get command executed result from docker container - bash

anyway for me to know when command is finished inside docker container? I have created a docker container and able to send command from my local into docker container by docker exec
so far in my bash script I am using sleep to wait until "cd root: npm install" command finished inside docker container. If I do not have sleep, done is printed out right away after npm install is sent into docker container. How can I remove sleep so done is printed out only after npm install is finished inside docker container?
docker exec -d <docker container name> bash -c "cd root;npm install"
sleep 100
echo "done"

Don't background the command if you want to keep it running in the foreground (the -d flag):
docker exec <docker container name> bash -c "cd root;npm install"
echo "done"

Run it as background process & and then wait for it:
docker exec -d <docker container name> bash -c "cd root;npm install" &
echo "done"

If you omit the -d (detach) the docker exec will return only after completion (and not immediately), so no wait will be needed.


Running docker from bash script

I am using a tool (gatk) distributed as a docker image and try to use its commands in a shell script.
I run the docker in detached mode.
sudo docker run --name my_container -d -v ~/test:/gatk/data -it broadinstitute/gatk:
Then I run the commands from shell script
docker exec my_container gatk command1
docker exec my_container gatk command2
command2 needs input from command1 so I use wait, but still command2 is executed before command 1 is finished.
I also tried
docker exec my_container gatk command1
docker wait my_container
docker exec my_container gatk command2
but then the script does not continue running after command1 is completed.
I managed to solve it. The problem was is that when I ran docker exec I did not define it to receive input from the shell. Adding -i flag to docker exec solved the problem. Here is the full solution.
I start docker in detached mode
sudo docker run --name my_container -d -v ~/test:/gatk/data -it broadinstitute/gatk:
Now I can close the terminal, the docker container is up and running and I can use it in a new terminal.
I generate a bash script called with the following code.
docker exec -i my_container gatk command1
docker exec -i my_container gatk command2
I run the script, disown it and close the terminal.
You can run both commands in a single shot:
docker run image /bin/bash -c "gatk command1 && gatk command2"

How to run a bash terminal in a Docker container along with additional commands?

To run a bash terminal in a Docker container I can run the following:
$ docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash
However, I want to execute a command in the container automatically. For example, if I want to open a bash terminal in the container and create a file I would expect to run something like:
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt"
However, this doesn't work... Is there a simple way to achieve this? Of course, I could type the command after opening the container, but I want to open a bash terminal and run a command at the same time.
You can run your touch command and then spawn another shell :
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt; exec bash"
Works perfectly fine for me
~# docker run -tid --rm --name test ubuntu:20.04
~# docker exec -it test /bin/bash -c "touch /foo.txt"
~# docker exec -it test /bin/bash
root#b6b0efbb13be:/# ls -ltr foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 7 05:35 foo.txt
Easy solution:
docker exec -it <container> touch foo.txt
You can verify
docker exec -it <container> ls
This was tested with alpine image.
Remember that in docker images there is a entrypoint and a command. Now we are editing the command of the default entrypoint for alpine, via docker exec
It depends of the entrypoint if env variablers are load or not, $PATH ..., so other images maybe you need to write /bin/touch or /usr/bin/ls
Good luck!
When you run docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt", container sends 0 exit code so that it means the task is done and you'll be returned to your host.
When you run docker exec -it <container /bin/bash, bash shell is not terminated until you explicitly type exit or use CTRL+D in bash environment. bash is continuously running.
This is why when you run the second command, it goes to bash, runs your command (touches) and then exits.

Docker run to execute script in mount without exiting container automatically?

I have a simple bash script '' in the root of mounted folder :
Rscript -e "source('/home/rstudio/mount-folder/src/controller.R')";
However, when i try to mount folder and start the container with docker run as follows:
docker run -d -p 8000:8787 -e ROOT=true -e DISABLE_AUTH=true --name container -v mount-folder/:/home/rstudio/ image_name /home/rstudio/
above run command starts the container but exits automatically.
I am looking for a docker run command that starts the container , mounts the folder and then executes the bash script which is in the mount-folder without exiting the container.
(** dont want to go with docker exec command as it is not suitable for my use case for other reasons)
FROM rocker/rstudio:4.0.2
//some RUN commands to install necessary r packages
CMD tail -f /dev/null
Other details :
Image that i am using is rstudio server from rocker and container runs on AWS ubuntu machine.
Edit :
have also tried adding CMD tail -f /dev/null at the end of dockerfile as suggested in even then the container exits.
Docker containers shutdown automatically when run in detached mode. I think this article proposes a nice solution:
You could add tail -f /dev/null as the last command in your bash script instead so that the script will never halt unless it is told to do so.
When you do docker run [options] image_name [cmd] the command you specify becomes the command for the container and replaces any the command specified in the dockerfile (that's why adding CMD tail -f /dev/null doesn't do anything). If you ran your container without the /home/rstudio/ at the end, it should stay running.
The solution would be to update your script to add the tail command at the end.
Rscript -e "source('/home/rstudio/mount-folder/src/controller.R')";
exec tail -f /dev/null
If you can't update that script, you could instead add it to the command being passed to the container, with something like:
docker run [options] image_name bash -c '/home/rstudio/ && exec tail -f /dev/null'

Jenkins shell dont interpret $ variables

I am trying to deploy a nodejs app inside docker container on a prod machine using jenkins.
I have this shell :
ssh -tt vagrant#<<EOF
cd ~/app/backend
git pull
cat <<EOM >./Dockerfile
FROM node:8
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
docker build -t vagrant/node-web-app .
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d vagrant/node-web-app
this will connect via ssh to prod machine and create a Dockerfile then build and run image. but it failed.
and this a part of the jenkins logs:
Successfully built 8e5796ea9846
vagrant#ubuntu-xenial:~$ docker kill
"docker kill" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker kill --help'.
Usage: docker kill [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]
Kill one or more running containers
vagrant#ubuntu-xenial:~$ docker rm
"docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.
See 'docker rm --help'.
Remove one or more containers
vagrant#ubuntu-xenial:~$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -d vagrant/node-web-app
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint stupefied_margulis (d0e4cdd5642c288a31537e1bb8feb7dde2d19c0f83fe5d8fdb003dcba13f53a0): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
vagrant#ubuntu-xenial:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
It seems like jenkins dont execute the " $(docker ps -q) "
and " $(docker ps -a -q) "
so docker kill and docker rm got 0 arguments.
But why this happen ?
I found the issue,
Just I have to replace "$" with "\$" .
this solve the problem.

Docker kill not working when executed in shell script

The following works fine when running the commands manually line by line in the terminal:
docker create -it --name test path
docker start test
docker exec test /bin/sh -c "go test ./..."
docker stop test
docker rm -test
But when I run it as a shell script, the Docker container is neither stopped nor removed.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
docker create -it --name test path
docker start test
docker exec test /bin/sh -c "go test ./..."
docker stop test
docker rm -test
How can I make it work from within a shell script?
If you use set -e the script will exit when any command fails. i.e. when a commands return code != 0. This means if your start, exec or stop fails, you will be left with a container still there.
You can remove the set -e but you probably still want to use the return code for the go test command as the overall return code.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker create -it --name test path
docker start test
docker exec test /bin/sh -c "go test ./..."
docker stop test
docker rm test
exit $rc
Using set -e is actually quite useful and catches a lot of issues that are silently ignored in most scripts. A slightly more complex solution is to use a trap to run your clean up steps on EXIT, which means set -e can be used.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Set a default return code
# Cleanup
function cleanup {
echo "Removing container"
docker stop test || true
docker rm -f test || true
exit $RC
trap cleanup EXIT
# Test steps
docker create -it --name test path
docker start test
docker exec test /bin/sh -c "go test ./..."
