Incremental learning with Google AutoML Vision classification - automl

I want to use Google AutoML vision API for image classification, but with an incremental learning setup - more specifically I should be able to incrementally provide new training data with possibly brand new (and previously unknown) class labels. For example, lets say I train the network today for three labels: A, B and C. Now, after a week, I want to add some new data labeled with a brand new class D. And then after another week, I want to add even newer data labeled with a brand new class E. At this point, the model should be able to classify an input image into any of those five classes, with each incremental addition to the model causing very little accuracy drop.
Is that possible with google AutoML vision API?

Currently you could keep importing new data into existing AutoML dataset and each week train a new model. There is import API and train API.
The assumption of causing very little accuracy drop may be unrealistic. There may valid cases when adding new label will make the accuracy go down. E.g. add labels that are hard to distinguish from previous labels or adding labels without performing data cleanup (adding label and not applying it to existing images in which objects with this label are visible).


Detecting Custom Object From Any Image Google Cloud Vertex AI

I want to detect whether or not an image has a specific (custom) object in it or not. I tried to go through the documentation of google cloud vertex ai, but I am confused. I am not an AI or ML engineer.
They provide the following services for image
Classification (Single Label)
Classification (Multi Label)
Image Object Detection
Image segmentation
Almost All of these features require at least two labels. At least 10 images must be assigned to each label for the features to work.
Now, suppose I have 10 cat images. One of my label name is cat. And then I will have to create another label named non_cat. right? There can be infinite possibilities of an image not having a cat. Does that mean, I upload 10 cat photos and 10 random junk photos in non_cat label??
Currently I have chosen image object detection. It detects multiple attributes of that custom object with confidence score. Should I use these score to identify the custom object in my backend application? Am I going into the right direction?
As per your explanation in comments you're right going with Object Detection model in this case.
Refer the google documentation on how to prepare the data for object detection model.
As per the documentation, the dataset can have minimum 1 label and can go maximum upto 1000 labels for an AutoML or custom-trained model.
Yes. Afer checking the accuracy of your model, you can utilize the confidence score to identify the object in your application.

Autodesk forge custom geometry

I am currently facing the problem that rendering custom geometry into my forge is allocation a huge amount of memory. I am using the technique suggested on the autodesk website:
I need to render up to 300 custom geometrys into my viewer but by trying to do so the site is simply crashing and my memory jumps over 5 GB. Is there any good way to render a large amount on custom geometry into the forge and keeping the performance up to a usefull level?
Thx, JT
I'm afraid this is not something Forge Viewer will be able to help with. Here's why:
The viewer contains many interesting optimizations for efficient loading and rendering of a single complex model. For example, it builds a special BVH of all the geometries in a model so that they can be traversed and rendered in an efficient way. The viewer can also handle very complex models by moving their geometry data in and out of the GPU to make room for others. But again, all this assumes that there's just one (or only a few) models in the scene. If you try and add hundreds of models into the scene instead, many of these optimizations cannot be applied anymore, and in some cases they can even make things worse (imagine that the viewer suddenly has to traverse 300 BVHs instead of a single one).
So what I would recommend would be: try and avoid situations where you would have hundreds of separate models in the scene. If possible, consider "consolidating" them into a single model. For example, if the 300 models were Inventor assemblies that you need to place at specific positions, you could:
aggregate all the assemblies using Design Automation for Inventor, and convert the result into a single Forge model, or
create a single Forge model with all 300 geometries, and then move them around during runtime using the Viewer APIs
If none of these options work for you, you could also take a look at the new format called SVF2 ( which significantly reduces the memory footprint.

CARTO Animation Time Series Map

Hello I am making a animation time series map in CARTO builder. The animation works fine, but I would like my points to continuously move from point A to B, not just populate from point A to B like its doing now if theres a vast distance for the particular ID for that point. I know this would work if I had many more coordinates filling in from point A to B like in this example, but I don't. So is there a way to do this in cartodb?
CARTO BUILDER allows you to analyze and visualize your data according to your values. So as you pointed out, you would need to enrich your dataset with data among those dates and locations. Regarding dates, you can use generate_series PostgreSQL function as explained here. In relation to generating points between two coordinates, you would need to create a line (via Connect with lines analysis or ST_MakeLine) and then apply ST_DumpPoints).

Data visualisation with custom indoor geospacial information

I am looking for a way to create a visualisation of live data (temp., humidity) from within a multi-story building overlaid on the floor plans. Each floor will likely be a projected iso view, laid over one-another.
I will most likely be using D3.js for the plotting, but am open to others.
I am currently considering two options:
using a 3D plot projection, and adding the floor plans as custom data.
creating custom TopoJSON files for each floor, and using a custom projection.
I am leaning toward the former.
Has anyone done any similar projects using purely indoor geospacial information? I can't seem to find any examples.
Any thoughts on which of the above two, and any other alternatives, will provide a more elegant or simple design?

How can I work with my own dataset in scikit-learn (for computer vision)?

How can I work with my own dataset in scikit-learn?
Scikit Tutorial always take as example to load his dataset (digit dataset, flower dataset...)
ie: from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
I have my images and I have no idea how create new one.
Particularly, for starting, i use this example i found (i use library opencv):
img =cv2.imread('telamone.jpg')
# Convert them to grayscale
imgg =cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# SURF extraction
surf = cv2.SURF()
kp, descritors = surf.detect(imgg,None,useProvidedKeypoints = False)
# Setting up samples and responses for kNN
samples = np.array(descritors)
responses = np.arange(len(kp),dtype = np.float32)
I would like to extract features of a set of images, in a way useful to implement a machine learning algorithm!
You would first need to clearly define what you are trying to achieve: "extract feature to a set of images, in a way useful to implement a machine learning algorithm!" is much too vague to give you any guidance.
Are you trying to do:
image classification of the picture as a whole (e.g. indoor scene vs outdoor scene)?
object recognition (e.g. recognizing several instances of the same object in different pictures) inside sub-parts of a set of pictures, maybe using a scan procedures with windows of various sizes?
object detection and class-based categorization (e.g. finding all occurrences of cars or pedestrians in pictures and a bounding box around each occurrence of instances of those classes)?
full picture semantic parsing a.k.a. segmentation of the pixels + class categorization of each segment (build, road, people, trees)...
Each of those tasks will require different pipelines (feature extraction + machine learning models combo).
You should probably start by reading a book on the subject, for instance:
Also as a side note, stackoverflow is probably not the best place to ask such open ended questions.
