App Store Connect Allow Developer Resources Checkbox When Adding User - xcode

I am trying to add a User to my App Store Connect so they can upload a build, but in the portal it does not allow me to give them access to certificates as the checkbox stays greyed out. I am the Account holder and Admin. "Access
to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" stays grey. Cant change this even when added as a User and try to edit their permissions.

This is probably because you have an individual account instead of organization one. I found it here.
Hope this helps anyone like me who got stuck here.


No access to partner - Information could not be retrieved

Here is my full error:
Information could not be retrieved. Please contact iandevice to verify that your account has been properly set up. You may need to add the developer email address as a home member in the Google Home app settings.
I have seen several similar questions, but their solution did not help me. I've followed this link to setup: but got the error when authorizing my account.
My email address is a personal gmail account. I have checked that my email address in the device access console (Top Right) is the same account that is linked to my nest. I have tried several solutions like re-creating the whole GCM project, credentials, etc, or trying with another gmail account.
I have also ensured that my account is added in my Google Home App, tried adding another account and trying but it's the same. Completely lost here after trying everything, does anyone have a solution to this? Thank you.
Just to add on, I have also checked in the OAuth consent screen that I have the same email address listed under email and developer's email. Also tried deleting the whole home and creating a new one, and link my nest to that h ome

In the Google Developer's Console, I keep getting this error when I try to edit or create an OAuth Consent Screen

I keep getting this error when editing or creating the consent screen.
This happens whenever I click edit settings on the consent screen. An error dialog pops up saying
"Sorry, there’s a problem. If you entered information, check it and try again. Otherwise, the problem might clear up on its own, so check back later.
Tracking Number: #############"
After this, I can stay on the consent screen settings, but I can't add any scopes at all. I don't understand why it's happening, it worked fine before. But now for weeks it's been like this and I can't edit the consent screen.
This usually happens because you don't have the authorization to perform edits, i.e. it is a permission issue. If you go to the link you should be able to see the Identity Access Management permissions assigned to your user, if there is any. You should find out who is the owner of the project and request editor permissions for the action you are attempting to do.

Your account does not have permission to create Developer ID Application certificates

Can anyone help me with the following error message?
I have seen a few of these messages in Xcode (and on Stackoverflow) but not exactly this one. I have an admin role (but I am not the account holder). Does anyone know why Xcode has problems with the creation of the Developer ID Application certificate?
In Xcode I signed in with the admin account but still no success. Any help is highly appreciated!
The documentation on this is pretty clear from this chart (see
You are not the account holder so you do not have the ability to create Developer ID certificates. The Account Holder must create them. The certificate belongs to the team as a whole so you will be able to use it.

Do Facebook API Settings allow developer only access?

I am working on an app in ruby using:koala:omniauth
When I click share to wall from the application it allows me to share and
changes my permission accordingly. When I use an account that is not setup as a developer it sends 200 error "permissions not provided." but does not ask for "permissions" like it did with the account connected to facebook developer.
Is there a setting somewhere on Facebook developer that controls this?
I would like all users to be re-asked the permission and not just developers of the app.
Yes, you need to ask Facebook to review the app for special permissions..

Magento + PayPal Sandbox

So, recently PayPal switched from sandbox.paypal to developer.paypal interface. It is still in beta mode, so it's not working perfectly, and on the other hand sandbox is practically disabled, you can not register nor login with old credentials.
So, when trying to make a test system in Magento, I create one seller account and one buyer account in new developer.paypal interface, but when I try to make a purchase it keeps showing me the wrong login/pass error (I enter the seller account e-mail and password).
Before all this I remember I had to be logged in the sandbox.paypal with my main sandbox account for this to work, but now login to sandbox is not possible any more, and login to developer doesn't help.
Anyone had similar issues? I tried anywhere to find any clue for solution, but no luck, and I don't waiting for PayPal to complete their test environment is an option.
I haven't had the same issue however have you imported your old accounts? That way you can use the same test email addresses and passwords as before.
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Click "Import data"
Enter your email address and password for the old developer account.
All settings for the prior accounts should be imported as well. is still accessible too, you do need to be logged into your developer account to access it which is the same condition as before.
If you continue receiving a password error trying resetting the password to the accounts by following the steps below:
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Expand the account in question
Click "Profile"
Click "Change Password"
Lastly, you'll also want to delete all cookies and cache before using the beta environment. If you do not, you'll see the error message below:
"This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another email address."
Let me know if you continue to receive errors.
