Screenshot of the specific window (HWND, HW accelerated) - windows

I need to capture a snapshots/screenshots of the specific window (HWND) that is using HW acceleration and record them to a video stream.
While using BitBlt or PrintWindow I'm able to capture image data only if this window is not HW accelerated, else I'm getting a black texture.
Tried using User32.dll's undocumented DwmGetDxSharedSurface to get the DirectX surface handle. But it fails with an error:
management subsystem is off
(Edit: Fails for certain applications, i.e. "calculator.exe")
Tried using Dwmapi.dll's undocumented functions DwmpDxUpdateWindowSharedSurface and DwmpDxGetWindowSharedSurface. I've managed to retrieve what looks like a valid DirectX surface handle. (it's d3dFormat, width and height information was valid) Dx's OpenSharedResource was not complaining and managed to create a valid ID3D11Texture2D. Problem is.. all bytes are zeros (getting a black texture). I might be doing something wrong here or.. undocumented DWM functionas does not work anymore on Windows 10...
Edit: I'm able to get image data for some applications like Windows
explorer, Paint, etc, but for some like i.e. Slack i get all
zeros/black image.
Edit: When capturing i.e. VLC, I get this:
Is there any other way to capture image data of the HW accelerated window?
Note: I don't want to capture the entire desktop.

You can use PrintWindow with nFlags=2
Or use Magnification API (exclude windows)
Or try to hack dwm.exe.


How does Deep-Color (10-bit+ per channel) work in Win32?

I don't have any Deep-Color capable hardware attached to my computer, so I haven't been able to experiment myself, and searching online for "win32 deep-color" or "win32 10-bit color" (or 30-bit, 48-bit or 64-bit) yields nothing relevant or recent. The top result is still this NVIDIA PDF from 2009: - it describes using OpenGL and an NVIDIA API for displaying images with more than 8-bits per channel.
I understand how using OpenGL allows 30-bit color images to be displayed: it effectively bypasses the operating system and the OpenGL surface is rendered in deep-color on the GPU and sent directly to the monitor in an appropriate format over DisplayPort or HDMI.
But what options are there outside of OpenGL?
In Win32, after you create a Window with CreateWindow, you render it by handling the WM_PAINT message, and then calling BeginPaint, which gives you a handle to a GDI device-context, which cannot be more than 32bpp (8-bits per channel).
While GDI ostensibly abstracts away implementation details of the rendering device, including color depth, it is impossible to specify a 10bpp RGB value, for example (the COLORREF struct is hardcoded to use 32-bit (8bpp) DWORD values), a leaky-abstraction.
Does this mean it is impossible to display 30bpp / Deep-color content in the Windows Desktop using a program handling WM_PAINT and that OpenGL is the only way?
And what would happen if you attempted to blit from an in-memory OpenGL rendering buffer back to the window surface? (i.e. what happens if you press PrintScreen while displaying a Deep-Color BluRay disc in a BD player, or displaying 30-bit content in Photoshop?)

PrintWindow and Microsoft Edge

we have a problem with the PrintWindow function on Windows 10 (build 10166). When we call PrintWindow ( to capture a image of the Microsoft Edge (Project Spartan) browser window we get a black image.
Does anyone know the reason of this and how could it be fixed/avoided? Or maybe some other way to capture image of a window, that can be in background and hided behind another windows?
UPDATE: We've tried sending WM_PRINTCLIENT and WM_PRINT messages, and calling DefWindowProc with WM_PRINT, but results are the same - just a black image. We also tried to use BitBlt to copy window's DC to a memory surface, but it's not working too. Best solution that we have now is bringing browser window to foreground, capturing the entire screen and cropping screenshot to window's client size; but it can interrupt and annoy users because of switching application that's currently in use.
If you want to take a screenshot of the page on the browser. try this JavaScript library:
The script traverses through the DOM of the page it is loaded on. It gathers information on all the elements there, which it then uses to build a representation of the page. In other words, it does not actually take a screenshot of the page, but builds a representation of it based on the properties it reads from the DOM.
I just tried on my machine on Microsoft Edge and Chrome and worked on both.Hope that does the job!
I had the same problem with IE
try this.
The most stable result was with double call
PrintWindow(hWnd, hdcScreen, 0);
PrintWindow(hWnd, hdcScreen, PW_CLIENTONLY);

Mirroring a portion of the screen to an external display (in OSX)

I would like to write a program that can mirror a portion of the main display into a new window. Ideally this new window could then be displayed on an external monitor. I have seen this uiltity for a flightsim that does this on a pc (a multifunction display extractor).
CLick here for a screenshot of the program (MFD Extractor)
This would be a live window ie. constantaly updated video display not just a static graphic.
I have looked at screen magnifiers or vnc clients for ideas but I think I need to write something from scratch. I have tried to do some reading on osx programing but where do I start in terms of gaining access to the display? I somehow need to extract the graphics from a particular program. Is it best to go near the final output stage (the individual pixels sent to the display) or somewhere nearer the window management stage.
Any ideas or pointers would be much appreciated. I just need somewhere to start from.
There are a few ways to do this:
Quartz Display Services will let you get access to the video memory for a screen.
Quartz Window Services (a.k.a. CGWindow) will let you create an image of everything that lies below a window. If you create a borderless, transparent, empty, high-level window whose frame occupies an entire screen, everything below it will be everything on that screen. (Of course, you could create a smaller window in order to copy a section of the screen.)
There's also a way to do it using OpenGL that I never fully understood. That technique is demonstrated by a couple of code samples, OpenGLScreenSnapshot and OpenGLCaptureToMovie. It's more or less obsoleted by CGWindow, though.
Each of those will get you an image that you can then show or write to a file or something.
To show an image, use NSImageView or IKImageView. If you want to magnify it, IKImageView has a zoomFactor property, but if you want nearest-neighbor scaling (like Pixie, DigitalColor Meter, or xScope), I think you'll need to write a custom view for that (but even that isn't all that hard).

any quick and easy way to capture a part of the screen? getPixel was slow and GetDIBits seemed a bit complcated as a start

I was trying some code to capture part of the screen using getPixel on Windows, with the device context being null (to capture screen instead of window), but it was really slow. It seems that GetDIBits() can be fast, but it seems a bit complcated... I wonder if there is a library that can put the whole region into an array, and pixel[x][y] will return the 24 bit color code of the pixel?
Or does such library exist on the Mac? Or if Ruby or Python already has such a library that can do that?
I've never done this but I'd try to:
Create a memory Device Context (DC)
using CreateCompatibleDC passing it
the Device Context of the desktop
Create a Bitmap (using
CreateCompatibleBitmap) the same
size as the region your capturing.
Select the bitmap into the DC you
created (using SelectObject).
Do a BitBlt from the
desktop DC to the DC you created (using SRCCOPY flag).
Working with Device Contexts can cause GDI leaks if you do things in the wrong order so make sure that you read the documentation on all the GDI functions you use (e.g. SelectObject, GetDC, etc.).

What is a robust method for capturing screen of child window in Windows 7?

Pardon my frustration. I've asked about this in many places and I seriously don't think that there wouldn't be a way in Windows 7 SDK to accomplish this.
All I want, is to capture part of a 'child window' ( setParent() ) created by a parent. I used to do this with bitblt() but the catch is that the child window can be any type of application, and in my case has OpenGL running in a section of it. If I bitblt() that, then the OGL part comes blank, doesn't get written to the BMP.
DWM, particularly dwmRegisterThumbnail() doesn't allow thumbnail generation of child windows. So please give me a direction.
It's been a while since I did any of this, so my explanation might be a bit vague, but from what I remember, the Windows doesn't "see" the OpenGL rendered inside the window.
What Windows does is create the window at the specified size and then "hands it over" to OpenGL for rendering. This means that you can't get at the pixels as rendered from the Windows side of the code.
When we wanted to capture the 3D we had to re-render the screen to an off screen bitmap which was then saved (or printed).
Obviously a whole screen capture (Print Screen) works because it's reading the final pixels.
I suggest that you:
Forget the Thumbnail part of the task (in terms of capture).
Calculate where your window is.
Capture full screen.
Excise the area you are interested in (using data from step 2).
Rescale to the appropriate thumbnail size.
Sorry, its more work, but it should work, which is better than what you have right now.
This may help:
Also Java's Robot class (
I don't have access to the source code of any child window that may be open including the one with OpenGL
