How to do idiomatic synchronization with time.After? - go

I'm writing an application that queues incoming requests. If a request has been on the queue for more than a certain amount of time, I'd like to throw a timeout. I'm doing that with time.After:
timeoutCh := time.After(5 * time.Second)
select {
case <-timeoutCh:
//throw timeout 504
case <-processing:
//process request
The processing channel (along with the request) is put on the queue, and when a request is taken off to be processed, I send a signal to the channel to hit the case statement:
processing <- true
The problem with this is that if timeoutCh has already been selected, the processing channel will block, so I need some way to check whether the request has timed out.
I considered using a shared atomic boolean, but if I do something like this:
case <-timeoutCh:
requestTimedOut = true
and then check the boolean before sending to the processing channel, there's still a race condition, because the timeoutCh case may have been selected, but the bool not yet set to true!
Is there an idiomatic way of dealing with this sort of synchronization problem in Go?

Use a mutex coordinate processing of the data and timeout.
Define a type to hold the mutex, input, result, a channel to signal completion of the work and a flag indicating that the work, if any, is complete.
type work struct {
input InputType
result ResultType
signal chan struct {}
done bool
The request handler creates and enqueues a work item and waits for a timeout or a signal from the queue processor. Either way, the request handler checks to see if the queue processor did the work and responds as appropriate.
func handler(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w := &queueElement{
input: computeInputFromRequest(req)
signal: make(chan struct{})
// Wait for timeout or for queue processor to signal that the work is complete.
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
case <-w.signal:
done := w.done // Record state of the work item.
w.done = true // Mark the work item as complete.
if !done {
http.Error(w, "Timeout", http.StatusGatewayTimeout)
} else {
respondWithResult(resp, w.result)
The queue processor will look something like this:
for {
w := dequeue()
if !w.done {
w.done = true
w.result = computeResultFromInput(w.input)
To ensure that the request handler waits on the result, the queue processor holds the lock while processing the work item.


How to optimize thread safe queue in Go?

I have the following request queue:
type RequestQueue struct {
Requests []*http.Request
Mutex *sync.Mutex
func (rq *RequestQueue) Enqueue(req *http.Request) {
defer rq.Mutex.Unlock()
rq.Requests = append(rq.Requests, req)
func (rq *queue) Dequeue() (*http.Request, error) {
defer rq.Mutex.Unlock()
if len(rq.Requests) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("dequeue: queue is empty")
req := rq.Requests[0]
rq.Requests = rq.Requests[1:]
return req, nil
Is it possible to do this with just the atomic package, without Mutex, type being simply type AtomicRequestQueue []*http.Request, and will that bring any performance benefit?
Use a channel, like chan *http.Request. A channel is literally a FIFO queue.
What you call Enqueue will just be a send operation c <- req, and what you call Dequeue will just be a receive operation req := <-c.
Is it possible to do this with just the atomic package
You didn't state what is the real purpose of this thread-safe queue, however the use case you presented above seems to need synchronization, i.e. mutual exclusive access to the shared resource. The types in the atomic package only guarantee that the result of the operation will be observed by other threads in a consistent fashion. There's no mutual exclusiveness involved.
If your queue needs more business logic than you are actually showing, a channel might be too primitive; in that case mutex locking might be your best bet. You may use sync.RWMutex to reduce lock contention if you expect to have a lot of reads.

context without channels in the same thread of execution

Can't figure out how I can cancel a task if it takes to much to time compute in the same thread of execution via context semantics?
I use this example as a reference point
The goal here call a doWork, if doWork takes to much time to compute, GetValueWithDeadline should after a timeout return 0, or if caller called cancel that cancel a wait, (here it main is caller) or the value returned in in give a time window.
The same scenario can be done In a different way. ( separate goroutine sleep, wakeup check value etc, condition on a mutex, etc) but I really want to understand the correct way to use context.
The channel semantic I understand but here I can't achieve the desired effect, the default case
call to a doWork fault under default case and sleep.
package main
import (
type Server struct {
lock sync.Mutex
func NewServer() *Server {
s := new(Server)
return s
func (s *Server) doWork() int {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
r := rand.Intn(100)
log.Printf("Going to nap for %d", r)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(r) * time.Millisecond)
return r
// I take an example from here and it very unclear where is do work executed
func (s *Server) GetValueWithDeadline(ctx context.Context) int {
val := 0
select {
case <- time.After(150 * time.Millisecond):
return 0
case <- ctx.Done():
return 0
val = s.doWork()
return all
func main() {
s := NewServer()
for i :=0; i < 10; i++ {
d := time.Now().Add(50 * time.Millisecond)
ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), d)
Thank you
There are multiple problems with your approach.
What problem contexts solve
First, the primary reason contexts were invented in Go is that they allow to unify an approach to cancellation of a set of tasks.
To explain this concept using a simple example, consider a client request to some sever; to simplify further let it be an HTTP request.
The client connects to the server, sends some data telling the server what to do to fulfill the request and then waits for the server to respond.
Let's now suppose the request requires elaborate and time-consuming processing on the server — for instance, suppose it needs to perform multiple complex queries to multiple remote database engines, do multiple HTTP requests to external services and then process the acquired results to actually produce the data the client wants.
So the client starts its request and the server goes on with all those requests.
To hide latency of individual tasks the server has to perform to fulfill the request, it runs them in separate goroutines.
Once each goroutine completes the assigned task, it communicates its result (and/or an error) back to the goroutine which handles the client's request, and so on.
Now suppose that the client fails to wait for the response to its request for whatever reason — a network outage, an explicit timeout in the client's software, the user kills the app which initiated the request etc, — there are lots of possibilities.
As you can see, there's little sense for the server to continue spending resources to finish the tasks which were logically bound to the now-dead request: there's no one to hear back the result anyway.
So it makes sense to reap those tasks once we know the request is not going to be completed, and that's where contexts come into play: you can associate each incoming request with a single context and then either pass it itself to any goroutine spawned to carry out a single task required to be done to fulfill the request, or derive another request from that and pass it instead.
Then, as soon as you cancel the "root" request, that signal is propagated through the whole tree of requests derived from the root one.
Now each goroutine which were given a context, might "listen" on it to be notified when that cancellation signal is sent, and once the goroutine notices that it might drop whatever it was busy doing and exit.
In terms of actual context.Context type that signal is called "done" — as in "we're done doing whatever that context is assotiated with", — and that's why the goroutine which wants to know it should stop doing its work listens on a special channel returned by the context's method called Done.
Back to your example
To make it work, you'd do something like:
func (s *Server) doWork(ctx context.Context) int {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
r := rand.Intn(100)
log.Printf("Going to nap for %d", r)
select {
case <- time.After(time.Duration(r) * time.Millisecond):
return r
case <- ctx.Done():
return -1
func (s *Server) GetValueWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, maxTime time.Duration) int {
d := time.Now().Add(maxTime)
ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(ctx, d)
defer cancel()
return s.doWork(ctx)
func main() {
const maxTime = 50 * time.Millisecond
s := NewServer()
for i :=0; i < 10; i++ {
v := s.GetValueWithTimeout(context.Background(), maxTime)
So what happens here?
The GetValueWithTimeout method accepts the maximum time it should take the doWork method to produce a value, calculates the deadline, derives a context which cancels itself once the deadline passes from the context passed to the method and calls doWork with the new context object.
The doWork method arms its own timer to go off after a random time interval and then listens on both the context and the timer.
This one is the critical point: the code which performs some unit of work which is supposed to be cancellable must check the context to become "done" actively, by itself.
So, in our toy example, either the doWork's own timer fires first or the deadline of the generated context gets reached first; whatever happens first, makes the select statement unblock and proceed.
Note that if your "do the work" code wold be more involved — it would actually do something instead of sleeping, — you would most probably need to check on the context's status periodically, usually after performing invividual bits of that work.

stacking data from go routines

I'm learning go lang and I'd like to create a go app to achieve the following:
receive data from a remote log
analyze some sort of error of warning
periodically send an HTTP request to a URL informing that everything is ok or send warn and error.
I've been reading about concurrency, parallelism and channels but I'm not sure how I should pass data from my logging goroutine to another routine with a timer to make the request. Should I declare a slice in another routine to receive all the messages and at the end fo timer iterate over it?
currently, my code looks like:
package main
import (
func strigAnalyze(str string){
/*analyse the contents of the log message and do something*/
func main() {
channel := make(syslog.LogPartsChannel)
handler := syslog.NewChannelHandler(channel)
server := syslog.NewServer()
go func(channel syslog.LogPartsChannel) {
for logParts := range channel {
content := logParts["content"]
fmt.Println("logparts", logParts)
string := fmt.Sprintf("%v", content)
Should I declare a slice in another routine to receive all the
messages and at the end fo timer iterate over it?
This is one very common pattern in go. The example youre describe is sometimes called a "monitor routine". It guards the buffer of logs and because it "owns" them you know that they are safe from concurrent access.
The data is shared through the channel, the producer of the log data will be completely decoupled from how the sender is using it, all it needs to do is send on a channel. If the channel is unbuffered then your producer will block until the receiver can process. If you need to keep the producer high throughput you could buffer the channel or shed sends, which would look like:
select {
case logChan <- log:
// chan is full shedding data.
This pattern also lends really well to a "receive" loop that for...selects over the input channel, the timer, and some sort of done/context. The following is not a working example and it is missing cancellation and logic but it shows how you can over multiple channels (one of which is your timer/heartbeat):
logChan := make(chan string)
go func() {
var logBuf []string
t := time.NewTimer(time.Second * 5)
for {
select {
log, ok := <-logChan:
if !ok { return }
logBuf = append(logBuf, log)
// timer up
// flush logs
// reset slice
Also depending on how you are using the data, it might make more sense to use an actual buffer here instead of a slice.

Is there any way to prevent default golang program finish

I have a server working with websocket connections and a database. Some users can connect by sockets, so I need to increment their "online" in db; and at the moment of their disconnection I also decrement their "online" field in db. But in case the server breaks down I use a local variable replica map[string]int of users online. So I need to postpone the server shutdown until it completes a database request that decrements all users "online" in accordance with my variable replica, because at this way socket connection doesnt send default "close" event.
I have found a package that handles some system calls and can do some action before program finished, but my database request doesnt work in this way (code below)
func main() {
// trying to handle program finish event
// function that handles program finish event
func cleanupSocketConnections(p *controllers.PageHandler) func() {
return func() {
// this map[string]int contains key=userId, value=count of socket connections
type PageService struct {
Users map[string]int
func (p *PageService) ResetOnlineUsers() {
for userId, count := range p.Users {
// decrease online of every user in program variable
InfoService{}.DecreaseInfoOnline(userId, count)
Maybe I use it incorrectly or may be there is a better way to prevent default program finish?
First of all executing tasks when the server "breaks down" as you said is quite complicated, because breaking down can mean a lot of things and nothing can guarantee clean up functions execution when something goes really bad in your server.
From an engineering point of view (if setting users offline on breakdown is so important), the best would be to have a secondary service, on another server, that receives user connection and disconnection events and ping event, if it receives no updates in a set timeout the service considers your server down and proceeds to set every user offline.
Back to your question, using defer and waiting for termination signals should cover 99% of cases. I commented the code to explain the logic.
// AllUsersOffline is called when the program is terminated, it takes a *sync.Once to make sure this function is performed only
// one time, since it might be called from different goroutines.
func AllUsersOffline(once *sync.Once) {
once.Do(func() {
fmt.Print("setting all users offline...")
// logic to set all users offline
// CatchSigs catches termination signals and executes f function at the end
func CatchSigs(f func()) {
cSig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// watch for these signals
signal.Notify(cSig, syscall.SIGKILL, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGHUP) // these are the termination signals in GNU =>
// wait for them
sig := <- cSig
fmt.Printf("received signal: %s", sig)
// execute f
func main() {
/* code */
// the once is used to make sure AllUsersOffline is performed ONE TIME.
usersOfflineOnce := &sync.Once{}
// catch termination signals
go CatchSigs(func() {
// when a termination signal is caught execute AllUsersOffline function
// deferred functions are called even in case of panic events, although execution is not to take for granted (OOM errors etc)
defer AllUsersOffline(usersOfflineOnce)
/* code */
// run server
err := server.Run()
if err != nil {
// error logic here
// bla bla bla
I think that you need to look at go routines and channel.
Here something (maybe) useful:

How do I properly post a message to a simple Go Chatserver using REST API

I am currently building a simple chat server that supports posting messages through a REST API.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"user":"alex", "text":"this is a message"}' http://localhost:8081/message
"ok": true
Right now, I'm just currently storing the messages in an array of messages. I'm pretty sure this is an inefficient way. So is there a simple, better way to get and store the messages using goroutines and channels that will make it thread-safe.
Here is what I currently have:
type Message struct {
Text string
User string
Timestamp time.Time
var Messages = []Message{}
func messagePost(c http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
decoder := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
var m Message
err := decoder.Decode(&m)
if err != nil {
if m.Timestamp == (time.Time{}) {
m.Timestamp = time.Now()
Messages = append(Messages, m)
It could be made thread safe using mutex, as #ThunderCat suggested but I think this does not add concurrency. If two or more requests are made simultaneously, one will have to wait for the other to complete first, slowing the server down.
Adding Concurrency: You make it faster and handle more concurrent request by using a queue (which is a Go channel) and a worker that listens on that channel - it'll be a simple implementation. Every time a message comes in through a Post request, you add to the queue (this is instantaneous and the HTTP response can be sent immediately). In another goroutine, you detect that a message has been added to the queue, you take it out append it to your Messages slice. While you're appending to Messages, the HTTP requests don't have to wait.
Note: You can make it even better by having multiple goroutines listen on the queue, but we can leave that for later.
This is how the code will somewhat look like:
type Message struct {
Text string
User string
Timestamp time.Time
var Messages = []Message{}
// messageQueue is the queue that holds new messages until they are processed
var messageQueue chan Message
func init() { // need the init function to initialize the channel, and the listeners
// initialize the queue, choosing the buffer size as 8 (number of messages the channel can hold at once)
messageQueue = make(chan Message, 8)
// start a goroutine that listens on the queue/channel for new messages
go listenForMessages()
func listenForMessages() {
// whenever we detect a message in the queue, append it to Messages
for m := range messageQueue {
Messages = append(Messages, m)
func messagePost(c http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
decoder := json.NewDecoder(req.Body)
var m Message
err := decoder.Decode(&m)
if err != nil {
if m.Timestamp == (time.Time{}) {
m.Timestamp = time.Now()
// add the message to the channel, it'll only wait if the channel is full
messageQueue <- m
Storing Messages: As other users have suggested, storing messages in memory may not be the right choice since the messages won't persist if the application is restarted. If you're working on a small, proof-of-concept type project and don't want to figure out the DB, you could save the Messages variable as a flat file on the server and then read from it every time the application starts (*Note: this should not be done on a production system, of course, for that you should set up a Database). But yeah, database should be the way to go.
Use a mutex to make the program threadsafe.
var Messages = []Message{}
var messageMu sync.Mutex
Messages = append(Messages, m)
There's no need to use channels and goroutines to make the program threadsafe.
A database is probably a better choice for storing messages than the in memory slice used in the question. Asking how to use a database to implement a chat program is too broad a question for SO.
