I need to run the same script multiple times in parallel with log management - bash

I need to run the same script multiple times in parallel with log management of each script execution
I need an optimal method please?
script name : script.sh
logs : log_execution1.log log_execution2.log ...
logs : log_execution-PID.log log_execution-PID.log ...

This can be done around a loop:
$ ntimes=42
$ for i in $(seq 1 $ntimes) ; do (script.sh > log_execution$i.log &) ; done

I did it like that :
it's work fine now.
while [ -e file.dat ]
sleep 5
file : a.ksh
echo "Hello StackOverFlow" > log_execution-$$.log
exit 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 aai aai 22 Apr 19 11:11 log_execution-27310.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 aai aai 0 Apr 19 11:11 log_execution-26005.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 aai aai 22 Apr 19 11:11 log_execution-27327.log
thank you for your help


Calling a bash script function from another bash script doesn't display my shell command

I have 2 bash scripts, one calling another but depending on how I call it, it does or does not display my ls command.
function test() {
while IFS= read -r line; do
IFS=',' read -ra ITEM <<<"$line"
printf "\n[${i}] ${ITEM}"
((i = i + 1))
done <<<$(ls $1)
printf "\nPress any other keys to abort.\n\n"
read -p "Please enter your selection: " ANSWER
echo $ANSWER
script1a.sh WORKS
. ./scripts/bash/script2.sh
(test $PARAM)
[0] total 5
[1] drwxr-xr-x 1 1049089 0 Oct 29 09:10 .
[2] drwxr-xr-x 1 1049089 0 Oct 9 23:11 ..
[3] -rw-r--r-- 1 1049089 87 Jul 6 14:19 .eslintignore
[4] -rw-r--r-- 1 1049089 449 Jul 10 13:56 .forceignore
[5] drwxr-xr-x 1 1049089 0 Oct 29 09:11 .git
Press any other keys to abort.
Please enter your selection:
script1b.sh FAILS
. ./scripts/bash/script2.sh
myanswer=$(test $PARAM)
Please enter your selection:
Anyone knows why this odd behavior and how to get around it? Thanks in advance.

How to iterate through multiple directories with multiple ifs in bash?

unfortunately I'm quite new at bash, and I want to write a script that will start in a main directory, and check all subdirectories one by one for the presence of certain files, and if those files are present, perform an operation on them. For now, I have written a simplified version to test whether I can do the first part (checking for the files in each directory). This code runs without any errors that I can tell, but it does not echo anything to say that it has successfully found the files which I know are there.
runlist=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
for f in *; do
if [[ -d {$f} ]]; then
#if f is a directory then cd into it
cd "{$f}"
for b in $runlist; do
if [[ -e "{$b}.png" ]]; then
echo "Found {$b}"
#if the file exists then say so
cd -
Welcome to stackoverflow.
The following will do the trick (a combination of find, array, and if then else):
# list of files we are looking for
runlist=(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128)
#find each of above anywhere below current directory
# using -maxdepth 1 because, based on on your exam you want to look one level only
# if that's not what you want then take out -maxdepth 1 from the find command
for b in ${runlist[#]}; do
PATH_TO_FOUND_FILE=`find . -name $b.png`
if [ -z "$PATH_TO_FOUND_FILE" ]
echo "nothing found" >> /dev/null
# You wanted a postive confirmation, so
echo found $b.png
# Now do something with the found file. Let's say ls -l: change that to whatever
Here is an example run:
mamuns-mac:stack foo$ ls -lR
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 4 foo 1951595366 128 Apr 11 18:03 dir1
drwxr-xr-x 3 foo 1951595366 96 Apr 11 18:03 dir2
-rwxr--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 652 Apr 11 18:15 find_file_and_do_something.sh
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 17:58 1.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 17:58 8.png
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 18:03 64.png
mamuns-mac:stack foo$ ./find_file_and_do_something.sh
found 1.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 17:58 ./dir1/1.png
found 8.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 17:58 ./dir1/8.png
found 64.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 foo 1951595366 0 Apr 11 18:03 ./dir2/64.png

For loop with if statements isn't working as expected in bash

It only prints the "else" statement for everything but I know for a fact the files exist that it's looking for. I've tried adapting some of the other answers but I thought this should definitely work.
Does anyone know what's wrong with my syntax?
# Contents of script
for ID_SAMPLE in $(cut -f1 metadata.tsv | tail -n +2);
do if [ -f ./output/${ID_SAMPLE} ]; then
echo Skipping ${ID_SAMPLE};
echo Processing ${ID_SAMPLE};
Additional information
# Output directory
(base) -bash-4.1$ ls -lhS output/
total 170K
drwxr-xr-x 8 jespinoz tigr 185 Jan 3 16:16 ERR1701760
drwxr-xr-x 8 jespinoz tigr 185 Jan 17 18:03 ERR315863
drwxr-xr-x 8 jespinoz tigr 185 Jan 16 23:23 ERR599042
drwxr-xr-x 8 jespinoz tigr 185 Jan 17 00:10 ERR599072
drwxr-xr-x 8 jespinoz tigr 185 Jan 16 13:00 ERR599078
# Example of inputs
(base) -bash-4.1$ cut -f1 metadata.tsv | tail -n +2 | head -n 10
# Output of script
(base) -bash-4.1$ bash test.sh | head -n 10
Processing ERR1701760
Processing ERR599078
Processing ERR599079
Processing ERR599070
Processing ERR599071
Processing ERR599072
Processing ERR599073
Processing ERR599074
Processing ERR599075
Processing ERR599076
# Checking a directory
(base) -bash-4.1$ ls -l ./output/ERR1701760
total 294
drwxr-xr-x 2 jespinoz tigr 386 Jan 15 21:00 checkpoints
drwxr-xr-x 2 jespinoz tigr 0 Jan 10 01:36 tmp
-f is for checking whether the name is a file, but all your names are directories. Use -d to check that.
if [ -d "./output/$ID_SAMPLE" ]
If you want to check whether the name exists with any type, use -e.

How to get a filename list with ncftp?

So I tried
ncftpls -l
which gives me a list
-rw-r--r-- 1 100 ftpgroup 3817084 Jan 29 15:50 1548773401.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 100 ftpgroup 3817089 Jan 29 15:51 1548773461.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 100 ftpgroup 3817083 Jan 29 15:52 1548773521.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 100 ftpgroup 3817085 Jan 29 15:53 1548773582.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 100 ftpgroup 3817090 Jan 29 15:54 1548773642.tar.gz
But all I want is to check the timestamp (which is the name of the tar.gz)
How to only get the timestamp list ?
As requested, all I wanted to do is delete old backups, so awk was a good idea (at least it was effective) even it wasn't the right params. My method to delete old backup is probably not the best but it works
ncftpls *authParams* | (awk '{match($9,/^[0-9]+/, a)}{ print a[0] }') | while read fileCreationDate; do
VALIDITY_LIMIT="$((`date +%s`-600))"
if [ $b -lt $a ];then
deleteFtpFile $b
You can use awk to only display the timestamps from the output like so:
ncftpls -l | awk '{ print $5 }'

/dev/stdin with herestring

I would like a Bash script that can take input from a file or stdin, much like grep, for example
$ cat hw.txt
Hello world
$ grep wor hw.txt
Hello world
$ echo 'Hello world' | grep wor
Hello world
$ grep wor <<< 'Hello world'
Hello world
all works beautifully. However with the following script
read b < "${1-/dev/stdin}"
echo $b
It fails if using a herestring
$ hw.sh hw.txt
Hello world
$ echo 'Hello world' | hw.sh
Hello world
$ hw.sh <<< 'Hello world'
/opt/a/hw.sh: line 1: /dev/stdin: No such file or directory
Using /dev/stdin in this manner can be problematic because you are attempting to get a handle to stdin using a name in the filesystem (/dev/stdin) rather than using the file descriptor which bash has already handed you as stdin (file descriptor 0).
Here's a small script for you to test:
echo "INFO: Listing of /dev"
ls -al /dev/stdin
echo "INFO: Listing of /proc/self/fd"
ls -al /proc/self/fd
echo "INFO: Contents of /tmp/sh-thd*"
cat /tmp/sh-thd*
read b < "${1-/dev/stdin}"
echo "b: $b"
On my cygwin installation this produces the following:
./s <<< 'Hello world'
$ ./s <<< 'Hello world'
INFO: Listing of /dev
lrwxrwxrwx 1 austin None 15 Jan 23 2012 /dev/stdin -> /proc/self/fd/0
INFO: Listing of /proc/self/fd
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x 2 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 .
dr-xr-xr-x 3 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 0 -> /tmp/sh-thd-1362969584
lrwxrwxrwx 1 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 1 -> /dev/tty0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 2 -> /dev/tty0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 austin None 0 Mar 11 14:27 3 -> /proc/5736/fd
INFO: Contents of /tmp/sh-thd*
cat: /tmp/sh-thd*: No such file or directory
./s: line 12: /dev/stdin: No such file or directory
What this output shows is that bash is creating a temporary file to hold your HERE document (/tmp/sh-thd-1362969584) and making it available on file descriptor 0, stdin. However, the temporary file has already been unlinked from the file system and so is not accessible by reference through a file system name such as /dev/stdin. You can get the contents by reading file descriptor 0, but not by trying to open /dev/stdin.
On Linux, the ./s script above gives the following, showing that the file has been unlinked:
INFO: Listing of /dev
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Mar 11 09:26 /dev/stdin -> /proc/self/fd/0
INFO: Listing of /proc/self/fd
total 0
dr-x------ 2 austin austin 0 Mar 11 14:30 .
dr-xr-xr-x 7 austin austin 0 Mar 11 14:30 ..
lr-x------ 1 austin austin 64 Mar 11 14:30 0 -> /tmp/sh-thd-1362965400 (deleted) <---- /dev/stdin not found
lrwx------ 1 austin austin 64 Mar 11 14:30 1 -> /dev/pts/12
lrwx------ 1 austin austin 64 Mar 11 14:30 2 -> /dev/pts/12
lr-x------ 1 austin austin 64 Mar 11 14:30 3 -> /proc/10659/fd
INFO: Contents of /tmp/sh-thd*
cat: /tmp/sh-thd*: No such file or directory
b: Hello world
Change your script to use the stdin supplied, rather than trying to reference through /dev/stdin.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
read b < "$1"
read b
bash parses some file names (like /dev/stdin) specially, so that they are recognized even if they are not actually present in the file system. If your script doesn't have #!/bin/bash at the top, and /dev/stdin isn't in your file system, your script may be run using /bin/sh, which would expect /dev/stdin to actually be a file.
(This should, perhaps, not be an answer, but rather a comment to Austin's answer.)
$ cat ts.sh
read b < "${1-/dev/stdin}"
echo $b
$ ./ts.sh <<< 'hello world'
hello world
No problem for me. I'm using bash 4.2.42 on Mac OS X.
You got a typo here
read b < "${1-/dev/stdin}"
read b < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
