Attaching many to many relations while still binding to created event - laravel

So I've run into this issue a few times and now I've decided that I want to find a better solution.
For examples sake, I have two models, Order & Product. There is a many to many relation so that an order can have multiple products and a product can of course have multiple orders. Table structure looks like the below -
more fields...
more fields...
So when an order is created I run the following -
$order = Order::create($request->validated())
So this creates an order and attaches the relevant products to it.
However, I want to use an observer, to determine when the order is created and send out and perform related tasks off the back (send an order confirmation email, etc.) The problem being, at the time the order created observer is triggered, the products aren't yet attached.
Is there any way to do the above, establishing all the many to many relationships and creating the order at the same time so I can access linked products within the Order created observer?
Use case 1
AJAX call hits PUT /api/order which in turn calls Order::place() method. Once an order is created, an email is sent to the customer who placed the order. Now I could just put an event dispatch within this method that in turn triggers the email send but this just feels a bit hacky.
public static function place (SubmitOrderRequest $request)
$order = Order::create($request->validated());
return $order;
Use case 2
I'm feature testing to make sure that an email is sent when an order is created. Now, this test passes (and email sends work), but it's unable to output the linked products at this point in execution.
* #test
public function an_email_is_sent_on_order_creation()

I think the solution to your problem could be transaction events as provided by this package from fntneves.
Personally, I stumbled upon the idea of transactional events for another reason. I had the issue that my business logic required the execution of some queued jobs after a specific entity had been created. Because my entities got created in batches within a transaction, it was possible that an event was fired (and the corresponding event listener was queued), although the transaction was rolled back because of an error shortly after. The result were queued listeners that always failed.
Your scenario seems comparable to me as you don't want to execute your event listeners immediately due to missing data which is only attached after the model was actually created. For this reason, I suggest wrapping your order creation and all other tasks that manipulate the order within a transaction. Combined with the usage of said package, you can then fire the model created event as the actual event listener will only be called after the transaction has been committed. The code for all this basically comes down to what you already described:
DB::transaction(function() {
$order = Order::create($request->validated());
In your model, you'd simply define an OrderCreated event or use an observer as suggested in the other answer:
class Order
protected $dispatchesEvents = [
'created' => OrderCreated::class,
class OrderCreated implements TransactionalEvent
public $order;
* Create a new event instance.
* #param \App\Order $order
* #return void
public function __construct(Order $order)
$this->order = $order;

You can redefine boot method in your model, if product ids is static
class Order extends Eloquent {
protected static function boot() {
static::saving(function ($user) {
Or use observers
class OrderObserver
public function created($model)
And register this
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
Order::observe(new OrderObserver());


Laravel broadcasting - use job ID as an 'order' property

I want to send some sort of (unique, auto-incrementing) number as part of the payload of an event - so that the consumer can, for example, know it should ignore an 'updated' event if the event is older than a previous 'update' event it received.
I see I can add a broadcastWith method to my event, where I could add such a number, which I'm storing in some table.
But, I don't really need to create a new number. The ID of the job in the jobs table will work just fine. So, how can I make Laravel automatically add a property, say order, to this event before it is broadcast and make the value of order to id column from the jobs table? Is there a way to get it in the broadcastWith method?
I had previously thought of using a timestamp as the 'order' but of course that won't help me or the consumer when two events have been created in a short-a timeframe as a computer can create two events.
Looks like I haven't worded it well and people are confused as to what I'm looking for. In hindsight, I shouldn't of added the criteria that it must be the job id that gets included in the payload. The main thing I'm after is a unique, auto-incrementing ID in each broadcast event. For example, I have an UserUpdated event. Say the a user is updated twice - my SPA that is consuming the events needs to know which event is the newer one, otherwise the SPA might display outdated info. If the events are delivered sequentially, then this problem won't happen. But, especially as I'm relying on a third-party service (Pusher) to deliver the events to the SPA, I don't want to assume / trust that the events will always be delivered in the same order they were sent to Pusher.
Hi such a nice requirement, i have been working on a POCO and here are some snippets, you do not need broadcast at all. Of course you need to have the queue worker up and running
Running The Queue Worker
On your order controller, i guess you need the update method to dispatch the job before commiting.
function update(Request $req)
$data= Order::find($req->id);
$data->amount=$req->amount; //example field
Important: Why before commit and not after commit: Setting the after_commit configuration option to true will also cause any queued event listeners, mailables, notifications, and broadcast events to be dispatched after all open database transactions have been committed.
Your PostUpdateOrderJob class
namespace App\Jobs;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use App\Models\Order;
use Throwable;
class PostUpdateOrderJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
* The number of times the job may be attempted.
* #var int
public $tries = 25;
* The maximum number of unhandled exceptions to allow before failing.
* #var int
public $maxExceptions = 3;
protected $order;
* Create a new job instance.
* #return void
public function __construct(Order $order)
* Execute the job.
* #return void
public function handle()
public function failed(Throwable $exception)
// Send user notification of failure, etc...
//Several options on link below
Well php has a function called time() which returns the current unix time in seconds, so you can just use that in your broadcast event.
In your broadcast event, you can add this time to the public class properties, which would then be available through the event payload:
class MyBroadcastEvent implements ShouldBroadcast
public $time;
public function __construct()
$this->time = time();
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you need, your question is kind of confusing to be honest.

Laravel Nova - Save multiple rows to database on create

I'm converting a Laravel app that was using Backpack across to Laravel Nova.
One of my models Images allows the user to add multiple images with a base set of information from the initial form. The form in this instance asks how many images are in the series via a dropdown and then has a number of relevant fields that will be used for all of the new images being added. When saving, in the controller, I'm using the following eloquent feature to run a number of tasks and insert the required number of rows:
public function store(StoreRequest $request){
//Get some info
//Make some tweaks
//Use for loop to save multiple records
for ($k = 0; $k < $addim; $k++){
//Do some stuff
This works perfectly and inserts however many records are required.
In Laravel Nova, I can't see a way to use this same approach. Using an event listener in the model doesn't seem like the right way to save multiple records and I can't find any reference to a controller function I can use to achieve this.
I would really appreciate some thoughts and guidance on the best way to complete this part.
If someone has stumbled upon this type of problem.
You can use Laravel Observers.
In order to restrict the event to be fired only when resource is created and only using nova you can declare Observer in NovaServiceProvider.php as follows
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
Nova::serving(function () {
Above code will only be triggered when your image object is modified using nova system only.
For ref Observer code will look like following
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Models\Document;
class ImageObserver
* Handle the Image "created" event.
* #param \App\Models\Image $image
* #return void
public function created(Image $image)
//logic to create multiple records
You can use the saving event in an observable

Broadcasting eloquent events using observers

Currently I am using observers to handle some stuff after creation and updating of my models.
I want to update my app by making it real-time using laravel-echo but I am not able to find documentation regarding the use of laravel-echo in combination with observers (instead of events).
You can use events and their broadcast functionality in combination with their respective listeners to get this functionality but I like the more clean code of observers (less "magic").
Looking at the code of the laravel framework I can see that the observable still uses eloquent events so I do suspect that there is a way to broadcast these.
So my question: is there a way to broadcast eloquent events using laravel-echo without creating individual events or manually adding broadcast statements on every event?
Interesting question! We can create a reusable, general-purpose observer that broadcasts events fired from the models that it observes. This removes the need to create individual events for each scenario, and we can continue to use existing observers:
class BroadcastingModelObserver
public function created(Model $model)
event(new BroadcastingModelEvent($model, 'created'));
public function updated(Model $model) { ... }
public function saved(Model $model) { ... }
public function deleted(Model $model) { ... }
class BroadcastingModelEvent implements ShouldBroadcast
public $model;
public $eventType;
public function __construct(Model $model, $eventType)
$this->model = $model;
$this->eventType = $eventType;
public function broadcastOn() { ... }
Then, simply instruct the observer to observe any models that you need to broadcast events to Echo for:
As you know, multiple observers can observe the same model. This is a very simple example. We can do a lot of neat things with this pattern. For instance, we could declare which attributes we want to broadcast on each model and configure the event to filter out any that the model doesn't explicitly allow. Each model might also declare the channel that the event publishes to or the type of events that it should broadcast.
Alternatively, we could broadcast the event from your existing observers, but it sounds like you want to avoid adding these statements to each one.

Observe customer account verification event in Magento

Is there a way to catch the event when the customer verifies it's account? I need this feature to enable user's access to other integrated subsystem
Since confirmAction() doesnt seem to fire any events in
You could do either
Overriding Frontend Core Controllers to create you own event using Mage::dispatchEvent() or add code directly to confirmAction in AccountController.php
Use #Pavel Novitsky answer but you may need to check that you are on the confirm account controller or check for the changing of email verification flag, because this event will trigger every time a customer information is change/updated
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName() == '....account_confirm'){
$customer = $observer->getCustomer();
Every model has standard load_before, load_after, save_before, save_after, etc. events. Look at the Mage_Core_Model_Abstract to get the list of all predefined events.
For customers you can use customer_save_after event. In observer check original data vs new data:
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$customer = $observer->getCustomer();
$orig_active_flag = $custoner->getOrigData('is_active');
$new_active_flag = $customer->getData('is_active');
// do something here …
return $this;
Even you can create your own event after customer vefication using below code.
Mage::dispatchEvent('Yuor_Unique_Event_Name', array());
Now using this event you can do anything you want.

preUpdate and postUpdate events not triggered on Doctrine 2

I have followed the instructions from this tutorial:, and have created a simple listener, that listens for events dispatched by Doctrine on insert or update of an entity. The preInsert and the postInsert events work fine and are dispatched on the creation of a new entity. However, preUpdate and postUpdate are never called on the update of the entity no matter what. The same goes for onFlush. As a side note, I have a console generated controller that supports the basic CRUD operations, and have left it untouched.
Below are some code snippets to demonstrate the way I am doing this.
class: City\AnnotatorBundle\Listener\AnnotationListener
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postUpdate}
Listener implementation (I have omitted the other functions and left only the postUpdate for simplicity purposes)
class AnnotationListener
public function postUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
echo $entity->getId();
The entity id is never displayed, and the script continues its execution until it is complete, despite the die at the end of the function.
Did you forget to add #HasLifecycleCallbacks annotaion? You could use #PreUpdate annotation and skip service definition altogether.
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class YouEntity
* #ORM\PrePersist()
* #ORM\PreUpdate()
public function preUpdate(){
// .... your pre-update logic here
In my opinion this way of attaching events is much easier as you don't have to define new services and listeners explicitly. Also you have direct access to data being updated as this method is locations within your entity.
Now, drawback is that you mix logic with your model and that's something that should be avoided if possible...
You can read more about Lifecycle callbacks here:
