How to resolve Web API AmbiguousActionException in dotnet core web api? -

I have two Get methods. I want to access this by using following urls
But I am trying to call this I am getting following exception
AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched. The following actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:
// GET api/values/5
public ActionResult<string> Get(SomeEnum id)
return "value";
public ActionResult<string> Get(SomeEnum id,int status)
return "value";
Is there any way to use routs like this with mutltiple get methods

There is nothing out of the box provided by ASP.NET core to help your case. As suggested in one of the comments, you should make the status parameter as nullable and use it within the action method to decide what next to do. Something like this:
public ActionResult<string> Get(SomeEnum id,int? status)
if(status == null)
//perform usual logic which requires only id
//perform logic or call a method which requires both id and status
return "value";


Update data with Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi

Hey i am having a big trouble updating data in my client side REST application.
I made a Web API controller.
// PUT: api/Contacts/5
public IHttpActionResult PutContact(Contact contact, int id)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
if (id != contact.ContactId)
return BadRequest();
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
And also client side service method:
public async Task<T> PutData<T>(T data, int dataId)
HttpResponseMessage resp = await this._client.PutAsJsonAsync(_serviceUrl + "/" + dataId, data);
return await resp.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>();
Service URL shows in debug mode that i goes to endpoint:
But it does not even go to breakpoint when i debug my server controller PutContact method.
What i am doint wrong? I need to update the data but i cant, because my client-side application won't even go to servers breakpoint on debug mode!!!
It gives me an error response 405 : Method not allowed
You can't have two different body parameters in the same method.
What you need to do is to set the id parameter to come from the URI and the Contact parameter from the body, like this:
public IHttpActionResult PutContact([FromBody]Contact contact, [FromUri]int id)
// method code
BTW, I suppose you have a GET method in your controller which looks like this:
public IHttpActionResult GetContact(int id)
// method code
return Contact; // pseudo-code
The error you getting comes from the fact that the system is not really calling your PUT method but the GET one (the system is ignoring the Contact parameter for the reason I expressed before): calling a GET method with a PUT verb results in a 405 Method Not Allowed exception.

IHttpActionResult and helper methods in ASP.NET Core

I'm trying to move my web api 2 project to ASP.NET 5.
But I have many elements that are not present anymore.
For example IHttpActionResult or Ok(), NotFound() methods.
Or RoutePrefix[]
Should I change every IHttpActionResult with IActionResult ?
Change Ok() with new ObjectResult ? (is it the same ?)
What about HttpConfiguration that seems no more present in startup.cs ?
IHttpActionResult is now effectively IActionResult, and to return an Ok with a return object, you'd use return new ObjectResult(...);
So effectively something like this:
public IActionResult Get(int id)
if (id == 1) return HttpNotFound("not found!");
return new ObjectResult("value: " + id);
Here's a good article with more detail:
Updated reply-ish
I saw that someone referenced the WebApiCompatShim in a comment.
WebApiCompatShim is still maintained for this kind of portability scenarios and it is now released 1.1.0.
I saw that Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 1.0.0-rtm-00011 has WebApiCompatShim as a dependency. I don't know exactly what they are trying to achieve in this area, these are just facts.
If you're not into getting another compatibility package and you're looking into more refactoring work, you can look at the following approach: WebApiCompatShim - how to configure for a REST api with MVC 6
You will still be able to use Ok() or you can try to use the OkObjectResult() method as Http word was removed in order not to be too verbose. HttpOkObjectResult -> OkObjectResult
public ObjectResult Post([FromBody]string value)
var item = new {Name= "test", id=1};
return new OkObjectResult(item);
public ObjectResult Post([FromBody]string value)
var item = new {Name= "test", id=1};
return Ok(item);
At 2.2, the ASP.NET Core migration guide states to replace IHttpActionResult with ActionResult. This works for me:
public ActionResult GetSomeTable([FromBody] GridState state)
return Ok(new
data = query.ToList(),
paging = new
Total = total,
Limit = state.limit,
page =,
Returned = query.Count()

How To Pass formdata parameters into ASP.NET WebAPI without creating a record structure

I have data coming into my form that looks like the image below (sessionsId: 1367,1368).
I've create c# in my webapi controller that works as below. when I've tried ot just make use SessionIds as the parameter (or sessionIds) by saying something like PostChargeForSessions(string SessionIds) either null gets passed in or I get a 404.
What is the proper way to catch a form parameter like in my request without declaring a structure.
(the code below works, but I'm not happy with it)
public class ChargeForSessionRec
public string SessionIds { get; set; }
public HttpResponseMessage PostChargeForSessions(ChargeForSessionRec rec)
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new ShirtSizeReturn()
Success = true,
//Data = shirtSizeRecs
return response;
You can declare the action method like this.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(string[] sessionIds) { }
If you don't want to define a class, the above code is the way to go. Having said that, the above code will not work with the request body you have. It must be like this.

Disable ApiController at runtime

I have a ASP.NET Web API (.NET 4) application which has a few controllers. We will run several instances of the Web API application on IIS with one difference. Only certain controllers will be available under certain IIS instances. What I was thinking is to disable/unload the controllers that are not applicable to an instance when the instance starts up.
Anyone got some information that could guide me in the right direction on this?
You can put your own custom IHttpControllerActivator in by decorating the DefaultHttpControllerActivator. Inside just check for a setting and only create the controller if allowed.
When you return null from the Create method the user will receive 404 Not Found message.
My example shows a value in App Settings (App.Config or Web.Config) being checked but obviously this could any other environment aware condition.
public class YourCustomControllerActivator : IHttpControllerActivator
private readonly IHttpControllerActivator _default = new DefaultHttpControllerActivator();
public YourCustomControllerActivator()
public IHttpController Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor,
Type controllerType)
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySetting"] == "Off")
//Or get clever and look for attributes on the controller in controllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<>();
//Or use the contoller name controllerDescriptor.ControllerName
//This example uses the type
if (controllerType == typeof (MyController) ||
controllerType == typeof (EtcController))
return null;
return _default.Create(request, controllerDescriptor, controllerType);
You can switch your activator in like so:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpControllerActivator), new YourCustomControllerActivator());
It has been a while since I looked at this question but if I was to tackle it today I would alter the approach slightly and use a custom IHttpControllerSelector. This is called before the activator and makes for a slightly more efficient place to enable and disable controllers... (although the other approach does work). You should be able to decorate or inherit from DefaultHttpControllerSelector.
Rather than unloading the controllers, I think I'd create a custom Authorize attribute that looked at the instance information in deciding to grant authorization.
You would add the following to each controller at the class level, or you could also add this to individual controller actions:
[ControllerAuthorize (AuthorizedUserSources = new[] { "IISInstance1","IISInstance2","..." })]
Here's the code for the Attribute:
public class ControllerAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
public ControllerAuthorize()
UnauthorizedAccessMessage = "You do not have the required access to view this content.";
//Property to allow array instead of single string.
private string[] _authorizedSources;
public string UnauthorizedAccessMessage { get; set; }
public string[] AuthorizedSources
get { return _authorizedSources ?? new string[0]; }
set { _authorizedSources = value; }
// return true if the IIS instance ID matches any of the AllowedSources.
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (httpContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("httpContext");
//If no sources are supplied then return true, assuming none means any.
if (!AuthorizedSources.Any())
return true;
return AuthorizedSources.Any(ut => ut == httpContext.ApplicationInstance.Request.ServerVariables["INSTANCE_ID"]);
The IHttpControllerActivator implementation doesn't disable the routes defined using attribute routing , if you want to switch on/off a controller and have a default catch all route controller. Switching off using IHttpControllerActivator disables the controller but when the route is requested it doesn't hit the catch all route controller -it simply tries to hit the controller that was removed and returns no controller registered.

"user may do X is user owns object Y": Implement logic in Model Validation or Controller logic?

Consider, for example's sake, the logic "A user may only edit or delete a comment that the user has authored".
My Controller Actions will repeat the logic of checking whether the currently logged in user can affect the comment. Example
public ActionResult DeleteComment(int comment_id)
var comment = CommentsRepository.getCommentById(comment_id);
if(comment == null)
// Cannot find comment, return bad input
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(400);
if( != User.Identity.Name)
// User not allowed to delete this comment, return Forbidden
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(403);
// Error checking passed, continue with delete action
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200);
Of course, I can bundle that logic up in a method so that I'm not copy / pasting that snippet; however, taking that code out of the controller and putting it in a ValidationAttribute keeps my Action smaller and easier to write tests for. Example
public class MustBeCommentAuthorAttribute : ValidationAttribute
// Import attribute for Dependency Injection
ICommentRepository CommentRepository { get; set; }
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
int comment_id = (int)value;
var comment = CommentsRepository.getCommentById(comment_id);
if(comment == null)
return new ValidationResult("No comment with that ID");
if( != HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)
return new ValidationResult("Cannot edit this comment");
// No errors
return ValidationResult.Success;
public class DeleteCommentModel
public int comment_id { get; set; }
Is Model Validation the right tool for this job? I like taking that concern out of the controller Action; but in this case, it may complicate things further. This is especially true when you consider that this Action is part of a RESTful API and needs to return a different HTTP Status Code depending on the Validation errors in the ModelState.
Is there "best practice" in this case?
Personally, I think that it looks nice, but you are getting carried away with annotations. I think that this does not belong in your presentation layer and it should be handled by your service layer.
I would have something on the lines of:
public ActionResult DeleteComment(int comment_id)
var result = CommentsService.GetComment(comment_id, Auth.Username);
// Show success to the user
catch(Exception e)
// Handle by displaying relevant message to the user
