Set up a toy project in Visual Studio for Mac 2019 to try it out.
I created a new xUnit project with a single test...
public class UnitTest1
public void Test1()
When i try to run this test I get the following error:
Running LMS.LMS.Tests.LMS.Tests.UnitTest1.Test1 ...
Result message:
One or more errors occurred. (vstest.console failed to connect.)
(vstest.console failed to connect.)
I installed nuget package xunit.runner.console but no change.
Has anyone any thoughts for this issue?
I hit this issue myself tonight. Some documentation from Microsoft on using xUnit with Visual Studio for Mac sure would be nice.
Install the following NuGet packages:
Tests were visible in the Unit Tests debug pad immediately after the packages finished installing and I built the solution - unlike NUnit, where it seems I have to quit Visual Studio for Mac and reopen the solution.
My tests project was a .NET Framework 4.7 class library. Results may be different for other versions (e.g.: .NET Core).
I faced this as well today. But for me everything worked until now. After restarting the machine everything works fine again :)
I am trying to execute NUnit tests on a legacy project in Visual Studio 2022 professional. Migrating from NUnit 2 to NUnit 3 is not yet an option, and part of the team works with Visual Studio 2019. The problem I am facing is that the tests are not executed by VS 2022, without any error message on the attempt.
The test explorer displays the following after executing the test (and the console output finishes with a successful build):
The NuGet Package manager had NUnit 2.6.1 already installed. I additionally installed the packets NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2Driver and NUnit.Extension.NUnitV2ResultWriter. A test adapter seems only available for NUnit3 (NUnit3TestAdapter, which I also installed). I enabled all the packages for the individual project as was commented in this question. Is there anything else to install/configure that I could be missing to make this work?
Just a few suggested approaches...
The NUnit3TestAdapter, as the name indicates, is designed for NUnit 3. While it is able to run NUnit3 tests by use of the NUnitV2Driver extension, I don't think that will work under Visual Studio just by installing the package. You could experiment by modifying the .addins file installed along with the the adapter, but I can't give you precise instructions as I haven't tried it.
BTW, the V2 driver extension produces output in V3 format, which is probably what you want for use under Visual Studio. The V2 result writer is only needed if you have a reason to want an output file in V2 format.
I think your best bet may be to try using the last release of the NUnitTestAdapter (i.e. without '3' in the name), which only works with NUnit V2. If it will load under VS2022, it should do exactly what you want. In that case, you should stop loading the two extensions, which the V2 runner doesn't support.
I have a unit test in NUnit that call a recursive C++ function from CLI code.
The unit
public void MyTest()
bool result = new MyClass().RecursiveFunction();
As mentioned, RecursiveFunction() is a CLI function, which just call a C++ recursive function.
The unit test pass when I run it from Resharper's test explorer, however, when I try to run it from Visual Studio Test Explorer it fails due to StackOverflowException. In both cases I use x64 build & run configuration, and in both cases I use no shadow copy.
Have you check that the Test Explorer in VS Studio is on x64?
We had the exact same issue, If you are using team city and your nunit version is 2.6.4
we upgraded out nunit version into 3.9, please note nunit changed the API and the upgrade might take a few hours, and also the structure of the libraries of the nunit-console and nunit framework was changed.
Once we upgraded it to the new Nunit version it solved the issue.
I found this issue solved in the team city forums and I did upgrade nunit and it worked.
I am using Visual Studio 2013, installed FsUnit 2.2.0, which requires NUnit 3.2.1 and FSharpCore 3.1. I created a separate test project and put a testfixture and test in there. My platform is x64 Win 10. The config is for 'AnyCPU' and 'Debug'. I've tried test settings for x86 and x64. When trying to build and create tests, I get:
------ Discover test started ------
NUnit Adapter Test discovery starting
Exception NUnit.Engine.NUnitEngineException, Exception thrown discovering tests in C:\Users\Dad\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\...
Cannot run tests in process - a 32 bit process is required.
Exception NUnit.Engine.NUnitEngineException, Exception thrown discovering tests in C:\Users\Dad\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\...
Cannot run tests in process - a 32 bit process is required.
NUnit Adapter Test discovery complete
========== Discover test finished: 0 found (0:00:00.1230077) ==========
If I change the config for both the test and target projects to 'x86' (instead of AnyCPU) then the error for the base project goes away, but the same thing happens for the test project.
No tests are ever discovered, help please ... and many thanks!
You will need to remove nunit from your solution and install it again with "NUnit3TestAdapter", version 3.0.10 works.
Uninstall any NUnit software in add/remove program and in your solutions. Now using Nuget package manager (tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for solution...) remove any NUnit you have in a solution and install older version (e.g. 3.0.1). Find "NUnit3TestAdapter" and install in version 3.0.10.
I had the same problem with my .NET Core 2.0 project with NUnit 3.9 in Visual Studio 2017 and tests were not showing up in TestExplorer. Was stuck with this for quite some time. None of the solutions suggested in other related questions worked.
Then I figured out from this link that a class library with target .NET Standard does not work. The test project has to target .NET Core. Also, Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk NuGet is required.
So, the steps are
Make sure that the test project targets .NET Core
Install latest NUnit NuGet (I used 3.9)
Install corresponding NUnitAdapter NuGet (I used NUnit3Adapter)
Install Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk NuGet
Re-build and your tests will appear in Test Explorer in Visual Studio.
Note: Already added this answer to another .NET Core specific question. Adding here too, as the solution might be helpful in this scenario as well.
There is an error in NUnit 3.2.1 whereby the TestEngine assumes that it can't run a test requiring 32-bit execution in process. The assumption is always valid for NUnit's own runners, but not necessarily when the process is started by some other program. There's an issue filed about this.
We are using Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server 2010 in our project. Since, we are using Microsoft Fakes, we could have not used the started Test functionality of our Team Build 2010, I have created a build activity which invokes VSTest.Console.exe passing the test assemblies. This approach has been working well for us. However, after a recent check-in we are getting the following error when executing Vstest.console.exe
Error: An exception occurred while invoking executor 'executor://mstestadapter/v1': Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I copied the binary files to my local machine and was able to get the error again. Interestingly, we run a dev build before check-in which runs the same vstest.console.exe with the same parameters and that works correctly. I have got two folders on my machine, for one the call works fine and for other it doesn't. The compiled assemblies look same size and there aren't much differences to suggest.
I tried using Process Monitor but couldn't find anything obvious other than that the process returns with an exit code 1. Does anybody know much about this error? Is there any way I can find out more information from my test run?
We got to the bottom of the problem. We are using Entity Framework 5.0 and we also have a situation where some of our test assemblies are targeting .Net 4.0 and some are targeting .Net 4.5.
When we are trying to run the tests such that assemblies targeting different versions of .Net framework and using Entity Framework 5.0 are run in the same Test (vstest.console.exe) process, we get this error.
I think this has to do with the way Entity Framework 5.0 ships with two versions (net40 and net45). Once one version of the library is loaded in the process, the other version cannot be loaded and this caused the error.
I had the same error message just now with Visual Studio 2017 using the new MSTest.Framework and MSTest.TestAdapter (to be able to use Live Unit Testing). It turned out I was using multiple versions of those packages in my solution. Consolidating them to the latest version solved the problem.
This is what worked for me:
In Visual Studio, Test -> Test Settings -> Default Processor Architecture -> X64.
Though it might not solve everyone's issue, hope it helps some of you out there.
I have the same error specified in the subject when in the AssemblyInfo of the project is specified the AssemblyAttribute:
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("en")]
If this attribute is present, the run of the unit tests fails.
If I remove this line of code or I remove the en language, the run of the unit tests success.
An exception occurred while invoking executor 'executor://mstestadapter/v2'
I had multiple TestAdapter's and TestFramework's in my BuildAgents Folder, deleting the v1.1.11 versions fixed the issue:
This happened to me recently in VS 2019. Using NuGet to update to the latest versions of MSTest.TestAdapter and MSTest.TestFramework solved the problem for me.
I tried everything on the web to solve this exception. Finally I solved this issue by installing the Update v4 of Visual Studio 2013 (which is that I'm using currently). Hope it helps!
Deleting app.config and packages.config, if exists, and reinstalling Entity framework via nuGet packages works for me.
If I install Gallio 3.x will it also install a test runner plugin for Visual Studio?
Or must I use an additional plug-in like TestDriven.NET or Visual Nunit to run MbUnit test classes from within VS?
Install Gallio 3.1 on the dev machine. Then in VS2008, you'll have the option to create a "MbUnit v3 Test Project". This doesn't just include all of the Gallio dlls for you, it has a magic line in the project which identifies it to VS as a Test project.
You can now just use the in-built VS2008 Test runner.
If you have any existing projects with unit tests in, rather than making new projets, edit your existing project file and add the following line on line 9 (underneath the <ProjectGuid> on line 8):
(If you have a VB project, it has a different second GUID: <ProjectTypeGuids>{3AC096D0-A1C2-E12C-1390-A8335801FDAB};{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}</ProjectTypeGuids> You can find the correct values by creating a new MbUnit test project from the templates installed with Gallio and then looking at the project file (.csproj or .vbproj) in a text editor.)
Now when you reload the project, VS2008 will recognise it as a test project.
A distinct advantage that I found over using Icarus was that debugging is now far more straight forward with break points being hit as expected.
Good Luck, Lee
TestDriven.Net works really well. Gallio also supports the ReSharper unit test runner and Visual Studio test tools. We will be shipping a new release of Gallio this week with support for R# 5.0 and VS 2010.
These are instruction for running MBUnit tests in Visual Studio 2012 and above using a neat NUnit trick.
Firstly, install the NUnit Test Adapter extension (yes, NUnit)
Tools > Extension and Updates > Online > search for NUnit > install
NUnit Test Adapter.
You may need to restart the Visual Studio IDE.
Then, you simply need to add a new NUnit test attribute to your test methods. See example code here (notice the using statements at the top) ...
//C# example
using MbUnit.Framework;
using NuTest = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute;
namespace MyTests
public class UnitTest1
[Test, NuTest]
public void myTest()
//this will pass
You can run and debug the test in visual studio as NUnit and Gallio Icarus GUI Test Runner will run them as MBUnit (enabling parallel runs for example). You will need to stop Gallio from running the NUnit tests by deleting the NUnit folder in the gallio install location i.e. C:\Program Files\Gallio\bin\NUnit
Hope this helps, this is a simple working method so please vote up, many thanks.