFromConfigFile", 3);
Reference: https://www.jeejava.com/mock-an-autowired-value-field-in-spring-with-junit-mockito/
Also note that I have no explicit "setter" methods (e.g. setDefaultUrl) in my class and I don't want to create any just for the purposes of testing.
One way to resolve this is change your class to use Constructor Injection, that can be used for testing and Spring injection. No more reflection :)
So, you can pass any String using the constructor:
class MySpringClass {
private final String defaultUrl;
private final String defaultrPassword;
public MySpringClass (
#Value("#{myProps['default.url']}") String defaultUrl,
#Value("#{myProps['default.password']}") String defaultrPassword) {
this.defaultUrl = defaultUrl;
this.defaultrPassword= defaultrPassword;
And in your test, just use it:
MySpringClass MySpringClass = new MySpringClass("anyUrl", "anyPassword");
Whenever possible, I set the field visibility as package-protected so it can be accessed from the test class. I document that using Guava's #VisibleForTesting annotation (in case the next guy wonders why it's not private). This way I don't have to rely on the string name of the field and everything stays type-safe.
I know it goes against standard encapsulation practices we were taught in school. But as soon as there is some agreement in the team to go this way, I found it the most pragmatic solution.
Another way is to use #SpringBootTest annotation properties field.
Here we override example.firstProperty property:
#SpringBootTest(properties = { "example.firstProperty=annotation" })
public class SpringBootPropertySourceResolverIntegrationTest {
#Autowired private PropertySourceResolver propertySourceResolver;
public void shouldSpringBootTestAnnotation_overridePropertyValues() {
String firstProperty = propertySourceResolver.getFirstProperty();
String secondProperty = propertySourceResolver.getSecondProperty();
Assert.assertEquals("annotation", firstProperty);
Assert.assertEquals("defaultSecond", secondProperty);
As you can see It overrides only one property. Properties not mentioned in #SpringBootTest stay untouched. Therefore, this is a great solution when we need to override only specific properties for the test.
For single property you can write it without braces:
#SpringBootTest(properties = "example.firstProperty=annotation")
Answer from: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-tests-override-properties#springBootTest
I also encourage you to whenever possible pass property as a parameter in constructor like in Dherik answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/52955459/1673775) as it enables you to mock properties easily in unit tests.
However in integration tests you often don't create objects manually, but:
you use #Autowired
you want to modify property used in a class that is used in your integration test indirectly as it is deep dependency of some directly used class.
then this solution with #SpringBootTest might be helpful.
