Is the Jelastic GC agent automatically enabled for newly created "Java Engine" environments? - jelastic

The docs say that it's automatically enabled for newly created Java Application servers (e.g. Tomcat, Jetty) but is it also enabled for the Java Engine environment? I looked through the folder structure of my Java Engine environment but I couldn't see jelastic-gc-agent.jar anywhere.
If it isn't automatically enabled for the Java Engine environment, then how do I manually enable it?


How to monitor the JVM on Google App Engine Flex using Java 11

I have a Spring Boot app deployed in fat Jar running in Google App Engine Flex on a custom runtime using Java 11. I want to monitor garbage collection and other JVM metrics.
Now I assume I'll need to expose a JMX server host/port (when I start my app) and install some some sort of agent on the image.
When I view the instances dashboard under Monitoring, I see that the agent is listed as not applicable and the info says "Anthos/GKE and Dataproc VMs are Google-managed and include built-in agents" So there is I cannot install a different agent from there.
Most of the documentation keeps pointing me to the 'OpsAgent' which they explicitly say to not install/configure on GAE.
It seems that the Stand Alone Java Monitoring Plugin might be my only option, but it is deprecated.
At a previous Job, I used app dynamics which had some decent metrics that allowed me to track JVM garbage collections, heap size as well as expose and graph some information from my embedded Tomcat servers
Is this possible to do with existing GCP capabilities...and how?

Apache Karaf auto-adding library to during build?

I have a library that relies on exporting a sun.reflect package from During testing I have been manually adding this. What can I do to ensure this is automatically added within Apache Karaf?
Changes to the etc/ requires a container restart. If you are deploying this Karaf instance inside a Linux container (aka Docker), you would simply include this change as part of the linux container image build.
However, if you are deploying into a Virtual Machine environment, you'd want to make this part of your organization's custom build of Karaf. I suggest using a Maven project with the Assembly plugin to apply all your organization's changes-- ldap, security, ssl certs, etc/ etc. It would then create a new .tar.gz or .zip file that and you would deploy your app into the modified Karaf instance.
There is an example in the HYTE Runtime build here:
HYTE Runtime
Technically, you could leverage the feature deployment mechanism to deploy an updated file, but this won't cause the Karaf instance to restart.

If it possible to access AdminConfig in the Liberty Profile (non ND)

Is it possible to access AdminConfig.getid inside the WebSphere Liberty Profile (non ND), just pure Liberty profile, or even Base version?
Any particular jars needed?
The AdminConfig object is related to the wsadmin tool. According to IBM Documentation for wsadmin, it cannot be used with the Liberty profile. The wsadmin tool should be available with a full profile created under the Base version.
You can refer to this link for more information on using wsadmin. You can use the Java Management Extensions (JMX) framework to make use of the wsadmin objects using Java MBeans. Alternatively, you can use the Administration Thin Client to write your own standalone program to remotely connect to and manage WebSphere Application Servers.

Spring 4, STS 3.7 tc server 3.1.1. how to enable insights for my existing web application?

I am new to Spring framework even though i have been a java dev for quite some time. I am impressed by the spring insight application demos in you tube and want to use it in my application. How ever, when i try to create a new tc server using the instructions provided, for windows 8.1 64 bit
tcruntime-instance.bat create --template bio --template insight -i C:\workspaces\eclipses\sts\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.1.1.RELEASE\insight-instance http-insight-server-stsdeployed
When i try to add the folder created as the location of the new tc server with insight configured, using STS-> server view-> right click-> new-> server-> selected v3.0-3.1- && server-runtime env->add->browse="newly created server instance directory" it shows me below error.
The Tomcat installation directory is not valid. It is missing expected file or folder
any idea how to add a new server and run my application on it? or add spring insights to existing spring boot or spring web application thru maven or spring configuration?
Note: Even though im using STS, i would like to know how to use these instances with Eclipse or IntelliJ idea. Im on a windows 8.1 64 bit machine.
When you click "add" from your instructions, you are browsing to a new tc Server installation directory (the binaries you want to run) not the instance directory. Once you select the installation directory of the version you wish to use, you will select next in the configuration and it will give you the option to "Create instance" or use an existing instance. You will then select use an existing instance and point to your newly created instance directory.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Deployed application is available in all Worklight Consoles

I have installed IBM Worklight Server 6.0 in WAS 8.0.
I have deployed a projectA.war & projectB.war via ant script and I can access both the console with the different context root.
The problem I am facing here is, I have deployed the appA.wlapp in projectA.war via the Worklight console, the same application is available when I access the projectB.war console.
Can anyone help me to find the solution?
My only guess right now is that there is a mutual database for both projects so you see the same app in both consoles (and that too only happens w/out an error because maybe the different .war files have identical authenticationConfig.xml settings).
That is, the same database configuration is used for both projects; This configuration is either:
Part of the .war files that you deploy (in, or
Something that you configure in the Ant task script used to deploy the .war files, or
Some configuration in the application server hosting the .war files.
See documentation:
