How to check (programmatically) if a video/audio file has DRM protection? - ffmpeg

How to check (programmatically) if a video/audio file has DRM protection? Can FFmpeg do this?

As noted in the comments, this heavily depends on the file format. However, since the most common format is likely to be ISOBMFF, that will likely be the case where you most often need to detect it.
For ISOBMFF, it's quite easy, you can simply loop through the "atoms" in the file, and look for a pssh atom.
Tools like mp4dump will be able to dump the whole structure for you. Alternatively i built a small tool that will find the pssh box, and tell you which DRM systems it signals.


Does anyone know any RTL Compression tool?

Does anyone know a good tool for compression files using Windows API function called RtlCompressBuffer? I want to compress an executable using this method.
RtlCompressBuffer is a fairly low-level tool. You'd normally use it to create some higher-level tool before actually compressing an executable.
Windows has a couple such higher level tools, depending on exactly what you want to accomplish. If you want an executable that's stored on a file system in compressed form, then you probably want to use NTFS compression. To compress your executable with this, you call DeviceIoControl with the FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION flag.
If you want to compress a file for distribution (e.g., so a user will be able to download it faster) you normally want to put it into a cabinet file, which you might then ship by itself, or (generally preferred) package it up into an MSI package. As far as pre-packaged tools to do this, you'd be looking at Microsoft's cabarc. If you want to do the job in your own code, you can use the File Compression Interface (FCI).
Obligatory side note: although both of these do compression (and also support matching decompression), no I'm not really sure whether either (not to mention both) is actually implemented using RtlCompressBuffer. I don't believe Microsoft's documentation specifies their implementation in nearly that level of detail.

How can I record voice from microphone in wave format in windows RT?

I was able to get the file in mp3 and wma format. But I need wave format.
I know this seems a bit twisted, but can't you install an audio-conversion software (or implement one, if the algorithm isn't too complex)?
Also, I'm not really familiar with this, but I've heard talk about MediaEngine for WinRT, if you don't know about it it might be worth looking into.

Capture sound output on mac

I am trying to port my screensaver from windows to mac and one of its features was reacting on system sound output. On windows it was easy using Direct Sound, but I can't find any example of capturing sound output on mac. Is it possible even possible without writing something like kernel extension? Using flash it is also very easy — it even gives computeSpectrum method to get raw data or even fft transformed data.
All programs that I have already found use Soundflower or their own kernel extension. But I don't think that asking to install separate program or using kernel extension is a good way.
One thing you can do, considering that Soundflower is open source, is take a look at how they did it. You can't copy & paste GPL code, but you can surely study the techniques used and create your own solution (point you in the right direction).
You won't find Apple being very helpful here. Sound capturing, in this manner, can be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes. I'm not even sure if Core Audio lets you do this without hacks. In any case, you have a working implementation of what you're trying to accomplish. I'd take advantage of it.
I'm not on my Mac right now, but I'm pretty sure that Quartz Composer has a patch for just this thing. Depending on what language you're writing your screen saver in, it may be fairly easy for you to port your code into a QC patch. Well... it probably won't be easy, but it may be doable.

programmatically recording sound sent to Built-in Output, Mac OS X

I have a conundrum:
I need to find a way to capture the raw audio data that is being piped to the Built-in Output on Mac OS X. Core Audio, HAL, etc.
I can "listen" in on the Built-in Output and the mic, but neither of these appear to offer the correct data stream - the exact stream (all combined data from all input sources) that goes to the speakers/built-in output.
Any advice is welcomed with appreciation.
maybe you should have a look at the Jack source code...
Do you need to access to that stream from your program, or do you just want to rip audio from it? In the second case, a quick Google search turned up and None of those are open-source or free though.
Edit -- whoops, you want to access to programmatically, that answers my own question, sorry. I think I'll keep my answer here in case some folks stumbles upon this page wanting to record audio non-programmatically.
You need will need your app to install a system extension.
Soundflower is an open-source implementation of such an extension.

How do I create a container file?

I would like to create a file format for my app like Quake, OO, and MS Office 07 have.
Basically a uncompressed zip folder, or tar file.
I need this to be cross platform (mac and windows).
Can I do something via command prompt and bash?
If you want a single file that is portable to all platforms and which contain structured data, consider using sqlite. You'll get a full featured ACID compliant database that exists on disk as a single file.
There are libraries you can link against to directly access the file, and there is a command line tool you can use as well. No matter what language you are using, most likely there is support for it.
Have a look at the open source 7Zip compression format. For your specific needs, you can use it in an "Archive" mode, zero compression but very fast.
It provides a powerful SDK, LZMA, from the site:
"LZMA is the default and general compression method of 7z format in the 7-Zip program. LZMA provides a high compression ratio and very fast decompression, so it is very suitable for embedded applications. For example, it can be used for ROM (firmware) compressing.
The LZMA SDK provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools you need to develop applications that use LZMA compression."
Zip is supported everywhere. If a container is all you need, than those are surely good options.
SQLite is great.
A single file, crossplatform, a tiny library, SQL access to data, transactions, the whole enchilada.
you can use transactions to guarantee consistent return points in case of crashing. check uses for sqlite, they specifically advocate using it as a data model layer for desktop applications.
also, there's a command-line tool to manually access the data.
First thing you should ask yourself is, "Do I really need to make my own?"
Depending on what you want to use it for, you are probably better off using a common format and some pre-made libraries which already handle one of those formats very well.
Good places to start: (tar -- a the 'container' format) (zlib -- a method of compressing data before or after you put it in the container)
If you still really think you need to make your own, I would suggest studying something very simple first, like tar's format:
Instead of making a format, I'd just decide on a convention. One or more named files within the container have the metadata you need to access the rest of the files, and know what to do with them. The container itself, though, should just be some ubiquitous format, such as zip. No need to reinvent the wheel, here.
