What os difference websocket vs ssh-tunnel? - websocket

we are replacing websocket instead of ssh-tunnel. May i know how websocket is better than ssh-tunnel?

WebSocket is a protocol designed for 2-way real-time communication between browsers and servers to replace hacky solutions like long polling and XHR streaming.
SSH is a protocol designed for operating network services securely over an insecure network. Usually it's used for remote logins, file transfers, however it can be used for any protocol, however a few modifications need to be made.
The difference between them is, well, WebSocket is designed to be used for the browser and has support there. However, SSH is a more general protocol and can be used for more however it is not supported by browsers directly, but through proxies which bridge WebSocket to SSH.
There is nothing inherently "better" about WebSocket against SSH. It just depends on your use case, if you want to make a remote terminal or something for your sysadmins, use SSH. If you want to use it for, say, a real time chat in the browser, use WebSocket.


p2p direct data exchange...via HTTPS?

Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Can you not use HTTP GET/POST/DELETE directly between two devices when their device data is known to the user(s)?
I would very much like to know if there is ANY software/protocols that can do this.
thank you!
The internet is build on the Internet Protocol suite. This suite has 5 different layers of protocols: The physical layer, the link layer, the network layer, the transport layer and the application layer. Each depends on the one before.
If you just use the browser, by default HTTP (application layer) is used, which relies on TCP (transport layer), which relies on IP (v4 or v6, network layer), which relies on ethernet (link layer), which finally relies on the actual cable that's plugged into your computer (for WiFi, the first three are the same but the last two differ if I'm not mistaken).
Now to your question: Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Yes there is. I suggest you start looking at protocols that are in the application layer. To highlight a few standards next to HTTP(S): FTP is for file transfer, IMAP is for emails clients, SMTP is for email servers and SSH is a secure shell which can also be used to tunnel data through.
For your specific case, I think either FTP (FTPS if you want it over SSL), or SSH can be a solution, but it's hard to know for sure without the specifics.
The only thing that these protocols have in common is that one of the two computers will act like server and the other computer as client. This has as downside that port-forwarding might be necessary.
If you've chosen the protocol you'd like to use, then you're up for the next step, selecting a program that can do that for you. For HTTP(S), I'd recommend Apache. If you're using Linux and chose SSH, then you're in luck, there is a build in SSH server in Linux, you can use that. For other protocols, you might just want to search yourself, as I do not have any suggestions.
I hope this answers most of your questions!
In browser context, WebRTC is probably what you are looking for: It allows user to user communications.

Is there a Socket.IO alternative that is not based on WebSockets?

I built a realtime application that, thanks to Socket.IO, can serve a lot of different client types (C#, Java, Browser, ...)! I know that there are a lot of Socket.IO alternatives, but from my understanding, everything is more or less based on WebSockets. (I know that Socket.IO has fallbacks if WebSockets are not working, but that they are more less "inferior workarounds" so to speak...)
My question is: Is there any comparable real-time engine available that is NOT based on WebSockets, but can still serve all those different clients?
You don't say what your endpoints are. If one of the endpoints is a browser with purely the built-in capabilities of the browser and Javascript, then a webSocket is your only way to get a continuous connection from the browser to some other destination.
If a webSocket is not supported (in an older browser), then the other socket.io fallbacks (such as xhr-long-polling) are the next best alternatives. As the browser has limited communication capabilities, if you can't use a webSocket, then an ajax call is your only other generally supported option without requiring plug-ins on each browser (such as Flash or Java or something like that). socket.io already supports the next-best options that are available in a browser - you can't do better than that if you're talking about a standard browser with no custom plug-ins.
If your endpoints don't necessarily include a browser and you can use any language or library you want, then you can use plain TCP sockets and then use whatever protocol you want over a TCP socket.
The WebSocket protocol establishes a bidirectional communication channel between server and client; they kind of speak more naturally with each other. The server can just send something to the client and the other way around. In http it just goes in one direction, there's a request and a response and everything needs to be initiated with a request from the client.
From my experience, realtime webApps like a multiplayer game or a chat become easier to develop and it apparently creates less overhead than using http - but still you can do the same things more or less elegant with http as well (see e.g. long polling).
Look at gmail or other existing webApps, they all use http (so does Socket.io as a fallback) and it works quite well.

What's the best way to be able to continously be able to receive WebRTC calls in browser?

Need to be able to continuously receive calls when a Chrome webpage is open. How do I do that even for users who are inside a strict enterprise network?
WebSockets? (but there's the proxy problems that doesn't know what wss:// is)
HTTP? (but will I have to poll?)
Since you included the "vLine" tag, I'll reply with some information on how our WebRTC platform will behave in an enterprise network. vline.js will use a secure WebSocket by default if the browser supports it and fall back to HTTPS long polling. As described here, the secure WebSocket may work depending on the exact proxy configuration. Feel free to test it out by using GitTogether or creating your own vLine service for testing.

How to establish a TCP Socket connection from a web browser (client side)?

I've read about WebSockets but they don't seem to be pure "sockets", because there is an application layer protocol over them. "ws:"
Is there any way of doing a pure socket connection from a web browser, to enliven webpages?
Here are my random stabs in the dark
Applets sockets provided by Java (need java installed)
Flash sockets provided by Flash (need flash installed)
But about HTML5, Why are they called WebSockets if they aren't Sockets?
Is the websocket protocol so simple to implement that it is "almost"-sockets?
I've read about WebSockets but they don't seem to be pure "sockets", because there is an application layer protocol over them.
[Is the] websocket protocol so simple to implement that [it is] "almost"-sockets?
Allowing regular socket connections directly from the browser is never going to happen because it opens up a huge risk. WebSockets is about as close to raw sockets from the browser as you are going to get. The initial WebSockets handshake is similar to an HTTP handshake (allowing web servers to proxy/bridge it) and adds CORS type security. In addition, WebSockets is a message based transport (rather than streaming as raw TCP) and this is done using a two byte header on each message frame.
Even flash is not able to quite make raw TCP connections. Flash sockets also add CORS security, but instead of an in-band handshake, flash socket connections make a connection to port 843 on the target server to request a security policy file.
Is there any way of doing a pure socket connection from a web browser, to enliven webpages?
Yes, you can use my websockify bridge/proxy which allows a WebSockets enabled browser to connect directly to a TCP socket via websockify.
But about HTML5, Why are they called WebSockets if they aren't Sockets?
WebSockets are a transport built on TCP sockets. After the handshake there is very minimal overhead (typically just a two byte header).
I can't improve on Kanaka's answers to your secondary questions, and I know this question is a year old. But for the main question, Is there any way of doing a pure socket connection from a web browser, to enliven webpages? There is a project called the Java / JavaScript Socket Bridge that might be what you (or anyone coming across this page from a Google search) are looking for. The advantage of this method over what others have mentioned is that it does not require either a client-side or a server-side service to be run. So, for instance, if you wanted to implement an IRC client purely in JavaScript but your web host does not allow you sufficient rights to proxy the connection, this Java applet would be the way to go. The only concern is making sure the client has Java installed and allowed.
You can just send data between a client and a server with WebSockets. Simply speaking, the only difference that WebSockets introduces is that the client:
adds some header bytes, like the type of data and the length
adds masks and encodes the data using them
The server also has to add header bytes, but does not need to encode the data.
If you implement the protocol correctly (server side, that is, since the browser already has an implementation), you can use it with ease to send text and binary data. (Although browser support is narrow, especially for the latter.)
The benefit of WebSocket is that it is HTTP based. You can use it also in environments there http proxies are used. Thus Websocket has a higher infrastructure compatibility as plain tcp.
Additionally http/WebSocket is providing you some features which you otherwise have to specify on your own:
NAT keepalive
Multiplexing via URI
If you are asking for some data to be pushed from server it is widely termed as COMET or Reverse Ajax.
Web sockets is still not very popular as there are inherent firewall issues and minimal support yet from popular browsers.
You can take a look at http://www.ape-project.org/ as this is one of the most popular implementations (but native to unix/linux only for now. For windows they suggest using a virtual box or vmware based implementation)

Can I open a websocket connection to a local server running on an arbitrary port?

I have a local server outputting my real-time home sensor data, and I want to visualize it in my browser.
My question is, can I use a websocket to open the connection from my browser to the local server? How would I go about doing that?
The local server runs on a non-http designated port number, and I can't change that.
Yes and no.
WebSockets are not raw TCP connections. They have an HTTP compatible handshake (for both security and compatibility with existing servers) and have some minimal framing for each packet to make WebSockets a message based protocol. Also, the current WebSocket API and protocol that exists in browsers as of today do not directly support binary data messages. They only UTF-8 encoded payloads.
You can use websockify to proxy a WebSockets connection to a raw binary TCP server. websockify is a python proxy/bridge that has binary support and also includes a javascript library to make interacting with it easier. In addition, websockify includes the web-socket-js fallback/polyfill (implemented in Flash) for browser that do not have native WebSockets support. The downside is that you have to run websockify somewhere (either on the client system, the server system, or some other system). Also, websockify is Linux/UNIX only for now. On the plus side, websockify has a special mode that you can use to launch and wrap an existing service.
Disclaimer: I made websockify.
