Running Linux Shell on AIX - shell

I tried to execute a shell script on AIX and it failed because some declaration/instructions (like readarray, array declaration, date command with specific args etc) from shell is not recognized in ksh
I would like to execute this linux script on AIX without rewrite the entire script in ksh.
I tried to run the script using different shebang like #!/usr/bin/env bash or #!/bin/sh but AIX seems still running it through ksh.
Would someone have a solution to run linux shell on AIX ?
« AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications » seems provide to execute linux shell on AIX.
Could someone confirm me this information ?
How can I check if AIX Toolbox is already install on the AIX server ? (i don’t have the administration right on this server)
How to execute AIX Toolbox to run shell script ?
Thanks in advance for your help

As you can see from the link you can install AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications and you will have bash. Also you can download only this package and install it.
After install you can exec bash as any other program in your OS.
But in generally you can reach a lot of challenges when try to run linux script on AIX or HP-UX.

You can use bash! Need to install yum from here. Once yum is installed it will auto-install bash package.
Put in a temporary empty folder, untar it and install all RPMs: rpm -Uvh *.rpm.
Edit /etc/security/login.cfg anb and "/usr/bin/bash" in the end:
shells = /bin/sh,/bin/bsh,/bin/csh,/bin/ksh,/bin/tsh,/bin/ksh93,/usr/bin
Add path /usr/bin/bash to /etc/shells:
# echo “/usr/bin/bash” >> /etc/shells
Change shell to se bash:
# chuser shell=/usr/bin/bash root
Create a new .bash_profile inside root's home with:
# .bash_profile
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
PS1="[\u#\h \w]\$ "
export PS1
Login with root and you see something like this:
[root#aixserver ~]#


How to launch WSL as if I've logged in?

I have a WSL Ubuntu distro that I've set up so that when I login 4 services start working, including a web API that I can test via Swagger to verify it is up and working.
I'm at the point where what I want to do now is start WSL via a script - that is, launch my distro, have all of the services start, and do it from Python. The problem is I cannot even figure out the correct syntax to get WSL to start from PowerShell in a manner where my services start.
Side note: "services" != systemctl (or similar) calls, but just executing bash CLI commands from either my .bashrc or .profile at login.
I've put the commands to execute in .profile & .bashrc. I've configured it both for root execution and non-root user execution. I've taken the commands out of those 2 files and put it into a script in the Windows file system that I pass in on the start of wsl. And I've put that shell script in the WSL file system as well. Nothing seems to work, and sometimes the distro starts and then stops after about 30 seconds.
Some of the PS CLI commands I've tried:
Start-Job -ScriptBlock{ wsl -d distro -u root }
Start-Job -ScriptBlock{ wsl -d distro -u root 'bash -i -l -c /root/bin/'
Start-Job -ScriptBlock{ wsl -d distro -u root 'bash -i -l -c .\'
wsl -d distro -u root -- bash -i -l -c /root/bin/
wsl -d distro -u root -- bash -i -l -c .\
wsl -d distro -u root -- /root/bin/
Permutations of the above that I've tried: replace root with my default login, and turning all of the Start-Job bash options into a comma-separated list of single-quoted strings (Ex: 'bash', '-i', '-l', ... ). Nothing I launch from the CLI will allow me access to the web API that is supposed to be hosted on my distro.
Any advice on what to try next?
Not necessarily an answer here as much as troubleshooting tips which will hopefully lead to an answer:
First, most of the forms that you are using seem to be correct. The only ones that absolutely shouldn't work are those that attempt to run the script from the Windows filesystem.
Make sure that you have a shebang line starting your script. I'm assuming you do, but other readers may come across this as well. For the moment, try this form:
#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -li
That's going to have the same effect as the bash -li you tried -- It will source both both interactive startup files such as ~/.bashrc as well as login profiles such as ~/.bash_profile (and /etc/profile.d/*, etc.).
Note that preferably, you won't need the -li. Best practice would be to move anything necessary for the services over from the startup scripts to your script, and avoid parsing the profile and rc. I need to go update some of my answers, since I just realized I've been guilty of giving some potentially bad advice ...
Specifically, though, I'm wondering if your interactive Bash config has something truly, well, "interactive" in it that might be preventing the automatic running of the script itself. Again, best practice would be for ~/.bashrc to only hold configuration that is needed for interactive shell sessions.
Make sure the script is set as executable (chmod +x Again, I'm assuming this is the case for you.
With a shebang line and an executable script, use something like:
wsl -d distro -u root -e /root/bin/
The -e tells WSL to launch the script directly. Since it has a shebang line, it will be parsed by Bash. Most of the other forms you use above actually run Bash twice - Once when launching WSL and another when it finds the shebang line in the script.
Try some basic troubleshooting for your script like:
Add set -x to the top (right under the shebang line) to turn on script debugging.
Add a ps -efH at the end to show the processes that are running when the script completes
If needed, resort to quick-and-dirty echo statements to show where things have progressed in the script.
I'm hopeful that the above will at least show you the problem, but if not, add the debugging info that you gain from this to your question, and we can troubleshoot further.

How to execute Linux bash command in Apache NiFi in Windows 10

I use NiFi on Windows 10 machine with installed Linux subsystem (Ubuntu).
My task is to execute bash scripts and commands using NiFi. I tried to use ExecuteProcess and ExecuteStreamCommand with selected commands like simply 'bash' or 'bash ls' for test purposes, but all I got was:
ExecuteProcess[id=4f530725-0171-1000-d1b1-7df587eada7e] /bin/ls:
/bin/ls: cannot execute binary file
If I try to pass basic Windows commands everything is OK.
Is there a way to run bash commands in my case?
I'm not a Windows user but according to the docs, in order to get to the Linux-style commands you have to run Bash.exe, so I'm guessing you'll need to specify -c as an argument followed by the Linux bash command you want to run (as a string), something like:
bash -c "ls"

Why this command "google-auth" works in the terminal but not from bash script?

I have installed libpam-google-authenticator and freeradius on server ubuntu 16.0405. Everything works good, except for if I use the command google-auth in bash script I get a error message "google-auth: command not found"
But the same works if I put it on terminal directly.
That is not a bash script.
To make it a bash script, your first line needs to include a "#" as follows:
Also, you need to ensure that the script is executable:
chmod +x
Hopefully that will solve your problem.
As per the comments below, it seems like the command "google-auth" was an alias which wasn't being established in the child shell.

How can I default to a login shell for Jenkins shell execution

I want to use rvm (or rbenv/chruby for that matter) to select different ruby versions from within my Jenkins jobs.
By default, Jenkins will use /bin/sh, which on Ubuntu, is dash.
For this to change, I can add
#!/bin/bash -l
To the top of every single shell execute function everywhere. Seeing as that's a lot of annoying work, I'd like to be able to set that somewhere central.
Using the "Shell executable" configuration setting, I can get it to run bash, adding parameters like '-l' however will fail with
"/bin/bash -l" -xe /tmp/ FATAL:
command execution failed Cannot run program
"/bin/bash -l" (in directory
"/home/jenkins/jobs/workspace/rvm-test"): error=2, No such file or
I tried using the rvm plugin for jenkins, but that doesn't even install on the current release version.
Any ideas? :)
You could work around by creating a wrapper around bash:
# for ex.: /usr/local/bin/login-bash
exec /bin/bash -l "$#"
If you want to use the default ruby just use the rvm-shell, which comes with rvm.
Login as the jenkins user and type:
$ which rvm-shell
to get the path of the rvm-shell.
Use this path for the "Shell executable" option.

Running .ksh Scripts from Solaris KornShell

I have developed a few KornShell (ksh) scripts to run on Solaris. I run the scripts over Putty. On one server, I am able to run them as follows:
$ script.ksh
On the other, server, I need to run them as follows:
$ ./script.ksh
Otherwise I get a script.ksh not found error. What would cause this difference? I call scripts from within this script, and do not want to have to change all the scripts to append './' to each script invocation in order to get the scripts working.
Both servers uname -a reports following:
$ uname -a = SunOS servername 5.10 Generic_147440-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V245
$ echo $SHELL = /bin/ksh
Add PATH="$PATH:." to the main script.
