Hello everyone,
My collegue always transfer my emails willingly to spam folder...
Is it possible please to show email auditing ?
Thank you so much
Couple of days back someone used our domain to send spam emails, Now we are using mailgun to send emails but none of email is going to inbox, because previously it was involved in spam activity, how we can now prevent this issue that our email should land to the inbox folder right away! We have other domains to for the purpose of sending emails we can use those too!
It's a matter of notoriety of domain and IP address.
If you use another domain on the same server (ip address), it will end up in the spam folder too.
Using a mail relay like mailgun, and especialy with a dedicated IP option, will help over time to get out of the spam folder if not right away.
You can also help fix your issue by asking some of your users to mark your emails as "not a spam".
No other quicker solutions.
We have Exchange server 2013. I am testing a security method to warn users when external emails are received. This is I am doing by putting "EXTERNAL" text in front of subject-line of incoming emails except if the email-subject already has the text. This is working fine.
Now, what I am trying to do is to remove the text "EXTERNAL" when user will reply to the email. I am having a hard time getting a way to achieve it. Exchange rules, so far I have looked into, does not have anything to remove from subject-line, only to prepend.
How can I do it? My goal is to flag incoming external emails and show it users Outlook client in a way so users would see. I want to use Exchange server built-in functionalities, or from Outlook if the settings can be managed by group-policy and users wont be able to change it.
Thanks and appreciate your help.
I do not know the answer but my search for a way to strip "[External]" and "[EXT]" from the subject line of all incoming emails is what brought me here. It seems IT in so many companies has decided this is a great idea and I just want to share my thoughts that it is a HORRIBLE idea and I wish everyone would stop doing it. You can no longer group all emails by subject line and bring everything together, which is seriously inefficient. There HAS to be a better way to teach your employees to not click on spam/scam links than messing with the existing subject lines. This may be my pet peeve of the century.
If I have an user address and channel-name I can send message to that user. Before sending a message I wish to know if that user is online.
Does the ping message help or is there some other way ?
The Bot Framework currently does not support determining if a user is actively on-line
Hope you can help on this one. I want to resend the welcome email to anyone that enters email submit on my mailchimp form. This includes new subscribers and existing subscribers that re-enter their email addresses on the mailchimp form. Hope that makes sense. Any help appreciated. I'm new but quick study to the html and php coding world so if you can step thru for me.
The landing page is: http://www.plannerpress.net/jgh7atu/
So, it seems pretty unlikely that you'd actually want to send a welcome email multiple times. It seems more likely that you're putting other content in the welcome email and trying to use it cleverly to achieve some other goal. I'd focus on that goal instead of the current implementation you're working on.
The answer to your question, though is that this isn't possible directly. Your two options are 1) delete the subscriber and then re-subscribe them or 2) use automations to send the email you really want to send when you want to send it.
I'm not 100% sure #1 will work, and even if it does, you'll lose user activity for those users when they re-subscribe. I'd work on #2 if I were you.
I m using personalized mailer library in Codeigniter for sending emails to customers, mails are going perfectly but how can i get bounced email list. Please help me how to do this...Thanks
Unfortunately servers are not required to send a rejected email request. And those that do, have no standard way of doing so. The gmails and hotmails might, but you cant rely on a response.
If you think about it, it would be a great security concern if that were allowed as you could check for all valid emails at a domain.