What's the difference between HTTP session and web session? - spring

I understand that a HTTP session is the idea to associate a state of a web application for different users which is done outside the protocol in software as HTTP is stateless.
I didn't notice before today that some articles and manuals in the Spring universe are talking about a web session as well. They make a connection to reactive webapps and streams, however I don't find anything on https://www.reactive-streams.org/ and the reactive manifesto and am thus uncertain that it's a reactive thing.
Since it's differentiated it has to be a thing, but is it a concrete technical concept or just another word for HTTP session? Does it exist outside of the Spring universe?

HttpSession comes from the Java EE servlet specification and is defined as:
[...] a way to identify a user across more than one page request or visit to a Web site and to store information about that user.
A WebSession is essentially the same thing but is used in the context of the Spring WebFlux which provides reactive programming support for web applications.
Note also the existence of the Spring Session project providing transparent integration with these different kind of sessions.


Scaling Spring Authorization Server on GCP Cloud Run

We are experiencing an issue in production which seems identical to when we restart our dev boxes and try to authenticate using the token that was generated with the previous instance of our SSO Spring Boot App and powered by Spring Authorization Server.
The error is: Wrong nonce
In production, it looks to occur when our SSO app scales up due to a user spike. We could see this happening at a point with high user activity and we would continually get logged out.
Now, of course we do not want all our active users to suddenly have invalid tokens just because a new instances of SSO is added.
This questions also relates to the currently unanswered, but much older question here: Can Spring Security OAuth2 Authorization Server scale horizontally?
Please advise. It is the number 1 most frustrating issue we are having in production right now and we are not quite sure how to proceed. We are not using any In-Memory implementations of classes.
2022-07-12 - Update: The question was asked "How are we storing the session?"
We are storing OAuth2 authorizations, authorization consents and registered clients in MongoDb.
We implemented OAuth2AuthorizationService, OAuth2AuthorizationConsentService and RegisteredClientRepository
Spring Authorization Server is built on Spring Security (see docs Overview) and does require knowledge of Spring Security (see Getting Help).
In particular, you'll want to review the Authentication chapter of Spring Security documentation. Session management falls under this topic, and if you're using (for example) form login or something similar, you'll almost certainly want to add Spring Session to your server to manage distributed sessions.
You are also likely running into an issue on the client side if you are not managing sessions in a database, so once again looking into Spring Session for the client will help alleviate issues such as the nonce error you mentioned. You will also want to look into the OAuth2 Client documentation and review the core interfaces as you will need to be storing your client authorizations in a database as well.
Steve writes a great response above already and I marked it as the answer.
To answer the title of this question:
Yes, Spring Authorization Server can easily be scaled to include multiple instances without suffering from the original misconfiguration issue we were experiencing.
Spring Authorization Server does not have any magic tools to persist a session across instances. It is reliant on session management being configured correctly. We use Spring Session backed by MongoDb for our purpose.
Session validity best practices is probably something that should be addressed and whether some of them should have the same timeout values.
Servlet session timeout
Spring Session timeout (this overrides 1 when present)
Remember me timeout
Token timeout
We are still figuring out / playing with what these values should be and have found no document or article that speak of one best way of doing things.

Authentication in Microservices with spring

I wanna refactor a monolithic spring boot application basically a web app with login and functionalities for customers. We already have a Security implementation which works with a session id stored as a cookie but I dont have much knowledge about it at all and im completetly new to this topic. It seems JWT is a better solution for Microservices because of an independent authentication service.
So my questions are:
is it alot of work to create a JWT authentication service and exchange the session id implemenation? (since im doing it for my bachelor thesis and have a clear deadline)
can I stay at the session ids while using microservices?
are there maybe other ways to implement authentication?
is it alot of work to create a JWT authentication service and exchange
the session id implemenation? (since im doing it for my bachelor
thesis and have a clear deadline)
This question is hard to answer, as it depends how tightly coupled your particular implementation is. It's certainly not trivial.
can I stay at the session ids while using microservices?
Yes, but you need to figure out how to federate sessions across the microservices (i.e. how to get the information in the session from one service to the other). Overall, this represents a risk of tight coupling between services, so I'd recommend treating this as a transitionary step only.
are there maybe other ways to implement authentication?
As many as the day is long. That being said, without specific reason to do otherwise, I generally prefer to stick to the middle of the road.
Typical user sessions is not recommended in microservices.You should use Stateless architecture and tokens (Tokens stored in database or JWT).
It's better to use Spring Boot OAuth2.
You should implement an Authorization server and Resource servers with Spring Boot.
Authorization server:
Choose the token storage method (JWT,Jdbc,...)
Configure client details
Add a RESTful Api for user info or enable /oauth/check_token api.(Called by Resource servers)
Resource servers:
Set user-info-uri or token-info-uri in Spring boot OAuth2 properties.
Extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter class for securing url mappings.

What is the function of Spring Session?

A simple question, what is the use of Spring session where I can do a login with session using spring security?
What feature can spring session offer?
To put it simple, Spring Session project provides infrastructure for managing user's session.
Most notably, this includes replacing the HttpSession implementation provided by your Servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) with an implementation provided by Spring Session which is then persisted using SessionRepository implementation of your choice (Redis, Gemfire, Hazelcast, JDBC, Mongo are supported backends in current 1.2.0.RELEASE). This ensures your sessions are stored in container/platform agnostic way and makes session clustering very easy.
Additionally, Spring Session provides some other nice features such as:
configurable strategies for correlating user's requests with a session (either cookie or HTTP request header based)
support for multiple sessions in a single browser instance
WebSocket integration, meaning the HttpSession is kept alive when consuming only WebSocket
ability to retrieve all the sessions for a given user
For more information please take a look at Spring Session's user manual as it contains detailed guides which describe the most common use cases.

Sharing security context between few web applications

I need to have web application which actually consist from few separate wars unified into same navigration bar on UI, i need to have all system secured but have authentication only to main web application and after automatic propagation of this security context to sub web applications. I'm using spring security, could someone help me with advice? thanks
This can be achieved by following approach. In Spring, SecurityContext by default is stored in HttpSession. Instead you can configure it to store in some shared repository.
So, configuration should be changed to use your own SecurityContextRepository implementation instead of HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository. Once configured, the security framework will look at the Repository which is available to all your web applications.
The Repository can be either a database or a cached server.
Spring Security stores the login data in the http session. So what I would try is to share the session between the applications.
It seams that this is possible (in Tomcat) by using the Single Sing On attribute.
But be warned, sharing the session between two applications is not without danger. See this Stack Overflow question.

What architectural style to use instead of REST when you need session management?

I've been reading up on the subject of session management and authentication when using REST and although there are solutions, my understanding is that REST should be stateless and so managing a session doesn't really belong in that architectural style.
If my project requires authentication (but not necessarily REST), what are my options for developing a browser-based web application?
I think is general wisdom that Web Services -either REST or SOAP- should be Stateless. There are several good reasons for that in Stateful Webservice.
So I think that if you're project requires Session Management, it should in the Presentation Tier (the Web Application) and not in your Business Logic tier (your Web Services). Each Web Service should -and must- enable authentication but the Session Management should be done in your Web Container: Every Web Application platform supports that and is the correct place where it should be done.
