Need details for creating new Gluon-Mobile Project and differences? - gluon

Single View Project
Single View Project on Gluon VM
Multi View Project
Multi view project with Fxml
Multi view project with Glisten Afterburner
Which is better for multi language?

Using the Gluon plugin for your IDE is documented here.
There are several templates available to create a Gluon Mobile project with a few classes and resources.
The differences between each of them are:
Single View or Multi View: Gluon Mobile uses View containers for each of the mobile app views. The template will create just one on a Single View project (for a simple case), or two on a Multiple View project (but extensible to any number of views). The latter will be the most common case of usual apps.
With or Without FXML: This is self-explanatory, you can select the template to use FXML (Scene Builder) or not.
With FXML and Glisten Afterburner. This is a particular use case of FXML based on the well-known Afterburner MVP framework that allows Dependency Injection, customized to work with Gluon Mobile views.
With or Without Gluon VM. The templates are defined for the JFXmobile plugin version 1.3.16+, except for one that allows Gluon VM using the plugin 2.0.30+. The differences are explained here.
To get started, I would select Multi view project with Fxml, with Java 8, FXML (Afterburner is optional), and you can have i18n support using resource bundles, like in a regular JavaFX project.


Why can't I add a class file as a Forms in my Xamarin project?

I created a new class project in shared-code platform to use a module for Prism. I am trying to add a new xaml file with a code behind but it's not letting me add it as an option. How can I add the missing Forms tab on the side menu on my project?
When creating a standard library, it usually doesn't come with Xamarin Forms, make sure you have Xamarin Forms added in your dependencies.

Xamarin Forms Custom Control using renderer

I would like to create custom controls using xamarin android visual studio. I have created this as sample project using xamarin forms and it works fine:
Now my req is I want to create something like:
Above control I have created using fragment - android native controls. I want to create now exactly same in Xamarin Forms using Renderer.
The following link is a great tutorial to get you into how to write custom renderers, along with the code sample here.
If you follow the essence of there example you will see how to write an Android renderer and be able to test it, however for what you are trying to do you have to make some alterations.
You will want to specify the assembly ExportRendererAttribute to expose your custom renderer and allow this to be registered for use. This will then make your class implementation callable when it is encountered rendering a Xamarin.Forms page.
As you are creating a composite control you will want to derive also from ViewRenderer<> passing your custom View that is shared across all platform implementations, and the base control that you will use for hosting your new composite control (look at your sample composition that you already have done and take the top-most element).
Unlike the example in the link you will not override the Draw method as you are not going to be painting directly onto the Canvas. Instead you will create your layout following what you have already done, but you will place this code within the override OnElementChanged().

Hide Menu items from Netbeans Platform Application in Maven

This is related to How do I hide menus without a layer file in NetBeans Platform? and How to remove items from menu in netBeans platform?. Sadly those are related to an ant built platform.
I'm trying to find out how to the same in Maven built application. I bet there's a way to add a custom layer file.
Any ideas?
It actually works the same way even if you have a Maven-based NetBeans platform application. Try right clicking the module of interest and selecting New->Other->Module Development->XML Layer. This will create and register the layer.xml for you, which you can then hack as desired.

JavaFX: Why most of the examples of the web do not separate the layers View and Controller using, for example, files fxml?

Most of the source codes I find on the web about JavaFX show codes with the View and Control layers in one source. So the code that creates the visual components are attached to the methods corresponding to events, ie, layers View and Controller are together. That's not bad, since it is better to develop using MVC architecture?
Why do not prefer web examples separate layers View and Control, ie, use files ".fxml" and controllers in Java classes?
I really liked JavaFX Scene Builder, but there are few examples of web that implement this separation of layers using files ".fxml".
I am Brazilian, sorry the possible english errors.
Thank you!

Different types of Xcode applications

I am new to Xcode development. When I first opened Xcode 4.2, there were different types of applications we can build (Master Detail, Page Based, Single View, Tabbed, Utility, Empty Application) using Xcode.
I am somewhat confused about how different they are from each other. I did some search but so far I am not able to understand their basic difference. How would I know which application to select to start developing my own application.
If someone can explain their difference and usage to me in layman terms.
Those are different starter template's provided along with Xcode. You may decide not to you use any of the templates and go with an empty project.
Below is the brief overview of each of the templates.
Master Detail - Template which has pre-created Parent-child views with navigation controller, typically for iPad for different orientation.
Page based - Similar to iBooks app.
Single View - Starter template with a single view. you can add multiple view whenever required.
Tabbed application - View controller with tab bar at the bottom of the screen.
I hope you got the idea. In my opinion, as a starter, you should go with creating a single view based application.
Good luck.
