Log Out does not work correctly in Spring Security OAuth2 - spring-boot

There are a Zuul gateway as Spring-Security-OAuth2 client and Authorization Server. Those are located here
The part of Zuul config:
.mvcMatchers("/uaa/**", "/login**", "/favicon.ico", "/error**").permitAll()
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/reza"))
And the SsoLogoutHandler class of Zuul application as Spring-Security-OAuth2 client:
public class SSOLogoutHandler implements LogoutHandler {
public void logout(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Authentication authentication) {
Object details = authentication.getDetails();
String token = ((OAuth2AuthenticationDetails) details).getTokenValue();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String url = "" + token;
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity<Object> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<Object>(headers);
ResponseEntity<Boolean> result = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, new ParameterizedTypeReference<Boolean>() {
and the RevokeTokenController config class of Authorization Server:
public class RevokeTokenController {
private TokenStore tokenStore;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/token/revoke")
public Boolean revoke(String token) throws Exception {
OAuth2AccessToken tokenObj = tokenStore.readAccessToken(token);
return true;
In order to above configuration that you see, SsoLogoutHandler of client calls as restTemplate to RevokeTokenController of Authorzation Server to log out, Token and Refresh Token are removed but the client again requests as /uaa/authorize... to get new access token and log out is not happen.
Where is wrong? I want to log out after removing both Token and Refresh Token instead of getting again the Access Token. Another hand I want to redirect to login page after removing the token.
I was deep into the client request after removing the token, the client requests like .../uaa/authorize?client_id=..., so the location attribute of its response is .../gateway/login?code=[code], because of the code, the client is not redirected to login page.

I have solved the problem by two logout endpoints in both Gateway and UAA, in that way first, by the /logout endpoint, the request is redirected to Gateway for logging out, so the its own logoutSuccessUrl is /uaa/logout endpoint of UAA, in order to these endpoints, both the logout of Gateway and UAA are happen.
like this:
In the Gateway
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"));
and the part of UAA config is:
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"));

I would suggest to move your token revocation logic in SSOLogoutHandler and then redirect to login page from there instead of calling separate API call.
Because if something fails to execute token revocation logic due API call then that token will be there and you have to separately handle those tokens later on which will be more complex.
In this particular case, if autowire for TokenStore does not work then register/create a bean of SSOLogoutHandler in one of the connfiguration file and provide TokeStore dependancy from there for SSOLogoutHandler.


Spring Security returns 403 Forbidden to expired jwt token. How can I change it to 401 Unauthorized response with custom body?

I have created application for generating JWT tokens for users that either logging in or registering.
I have another demo endpoint for getting some data from API.
But because the project is Spring Security it checks if token that has been passed in Bearer Header is valid or not. And It detects the token is expired giving this ExpiredJwtException. I want to catch that exception and return custom Response to Client.
Exception when jwt token is expired:
io.jsonwebtoken.ExpiredJwtException: JWT expired at
2023-02-16T10:54:29Z. Current time: 2023-02-16T12:44:41Z, a difference
of 6612302 milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: 0 milliseconds. at
~[jjwt-impl-0.11.5.jar:0.11.5] at
~[jjwt-impl-0.11.5.jar:0.11.5] at
~[jjwt-impl-0.11.5.jar:0.11.5] at
But It returns 403Forbidden with empty body.
How can I change this response?
This is my SecurityConfiguration class:
public class SecurityConfiguration{
private final JwtAuthenticationFilter jwtAuthFilter;
private final AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider;
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(jwtAuthFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
return http.build();
This is my ErrorHandler:
public class ErrorHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
private static final String LOG_ERROR = "Error. {} \n{}";
//There are other methods here that handle other exceptions
public ResponseEntity<ErrorResponse> handleJwtExpiredTokenException(ExpiredJwtException ex) {
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)
.body(new ErrorResponse(ErrorCode.TOKEN_EXPIRED, ex.getMessage()));
I explained issue to ChatGpt. It recommended some code changes like adding new AuthenticationEntryPoint and others. But this didn't solve my problem

How do I redirect to a specific uri after Google oauth using Spring Boot

I'm implementing a server using Spring Boot. After the user do an oauth login, I want the user to go redirect to a specific uri so I can let the user register or login. The Google OAuth login seems like it is working fine but it keeps going to "/" uri. I want to user to be redirected to "/api/v1/member/oauth"
This is my Spring Security setup.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/swagger-ui/**", "/swagger-resources/**", "/v2/api-docs")
This is the OAuth service that a user is directed to. (This works fine)
public class CustomOAuth2MemberService implements OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> {
public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) {
OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> delegate = new DefaultOAuth2UserService();
OAuth2User oAuth2User;
try {
oAuth2User = delegate.loadUser(userRequest);
} catch (OAuth2AuthenticationException e) {
throw new CustomException(OAUTH_FAIL);
return new DefaultOAuth2User(oAuth2User.getAuthorities(), oAuth2User.getAttributes(), "sub");
I want to get the DefaultOAuth2User which is returned from the above to this uri.
public Object registerOrLogin(DefaultOAuth2User defaultOAuth2user) {
return ResponseEntity.status(200)
It currently is not going to this uri and is redirected to "/".
NEW: I redirected it by having .defaultSuccessUrl() but now the DefaultOAuth2User is not sent with the redirection, causing the parameter of redirected api to be null. How do I fix this problem?
Try to use
this should override post-authentication behavior and redirect to the desired page after successful login. Also, there is a similar method for setting redirection URL for failed authentication .failureUrl("url").
Spring-Security AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter class has successfulAuthentication() methos, which defines what happens when a User is successfully authenticated. You can register your success handler and put your redirect logic there.
But here is a catch, when using OAuth2.0, we need to specify redirect-uri to which user will be landed after client receives an access-token.
If you are okay with this Oauth's redirect-uri, do not alter the redirect in success handler or if you need to redirect irrespective of that, use response.sendRedirect("/social-login-sample/some-page");
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/swagger-ui/**", "/swagger-resources/**", "/v2/api-docs")
new AuthenticationSuccessHandler() {
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication)
throws IOException, ServletException {
// authentication.getName() : Principal Name
CustomOAuth2User oauthUser = (CustomOAuth2User) authentication.getPrincipal();
// Check if user is registered in your Database, if not, register new user
// Get actual redirect-uri set in OAuth-Provider(Google, Facebook)
String redirectUri =
log.info("redirectUri: {}", redirectUri);
// Ignore redirect-uri, and send user to a different page instead...
// response.sendRedirect("/social-login-sample/some-ther-page");

how to skip jwt authorization for configured apis in springboot rest

I am using springboot to build REST microservices. I have configured certain APIs to not require authorization through SecurityConfig as shown below:
.antMatchers("/api/auth/**").permitAll() // white list the auth apis
http.addFilterBefore(jwtAuthenticationFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
I also have the JWT filter as shown below:
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
// get JWT from HTTP request
String jwtToken = getJWTFromRequest(request);
// validate the token
if ( StringUtils.hasText(jwtToken) && tokenProvider.validateToken(jwtToken, request) ){
// retrieve the user from token
String userName = tokenProvider.getUsernameFromJWT(jwtToken);
// load user from the database associated with the token
UserDetails userDetails = customUserDetailService.loadUserByUsername(userName);
// set spring security
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authenticationToken =
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(userDetails, null, userDetails.getAuthorities());
authenticationToken.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(request));
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
This all works fine if I do not send a JWT token in the request header. However, if I do send a JWT token (for example an expired token) for an API call that has been configured to NOT REQUIRE any authorization, the filter code still tries to validate the JWT token even though it is not necessary.
What I would like to do is, in the JWT token filter, to skip the token processing complete if the end point being invoked does not require authorization. How can I access the end points configured as permitAll in the JWT token filter?
Thanks for your help.

Spring Security with OAuth2 losing session

We have a Spring Boot-based Gateway using Spring Security, OAuth2 login, and Zuul routing. It is also using Spring Session to store sessions in Redis. This Gateway stores an OAuth2 token in the session and forwards the OAuth2 Bearer token to backend services.
We have an issue where users are being signed out quite often. It appears this happens roughly hourly. We are not even quite sure what is causing this with all the different tools in place.
Our session cookie in the browser expires in a longer period of time. So I suspect it is either Spring invalidating the session, or the OAuth2 token expiring.
From a quick inspection of the code, it appears that OAuth2TokenRelayFilter supports refreshing the token. Is this correct?
How can track down the cause of this and fix it?
For reference, we are using these versions:
Spring Boot 2.1.12
Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR4
Here are some relevant snippets.
Our web security config for the web pages.
#Order(SecurityProperties.BASIC_AUTH_ORDER - 2)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.antMatchers("/login", "/login/**", "/favicon.ico").permitAll()
.anyRequest().hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "MEMBER")
// #formatter:on
Security configuration for API paths.
#Order(SecurityProperties.BASIC_AUTH_ORDER - 2 - 10)
public class ApiSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.antMatchers("/**").hasAnyRole("ADMIN", "MEMBER")
.exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new Http403ForbiddenEntryPoint());
// #formatter:on
We have done some debugging of the Spring internals. First, we found that we were missing an OAuth2RestTemplate. Per the OAuth2 Boot documentation we found how to add it with:
public OAuth2RestTemplate oauth2RestTemplate(
OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext,
OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails details)
return new OAuth2RestTemplate(details, oauth2ClientContext);
This is now throwing an exception when OAuth2TokenRelayFilter calls restTemplate.getAccessToken().getValue();.
A redirect is required to get the users approval
This exception is thrown from AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenProvider.
OAuth2TokenRelayFilter is a pre type filter which set the contexts with ACCESS_TOKEN and TOKEN_TYPE which will be used for the further authentication. It validates the tokens using getAccessToken() method and responds with "Cannot obtain valid access token" with 401 status.
You may check the validity of tokens and refresh token is correctly configured with grant_type as refresh_token as The Refresh Token grant type is used by clients to exchange a refresh token for an access token when the access token has expired which allows clients to continue to have a valid access token without further interaction with the user.
In case if you want to disable OAuth2TokenRelayFilter, you may use the following

Spring Security unexpected behavior for REST endpoints authentication?

The scenario we are looking for is as follows:
client connects with REST to a REST login url
Spring microservice (using Spring Security) should return 200 OK and a login token
the client keeps the token
the client calls other REST endpoints using the same token.
However, I see that the client is getting 302 and a Location header, together with the token. So it does authenticate, but with un-desired HTTP response status code and header.
The Spring Security configuration looks like this:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.disable() // Refactor login form
// See https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPR-11496
.addHeaderWriter(new XFrameOptionsHeaderWriter(XFrameOptionsHeaderWriter.XFrameOptionsMode.SAMEORIGIN))
.antMatchers("/", "/home").permitAll()
I tried adding interceptors and filters but can't see where 302 and Location being set and added in Spring side.
However, the Location header does show in the response headers received at the client side (together with the rest of the Spring Security headers LINK):
X-XSS-Protection=1; mode=block
Cache-Control=no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
Set-Cookie=JSESSIONID=D1C1F1CE1FF4E1B3DDF6FA302D48A905; Path=/; HttpOnly
Location=http://ec2-35-166-130-246.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8108/ <---- ouch
Date=Thu, 22 Dec 2016 20:15:20 GMT
Any suggestion how to make it work as expected ("200 OK", no Location header and the token)?
NOTE: using Spring Boot, Spring Security, no UI, just client code calling REST endpoints.
If you need a rest api, you must not use http.formLogin(). It generates form based login as described here.
Instead you can have this configuration
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
.addFilterBefore(authTokenFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
Create a class, AuthTokenFilter which extends Spring UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter and override doFilter method, which checks for an authentication token in every request and sets SecurityContextHolder accordingly.
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletResponse resp = (HttpServletResponse) response;
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS");
resp.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, " + tokenHeader);
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
String authToken = httpRequest.getHeader(tokenHeader);
String username = this.tokenUtils.getUsernameFromToken(authToken); // Create some token utility class to manage tokens
if (username != null && SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() == null) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication =
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(-------------);
// Create an authnetication as above and set SecurityContextHolder
authentication.setDetails(new WebAuthenticationDetailsSource().buildDetails(httpRequest));
chain.doFilter(request, response);
Then create an AuthenticationController, mapped with /login url, which checks credentials, and returns token.
* Perform the authentication. This will call Spring UserDetailsService's loadUserByUsername implicitly
* BadCredentialsException is thrown if username and password mismatch
Authentication authentication = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
UserDetailsImp userDetails = (UserDetailsImp) authentication.getPrincipal();
// Generate token using some Token Utils class methods, using this principal
To understand loadUserByUsername , UserDetailsService and UserDetails, please refer Spring security docs
For better understanding, please thoroughly read above link and subsequent chapters.
It's a 302 response telling the browser to redirect to your login page. What do you expect to happen? 302 response must have a Location header.
is designed for form-based login. So the 302 status and Location header in the response is expected if you attempt to access a protected resource without being authenticated.
Based on your requirement/scenario,
client connects with REST to a REST login url
have you considered using HTTP Basic for authentication?
Using HTTP Basic, you can populate the Authorization header with the username/password and the BasicAuthenticationFilter will take care of authenticating the credentials and populating the SecurityContext accordingly.
I have a working example of this using Angular on the client-side and Spring Boot-Spring Security on back-end.
If you look at security-service.js, you will see a factory named securityService which provides a login() function. This function calls the /principal endpoint with the Authorization header populated with the username/password as per HTTP Basic format, for example:
Authorization : Basic base64Encoded(username:passsword)
The BasicAuthenticationFilter will process this request by extracting the credentials and ultimately authenticating the user and populating the SecurityContext with the authenticated principal. After authentication is successful, the request will proceed to the destined endpoint /principal which is mapped to SecurityController.currentPrincipal which simply returns a json representation of the authenticated principal.
For your remaining requirements:
Spring microservice (using Spring Security) should return 200 OK and a login token
the client keeps the token
the client calls other REST endpoints using the same token.
You can generate a security/login token and return that instead of the user info. However, I would highly recommend looking at Spring Security OAuth if you have a number of REST endpoints deployed across different Microservices that need to be protected via a security token. Building out your own STS (Security Token Service) can become very involved and complicated so not recommended.
You can implement your custom AuthenticationSuccessHandler and override method "onAuthenticationSuccess" to change the response status as per your need.
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication) throws IOException, ServletException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, String> tokenMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
tokenMap.put("token", accessToken.getToken());
tokenMap.put("refreshToken", refreshToken.getToken());
mapper.writeValue(response.getWriter(), tokenMap);
You need to override the default logout success handler to avoid redirect. In spring boot2 you can do as below:
//do nothing not to redirect
For more details: Please check this.
You can use headers().defaultsDisabled() and then chain that method to add the specific headers you want.
