MS Bot blob storage not able to find the current user - botframework

We are trying to persist user information in Blob Storage. We can write, verify the file exists fine, but when we try and access it in a dialog from context the user is not found.
In our initial connection endpoint, check if user exists, if not, we create one:
await storage.write({
[`directline/users/${userId}`]: {
customData: {},
Record is in blob storage. The blob storage we have is like so:
import {
} from 'botbuilder';
import { log } from './logger';
import { BlobStorage } from 'botbuilder-azure';
import Bot from '../bot';
const storage = new BlobStorage({
storageAccountOrConnectionString: BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING
const userState = new UserState(storage);
const conversationState = new ConversationState(storage);
const botInstance = new Bot(conversationState, userState);
const adapter = new BotFrameworkAdapter({
appId: APP_ID,
appPassword: APP_PASSWORD,
adapter.use(new AutoSaveStateMiddleware(conversationState, userState));
However, when a conversation starts we cannot find the current user:
class Bot {
private conversationState;
private userState;
private dialogState;
private dialogs;
private userProfile;
constructor(conversationState: ConversationState, userState) {
this.conversationState = conversationState;
this.userState = userState;
this.dialogState = this.conversationState.createProperty(DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);
this.userProfile = this.userState.createProperty(USER_STATE_PROPERTY);
this.dialogs = new DialogSet(this.dialogState);
public async onTurn(turnContext) {
const { type, membersAdded, recipient } = turnContext.activity;
if (type === ActivityTypes.Message || type === ActivityTypes.Event) {
const user = await this.userProfile.get(turnContext, {});
// user is always {}

So bad. Error was missing trailing / that MS appends to each id


Getting list with the Elrond's esdt tokens (and balances) from an address (a wallet)

I want to get a list with the Elrond's esdt tokens (and balances) from an address (a wallet). I don't have any example, I tried things such as:
const { address, account } = useGetAccountInfo();
const objAddress = new Address(address);
// const data1 = getAccount(address);
const { network } = useGetNetworkConfig();
const proxy = new ProxyProvider(network.apiAddress);
.then(({ returnData }) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Unable to call VM query', err);
But in the console I get "undefined".
Thanks a lot!
In the latest erdjs version I don't have any getAddressEsdtList function for the provider; what could work is to extend the network providers.
So we know we can extend the available network providers with other functions and we now need to make a request with an address and receive all the tokens that the address helds. has an endpoint that does this at accounts/{address}/tokens.
As we have an endpoint to make a request to, we can now extend the ApiNetworkProvider, making use of doGetGeneric.
// CustomNetworkProvider.js
import { ApiNetworkProvider } from "#elrondnetwork/erdjs-network-providers";
export class CustomNetworkProvider extends ApiNetworkProvider {
async getTokens(address) {
return await this.doGetGeneric(`accounts/${address}/tokens`);
// index.js
import {CustomNetworkProvider} from "./CustomNetworkProvider.js";
const getProvider = () => {
return new CustomNetworkProvider('', { timeout: 5000 });
const provider = getProvider();
const address = 'erd1rf4hv70arudgzus0ymnnsnc4pml0jkywg2xjvzslg0mz4nn2tg7q7k0t6p';
const tokens = await provider.getTokens(address);

How to set Cognito Groups in Migration trigger

I am currently building a migration solution from an AWS Userpool to another using the CognitoTrigger "User Migration".
I have a Group I want to set during migration but I cannot do it because the user isn't created before the whole context finishes.
How can I solve this? I don't want to create a PostAuth - lambda because I only need/want/can run this once per migration and I also want to do this the instant (or up to a few minutes later) the migration happens. (or is it possible to make this PostAuth check if it is the first time it triggers?)
I tried PostConfirm in the hopes of this triggering when the user was created but that did not trigger.
If someone else runs into this - I solved this using a combination of a User Migration trigger and a Pre Token Generation trigger.
In the User Migration trigger (mostly copied from look up and create the user if auth fails/user doesn't exist in the new pool.
In the Pre Token Generation trigger if the user hasn't been added to groups yet look up group membership in the old user pool (adminListGroupsForUser), add them to the new pool (adminAddUserToGroup). The crucial part is to override the group membership claims in the response so that they will be added to the token on the client side (groupsToOverride is just an array of the group names the user is part of):
event.response = {
"claimsOverrideDetails": {
"claimsToAddOrOverride": {
"groupOverrideDetails": {
"groupsToOverride": groupsToOverride,
Thank you #BrokenGlass, I used this approach. For anyone else here's an example Typescript preTokenGeneration lambda.
import { PreTokenGenerationTriggerHandler } from 'aws-lambda';
import { preTokenAuthentication } from '../services/preTokenService';
export const handler: PreTokenGenerationTriggerHandler = async (event, context) => {
request: event.request,
userAttributes: event.request.userAttributes,
clientMetadata: event.request.clientMetadata,
groupConfiguration: event.request.groupConfiguration,
const OLD_USER_POOL_ID = process.env.OLD_USER_POOL_ID;
throw new Error("OLD_USER_POOL_ID is required for the lambda to work.")
const {
request: {
userAttributes: {
} = event;
switch (event.triggerSource) {
case "TokenGeneration_Authentication":
const groupsToOverride = await preTokenAuthentication({
oldUserPoolId: OLD_USER_POOL_ID,
username: email,
event.response = {
"claimsOverrideDetails": {
"claimsToAddOrOverride": {
"groupOverrideDetails": {
"groupsToOverride": groupsToOverride,
return event
console.log(`Bad triggerSource ${event.triggerSource}`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// preTokenService.ts
import { getUsersGroups, cognitoIdentityServiceProvider, assignUserToGroup } from "./cognito"
interface IPreTokenAuthentication {
userPoolId: string;
oldUserPoolId: string;
username: string;
region: string
export const preTokenAuthentication = async ({ userPoolId, oldUserPoolId, username, region }: IPreTokenAuthentication): string[] => {
const cognitoISP = cognitoIdentityServiceProvider({ region });
const newPoolUsersGroups = await getUsersGroups({
// If the user in the new pool already has groups assigned then exit
if (newPoolUsersGroups.length !== 0) {
console.log("No action required user already exists in a group")
const oldPoolUsersGroups = await getUsersGroups({
userPoolId: oldUserPoolId,
// If the user in the old pool doesn't have any groups then nothing else for this function to do so exit.
if (oldPoolUsersGroups.length === 0) {
console.error("No action required user migrated user didn't belong to a group")
console.log({ oldPoolUsersGroups, newPoolUsersGroups })
await assignUserToGroup({
groups: oldPoolUsersGroups
return oldPoolUsersGroups;
// cognito.ts
import { AdminAddUserToGroupRequest, AdminListGroupsForUserRequest } from "aws-sdk/clients/cognitoidentityserviceprovider";
import { CognitoIdentityServiceProvider } from 'aws-sdk';
interface ICognitoIdentityServiceProvider {
region: string;
export const cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = ({ region }: ICognitoIdentityServiceProvider) => {
const options: CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.Types.ClientConfiguration = {
const cognitoIdentityServiceProvider = new CognitoIdentityServiceProvider(options);
return cognitoIdentityServiceProvider;
interface IGetUsersGroups {
cognitoISP: CognitoIdentityServiceProvider,
userPoolId: string,
username: string
export const getUsersGroups = async ({ cognitoISP, userPoolId, username }: IGetUsersGroups): Promise<string[]> => {
try {
const params: AdminListGroupsForUserRequest = {
UserPoolId: userPoolId,
Username: username,
const response = await cognitoISP.adminListGroupsForUser(params).promise();
return response.Groups?.map(group => group.GroupName!) || [];
} catch (err) {
return [];
interface IAssignUserToGroup {
cognitoISP: CognitoIdentityServiceProvider,
username: string;
groups: string[];
userPoolId: string;
* Use Administration to assign a user to groups
* #param {
* cognitoISP the cognito identity service provider to perform the action on
* userPoolId the userPool for which the user is being modified within
* username the username or email for which the action is to be performed
* groups the groups to assign the user too
* }
export const assignUserToGroup = async ({ cognitoISP, userPoolId, username, groups }: IAssignUserToGroup) => {
console.log({ userPoolId, username, groups })
for (const group of groups) {
const params: AdminAddUserToGroupRequest = {
UserPoolId: userPoolId,
Username: username,
GroupName: group
try {
const response = await cognitoISP.adminAddUserToGroup(params).promise();
console.log({ response })
} catch (err) {
Tips, make sure under the trigger section in Cognito that you have the migration and preToken triggers set. You also need to ensure SRP is not enabled so the lambda can see the password to be able to successfully migrate the user.
Things to test is that when the user is first migrated that they are assigned their groups. And for future logins they are also assigned to their groups.
Let me know if anyone has any feedback or questions, happy to help.

nestjs context.swithToHttp().getRequest() returns undefined

I want to create RolesGuard for Graphql
I create Roles decorator like following
export const Roles = (...roles: string[]) => SetMetadata('roles', roles);
And I create GqlAuthGuard and RolesGuard like following
export class GqlAuthGuard extends AuthGuard('jwt') {
getRequest(context: ExecutionContext){
const ctx = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
return ctx.getContext().req;
export class RolesGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(private readonly reflector: Reflector) {}
canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): boolean {
const roles = this.reflector.get<string[]>('roles', context.getHandler());
if (!roles) {
return true;
const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
const user = request.user;
but line const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest(); returns undefined.
and i'm using two guards like following
#AuthGuard(GqlAuthGuard, RolesGuard)
What did I miss??
I solved it myself.
const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
const user = request.user;
const ctx = GqlExecutionContext.create(context);
const user = ctx.getContext().req.user;
i found it from nestjs discord channel.

Virtual assistant created using Typscript- running in Bot Framework Emulator is not responding

I am trying to develop virtual assistant using typescript . i have followed this below document
When i run npm start and test it in Botframework emulator , the bot is not responding any message.
But the Bot is opening with new user greeting adaptive card message
I have tried to edit the adaptive greeting card following this document page
but eventhough the bot is not replying any message
`[11:53:22]Emulator listening on http://localhost:49963`
[11:53:22]ngrok listening on
[11:53:22]ngrok traffic inspector:
[11:53:22]Will bypass ngrok for local addresses
[11:53:23]<- messageapplication/
expected and actual results: it should ask what is your name once connected and start conversing
import {
StatePropertyAccessor } from 'botbuilder';
import { LuisRecognizer, LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient, QnAMakerResult, QnAMakerTelemetryClient } from 'botbuilder-ai';
import {
DialogTurnStatus } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
import {
SkillRouter } from 'botbuilder-skills';
import {
TokenEvents } from 'botbuilder-solutions';
import { TokenStatus } from 'botframework-connector';
import {
ActivityTypes } from 'botframework-schema';
import i18next from 'i18next';
import { IOnboardingState } from '../models/onboardingState';
import { CancelResponses } from '../responses/cancelResponses';
import { MainResponses } from '../responses/mainResponses';
import { BotServices } from '../services/botServices';
import { IBotSettings } from '../services/botSettings';
import { CancelDialog } from './cancelDialog';
import { EscalateDialog } from './escalateDialog';
import { OnboardingDialog } from './onboardingDialog';
enum Events {
timeZoneEvent = 'va.timeZone',
locationEvent = 'va.location'
export class MainDialog extends RouterDialog {
// Fields
private readonly luisServiceGeneral: string = 'general';
private readonly luisServiceFaq: string = 'faq';
private readonly luisServiceChitchat: string = 'chitchat';
private readonly settings: Partial<IBotSettings>;
private readonly services: BotServices;
private readonly skillContextAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<SkillContext>;
private readonly onboardingAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>;
private readonly responder: MainResponses = new MainResponses();
// Constructor
public constructor(
settings: Partial<IBotSettings>,
services: BotServices,
onboardingDialog: OnboardingDialog,
escalateDialog: EscalateDialog,
cancelDialog: CancelDialog,
skillDialogs: SkillDialog[],
skillContextAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<SkillContext>,
onboardingAccessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>,
telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient
) {
super(, telemetryClient);
this.settings = settings; = services;
this.onboardingAccessor = onboardingAccessor;
this.skillContextAccessor = skillContextAccessor;
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
skillDialogs.forEach((skillDialog: SkillDialog): void => {
protected async onStart(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
const view: MainResponses = new MainResponses();
const onboardingState: IOnboardingState|undefined = await this.onboardingAccessor.get(dc.context);
if (onboardingState === undefined || === undefined || === '') {
await view.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.newUserGreeting);
} else {
await view.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.returningUserGreeting);
protected async route(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
// Get cognitive models for locale
const locale: string = i18next.language.substring(0, 2);
const cognitiveModels: ICognitiveModelSet | undefined =;
if (cognitiveModels === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no value in cognitiveModels');
// Check dispatch result
const dispatchResult: RecognizerResult = await cognitiveModels.dispatchService.recognize(dc.context);
const intent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(dispatchResult);
if (this.settings.skills === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no skills in settings value');
// Identify if the dispatch intent matches any Action within a Skill if so, we pass to the appropriate SkillDialog to hand-off
const identifiedSkill: ISkillManifest | undefined = SkillRouter.isSkill(this.settings.skills, intent);
if (identifiedSkill !== undefined) {
// We have identified a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;
if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
await this.complete(dc);
} else if (intent === 'l_general') {
// If dispatch result is general luis model
const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);
if (luisService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const result: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
if (result !== undefined) {
const generalIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(result);
// switch on general intents
switch (generalIntent) {
case 'Escalate': {
// start escalate dialog
await dc.beginDialog(;
case 'None':
default: {
// No intent was identified, send confused message
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else if (intent === 'q_faq') {
const qnaService: QnAMakerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.qnaServices.get(this.luisServiceFaq);
if (qnaService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified QnA Maker Service could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const answers: QnAMakerResult[] = await qnaService.getAnswers(dc.context);
if (answers !== undefined && answers.length > 0) {
await dc.context.sendActivity(answers[0].answer, answers[0].answer);
} else {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else if (intent === 'q_chitchat') {
const qnaService: QnAMakerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.qnaServices.get(this.luisServiceChitchat);
if (qnaService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The specified QnA Maker Service could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const answers: QnAMakerResult[] = await qnaService.getAnswers(dc.context);
if (answers !== undefined && answers.length > 0) {
await dc.context.sendActivity(answers[0].answer, answers[0].answer);
} else {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
} else {
// If dispatch intent does not map to configured models, send 'confused' response.
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
protected async onEvent(dc: DialogContext): Promise<void> {
// Check if there was an action submitted from intro card
if (dc.context.activity.value) {
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-unsafe-any
if (dc.context.activity.value.action === 'startOnboarding') {
await dc.beginDialog(;
let forward: boolean = true;
const ev: Activity = dc.context.activity;
if ( !== undefined && > 0) {
switch ( {
case Events.timeZoneEvent: {
try {
const timezone: string = <string> ev.value;
const tz: string = new Date().toLocaleString(timezone);
const timeZoneObj: {
timezone: string;
} = {
timezone: tz
const skillContext: SkillContext = await this.skillContextAccessor.get(dc.context, new SkillContext());
skillContext.setObj(timezone, timeZoneObj);
await this.skillContextAccessor.set(dc.context, skillContext);
} catch {
await dc.context.sendActivity(
type: ActivityTypes.Trace,
text: `"Timezone passed could not be mapped to a valid Timezone. Property not set."`
forward = false;
case Events.locationEvent: {
const location: string = <string> ev.value;
const locationObj: {
location: string;
} = {
location: location
const skillContext: SkillContext = await this.skillContextAccessor.get(dc.context, new SkillContext());
skillContext.setObj(location, locationObj);
await this.skillContextAccessor.set(dc.context, skillContext);
forward = true;
case TokenEvents.tokenResponseEventName: {
forward = true;
default: {
await dc.context.sendActivity(
type: ActivityTypes.Trace,
text: `"Unknown Event ${ } was received but not processed."`
forward = false;
if (forward) {
const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.continueDialog();
if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
await this.complete(dc);
protected async complete(dc: DialogContext, result?: DialogTurnResult): Promise<void> {
// The active dialog's stack ended with a complete status
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.completed);
protected async onInterruptDialog(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
if (dc.context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.Message) {
const locale: string = i18next.language.substring(0, 2);
const cognitiveModels: ICognitiveModelSet | undefined =;
if (cognitiveModels === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no cognitiveModels value');
// check luis intent
const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);
if (luisService === undefined) {
throw new Error('The general LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
} else {
const luisResult: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
const intent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(luisResult);
// Only triggers interruption if confidence level is high
if (luisResult.intents[intent] !== undefined && luisResult.intents[intent].score > 0.5) {
switch (intent) {
case 'Cancel': {
return this.onCancel(dc);
case 'Help': {
return this.onHelp(dc);
case 'Logout': {
return this.onLogout(dc);
return InterruptionAction.NoAction;
private async onCancel(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
if (dc.activeDialog !== undefined && !== {
// Don't start restart cancel dialog
await dc.beginDialog(;
// Signal that the dialog is waiting on user response
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
const view: CancelResponses = new CancelResponses();
await view.replyWith(dc.context, CancelResponses.responseIds.nothingToCancelMessage);
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
private async onHelp(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context,;
// Signal the conversation was interrupted and should immediately continue
return InterruptionAction.MessageSentToUser;
private async onLogout(dc: DialogContext): Promise<InterruptionAction> {
let adapter: BotFrameworkAdapter;
const supported: boolean = dc.context.adapter instanceof BotFrameworkAdapter;
if (!supported) {
throw new Error('OAuthPrompt.SignOutUser(): not supported by the current adapter');
} else {
adapter = <BotFrameworkAdapter> dc.context.adapter;
await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
// Sign out user
// PENDING check adapter.getTokenStatusAsync
const tokens: TokenStatus[] = [];
tokens.forEach(async (token: TokenStatus): Promise<void> => {
if (token.connectionName !== undefined) {
await adapter.signOutUser(dc.context, token.connectionName);
await dc.context.sendActivity(i18next.t('main.logOut'));
return InterruptionAction.StartedDialog;
import {
TurnContext } from 'botbuilder';
import {
WaterfallStepContext } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
import { IOnboardingState } from '../models/onboardingState';
import { OnboardingResponses } from '../responses/onboardingResponses';
import { BotServices } from '../services/botServices';
enum DialogIds {
namePrompt = 'namePrompt',
emailPrompt = 'emailPrompt',
locationPrompt = 'locationPrompt'
export class OnboardingDialog extends ComponentDialog {
// Fields
private static readonly responder: OnboardingResponses = new OnboardingResponses();
private readonly accessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>;
private state!: IOnboardingState;
// Constructor
public constructor(botServices: BotServices, accessor: StatePropertyAccessor<IOnboardingState>, telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient) {
this.accessor = accessor;
this.initialDialogId =;
const onboarding: ((sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>) => Promise<DialogTurnResult>)[] = [
// To capture built-in waterfall dialog telemetry, set the telemetry client
// to the new waterfall dialog and add it to the component dialog
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(this.initialDialogId, onboarding));
this.addDialog(new TextPrompt(DialogIds.namePrompt));
public async askForName(sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
this.state = await this.getStateFromAccessor(sc.context);
if ( !== undefined && > 0) {
return sc.prompt(DialogIds.namePrompt, {
prompt: await OnboardingDialog.responder.renderTemplate(
<string> sc.context.activity.locale)
public async finishOnboardingDialog(sc: WaterfallStepContext<IOnboardingState>): Promise<DialogTurnResult> {
this.state = await this.getStateFromAccessor(sc.context); = <string> sc.result;
await this.accessor.set(sc.context, this.state);
await OnboardingDialog.responder.replyWith(
return sc.endDialog();
private async getStateFromAccessor(context: TurnContext): Promise<IOnboardingState> {
const state: IOnboardingState | undefined = await this.accessor.get(context);
if (state === undefined) {
const newState: IOnboardingState = {
email: '',
location: '',
name: ''
await this.accessor.set(context, newState);
return newState;
return state;
import {
TurnContext } from 'botbuilder';
import {
DialogState } from 'botbuilder-dialogs';
export class DialogBot<T extends Dialog> extends ActivityHandler {
private readonly telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient;
private readonly solutionName: string = 'samplevirtualassistant';
private readonly rootDialogId: string;
private readonly dialogs: DialogSet;
public constructor(
conversationState: ConversationState,
telemetryClient: BotTelemetryClient,
dialog: T) {
this.rootDialogId =;
this.telemetryClient = telemetryClient;
this.dialogs = new DialogSet(conversationState.createProperty<DialogState>(this.solutionName));
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, #typescript-eslint/tslint/config
public async turn(turnContext: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<void>): Promise<any> {
// Client notifying this bot took to long to respond (timed out)
if (turnContext.activity.code === EndOfConversationCodes.BotTimedOut) {
message: `Timeout in ${ turnContext.activity.channelId } channel: Bot took too long to respond`,
severityLevel: Severity.Information
const dc: DialogContext = await this.dialogs.createContext(turnContext);
if (dc.activeDialog !== undefined) {
await dc.continueDialog();
} else {
await dc.beginDialog(this.rootDialogId);
await next();

IdentityServer4 Net Core 2 not calling custom iProfileService

I've upgraded my Identity Server project to Net Core 2 and now I am not able to get the iProfileService object to be called to add in custom user claims. It did work in Net Core 1.
Startup.cs ConfigureServices function
// Add application services.
services.AddTransient<IEmailSender, AuthMessageSender>();
services.AddTransient<ISmsSender, AuthMessageSender>();
services.AddTransient<IProfileService, M25ProfileService>();
//Load certificate
var cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(_environment.ContentRootPath,
"m25id-cert.pfx"), "mypassword");
.AddConfigurationStore(options =>
options.ConfigureDbContext = builder =>
sql => sql.MigrationsAssembly(migrationsAssembly));
.AddOperationalStore(options =>
options.ConfigureDbContext = builder =>
sql => sql.MigrationsAssembly(migrationsAssembly));
//options.EnableTokenCleanup = true;
//options.TokenCleanupInterval = 30;
public class M25ProfileService : IProfileService
public M25ProfileService(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
_userManager = userManager;
public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
var user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(context.Subject).Result;
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, user.FirstName),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, user.LastName),
new Claim(IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.Email, user.Email),
new Claim("uid", user.Id),
new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.ZoneInfo, user.TimeZone)
if (user.UserType != null)
claims.Add(new Claim("mut", ((int)user.UserType).ToString()));
return Task.FromResult(0);
public Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
var user = _userManager.GetUserAsync(context.Subject).Result;
context.IsActive = user != null;
return Task.FromResult(0);
public class Config
// try adding claims to id token
public static IEnumerable<IdentityResource> GetIdentityResources()
var m25Profile = new IdentityResource(
"m25 Profile",
return new List<IdentityResource>
new IdentityResources.OpenId(),
new IdentityResources.Profile(),
new IdentityResources.Email(),
public static IEnumerable<ApiResource> GetApiResources()
//Try adding claims to access token
return new List<ApiResource>
new ApiResource(
"message25 API",
public static IEnumerable<Client> GetClients()
// client credentials client
return new List<Client>
new Client
ClientId = "client",
ClientName = "Client",
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.HybridAndClientCredentials,
ClientSecrets =
new Secret("secret".Sha256())
AllowedScopes = new List<string>
// Local Development Client
new Client
ClientId = "m25AppDev",
ClientName = "me25",
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Implicit,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
RequireConsent = false,
RedirectUris = { "http://localhost:4200/authorize.html" },
PostLogoutRedirectUris = { "http://localhost:4200/index.html" },
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "http://localhost:4200" },
AllowedScopes =
AllowOfflineAccess = true,
IdentityTokenLifetime = 300,
AccessTokenLifetime = 86400
The first thing I'm trying is just to get the identity server to allow me to login and show the user claims similar to the id4 samples. When I login, the standard claims are listed but none of the custom claims. I've put break points in the M25ProfileService class but they never get hit. It seems that ID4 is never using the customer ProfileService class but I do have it in my startup.cs.
I've also tried from my test JS Client and get the same results. Here's a snippet from my JS Client:
var config = {
authority: "http://localhost:5000",
client_id: "m25AppDev",
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:4200/authorize.html",
response_type: "id_token token",
scope:"openid profile m25api",
post_logout_redirect_uri : "http://localhost:4200/index.html"
var mgr = new Oidc.UserManager(config);
mgr.getUser().then(function (user) {
if (user) {
log("User logged in", user.profile);
document.getElementById("accessToken").innerHTML = "Bearer " + user.access_token + "\r\n";
else {
log("User not logged in");
function login() {
At this point, I'm not sure what to try. I thought if I added the claims to the id token (GetIdentityResources() function from what I understand) and even the access token (GetApiResources() function from what I understand), I'd see the claims but nothing seems to work. Please help! Thanks in advance!
Also, I used to be able to get the custom claims from my client as well as from the Identity Server's own index page that renders after log
Change the order of these lines of code:
One if overwriting the other.
I figured it out. Thanks to some code on GitHub, I was able to figure out what I was missing. I just needed to add these 2 lines to each client's config in config.cs and all worked perfect!
AlwaysSendClientClaims = true,
AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken = true
This works for remote clients. However, I still can't get it to work when I'm on the ID Server itself logging in (not from a client). That's not a big deal for now but could be something in the future. If/When I figure that piece out, I'll try to remember to update my answer. Meanwhile, I hope this helps others.
In addition to the answers above (and beside the fact that the Startup.cs shown in the question already contained the relevant line of code) I'd like to add another, yet very simple cause for why the Profile Service might not be called:
Don't forget to register the service with the dependency injection container!
As having just .AddProfileService<ProfileService>() is not enough.
You would also need:
services.AddScoped<IProfileService, ProfileService>();
services.AddTransient<IProfileService, ProfileService>();
