Vue: Having frontend in it's own Github repo? - laravel

I am working on a Laravel project and part of the app was converted to a Vue app. Ultimately, the blade file is reading from the source of /dist/app.js , which is generated after running npm run production and runs the whole Vue app. The company only wants 1 engineer to run deploys to ensure backend code doesn't get inadvertantly changed.
To make strictly frontend changes, can I technically have the src read off a CDN in the Blade file and then just remove the Vue app entirely from the github repo into it's own so I can continuously make changes on my own. That way, I can make changes and then upload the new bundle to the CDN without touching the backend repo. Is that doable?


Connect Laravel pretty url and nuxt js

I satarted a project based on a Laravel-Nuxt Starter kit, found it here :
I connected it to Laragon, so I can have pretty urls and making it work on Apache and MySQL. It works nocely, and when I do npm run start, I can access the website locally on localhost:3000 and it updates. However, if I use the pretty url given by Laragon, example.home, it goes to the index.html in the public server, but it doesn't update, no matter what I do. I tried npm run build, but the public folder isnt updated, the changes I do in the Vue component are only visible in localhost:3000.
What can I do to update the public folder according to the changes I do ?
Thank you !

Move file from laravel server to Nuxt server

I have two separate project, laravel and nuxt;
i want to, when i upload file from the laravel, it'll be stored on static folder of the nuxt project. Is there any way for that?
For that, you'll need to send your file upload to a CI that will inject it into the Nuxt project, and rebuild the whole Nuxt app.
Also, remember that static is not bundled via Webpack.
Meaning that it will be shipped raw: if it's uploaded while not being properly optimized, it'll be shipped as is (would be better suited into an /assets directory but still >> build time for the whole project required here).
Even hosting it on your Laravel server is more worth at this point.
TLDR: it's not worth to send it to Nuxt's static directory.
I recommend hosting it on a CDN or alike.

how integrate an existing vuejs app created with vue-cli into a laravel project

I've a vuejs app builded with the latest vue-cli, the vuejs app runs ok with the development server and communicates with the laravel app, but now I'd prefer that laravel handle this static files...if I build the js files with yarn run build this generates me several files, I could add thems to my laravel homepage but I'm afraid that if in the future I make some change and build these files again, I could get different file names...
what is the best approach for this???...I've found several articles integrating vuejs and laravel but all these are using the vuejs tool incorporated with laravel
thanks so much guys

React app on deployment server

I have an Ubuntu VPS with Laravel v5.6 served with nginx, and I am trying to use React on the front-end. I don't know if this is possible what I want to do is:
use node and npm to build my front-end app locally,
generate the CSS and JS files and upload those already generated files to my VPS server,
the output should not change since as far as I know npm generates at JS and CSS files with your whole code in it
Thanks for the help, and if there is any suggestion for a different approach just let me know.
You should start to use a frontend bundling solution like webpack or parcel, they do exactly the same
If you generate your app with create-react-app it comes with webpack built-in

How to deploy a laravel5 & vuejs application?

i have a laravel 5 & vuejs application on my local server (vue js that comes with laravel). And now i want to deploy this application on real server like "" to test.
Laravel works fine, but Vue doesn't, I get some unexpected behaviors like blank page when assigning the id="app" to the parent element, and when i remove the id="app" the page appears and works correctly but Vue doesn't.
This is my project structure:
project structure
When uploading,, I upload the whole project without "node_modules" directory (that comes with npm install) Could this be the reason ?
You need to run npm run dev or npm run prod to create your resource bundle with the javascript and other assets. You technically don't need node_modules, so long as you build the projects on another machine and upload all that to your hosted server.
