REDIS Consuming 20GB of RAM fo 150k keys - laravel

I'm using out of the box Laravel's REDIS implementation. I'm caching collections of queries that are needed for the site only, so I get lots of keys that have heavy serialized objects stored in a key as a String Type.
With this, REDIS consumes between 22GB - 25GB(Max memory). This leads sometimes to key evictions which we want to avoid at all costs
Should this be addressed from code POV by optimization (only storing query resultset) or is there something that we're doing wrong on REDIS?


Managing shared resources with threads in Huey

I have to update many rows (increment one value in each rows) in peewee database (SqliteDatabase). Some objects can be uncreated so I have to create them with default values before working with them. I would use ways which are in peewee docs (Atomic updates) but I couldn't figure out how to mix model.get_or_create() and in [my_array].
So I decided to make queries in a transaction to commit it once at the end (I hope it does).
Why I'm writting in stack overflow is because I don't know how to work with db.atomic() with threading (I tested with 4 workers) in Huey because .atomic() locks the connection (peewee.OperationalError: database is locked). I've tried to use #huey.lock_task but it's not a solution of my problem as I've found.
Code of my class:
class Article(Model):
name = CharField()
mention_number = IntegerField(default=0)
class Meta:
database = db
Code of my task:
def update(names): # "names" is a list of strings
with db.atomic():
for name in names:
article, success = Article.get_or_create(name=name)
article.mention_number += 1
Well, if you're using a recent version of Sqlite (3.24 or newer) you can use Postgres-style upsert queries. This is well supported by Peewee:
To answer the other question about shared resources, it's not clear from your example what you would like to happen... Sqlite only allows one write transaction at a time. So if you are running several threads, only one of them may be writing at any given time.
Peewee stores database connections in a thread local, so Peewee databases can be safely used in multithreaded applications.
You didn't mention why huey lock_task wouldn't work.
Another suggestion is to try using WAL-mode with Sqlite, as WAL-mode allows multiple reader transactions to co-exist with a single writer.

Do I need caching after repartitining

I have madde a dataaframe which I repartitined based on its primary key on the nodes
val config=new SparkConf().setAppName("MyHbaseLoader").setMaster("local[10]")
val context=new SparkContext(config)
val sqlContext=new SQLContext(context)
val rows="sender,time,time(utc),reason,context-uuid,rat,cell-id,first-pkt,last-pkt,protocol,sub-proto,application-id,server-ip,server-domain-name, http-proxy-ip,http-proxy-domain-name, video,packets-dw, packets-ul, bytes-dw, bytes-ul"
val scheme= new StructType(rows.split(",").map(e=>new StructField(e.trim,StringType,true)))
val distincCount=sqlContext.sql("select count(distinct sender) as SENDERS from GSSN").collectAsList().get(0).get(0).asInstanceOf[Long]
Do I need to call my presist method again after repartitioning for next reducing jobs on dataframe?
Yes, repartition returns a new DataFrame so you would need to cache it again.
While the answer provided by Dikei seems to address your direct question it is important to note that in a case like this there is typically no reason to explicitly cache at all.
Every shuffle in Spark (here it is repartition) serves as an implicit caching point. If some part of lineage has to be re-executed and none of the executors has been lost you it won't have to go further back than to the last shuffle and read shuffle files.
It means that caching just before or just after a shuffle is typically a waste of time and resources especially if you're not interested in in-memory only or some non standard caching mechanism.
You would need to persist the reparation DataFrame, since DataFrames are immutable and reparation returns a new DataFrame.
A approach which you could follow is to persist dFrame and after its reparation the new DataFrame which returned is dFrameRepart. At this stage you could persist the dFrameRepart and unpersist the dFrame in order to free up the memory, provided that you won't be using dFrame again. In case your using dFrame after the reparation operation , both the DataFrames can be persisted.
val distincCount=sqlContext.sql("select count(distinct sender) as SENDERS from GSSN").collectAsList().get(0).get(0).asInstanceOf[Long]
valdFrameRepart=dFrame.repartition(distincCount.toInt/3, dFrame("sender")).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)

Solr performance with commitWithin does not make sense

I am running a very simple performance experiment where I post 2000 documents to my application.
Who in tern persists them to a relational DB and sends them to Solr for indexing (Synchronously, in the same request).
I am testing 3 use cases:
No indexing at all - ~45 sec to post 2000 documents
Indexing included - commit after each add. ~8 minutes (!) to post and index 2000 documents
Indexing included - commitWithin 1ms ~55 seconds (!) to post and index 2000 documents
The 3rd result does not make any sense, I would expect the behavior to be similar to the one in point 2. At first I thought that the documents were not really committed but I could actually see them being added by executing some queries during the experiment (via the solr web UI).
I am worried that I am missing something very big. Is it possible that committing after each add will degrade performance by a factor of 400?!
The code I use for point 2:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
Where as the code for point 3:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
solrConnection.add(doc, 1); // According to API documentation I understand there is no need to call an explicit commit after this
According to this wiki:
the commitWithin is a soft-commit by default. Soft-commits are very efficient in terms of making the added documents immediately searchable. But! They are not on the disk yet. That means the documents are being committed into RAM. In this setup you would use updateLog to be solr instance crash tolerant.
What you do in point 2 is hard-commit, i.e. flush the added documents to disk. Doing this after each document add is very expensive. So instead, post a bunch of documents and issue a hard commit or even have you autoCommit set to some reasonable value, like 10 min or 1 hour (depends on your user expectations).

Zend Framework Cache

I'm trying to make an ajax autocomplete search box that of course uses SQL, min 3 characters, and have a SQL view of relevant fields already set up and indexed in the db. The CPU still spikes when searching, which I expected as it's running a query for every character. I want to use Zend shm cache to speed up results and reduce CPU usage. The results are stored in an array which is to be cached like this:
while($row = db2_fetch_row($stmt)) {
$fSearch[trim($row[0]).trim($row[1])] = array(/*array built here*/);
if (zend_shm_cache_store('fSearch', $fSearch, 10 * 60) === false) {
error_log('Failed to store search cache!');
Of course there's actual data inside the array instead of comments, I just shortened the code for simplicity. Rows 0&1 form the PK, and this has tested to be working properly. It's the zend_shm_cache_store that fails because the error log gets flooded with 'Failed to store search cache!'. I read that zend_shm_cache_store can store any array that can be serialized - how can I tell if my data is serialized or can be serialized? Are there any other potential causes? I did make a test page that only stored a string and that was successful, so I know caching is on.
Solved: cache size was too small for array - increased cache size and it worked fine. Sorry for the trouble.

Cache consistency when using memcached and a rdbms like MySQL

I have taken a database class this semester and we are studying about maintaining cache consistency between the RDBMS and a cache server such as memcached. The consistency issues arise when there are race conditions. For example:
Suppose I do a get(key) from the cache and there is a cache miss. Because I get a cache miss, I fetch the data from the database, and then do a put(key,value) into the cache.
But, a race condition might happen, where some other user might delete the data I fetched from the database. This delete might happen before I do a put into the cache.
Thus, ideally the put into the cache should not happen, since the data is longer present in the database.
If the cache entry has a TTL, the entry in the cache might expire. But still, there is a window where the data in the cache is inconsistent with the database.
I have been searching for articles/research papers which speak about this kind of issues. But, I could not find any useful resources.
This article gives you an interesting note on how Facebook (tries to) maintain cache consistency :
Here's a gist from the article.
I update my first name from "Jason" to "Monkey"
We write "Monkey" in to the master database in California and delete my first name from memcache in California but not Virginia
Someone goes to my profile in Virginia
We find my first name in memcache and return "Jason"
Replication catches up and we update the slave database with my first name as "Monkey." We also delete my first name from Virginia memcache because that cache object showed up in the replication stream
Someone else goes to my profile in Virginia
We don't find my first name in memcache so we read from the slave and get "Monkey"
How about using a variable save in memcache as a lock signal?
every single memcache command is atomic
after you retrieved data from db, toggle lock on
after you put data to memcache, toggle lock off
before delete from db, check lock state
The code below gives some idea of how to use Memcached's operations add, gets and cas to implement optimistic locking to ensure consistency of cache with the database.
Disclaimer: i do not guarantee that it's perfectly correct and handles all race conditions. Also consistency requirements may vary between applications.
def read(k):
if cache_value == 'updating':
if cache_value == None:
add(k, 'updating')
if cache_value == 'updating':
cas(k, 'value:' + version_index(db_value) + ':' + extract_value(db_value))
return db_value
return extract_value(cache_value)
def write(k, v):
set_to_db(k, v)
if cache_value != 'updated' and cache_value != None and version_index(cache_value) >= version_index(db_value):
if cas(k, v):
# for deleting we can use some 'tumbstone' as a cache value
When you read, the following happens:
if(Key is not in cache){
fetch data from db
return get(key)
When you write, the following happens:
1 delete/update data from db
2 clear cache
