Command to show latest Drupal 8 version available - shell

I am looking for a way to display the latest Drupal 8 version available for download in a shell command.
I currently have this command which shows the current version available for the site installed:
drush core-status drupal-version | tr -d "Drupal version : "
This returns
I am now looking for a way to obtain the latest version number available to date which is
You used to be able to use
drush pm-releases drupal
to get this information. This post mentions using a feed to help get this information:

One way of doing it:
curl -w "%{url_effective}\n" -I -L -s -S -o /dev/null | awk -F'/' '{print $7}'

composer show -l drupal/core | grep ^latest
See documentation at:
Another option is:
composer outdated -a -D|grep ^drupal/core
You can probably get the complete list of available versions with:
drush php:eval '
$ver = array_keys(
( update_get_available(TRUE) )["drupal"]["releases"]
echo implode("\n",$ver),"\n";


Bash script to download latest release from GitHub

Looking for a simple way to download a .zip from a latest GitHub release.
There are other similar questions, but I havent been able to get them to work. :(
Trying to pull latest release from
Currently ive got:
curl -s | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name | test(\"hekate_ctcaer\")) | .browser_download_url"
trying to fetch the url of the latest .zip and only grab the ""
I saw someone trying to achieve this with 'Xidel', so im open to trying that if someone knows the syntax to grab a specific file from the GitHub api.
As I understand it (?), the Github API spits out an array for the release 'assets', so im trying to specify an item in this array that matches "hekate_ctcaer", and download the specified file.
Github is also a compatible git repo. I provide a new train of thought.
use git ls-remote to fetch last release tag.
git -c 'versionsort.suffix=-' ls-remote --tags --sort='v:refname'
| tail --lines=1
| cut --delimiter='/' --fields=3
Here this examples outputs v5.8.0
then clone remote repo
git clone --branch v5.8.0
zip repos to zipped file.
zip -r hekate/
This will print out the url to the zip file of the latest release:
curl -sL \
| jq -r '.[0].zipball_url' \
| xargs -I {} curl -sL {} -o
I saw someone trying to achieve this with 'Xidel'
I assume you're referring to my answer here. That answer is tagged batch-file, so you first of all have to swop the quotes for bash ("function('string')" --> 'function("string")'). And secondly, you're right. You have to select the appropriate object in the "assets"-array.
$ xidel -s "" \
-f '$json/(assets)()[starts-with(name,"hekate_ctcaer")]/browser_download_url' \
--download '{substring-after($headers[starts-with(.,"Content-Disposition")],"filename=")}'
This downloads '' in the current dir.
With r8389 or newer you can just use --download ..
also how would I modify this for the following: the .zip AND the .bin
Strictly speaking you'd have to raise a new question for this, but ok.
It appears that (at the moment) v1.3.2 is also the latest release for this repo, so you can use...
$ xidel -s "" \
-e '$json'
or alternatively...
$ xidel -s "" \
-e '$json()[tag_name="1.3.2"]'
The "assets"-array here has just 2 objects; one with the zip-file and one with the bin-file, so just "follow" (--follow / -f) the 2 "browser_download_url"-keys to download:
$ xidel -s "" \
-f '$json()[tag_name="1.3.2"]//browser_download_url' \
--download .

Finding latest version of anaconda automatically from bashrc

I'm trying to create a code which will fetch the latest version of anaconda and install it.
Currently we can do this to install the latest version:
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
I want the script to be more generalized such that the code would automatically find the latest version of anaconda, download the shell script file and install it.
You can use this to get the latest version:
wget -q -O- |\
grep 'Anaconda3'| \
sed -n 's|.*>Anaconda3-\([0-9]\{4\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\)-.*|\1|p'
uniq |\
sort -r |\
head -1
This solution works only for those versions that use the year format (e.g. 2020-07), but since the latest version will presumably be of that format that should be fine.
Some explanation:
wget to fetch the contents of the archive page, which gives us the HTML content containing all the download URLs. -q quiets the output, -O- prints to stdout. Alternatively, you can use curl -s to the same effect.
grep 'Anaconda3' gives us the lines containing Anaconda, which contain the download links.
Use sed to select the version strings from the download links, e.g. 2020-11. That gives you a list of all versions (of the format YYYY-MM).
Sort that lists and select the first entry, which is the latest version.
Use the version in the rest of your script and you are done. A complete solution would be:
version=$(wget -q -O- |\
grep 'Anaconda3'|\
sed -n 's|.*>Anaconda3-\([0-9]\{4\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\)-.*|\1|p' |\
uniq |\
sort -r |\
head -1)
wget "$"
I'm sure fetching the latest version could be made more efficient, but this should be sufficient for your use case.

How can I grep a count of available updates from yum check-updates

I want to check if updates are available, and if so, perform some steps before I install the updates. I run yum check-updates to see a list of updates available for installed packages, but I'd like to grep this and get a count that I can use for some logic in a bash script. So ideally, I would like to grep that output of check-updates and return 0 if there are no updates, or if five updates are available then I would like the grep to return 5.
How can I grep this to return the count?
I like a simpler approach.
"yum -q" reduces the output from yum so it only displays a list of packages. Combine this with "wc -l" to count the number of lines output.
So to get a count of packages requiring updates I would run
sudo yum -q check-update | wc -l
Are you aware of grep -c? I've just created some nonsense file, giving following result:
Prompt> grep "AA" test.txt
If I use grep -c, this is the result:
Prompt> grep -c "AA" test.txt
In case this does not answer your question completely, please edit your question and add some more information, just to show what you are looking for.
Also, please be aware that adding | wc -l behind every UNIX command reads the amount of results of that command.
This combination of awk and grep gives the count of available updates for installed packages:
yum check-updates | awk 'p;/^$/{p=1}' | grep -c "\."
This was based on the info in How to get just a list of yum updates
The -q for quiet is great but you may also want to grep out any blank lines and also the trailing Loaded plugins message. This works nicely for an accurate count:
yum check-update -q|egrep -v "Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, subscription-manager|^$"|wc -l

Installing latest docker compose on Ubuntu

I use the following to install the most recent docker compose for my ubuntu server:
curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
How to do I make this more version agnostic. For instance, so that I do not have to go in and keep changing the version -which in this case is 1.21.2. How do I change the command so it gets the most latest stable release?
How do I change the command so it gets the most latest stable release?
You could try following:
curl -L`curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | awk -F / '{print $NF}'`/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
This is same as your script only replacing actual version (1.21.2 in your case) with latest tag over several steps:
First we get redirection url for latest stable:
curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective}
currently it resolves to
Then we get version tag out of redirection url:
| awk -F / '{print $NF}'
currently resolving to 1.21.2
Finally we execute it in place of version number using your original curl statement. Note that this can break if latest tag is not properly redirected and ads some extra complexity, but automates version pulling as requested.
Accepted answer isn't the latest stable version according to (returns v2 instead of the latest v1 which I was looking for)
This is the monstrosity I went with
rm -Rf /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && version=$(curl -s | grep "Docker Compose release notes" | grep "Estimated reading time" | sed 's/.*id=//g' | sed 's/<.*$//g' | sed 's/.*>//g') && curl -L${version}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Automatically Download Latest WhatsApp APK using Shell Scripting

I'm trying to create a cron job that downloads the latest version of WhatsApp's APK from their website using a bash script and make it available through my site.
So far, I'm able to obtain the version number from the site using the following (user-agent part omitted):
wget -q -O - "$#" | grep -oP '(?<=Version )([\d.]+)'
And I can download the APK using the following command:
That part is fine. What I can't figure out is how to download the APK only if it's newer than the existing APK on the server. How should the script be?
Since I'm not a command-line pro, I guess there's a better way to achieve this than my current approach, so if you have any suggestions, I'd appreciate it very much.
Seems like you need to manage the version yourself.
I would store the apk files with a version number in the filename, e.g WhatsApp_<version-number>_.apk. So the script that downloads the newer file can be as following:
# Get the local version
oldVer=$(ls -v1 | grep -v latest | tail -n 1 | awk -F "_" '{print $2}')
# Get the server version
newVer=$(wget -q -O - "$#" | grep -oP '(?<=Version )([\d.]+)')
# Check if the server version is newer
newestVer=$(echo -e "$oldVer\n$newVer" | sort -n | tail -n 1)
#Download the newer versino
[ "$newVer" = "$newestVer" ] && [ "$oldVer" != "$newVer" ] && wget -O WhatsApp_${newVer}_.apk || echo "The newest version already downloaded"
#Delete all files that not is a new version
find ! -name "*$newVer*" ! -type d -exec rm -f {} \;
# set the link to the latest
ln -sf $(ls -v1 | grep -v latest| tail -n1) latest
