How to read/write LAPIC Registers from Kernel Module? - linux-kernel

I'm trying to disable all Interrupts. Most of them are easy, but I have problems with the Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMIs).
To disable them, I want to manipulate the LVT Registers in the Local APIC.
Currently I am testing inside a Kernel Module, cause that's the Environment, the final code should run.
How can I read/write to the memory-mapped registers of the APIC?
I've already read many articles and everyone suggested this procedure.
I also tried to directly access the *mapped pointer, which resolves in the same result.
Instead of the foo() Function I implemented a lookup for the correct address. But according to the Intel manual and my personal inspections, the APIC always get's mapped to the physical address 0xFEE00000, which is interesting, cause I also tried the program on a Virtual Machine with 2 GB RAM.
phys_addr_t apic_base_phys = foo(); // fee00000
void __iomem *mapped = ioremap(apic_base_phys + 0x20, 0x4);
if(mapped == NULL){
printk(KERN_INFO "nullpointer\n");
} else {
uint32_t value = ioread32(mapped);
printk(KERN_INFO "Value: %x\n", value); // 0xffffffff
[ 1329.743182] apic_base_phys: fee00000
[ 1329.743198] Value: ffffffff
Address 0xFEE00020 should output the Local APIC ID, which probably not is 0xFFFFFFFF.
I also tried to read 0xFEE00030 which should output the LAPIC Version.

Got the solution by myself: On my System runs the newer x2APIC. This uses a different transfer mode.
This can be disabled by adding nox2apic to the boot options.


How can I check whether a kernel address belongs to the Linux kernel executable, and not just the core kernel text?

Coming from the Windows world, I assume that Vmlinuz is equivalent to ntoskrnl.exe, and this is the kernel executable that gets mapped in Kernel memory.
Now I want to figure out whether an address inside kernel belongs to the kernel executable or not. Is using core_kernel_text the correct way of finding this out?
Because core_kernel_text doesn't return true for some of the addresses that clearly should belong to Linux kernel executable.
For example the core_kernel_text doesn't return true when i give it the syscall entry handler address which can be found with the following code:
unsigned long system_call_entry;
rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, system_call_entry);
return (void *)system_call_entry;
And when I use this code snippet, the address of the syscall entry handler doesn't belong to the core kernel text or to any kernel module (using get_module_from_addr).
So how can an address for a handler that clearly belongs to Linux kernel executable such as syscall entry, don't belong to neither the core kernel or any kernel module? Then what does it belong to?
Which API do I need to use for these type of addresses that clearly belong to Linux kernel executable to assure me that the address indeed belongs to kernel?
I need such an API because I need to write a detection for malicious kernel modules that patch such handlers, and for now I need to make sure the address belongs to kernel, and not some third party kernel module or random kernel address. (Please do not discuss methods that can be used to bypass my detection, obviously it can be bypassed but that's another story)
The target kernel version is 4.15.0-112-generic, and is Ubuntu 16.04 as a VMware guest.
Reproducible code as requested:
typedef int(*core_kernel_text_t)(unsigned long addr);
core_kernel_text_t core_kernel_text_;
core_kernel_text_ = (core_kernel_text_t)kallsyms_lookup_name("core_kernel_text");
unsigned long system_call_entry;
rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, system_call_entry);
int isInsideCoreKernel = core_kernel_text_((unsigned long)system_call_entry);
printk("%d , 0x%pK ", isInsideCoreKernel, system_call_entry);
EDIT1: So in the MSR_LSTAR example that I gave above, it turns out that It's related to Kernel Page Table Isolation and CONFIG_RETPOLINE=y in config:
system_call value is different each time when I use rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, system_call)
And that's why I am getting the address 0xfffffe0000006000 aka SYSCALL64_entry_trampoline, the same as the question above.
So now the question remains, why this SYSCALL64_entry_trampoline address doesn't belong to anything? It doesn't belong to any kernel module, and it doesn't belong to the core kernel, so which executable this address belongs to and how can I check that with an API similar to core_kernel_text? It seems like it belongs to cpu_entry_area, but what is that and how can I check if an address belongs to that?
You are seeing this "weird" address in MSR_LSTAR (IA32_LSTAR) because of Kernel Page-Table Isolation (KPTI), which mitigates Meltdown. As other existing answers(1) you already found point out, the address you see is the one of a small trampoline (entry_SYSCALL_64_trampoline) that is dynamically remapped at boot time by the kernel for each CPU, and thus does not have an address within the kernel text.
(1)By the way, the answer linked above wrongly states that the corresponding config option for KPTI is CONFIG_RETPOLINE=y. This is wrong, the "retpoline" is a mitigation for Spectre, not Meltdown. The config to enable KPTI is CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION=y.
You don't have many options. Either:
Tell VMWare to emulate a recent CPU that is not vulnerable to Meltdown.
Detect and implement support for the KPTI trampoline.
You can implement support for this by detecting whether the kernel supports KPTI (CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION), and if so check whether current CPU has KPTI enabled. The code at kernel/cpu/bugs.c that provides information for /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/meltdown shows how this can be detected:
ssize_t cpu_show_meltdown(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
if (!boot_cpu_has_bug(X86_BUG_CPU_MELTDOWN))
return sprintf(buf, "Not affected\n");
if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PTI))
return sprintf(buf, "Mitigation: PTI\n");
return sprintf(buf, "Vulnerable\n");
The actual trampoline is set up at boot and its address is stored in each CPU's "entry area" for later use (e.g. here when setting up IA32_LSTAR). This answer on Unix & Linux SE explains the purpose of the cpu entry area and its relation to KPTI.
In your module you can do the following detection:
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/kallsyms.h>
#include <asm/msr-index.h>
#include <asm/msr.h>
#include <asm/cpufeature.h>
#include <asm/cpu_entry_area.h>
// ...
typedef int(*core_kernel_text_t)(unsigned long addr);
core_kernel_text_t core_kernel_text_;
bool syscall_entry_64_ok(void)
unsigned long entry;
rdmsrl(MSR_LSTAR, entry);
if (core_kernel_text_(entry))
return true;
if (this_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_PTI)) {
int cpu = smp_processor_id();
unsigned long trampoline = (unsigned long)get_cpu_entry_area(cpu)->entry_trampoline;
if ((entry & PAGE_MASK) == trampoline)
return true;
return false;
static int __init modinit(void)
core_kernel_text_ = (core_kernel_text_t)kallsyms_lookup_name("core_kernel_text");
if (!core_kernel_text_)
pr_info("syscall_entry_64_ok() -> %d\n", syscall_entry_64_ok());
return 0;

Replace HW interrupt in flat memory mode with DOS32/A

I have a question about how to replace HW interrupt in flat memory mode...
about my application...
created by combining Watcom C and DOS32/A.
written for running on DOS mode( not on OS mode )
with DOS32/A now I can access >1M memory and allocate large memory to use...(running in flat memory mode !!!)
current issue...
I want to write an ISR(interrupt service routine) for one PCI card. Thus I need to "replace" the HW interrupt.
Ex. the PCI card's interrupt line = 0xE in DOS. That means this device will issue interrupt via 8259's IRQ 14.
But I did not how to achieve my goal to replace this interrupt in flat mode ?
# resource I found...
- in watcom C's library, there is one sample using _dos_getvect, _dos_setvect, and _chain_intr to hook INT 0x1C...
I tested this code and found OK. But when I apply it to my case: INT76 ( where IRQ 14 is "INT 0x76" <- (14-8) + 0x70 ) then nothing happened...
I checked HW interrupt is generated but my own ISR did not invoked...
Do I lose something ? or are there any functions I can use to achieve my goal ?
I tried to use DPMI calls 0x204 and 0x205 and found MyISR() is still not invoked. I described what I did as below and maybe you all can give me some suggestions !
1) Use inline assembly to implement DPMI calls 0x204 and 0x205 and test OK...
Ex. Use DPMI 0x204 to show the interrupt vectors of 16 IRQs and I get(selector:offset) following results: 8:1540(INT8),8:1544(INT9),.....,8:1560(INT70),8:1564(INT71),...,8:157C(INT77)
Ex. Use DPMI 0x205 to set the interrupt vector for IRQ14(INT76) and returned CF=0, indicating successful
2) Create my own ISR MyISR() as follows:
volatile int tick=0; // global and volatile...
void MyISR(void)
tick = 5; // simple code to change the value of tick...
3) Set new interrupt vector by DPMI call 0x205:
selector = FP_SEG(MyISR); // selector = 0x838 here
offset = FP_OFF(MyISR); // offset = 0x30100963 here
sts = DPMI_SetIntVector(0x76, selector, offset, &out_ax);
Then sts = 0(CF=0) indicating successful !
One strange thing here is:my app runs in flat memory model and I think the selector should be 0 for MyISR()... But if selector = 0 for DPMI call 0x205 then I got CF=1 and AX = 0x8022, indicating "invalid selector" !
4) Let HW interrupt be generated and the evidences are:
PCI device config register 0x5 bit2(Interrupt Disabled) = 0
PCI device config register 0x6 bit3(Interrupt status) = 1
PCI device config register 0x3C/0x3D (Interrupt line) = 0xE/0x2
In DOS the interrupt mode is PIC mode(8259 mode) and Pin-based(MSIE=0)
5) Display the value of tick and found it is still "0"...
Thus I think MyISR() is not invoked correctly...
Try using DPMI Function 0204h and 0205h instead of '_dos_getvect' and '_dos_setvect', respectively.
The runtime environment of your program is DOS32A or a DPMI Server/host. So use the api they provided instead of using DOS int21h facilities. But DOS32A does intercepts int21h interrupts, so your code should work fine, as far as real mode is concerned.
Actually what you did is you install only real mode interrupt handler for IRQ14 by using '_dos_getvect' and '_dos_setvect' functions.
By using the DPMI functions instead, you install protected mode interrupt handler for IRQ14, and DOS32a will autopassup IRQ14 interrupt to this protected mode handler.
Recall: A dos extender/DPMI server can be in protected mode or real mode while an IRQ is asserted.
This is becoz your application uses some DOS or BIOS API, so extender needs to switch to real mode to execute them and the return back to protected mode to transfer control to you protected mode application.
DOS32a does this by allocating a real-mode callback (at least for hardware interrupts) which calls your protected mode handler if IRQ14 is asserted while the Extender is in real-mode.
If the extender is in protected mode, while IRQ14 is asserted, it will automatically transfer control to your IRQ14 handler.
But if you didn't install protected mode handler for your IRQ, then DOS32a, will not allocate any real-mode callback, and your real-mode irq handler may not get control.
But it should recieve control AFAIK.
Anyway give the above two functions a try. And do chain to the previous int76h interrupt handler as Sean said.
In short:
In case of DOS32a, you need not use '_dos_getvect' and '_dos_setvect' functions. Instead use the DPMI functions 0204h and 0205h for installing your protected mode IRQ handler.
An advise : In your interrupt handler the first step should be to check whether your device actually generated interrupt or it is some other device sharing this irq(IRQ14 in your case). You can do this by checking a 'interrupt pending bit' in your device, if it is set, service your device and chain to next handler. If it is not set to 1, simply chain to next handler.
Use the latest version of DOS32a, instead of one that comes with OW.
Update on 2012-08-14:
Yes, you can use FP_SEG and FP_OFF macros for obtaining selector and offset respectively, just like you would use these macros in real modes to get segment and offset.
You can also use MK_FP macro to create far pointers from selector and offset. eg.
MK_FP(selector, offset).
You should declare your interrupt handler with ' __interrupt ', keyword when writing handlers in C.
Here is a snippet:
#include <i86.h> /* for FP_OFF, FP_SEG, and MK_FP in OW */
/* C Prototype for your IRQ handler */
void __interrupt __far irqHandler(void);
irq_selector = (unsigned short)FP_SEG( &irqHandler );
irq_offset = (unsigned long)FP_OFF( &irqHandler );
__dpmi_SetVect( intNum, irq_selector, irq_offset );
or, try this:
extern void sendEOItoMaster(void);
# pragma aux sendEOItoMaster = \
"mov al, 0x20" \
"out 0x20, al" \
modify [eax] ;
extern void sendEOItoSlave(void);
# pragma aux sendEOItoSlave = \
"mov al, 0x20" \
"out 0xA0, al" \
modify [eax] ;
unsigned int old76_selector, new76_selector;
unsigned long old76_offset, new76_offset;
volatile int chain = 1; /* Chain to the old handler */
volatile int tick=0; // global and volatile...
void (__interrupt __far *old76Handler)(void) = NULL; // function pointer declaration
void __interrupt __far new76Handler(void) {
tick = 5; // simple code to change the value of tick...
if( chain ){
// disable irqs if enabled above.
_chain_intr( old76Handler ); // 'jumping' to the old handler
// ( *old76Handler )(); // 'calling' the old handler
__dpmi_GetVect( 0x76, &old76_selector, &old76_offset );
old76Handler = ( void (__interrupt __far *)(void) ) MK_FP (old76_selector, old76_offset)
new76_selector = (unsigned int)FP_SEG( &new76Handler );
new76_offset = (unsigned long)FP_OFF( &new76Handler );
__dpmi_SetVect( 0x76, new76_selector, new76_offset );
You should first double check that the IRQ# you are hooking is really assigned/mapped to the interrupt pin of your concerned PCI device. IOWs, first read 'Interrupt Line register' (NOT Interrupt Pin register) from PCI configuration space, and hook only that irq#. The valid values for this register, in your case are: 0x00 through 0x0F inclusive, with 0x00 means IRQ0 and 0x01 means IRQ1 and so on.
POST/BIOS code writes a value in 'Interrupt Line register', while booting, and you MUST NOT modify this register at any cost.(of course, unless you are dealing with interrupt routing issues which an OS writer will deal with)
You should also get and save the selector and offset of the old handler by using DPMI call 0204h, in case you are chaining to old handler. If not, don't forget to send EOI(End-of-interrupt) to BOTH master and slave PICs in case you hooked an IRQ belonging to slave PIC(ie INT 70h through 77h, including INT 0Ah), and ONLY to master PIC in case you hooked an IRQ belonging to master PIC.
In flat model, the BASE address is 0 and Limit is 0xFFFFF, with G bit(ie Granularity bit) = 1.
The base and limit(along with attribute bits(e.g G bit) of a segment) reside in the descriptor corresponding to a particular segment. The descriptor itself, sits in the descriptor table.
Descriptor tables are an array with each entry being 8bytes.
The selector is merely a pointer(or an index) to the 8-byte descriptor entry, in the Descriptor table(either GDT or LDT). So a selector CAN'T be 0.
Note that lowest 3 bits of 16-bit selector have special meaning, and only the upper 13-bits are used to index a descriptor entry from a descriptor table.
GDT = Global Descriptor Table
LDT = Local Descriptor Table
A system can have only one GDT, but many LDTs.
As entry number 0 in GDT, is reserved and can't be used. AFAIK, DOS32A, does not create any LDT for its applications, instead it simply allocate and initalize descriptor entries corresponding to the application, in GDT itself.
Selector MUST not be 0, as x86 architecture regards 0 selector as invalid, when you try to access memory with that selector; though you can successfully place 0 in any segment register, it is only when you try to access(read/write/execute) that segment, the cpu generates an exception.
In case of interrupt handlers, the base address need not be 0, even in case of flat mode.
The DPMI environment must have valid reasons for doing this so.
After all, you still need to tackle segmentation at some level in x86 architecture.
PCI device config register 0x5 bit2(Interrupt Disabled) = 0
PCI device config register 0x6 bit3(Interrupt status) = 1
I think, you mean Bus master command and status registers respectively. They actually reside in either I/O space or memory space, but NOT in PCI configuration space.
So you can read/write them directly via IN/OUT or MOV, instructions.
For reading/writing, PCI configuration registers you must use configuration red/write methods or PCI BIOS routines.
Many PCI disk controllers, have a bit called 'Interrupt enable/disable' bit. The register
that contains this bit is usually in the PCI configuration space, and can be found from the datasheet.
Actually, this setting is for "forwarding" the interrupt generated by the device attached to the PCI controller, to the PCI bus.
If, interrupts are disabled via this bit, then even if your device(attached to PCI controller) is generating the interrupt, the interrupt will NOT be forwarded to the PCI bus(and hence cpu will never know if interrupt occurred), but the interrupt bit(This bit is different from 'Interrupt enable/disable' bit) in PCI controller is still set to notify that the device(attached to PCI controller, eg a hard disk) generated an interrupt, so that the program can read this bit and take appropriate actions. It is similar to polling, from programming perspective.
This usually apply only for non-bus master transfers.
But, it seems that you are using bus master transfers(ie DMA), so it should not apply in your case.
But anyway, I would suggest you do read the datasheet of the PCI controller carefully, especially looking for bits/registers related to interrupt handling
Well, as far as application level programming is concerned, you need not encounter/use _far pointers, as your program will not access anything outside to your code.
But this is not completely true, when you go to system-level programming, you need to access memory mapped device registers, external ROM, or implementing interrupt handlers, etc.
The story changes here. The creation of a segment ie allocating descriptor and getting its associated selector, ensures that even if there is a bug in code, it will not annoyingly change anything external to that particular segment from which current code is executing. If it tries to do so, cpu will generate a fault. So when accessing external devices(especially memory mapped device's registers), or accessing some rom data, eg BIOS etc., it is a good idea to have allocate a descriptor and set the base and segment limits according to the area you need to execute/read/write and proceed. But you are not bound to do so.
Some external code residing for eg in rom, assume that they will be invoked with a far call.
As I said earlier, in x86 architecture, at some level(the farther below you go) you need to deal with segmentation as there is no way to disable it completely.
But in flat model, segmentation is present as an aid to programmer, as I said above, when accessing external(wrt to your program) things. But you need not use if you don't desire to do so.
When an interrupt handler is invoked, it doesn't know the base and limits of program that was interrupted. It doesn't know the segment attributes, limits etc. of the interrupted program, we say except CS and EIP all registers are in undefined state wrt interrupt handler. So it is needed to be declared as far function to indicate that it resides somewhere external to currently executing program.
it's been a while since I fiddled with interrupts, but the table is a pointer to set where the processor should go to to process an interrupt. I can give you the process, but not code, as I only ever used 8086 code.
Pseudo code:
Get current vector - store value
Set vector to point to the entry point of your routine
Process Interrupt:
Your code decides what to do with data
If it's your data:
process it, and return
If not:
jump to the stored vector that we got during initialize,
and let the chain of interrupts continue as they normally would
Program End:
check to see if interrupt still points to your code
if yes, set vector back to the saved value
if no, set beginning of your code to long jump to vector address you saved,
or set a flag that lets your program not process anything

Help with APIC functions in Linux

I'm trying to play around with the local APIC functions in the linux kernel, but I am having some issues. I want to try to send a Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI) to all of the processors on my system (I am using a Intel i7 Q740). First I read the documentation in Intel's Software Developer's Manual Volume 3 related to the APIC functions. It states that interrupts can be broadcast to all processors through the use of the Interrupt Command Register (ICR) located at address 0xFEE00300. So I wrote a kernel module with the following init function to try to write to this register:
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#define SUCCESS 0
#define ICR_ADDRESS 0xFEE00300
#define ICR_PROGRAM 0x000C4C89
static int icr_init(void){
int * ICR = (int *)ICR_ADDRESS;
printk(KERN_ALERT "Programing ICR\n");
return SUCCESS;
static void icr_exit(void){
printk(KERN_ALERT "Removing ICR Programing module removed");
However, when I insmod this module the kernel crashes and complains about being unable to handle the paging request # address 00000000fee00300. Looking under /proc/iomem I see that this address is in a ranged marked as "reserved"
fee00000-fee00fff : reserved
I've also tried using the functions under :
static inline void __default_local_send_IPI_allbutself(int vector)
but the kernel is still throwing "unable to handle paging request" messages and crashing. Does anyone have any suggestions? Why is this memory range marked as "reserved" and not marked as being used by the local APIC? Thanks in advance.
The APIC address is a physical memory address, but you are trying to access it as a linear memory address - that's why your first approach doesn't work. The memory is marked as "reserved" precisely because it belongs to the APIC, rather than real memory.
You should use the internal kernel functions. To do so, you should include <asm/apic.h> and use:

How to get a struct page from any address in the Linux kernel

I have existing code that takes a list of struct page * and builds a descriptor table to share memory with a device. The upper layer of that code currently expects a buffer allocated with vmalloc or from user space, and uses vmalloc_to_page to obtain the corresponding struct page *.
Now the upper layer needs to cope with all kinds of memory, not just memory obtained through vmalloc. This could be a buffer obtained with kmalloc, a pointer inside the stack of a kernel thread, or other cases that I'm not aware of. The only guarantee I have is that the caller of this upper layer must ensure that the memory buffer in question is mapped in kernel space at that point (i.e. it is valid to access buffer[i] for all 0<=i<size at this point). How do I obtain a struct page* corresponding to an arbitrary pointer?
Putting it in pseudo-code, I have this:
lower_layer(struct page*);
upper_layer(void *buffer, size_t size) {
for (addr = buffer & PAGE_MASK; addr <= buffer + size; addr += PAGE_SIZE) {
struct page *pg = vmalloc_to_page(addr);
and I now need to change upper_layer to cope with any valid buffer (without changing lower_layer).
I've found virt_to_page, which Linux Device Drivers indicates operates on “a logical address, [not] memory from vmalloc or high memory”. Furthermore, is_vmalloc_addr tests whether an address comes from vmalloc, and virt_addr_valid tests if an address is a valid virtual address (fodder for virt_to_page; this includes kmalloc(GFP_KERNEL) and kernel stacks). What about other cases: global buffers, high memory (it'll come one day, though I can ignore it for now), possibly other kinds that I'm not aware of? So I could reformulate my question as:
What are all the kinds of memory zones in the kernel?
How do I tell them apart?
How do I obtain page mapping information for each of them?
If it matters, the code is running on ARM (with an MMU), and the kernel version is at least 2.6.26.
I guess what you want is a page table walk, something like (warning, not actual code, locking missing etc):
struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
pte = *pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
page = pte_page(pte);
But you you should be very very careful with this. the kmalloc address you got might very well be not page aligned for example. This sounds like a very dangerous API to me.
Mapping Addresses to a struct page
There is a requirement for Linux to have a fast method of mapping virtual addresses to physical addresses and for mapping struct pages to their physical address. Linux achieves this by knowing where, in both virtual and physical memory, the global mem_map array is because the global array has pointers to all struct pages representing physical memory in the system. All architectures achieve this with very similar mechanisms, but, for illustration purposes, we will only examine the x86 carefully.
Mapping Physical to Virtual Kernel Addresses
any virtual address can be translated to the physical address by simply subtracting PAGE_OFFSET, which is essentially what the function virt_to_phys() with the macro __pa() does:
/* from <asm-i386/page.h> */
132 #define __pa(x) ((unsigned long)(x)-PAGE_OFFSET)
/* from <asm-i386/io.h> */
76 static inline unsigned long virt_to_phys(volatile void * address)
77 {
78 return __pa(address);
79 }
Obviously, the reverse operation involves simply adding PAGE_OFFSET, which is carried out by the function phys_to_virt() with the macro __va(). Next we see how this helps the mapping of struct pages to physical addresses.
There is one exception where virt_to_phys() cannot be used to convert virtual addresses to physical ones. Specifically, on the PPC and ARM architectures, virt_to_phys() cannot be used to convert addresses that have been returned by the function consistent_alloc(). consistent_alloc() is used on PPC and ARM architectures to return memory from non-cached for use with DMA.
What are all the kinds of memory zones in the kernel? <---see here
For user-space allocated memory, you want to use get_user_pages, which will give you the list of pages associated with the malloc'd memory, and also increment their reference counter (you'll need to call page_cache_release on each page once done with them.)
For vmalloc'd pages, vmalloc_to_page is your friend, and I don't think you need to do anything.
For 64 bit architectures, the answer of gby should be adapted to:
pgd_t * pgd;
pmd_t * pmd;
pte_t * pte;
struct page *page = NULL;
pud_t * pud;
void * kernel_address;
pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
pud = pud_offset(pgd, address);
pmd = pmd_offset(pud, address);
pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
page = pte_page(*pte);
// mapping in kernel memory:
kernel_address = kmap(page);
// work with kernel_address....
You could try virt_to_page. I am not sure it is what you want, but at least it is somewhere to start looking.

Looking for an explanation of kernel driver I/O interface capability

I am looking at ways of interfacing to specific hardware I/O addresses from various Windows versions from 32-bit XP up 64-bit Win7 and beyond. There seem to be various solutions published with varying degrees of capability under different Windows versions and I am trying to understand the possibilities for creating my own kernel driver. The most basic kernal I/O R/W capability seems to be the direct I/O operations such as READ_PORT_UCHAR and WRITE_PORT_UCHAR (and their word and long derivatives). I have also seen the technique below which I dont understand, appearing to be some memory mapping capability of which I have no experience and can find little readable documentation. Could someone comment on the suitability / compatibility of READ_PORT_UCHAR / WRITE_PORT_UCHAR versus this mapping technique that I reproduce below please?
Thanks in advance.
if (dwInBufLen==sizeof(PHYMEM_MEM) && dwOutBufLen==sizeof(PVOID))
PVOID pvk, pvu;
//get mapped kernel address
pvk=MmMapIoSpace(phyAddr, pMem->dwSize, MmNonCached);
if (pvk)
//allocate mdl for the mapped kernel address
PMDL pMdl=IoAllocateMdl(pvk, pMem->dwSize, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pMdl)
//build mdl and map to user space
pvu=MmMapLockedPages(pMdl, UserMode);
//insert mapped infomation to list
NonPagedPool, sizeof(MAPINFO));
PushEntryList(&lstMapInfo, &pMapInfo->link);
DebugPrint("Map physical 0x%x to virtual 0x%x, size %u", \
pMem->pvAddr, pvu, pMem->dwSize);
RtlCopyMemory(pSysBuf, &pvu, sizeof(PVOID));
//allocate mdl error, unmap the mapped physical memory
MmUnmapIoSpace(pvk, pMem->dwSize);
What are these I/O ports that you're trying to access? It's generally a Really Bad Idea to go partying on ports that you don't own because you have no way of synchronizing access to those ports with the driver that owns them, the O/S, or the BIOS (it's possible to take an SMI and have the BIOS start talking to ports that it thinks it owns).
The code snippet provided is also a horribly bad idea and should be burned. Basically, all it's doing is mapping a kernel virtual address to a device register (MmMapIoSpace) and then doing the work to then map that device register into user mode (MmMapLockedPages). There are two obvious problems with it:
1) You don't know the caching attributes of the memory, so randomly specifying MmNonCached can hang the system
2) Same as with I/O ports, you can't just arbitrarily access a device's registers. You can't properly synchronize yourself with the driver that owns them, so you're doomed to eventually borking your system.
