Spring Data- how to tell spring what entities to retrieve - spring

If i have several entites, lets say :
class Book{
String name;
Author author;
class Author{
String name;
City hometown;
class City{
String cityName;
If i want to retrieve all the books, if i use classic JPA Repository and Spring Data and just do a findAll(), it will get me all the books with all the Authors with all their home towns. I know i can use #JsonIgnore, but i think that only prevents whats being returned, not whats being looked up in the database. And also i have methods that DO want to return both books and authors, so #JsonIgnore -ing does not work for me. Is there anything like this ? To tell Spring Data what to look up and what to return ? Any links or guides or methods i don't know of, would be appreciated.

Spring Data has the concept of 'projections' which allow you to return different representations of the same Entity.
Official Documentation:
Spring Data query methods usually return one or multiple instances of
the aggregate root managed by the repository. However, it might
sometimes be desirable to create projections based on certain
attributes of those types. Spring Data allows modeling dedicated
return types, to more selectively retrieve partial views of the
managed aggregates.
Where a Projection is a 'closed' projection (a projection interface whose accessor methods all match properties of the target aggregate) then the documentation notes that additionally:
Spring Data can optimize the query execution [to select only the relevant fields], because we know about
all the attributes that are needed to back the projection proxy
Spring Data also allows for Projections to be specified dynamically at runtime. See further:

First mark your relations as LAZY
Then specify what data needs to be fetched on a per-query basis.
See for example:


Spring data with MongoDB Views

To improve our query performances and hence the API response times, we created views on MongoDB by aggregating the data. However when we try to use the view using Spring Mongo template, running into several issues like View not supported.
Caused by: com.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 166 (CommandNotSupportedOnView): 'Namespace aiops.hostView is a view, not a collection' on server The full response is {​​​​​​​"ok": 0.0, "errmsg": "Namespace aiops.hostView is a view, not a collection", "code": 166, "codeName": "CommandNotSupportedOnView"}​​​​​​​
at com.mongodb.internal.connection.ProtocolHelper.getCommandFailureException(ProtocolHelper.java:175)
at com.mongodb.internal.connection.InternalStreamConnection.receiveCommandMessageResponse(InternalStreamConnection.java:303)
at com.mongodb.internal.connection.InternalStreamConnection.sendAndReceive(InternalStreamConnection.java:259)
Does Spring support MongoDB views out of the box? any example will greatly help!
Thank you in advance
This is somewhat old, but I will leave my solution in case someone stumbles on this, like I did.
As far as I know, you can't use the usual Spring Data approach: you can't annotate an Entity with the #Document(value="YOUR_VIEW_NAME") annotation and create a related repository extending the MongoRepository class.
But you can query the view directly from the MongoTemplate, passing along the name of your view.
Let's say you have a User entity defined like this:
public class User {
String id;
String name;
Then you can map it to the documents of a view named "userview", and query it like this:
Query query = new Query();
// template is an object of class MongoTemplate that you can inject or autowire
List<User> users = template.find(query, User.class, "userview");
I recently faced the same problem, what #gere said is not entirely correct, you can use a view with spring data repositories but there are some limitations that are related to the limitation of the view itself.
In my case, the problem was that I was using annotation CompositeIndex and Indexed on the document which represents a view, and as MongoDB view uses the underlying collection indexes so it does not have the operation command to create an index for itself and when spring data tries to create an index on that view, MongoDB throws an exception. After removing those annotations, I was able to use them via my repository. I would suggest you use a read-only repository as well to prevent having a save method or delete as I think that is a view limitation too. if you search you can find examples of read-only repositories.
In your case, you need to find what operation you were trying to do on a normal collection that view does not support.

Spring Data JPA + Bytecode Enhancement

Is it possible to load #*ToOne attributes eagerly using JPA interface(Entity Graphs) which are set lazy using #LazyToOne , #LazyGroup in the parent entity class and enabled bytecode enhancement ? I am trying to load such attributes eagerly using entity graph but it is firing another query for such #*ToOne attributes when an parent entity is queried.
Trying to have another way to override static fetch type in entity classes including #LazyToOne which was added with bytecode enhancement.
Using Spring 5.1.3 , Spring JPA 2.2 , Hibernate 5.4.19
Update : Data JPA is working as expected and i could see joins for the attributes which i am trying to fetch eagerly but those lazy attributes are not being initialised with the join query response and hibernate causing each query on referencing attributes which were annotated with #LazyToOneOption.NO_PROXY and was already fetched eagerly using entity graph in my repository.
How can i avoid this second select which is not even required since i got the that data eagerly from entity graph in JPA respository ??
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Entity Graphs just like Hibernate fetch profiles apply regardless of what annotations you have on the association. If it does not, maybe there is a bug in Spring Data or maybe even Hibernate. It's probably best if you create a new JIRA issue with a test case reproducing the problem.
Having said that, I think this is the perfect use case for Blaze-Persistence Entity Views.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
An example DTO model could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface UserDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
Set<RoleDto> getRoles();
interface RoleDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
// Other mappings
Querying is a matter of applying the entity view to a query, the simplest being just a query by id.
UserDto a = entityViewManager.find(entityManager, UserDto.class, id);
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features

Architecture Domain Model and View Model

I am trying to build application by spring boot and Domain Driven Design. I have a problem about Domain model (match with fields of table DB) and View Model (response API).
Domain Model:
class Name
class Name {
String value;
class Product
class Product{
Name name;
class ProductView {
//int prodId;
String prodName;
Select data DB by class Product, builder to Response API by class ProductView. When that convert from DomainModel to ViewModel or vice versa, I written static method in ProductView for that.
It will become:
class ProductView {
//int prodId;
String prodName;
public static ProductView of(Product prod) {
String productName = prod.getName().getValue();
return new ProductView(productName)
It works well, but when the data becomes more. I think need that as CommonConvert from DomainModel to ViewModel and vice versa.
I have a solution use Mapstruct library. But Mapstruct only support to convert field same type(String with String, ex). What is the best solution for writting CommonConvert?
My advice: do not query domain models and translate them to view models for reading.
Domain model classes (e.g. aggregates) are used to represent business data and behaviour with the to purpose to adhere to business invariants when creating or changing such business entities.
For building your view models from your persistent data you can - and in my opinion you should - bypass the domain model. You can safely read the data from your database as you need it without going through domain repositories.
This is okay because you can't violate business rules by just reading data. For writing data go through domain repositories and aggregates.
In your case you can of course use view model entities using JPA annotations by designing those classes to exactly fit your viewing requirements. Keep in mind that view models often don't correlate to domain models as they might only need a subset of the data or aggregate data from different aggregates.
Another catch is that if you need to query many objects for viewing can quickly cause performance issues if you query full domain aggregates via repositories. As such aggregates always load all data from it's child entities and value objects as well to allow for performing business logic with all invariants you would end up performing lots of expensive queries which are suited for loading a single aggregate but not many of them at once.
So by querying only what you need for viewing you also address such performance issues.
When following DDD you should usually create or change only one aggregate within a business transaction. So domain models are not suited for query optimization but for keeping the business invariants in tact when writing business data.
View models and corresponding queries are optimized for reading and collecting all data required.
Simply map like this (with mapstruct) :
#Mapping(source = "name.value", target = "prodName")
public abstract ProductView toProductView(Product model);

How to map a Spring Data JPA repository entity into a view model?

Here is the situation, I want to fetch an entity from database and map it to a new view domain model which has more or less properties, if this view model has more properties, signs the extra properties with default value. I want a map technique in JPA to complete this, which is similar to MyBatis mapping mechanism.
So how to do it?
Just load the entity, copy it over in the new entity, fill the unset properties with the desired default values and store it using JPA (possibly via Spring Data JPA).
For copying over the data from one entity to another you might want to look int Dozer or similar libraries.
You could also misuse Spring Data's projection support to query the original entity, but return it as the target entity with methods similar to the following:
interface SourceRepository<Source, Long> extends CrudRepository<Source, Long> {
List<Target> findTargetBy();
The resulting Target entities then could be stored again using another repository (you might have to set version and id properties to null to make it clear to the framework that these are new entities.

is it possible to have conditional #Transient field?

Let's say if I have an Entity named person with lots of information including SSN. When other user query this person, I want to show a 'lite' version of person Entity. I could've done so by annotating SSN with #Transient, but that means the person himself would not get this field too. Is it possible to reuse the same Entity but return two different json to client? I'm using spring boot.
First of all #Transient just means that the value, the SSN in your case, won't be persisted to the database.
As for your problem annotations are static and cannot be applied dynamically.
You have 2 Options:
Define a new View class for your user.
Look at JacksonJsonViews
