We are working on creating an interactive mosaic mirror in processing using the Kinect XBox camera. We currently have code that pixelates a live video feed from the kinect camera, but we are unable to take a photo from the live video feed. We are working on adding code that would allow the user to press a key and take a photo from the video. Any ideas on how to get this user input?
We have already tried using an if key pressed function but were unsuccessful.
Our code so far adapted from a Daniel Shiffman Tutorial:
import kinect4WinSDK.Kinect;
import kinect4WinSDK.SkeletonData;
Kinect kinect;
ArrayList <SkeletonData> bodies;
PImage obama;
PImage smaller;
int scl = 16;
int w, h;
void setup() {
size(600, 749);
kinect = new Kinect(this);
obama = kinect.GetImage();
w = obama.width/scl;
h = obama.height/scl;
smaller = createImage(w,h,RGB);
smaller.copy(obama, 0, 0, obama.width, obama.height, 0, 0, w, h);
void draw() {
obama = kinect.GetImage();
smaller.copy(obama, 0, 0, obama.width, obama.height, 0, 0, w, h);
for (int x =0; x < w; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
int index = x + y * w;
color c = smaller.pixels[index];
rect(x*scl, y*scl, scl, scl);
//image(smaller, 0, 0);
Hi: I'm trying to use angles in my code but am very unclear on how to use them as variables. I want to make this tree root-looking sketch and need this last piece to complete it.
The error occurs in this for loop in the draw function. I'd like the angle to change on each frame, as well as the color to provide dimension. Here is the for loop:
for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
pins (int p=>angle+=atan2(p.y-y, p.x-x));
color=map(sin(angle), -1, 1, 0, 256);
line(int x, int y, int x, int y+color);
This is my full code below.
float[] pins= new float[0];
float pins_num= 150;
float y, x;
void setup (){
size(1920, 1080);
float y=0;
for (int i=0; i<pins_num; i++ ) {
pins[i]=createVector(random(width), random(height));
void draw (){
if (y<height) {
for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
pins (int p=>angle+=atan2(p.y-y, p.x-x));
color=map(sin(angle), -1, 1, 0, 256);
line(int x, int y, int x, int y+color);
It seems you've mixing p5.js (createVector , int p=>angle...) syntax and Processing syntax. If you're porting a p5.js sketch to Processing you should include the original p5.js code in your question as well.
A few things that stand out:
float[] pins= new float[0]; looks like a static array storing a single float value, however pins[i]=createVector(random(width), random(height)); implies it should be a PVector array, for example: PVector[] pins= new PVector[pins_num];
float pins_num= 150; is declared/initialsed after pins: I suspect the intention was to use this as size of the pins array and it should be added before the pins array.
y,x are declared at the top as floats, however, incremented as a integers in draw(x++, y++).
pins (int p=>angle+=atan2(p.y-y, p.x-x)); looks really confusing. Maybe the intension is to access each pin (maybe it was pins.forEach in js) and increment angle with the the rotation between each random PVector allocated in setup() and current x,y location (top to bottom) ? Something like: for(PVector p : pins) angle += atan2(p.y-y, p.x-x); in Processing (Java)
color=map(sin(angle), -1, 1, 0, 256); this looks like p5.js, in Processing you need to use both a variable type and the name (not just the type) (and minor details, the range for colors is 0 to 255, not 0 to 256 (as that adds up to 256 values in to total, starting the count at 0, not at 1). In Processing this could look like: color mappedColor = color(map(sin(angle), -1.0, 1.0, 0, 255));
line(int x, int y, int x, int y+color); looks like you tried to add variable types (as you do in Processing vs p5.js), however, you only need to specify the types when you declare a function, not when you call it. This should be line(x, y, x, y + color);
It's a bit of a wild guess, but inferring only from existing code, a fully ported Processing version of your code might look like this:
int numPins = 150;
PVector[] pins= new PVector[numPins];
int x, y;
void setup () {
size(1920, 1080);
for (int i = 0; i < numPins; i++ ) {
pins[i] = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
void draw () {
float angle = 0;
if (y < height) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for(PVector p : pins) angle += atan2(p.y-y, p.x-x);
color mappedColor = color(map(sin(angle), -1.0, 1.0, 0, 255));
line(x, y, x, y + mappedColor);
I need some help with a code for an exam in my university.
What I'm trying to do here is a visual representation of a speech between two people. So the code starts when you press "L" and then works a bit like walkie talkie so when the other person speaks need to push "A", when the word goes back to the first person he needs to press "L" again and so on.
I like the result of the code so far but my professor told me to try something and I'm not able to do it.
He would like to see the coloured lines covering all the screen in vertical and not just a portion of it and when they reach the end of the screen on the right split in two so that the first row that just got created becomes half of the screen and the new one creating in the other half. When the second row finishes and the third row is created the screen must split in 3 and so on.
I tried to achieve this but I messed up the code so I will post here the last version of it working.
I hope you can help in any way, all kind of suggestion are appreciated, thank you!
import processing.sound.*;
AudioIn input;
Amplitude amp;
int y;
int x;
int incY = 141;
color bg = color(255, 0);
color high;
color low;
color mid;
void setup() {
size(1440, 846);
input = new AudioIn(this, 0);
amp = new Amplitude(this);
void draw() {
float volume = amp.analyze();
int lncolor = int(map(volume, 0, 0.05, 0, 3));
if (lncolor==0) {
if (lncolor==1) {
if (lncolor==2) {
if (lncolor==3) {
if (key == 'a') {
if (x==width) {
x = 0;
y = y + incY;
line(x, y, x, y+incY);
high=color(72, 16, 255);
low= color(179, 155, 255);
mid = lerpColor(low, high, .5);
if (key == 'l') {
if (x==width) {
x = 0;
y = y + incY;
line(x, y, x, y+incY);
high=color(255, 128, 16);
low= color(255, 203, 156);
mid = lerpColor(low, high, .5);
The following code won't solve all of your problems, but does show how to keep splitting the screen into proportionate rectangles based on the number of times the graph exceeds the width of the screen. The advancing green bar at the top is where your current signal would be plotted. I'll leave it to you to figure out how to get all the old signal into its respective rectangle. I was unable to run the code that you posted; error message was "Audio Input not configured in start() method". All that I saw was a blank screen.
int x = 0;
int counter = 1;
void rectGrid(int t, int w, int h) {
int top;
for (int k = 0; k < counter; k++) {
top = t + k*h;
rect( 0, top, w, h);
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
fill(0, 255, 0);
rect(0, 0, x++, height/counter);
if (x == width) {
println("count = ", counter + " : " + "height = ", height/counter);
x = 0;
rectGrid(0, width, height/counter);
This is my first time writing here so i'll be direct, i've been trying to recreate this image:
and so far all the code i've got is:
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
void draw() {
void recta() {
int a = 10;
int y = 250;
for (int x = 0; x<20; x++) {
translate(y, y);
rect(0, 0, a, a);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
a= a - 20;
And i have no idea what to do next since this is what i get from it:
So i'd like to ask for help on how to get the same result as the image.
You are so close !
You're absolutely on the right track using pushMatrix()/popMatrix() to isolate coordinate systems, however you might have accidentally placed the rotation after popMatrix() which defeats the purpose. You probably meant to for each square to have an independent rotation from each other and not accumulate 2 * PI to the global rotation.
The other catch is that you're rotating by the same angle (2 * PI) for each iteration in your for loop and that rotation is 360 degrees so even if you fix rotation like this:
translate(y, y);
rect(0, 0, a, a);
you'll get a scaling effect:
(Minor note 2.0 * PI already exists in Processing as the TWO_PI constant)
To get that spiral looking effect is to increment the angle for each iteration (e.g. x = 0, rotation = 0, x = 1, rotation = 5, x = 2, rotation = 10, etc.). The angle increment is totally up to you: depending on how you map the x increment to a rotation angle angle you'll get a tighter or looser spiral.
Speaking of mapping, Processing has a map() function which makes it super easy to map from one range of numbers (let's say x from 0 to 19) to another (let's say 0 radians to PI radians):
for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
translate(y, y);
rotate(map(x, 0, 19, 0, PI));
rect(0, 0, a, a);
a = a - 20;
Here's a basic sketch based on your code:
int a = 10;
int y = 250;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
void recta() {
for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
translate(y, y);
rotate(map(x, 0, 19, 0, PI));
rect(0, 0, a, a);
a = a - 20;
I've removed draw() because it was rendering the same frame without any change: drawing once in setup() achieves the same visual effect using less CPU/power.
You can use draw(), but might as add some interactivity or animation to explore shapes. Here's a tweaked version of the above with comments:
int y = 250;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
void draw(){
void recta() {
// map mouse X position to -180 to 180 degrees (as radians)
float maxAngle = map(mouseX, 0, width, -PI, PI);
// reset square size
int a = 10;
// for each square
for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
// isolate coordinate space
// translate first
translate(y, y);
// then rotate: order matters
// map x value to mouse mapped maximum rotation angle
rotate(map(x, 0, 19, 0, maxAngle));
// render the square
rect(0, 0, a, a);
// decrease square size
a = a - 20;
Remember transformation order matters (e.g. translate() then rotate() would produce different effects compared to rotate() then translate()). Have fun!
I am new to Processing.js and need a little bit support with this issue. I have made a HTML-Canvas animation where I have lines with a curtain like behavior which can be seen here:
this is made with a canvas plugin called Paper.js
I now want to get similar effect on processing but don't really know how to figure it out. My attempt was:
float x;
float y;
void setup() {
size(1024, 768);
background(0, 0, 0);
void mouseMoved() {
x = mouseX;
y = mouseY;
void draw() {
line(50, 50, x += x - x/5, y += y - y/5);
stroke(255, 255, 255);
line(50, 700, x += x - x/15, y += y - y/15);
stroke(255, 255, 255);
line(75, 50, x += x - x/25, y += y - y/25);
stroke(255, 255, 255);
line(75, 700, x += x - x/35, y += y - y/35);
// and so on, would create it within a loop
So what I am trying to do is basically get the same effect which I have done in HTML and adapt it in Processing.js.
Thanks in advance.
I'd strongly recommend ignoring the paper.js and reimplementing this properly. We're seeing a sequence of lines that connect to a historical line of coordinates, based on mouse position, so let's just implement that:
class Point {
float x, y;
Point(float _x, float _y) { x=_x; y=_y; }}
// our list of historical points
ArrayList<Point> points;
// the horizontal spacing of our lines has fixed interval
float interval;
// how many lines do we want to draw?
int steps = 50;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// initialise the "history" as just the midpoint
points = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
points.add(new Point(width/2, height/2));
// compute the horizontal interval, because it's
// width-dependent. Never hard code dependent values.
interval = width/(float)steps;
// the lower we set this, the slower it animates.
void draw() {
// white background, black lines
// for each historic point, draw two
// lines. One from height 0 to the point,
// another from height [max] to the point.
Point p;
for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
p = points.get(i);
line(interval/2 + i*interval, 0, p.x, p.y);
line(interval/2 + i*interval, height, p.x, p.y);
// when we move the mouse, that counts as a new historic point
points.add(new Point(mouseX, mouseY));
Sketch running in the browser: http://jsfiddle.net/M2LRy/1/
(You could speed this up by using a round-robin array instead of an ArrayList, but ArrayLists are pretty convenient here)
I'm currently making an application using processing intended to take an image and apply 8bit style processing to it: that is to make it look pixelated. To do this it has a method that take a style and window size as parameters (style is the shape in which the window is to be displayed - rect, ellipse, cross etc, and window size is a number between 1-10 squared) - to produce results similar to the iphone app pxl ( http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pxl./id499620829?mt=8 ). This method then counts through the image's pixels, window by window averages the colour of the window and displays a rect(or which every shape/style chosen) at the equivalent space on the other side of the sketch window (the sketch when run is supposed to display the original image on the left mirror it with the processed version on the right).
The problem Im having is when drawing the averaged colour rects, the order in which they display becomes skewed..
Although the results are rather amusing, they are not what I want. Here the code:
PImage img;
public int avR, avG, avB;
private final int BLOCKS = 0, DOTS = 1, VERTICAL_CROSSES = 2, HORIZONTAL_CROSSES = 3;
public sRGB styleColour;
public sRGB averageWindowColour(color [] c){
// RGB Variables
float r = 0;
float g = 0;
float b = 0;
// Iterator
int i = 0;
int sizeOfWindow = c.length;
// Count through the window's pixels, store the
// red, green and blue values in the RGB variables
// and sum them into the average variables
for(i = 0; i < c.length; i++){
r = red (c[i]);
g = green(c[i]);
b = blue (c[i]);
avR += r;
avG += g;
avB += b;
// Divide the sum of the red, green and blue
// values by the number of pixels in the window
// to obtain the average
avR = avR / sizeOfWindow;
avG = avG / sizeOfWindow;
avB = avB / sizeOfWindow;
// Return the colour
return new sRGB(avR,avG,avB);
public void eightBitIT(int style, int windowSize){
for(int wx = 0; wx < img.width; wx += (sqrt(windowSize))){
for(int wy = 0; wy < img.height; wy += (sqrt(windowSize))){
color [] tempCols = new color[windowSize];
int i = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < (sqrt(windowSize)); x ++){
for(int y = 0; y < (sqrt(windowSize)); y ++){
int loc = (wx+x) + (y+wy)*(img.width-windowSize);
tempCols[i] = img.pixels[loc];
// println("Window loc X: "+(wx+(img.width+5))+" Window loc Y: "+(wy+5)+" Window pix X: "+x+" Window Pix Y: "+y);
//this is ment to be in a switch test (0 = rect, 1 ellipse etc)
styleColour = new sRGB(averageWindowColour(tempCols));
//println("R: "+ red(styleColour.returnColourScaled())+" G: "+green(styleColour.returnColourScaled())+" B: "+blue(styleColour.returnColourScaled()));
//println("Rect Loc X: "+(wx+(img.width+5))+" Y: "+(wy+5));
public PImage load(String s){
PImage temp = loadImage(s);
return temp;
void setup(){
// Load the image and set size of screen to its size*2 + the borders
// and display the image.
img = loadImage("oscilloscope.jpg");
// Draw the borders
rect(5,5,9,9); //window example
// process the image
eightBitIT(BLOCKS, 16);
void draw(){
//eightBitIT(BLOCKS, 4);
//println("X: "+mouseX+" Y: "+mouseY);
This has been bugging me for a while now as I can't see where in my code im offsetting the coordinates so they display like this. I know its probably something very trivial but I can seem to work it out. If anyone can spot why this skewed reordering is happening i would be much obliged as i have quite a lot of other ideas i want to implement and this is holding me back...