Spring boot - Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction - spring-boot

I want to consume soap service using jaxb.
The generated request from jaxb is
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:Add xmlns:ns2="http://tempuri.org/">
But the response is a soap exception as stated in the title.
Caused by: org.springframework.ws.soap.client.SoapFaultClientException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: .
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.Soap11ServerProtocolHelper.RouteRequest()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.RouteRequest(SoapServerMessage message)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.Initialize()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.ServerProtocol.SetContext(Type type, HttpContext context, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
Below is my soap config code. Source example: https://howtodoinjava.com/spring-boot/spring-soap-client-webservicetemplate/
public class ConsumeSoapApplication {
public static String wsdlurl = "http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx?wsdl";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
SpringApplication.run(ConsumeSoapApplication.class, args);
CommandLineRunner lookup(SoapConnector soapConnector) {
return args -> {
Integer a = 10;
Integer b = 20;
a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
Add add = new Add();
AddResponse addRes = (AddResponse) soapConnector.callWebService(wsdlurl, add);
System.out.println("Got Response As below ========= : ");
System.out.println("Added result : "+addRes.getAddResult());
public class SoapConfig {
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
try {
JAXBContext jb = JAXBContext.newInstance(com.dxc.service.soap.service.calc.ObjectFactory.class.getPackage().getName(),
//Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = (Jaxb2Marshaller) jb.createMarshaller();
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return marshaller;
} catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return null;
public SoapConnector soapConnector(Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller) {
SoapConnector client = new SoapConnector();
return client;
Please help me. Thanks.

The issue you're facing is that the web service at http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx expects a SOAPAction header. And since you're not providing one the service have no idea how to route the request.
The tutorial you're following doesn't require the SOAPAction header to do the routing.
If you take a look at how the Add operation is specified in the the WSDL, you'll find the expected value of the SOAPAction header there. Same for all the other operations the service provides.
<wsdl:operation name="Add">
<soap:operation soapAction="http://tempuri.org/Add" style="document" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
<soap:body use="literal" />
Assuming that your SoapConnector class is identical to the one in the tutorial you can remove the String url as input to the callWebservice method since that is already set via the client.setDefaultUri("http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx"); in the SoapConnector bean. Instead, add String soapAction as an input parameter, giving you the following
public class SOAPConnector extends WebServiceGatewaySupport {
public Object callWebService(Object request, String soapAction){
return getWebServiceTemplate().marshalSendAndReceive(url, new SoapActionCallback(soapAction));
Then, remove the wsdlurl as input to soapConnector.callWebService (it was wrong anyway) and add the soapHeader value for the operation you want to use instead, leaving you with this
CommandLineRunner lookup(SoapConnector soapConnector) {
return args -> {
Integer a = 10;
Integer b = 20;
a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
Add add = new Add();
AddResponse addRes = (AddResponse) soapConnector.callWebService(add, "http://tempuri.org/Add");
System.out.println("Got Response As below ========= : ");
System.out.println("Added result : "+addRes.getAddResult());
Of course, if you want to use other operations besides Add you'll have to tweak this solution to make it generic.

#Misantorp answer is solution to call SOAP webservice where action has to be passed.
I used the same advise and could call temperature converter of w3School.
[a link] https://github.com/suhelm/SPRINGBOOT/tree/main/SOAP_temparature_converter


creating Opentelemetry Context using trace-id and span-id of remote parent

I have micro service which support open tracing and that injecting trace-id and span-id in to header. Other micro service support open telemetry. how can I create parent span using trace-id and span-id in second micro service?
You can use W3C Trace Context specifications to achieve this. We need to send traceparent(Ex: 00-8652a752089f33e2659dff28d683a18f-7359b90f4355cfd9-01) from producer via HTTP headres ( or you can create it using the trace-id and span-id in the consumer). Then we can extract the remote context and create the span with traceparent.
This is the consumer controller. TextMapGetter used to map that traceparent data to the Context. ExtractModel is just a custom class.
#GetMapping(value = "/second")
public String sencondTest(#RequestHeader(value = "traceparent") String traceparent){
try {
Tracer tracer = openTelemetry.getTracer("cloud.events.second");
TextMapGetter<ExtractModel> getter = new TextMapGetter<>() {
public String get(ExtractModel carrier, String key) {
if (carrier.getHeaders().containsKey(key)) {
return carrier.getHeaders().get(key);
return null;
public Iterable<String> keys(ExtractModel carrier) {
return carrier.getHeaders().keySet();
ExtractModel model = new ExtractModel();
model.addHeader("traceparent", traceparent);
Context extractedContext = openTelemetry.getPropagators().getTextMapPropagator()
.extract(Context.current(), model, getter);
try (Scope scope = extractedContext.makeCurrent()) {
// Automatically use the extracted SpanContext as parent.
Span serverSpan = tracer.spanBuilder("CloudEvents Server")
try {
} finally {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return "Server Received!";
Then when we configuring the OpenTelemetrySdk need to set W3CTraceContextPropagator in Context Propagators.
// Use W3C Propagator(to extract span from HTTP headers) since we use the W3C specifications
TextMapPropagator textMapPropagator = W3CTraceContextPropagator.getInstance();
OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetrySdk = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
Here is my customer ExtractModel class
public class ExtractModel {
private Map<String, String> headers;
public void addHeader(String key, String value) {
if (this.headers == null){
headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put(key, value);
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() {
return headers;
public void setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
this.headers = headers;
You can find more details in the official documentation for manual instrumentation.
Generally you have to propogate the span-id and trace-id if it is available in header. Any request you get in your microservice, check if the headers have span-id and trace-id in them. If yes,extract them and use them in your service.
If it is not present then you create a new one and use it in your service and also add it to requests that go out of your microservice.

Is there a way to record response times of feign client

public interface SomeClient {
#RequestMapping(value = "/someUrl", method = POST, consumes = "application/json")
ResponseEntity<String> createItem(...);
Is there a way to find the response times for createItem api call?
We are using spring boot, actuator, prometheus.
We have straight forward as well as a customized way for logging the feign clients request and response (including the response time). We have to inject the feign.Logger.Level bean, that's it.
Logger.Level feignLoggerLevel() {
return Logger.Level.BASIC;
there are BASIC,FULL,HEADERS,NONE(default) logging levels are available for more details
The above bean injection will give you the logging of feign request and response in the below format:
log(configKey, "---> %s %s HTTP/1.1", request.httpMethod().name(), request.url());
ex:2019-09-26 12:50:12.163 [DEBUG] [http-nio-4200-exec-5] [com.sample.FeignClient:72] [FeignClient#getUser] ---> END HTTP (0-byte body)
where the configkey means FeignClientClassName#FeignClientCallingMethodName ex: ApiClient#apiMethod.
log(configKey, "<--- HTTP/1.1 %s%s (%sms)", status, reason, elapsedTime);
ex:2019-09-26 12:50:12.163 [DEBUG] [http-nio-4200-exec-5] [com.sample.FeignClient:72] [FeignClient#getUser] <--- HTTP/1.1 200 OK (341ms)
the elapsedTime is what the response time taken for the API call.
NOTE: If you prefer the default way of the feign client logging then we have to consider the underlying application logging level as well because the feign.Slf4jLogger class logging with the feign request and response details with the DEBUG level (refer). If the underlying logging level above DEBUG then you may need to specify the explicit logger for the feign logging package/class otherwise it will not work.
If you prefer logging with your customized format then you can extend the feign.Logger class and customize your logging. For a typical example if I want to log the header details of request and response in a single line as a list(by default Logger.Level.HEADERS prints the header in multiple lines):
package com.test.logging.feign;
import feign.Logger;
import feign.Request;
import feign.Response;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import java.io.IOException;
import static feign.Logger.Level.HEADERS;
public class customFeignLogger extends Logger {
protected void logRequest(String configKey, Level logLevel, Request request) {
if (logLevel.ordinal() >= HEADERS.ordinal()) {
super.logRequest(configKey, logLevel, request);
} else {
int bodyLength = 0;
if (request.requestBody().asBytes() != null) {
bodyLength = request.requestBody().asBytes().length;
log(configKey, "---> %s %s HTTP/1.1 (%s-byte body) %s", request.httpMethod().name(), request.url(), bodyLength, request.headers());
protected Response logAndRebufferResponse(String configKey, Level logLevel, Response response, long elapsedTime)
throws IOException {
if (logLevel.ordinal() >= HEADERS.ordinal()) {
super.logAndRebufferResponse(configKey, logLevel, response, elapsedTime);
} else {
int status = response.status();
Request request = response.request();
log(configKey, "<--- %s %s HTTP/1.1 %s (%sms) %s", request.httpMethod().name(), request.url(), status, elapsedTime, response.headers());
return response;
protected void log(String configKey, String format, Object... args) {
log.debug(format(configKey, format, args));
protected String format(String configKey, String format, Object... args) {
return String.format(methodTag(configKey) + format, args);
also we have to inject the customFeignLogger class bean
public customFeignLogger customFeignLogging() {
return new customFeignLogger();
If you are building FeignClient by yourself then you can build it with the customized logger:
Feign.builder().logger(new customFeignLogger()).logLevel(Level.BASIC).target(SomeFeignClient.class,"http://localhost:8080");
Add the following annotation to your project.
package com.example.annotation
public #interface DebugTracking {
public static class DebugTrackingAspect {
public Object trackExecutionTime(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
Exception exceptionThrown = null;
try {
// Execute the joint point as usual
return joinPoint.proceed();
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptionThrown = ex;
throw ex;
} finally {
System.out.println(String.format("%s took %dms.", stopWatch.getLastTaskName(), stopWatch.getLastTaskTimeMillis()));
if (exceptionThrown != null) {
System.out.println(String.format("Exception thrown: %s", exceptionThrown.getMessage()));
Then annotate the methods you want to track in your #FeignClient with #DebugTracking.
I'm using the following (with Spring and Lombok) :
#Configuration // from Spring
#Slf4j // from Lombok
public class MyFeignConfiguration {
#Bean // from Spring
public MyFeignClient myFeignClient() {
return Feign.builder()
.logger(new Logger() {
protected void log(String configKey, String format, Object... args) {
LOG.info( String.format(methodTag(configKey) + format, args)); // LOG is the Lombok Slf4j object
.logLevel(Logger.Level.BASIC) // see https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-netflix/multi/multi_spring-cloud-feign.html#_feign_logging
correct way doing this is using custom logger as pointed above. Using #Aspect is wrong. With that you create additional wrapper around the service. Feign already records this metric. Get that metric from feign.

Spring ws - Datahandler with Swaref still null

I used the Spring boot starter web services to develop a SOAP with attachment service.
For an unknown reason attachments aren't unmarshalled.. Jaxb Unmarshaller is used but the property AttachmentUnmarshaller inside is "null" ...so probably the reason why DataHandler unmarshalling isn't done ??
As in a JEE environment the attachmentUnmarshaller is handle by jaxws .. how configure it in a standalone process like spring boot on tomcat ??
Java version : 8_0_191
Spring boot version : 2.1
I faced similar issue, but with marshalling.
Jaxb2Marshaller has its own implementations of AttachmentMarshaller and AttachmentUnarshaller. But for these to work, mtomEnabled property should be set to true. If it's not, defaults will be used, which are not instantiated.
Try setting setMtomEnabled(true) on your Jaxb2Marshaller.
This will probably solve your issue.
For people, who encounter same issue with marshalling - it's a bit more complicated. Jaxb2 AttachmentMarshaller is not correctly implemented as per WS-I Attachment Profile 1.0 - http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/AttachmentsProfile-1.0.html#Example_Attachment_Description_Using_swaRef
You will have to override marshalling behavior of Jaxb2Marshaller then.
Notice: this solution assumes that MTOM is always disabled.
class SOAPConfiguration {
public Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller() {
public void marshal(Object graph, Result result, #Nullable MimeContainer mimeContainer) throws XmlMappingException {
try {
javax.xml.bind.Marshaller marshaller = createMarshaller();
if (mimeContainer != null) {
new SwaRefAttachmentMarshaller(mimeContainer)
marshaller.marshal(graph, result);
} else {
super.marshal(graph, result, null);
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw convertJaxbException(ex);
return marshaller;
private class SwaRefAttachmentMarshaller extends AttachmentMarshaller {
private final MimeContainer mimeContainer;
private SwaRefAttachmentMarshaller(MimeContainer mimeContainer) {
this.mimeContainer = mimeContainer;
public String addMtomAttachment(DataHandler data, String elementNamespace, String elementLocalName) {
return null;
public String addMtomAttachment(byte[] data, int offset, int length, String mimeType, String elementNamespace, String elementLocalName) {
return null;
public String addSwaRefAttachment(DataHandler data) {
String attachmentId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
mimeContainer.addAttachment("<" + attachmentId + ">", data);
return "cid:" + attachmentId;

How to use encrypted store-uri in Spring ImapIdleChannelAdapter

Sample spring configuration is as below.
<int-mail:imap-idle-channel-adapter id="mailAdapter"
I wish to keep the password field encrypted in properties file and decrypt it in the code. I am not sure on how to set mailReceiver property of ImapIdleChannelAdapter to my custom version of ImapMailReceiver.
Please let me know if there is any way to do this.
All of my configurations are in XML as described above.
Above solution of adding the defifnation did not work may be I am doing something wrong. Then I tried using XML + Java configuration, as below.
public class EmailConfiguration {
public ImapIdleChannelAdapter customAdapter() {
ImapIdleChannelAdapter adapter = new ImapIdleChannelAdapter(mailReceiver());
return adapter;
public TaskImapMailReceiver mailReceiver() {
TaskImapMailReceiver mailReceiver = new TaskImapMailReceiver("imaps://[username]:[password]#imap.googlemail.com:993/inbox");
return mailReceiver;
Also created empty errorChannel,outputChannel etc. I observed that Spring creates two instances one with xml config and other with java #Configuration. Where it was expected to use only java configuration. If I remove the xml config tag
then it provides sigle imap instance with my mailReceiver but runs only once does not go periodic. also does not show IMAPS logs.
Just wondering if I need to do so much to encrypt the password. Is somthing wrong with my approach.
Use Java configuration instead of XML...
public class MyConfigClass {
public MyMailReceiver receiver() {
public ImapIdleChannelAdapter adapter() {
ImapIdleChannelAdapter adapter = new ImapIdleChannelAdapter(receiver());
return adapter;
If you are using XML for everything else, simply add this class as a <bean/> to your XML.
Here's an example that works fine for me...
public class So42298254Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So42298254Application.class, args);
public TestMailServer.ImapServer imapServer() {
return TestMailServer.imap(0);
public ImapMailReceiver receiver() {
ImapMailReceiver imapMailReceiver = new ImapMailReceiver(imapUrl("user", "pw"));
imapMailReceiver.setHeaderMapper(new DefaultMailHeaderMapper()); // converts the MimeMessage to a String
imapMailReceiver.setUserFlag("testSIUserFlag"); // needed by the SI test server
Properties javaMailProperties = new Properties();
javaMailProperties.put("mail.debug", "true");
return imapMailReceiver;
private String imapUrl(String user, String pw) {
return "imap://"
+ user + ":" + pw
+ "#localhost:" + imapServer().getPort() + "/INBOX";
public ImapIdleChannelAdapter adapter() {
ImapIdleChannelAdapter adapter = new ImapIdleChannelAdapter(receiver());
return adapter;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "handleMail")
public void handle(String mail, #Header(MailHeaders.FROM) Object from) {
System.out.println(mail + " from:" + from);
imapServer().resetServer(); // so we'll get the email again
My intention was to use encrypted passwords in properties files.
So I changed my approach of getting into email receiving classes. I added inherited PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and implemented method convertPropertyValue() as below.
public class EncryptationAwarePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer extends PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EncryptationAwarePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.class);
protected String convertPropertyValue(String originalValue) {
if (originalValue.contains("{<ENC>}") && originalValue.contains("{</ENC>}")) {
String encryptedTaggedValue = originalValue.substring(originalValue.indexOf("{<ENC>}"), originalValue.indexOf("{</ENC>}") + 8);
String encryptedValue = originalValue.substring(originalValue.indexOf("{<ENC>}") + 7, originalValue.indexOf("{</ENC>}"));
try {
String decryptedValue = EncrypDecriptUtil.decrypt(encryptedValue);//EncrypDecriptUtil is my class for encription and decryption
originalValue = originalValue.replace(encryptedTaggedValue, decryptedValue);
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
logger.error("failed to decrypt property returning original value as in properties file.", e);
return originalValue;
And changed properties file to enclose encrypted value in custuom ENC tag

spring mvc processing xml with relative path to dtd

My webservice receives an xml from a third-party source, which contains a !DOCTYPE declaration. Therefore I must use the second method in my controller to parse the xml document, the first one gives me this exception:
Failed to read HTTP message: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: Could not unmarshal to [class com.example.MeterBusXml]: null; nested exception is javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
- with linked exception:
[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 48; DOCTYPE is disallowed when the feature "http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl" set to true.]
I have no control over the application which posts the xml, so I must adapt my webservice to parse it with the dtd.
My question is, what is the spring framework's way of injecting the EntityResolver into every XMLReader instance?
public class MeterBusDataController {
#RequestMapping (
method = POST,
path = "/meterbus1"
public void method1(#RequestBody MeterBusXml xml) {
method = POST,
path = "/meterbus2"
public void method2(HttpServletRequest rq) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JAXBException {
JAXBContext jc = newInstance(MeterBusXml.class);
Unmarshaller um = jc.createUnmarshaller();
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
xr.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() {
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
return new InputSource(new StringReader(""));
BufferedReader reader = rq.getReader();
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
SAXSource saxSource = new SAXSource(xr, inputSource);
MeterBusXml xml = (MeterBusXml)um.unmarshal(saxSource);
See the following document for an example of the mbus.xml I'm trying to unmarshal.
I've found the root of the problem. First I tried to create and configure a Jaxb2Marshaller bean, but that did not work out. Then I realized, I need a HttpMessageConverter, so I had to override the extendMessageConverters method in the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter class, and set the required properties on Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter. This message converter does not use a Jaxb2Marshaller, but it's internal workings are very similar.
setSupportDtd(true) is required, to force the parser to accept the !DOCTYPE declaration.
setProcessExternalEntities(false) is required, because if this property is false, then the converter uses a blank EntityResolver, just as I did in method2.
public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void extendMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter?>> converters) {
for (final Iterator<HttpMessageConverter<?>> iterator = converters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
HttpMessageConverter<?> next = iterator.next();
if (next instanceof Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter) {
Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter jaxbConverter = (Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter) next;
