So I found this issue happening and I don't quite know what to do about it.
I already tried this solution. I also found that I can easily recreate this issue when I connect to another machine.
One way I found was when I was doing the Google CTF 2018 beginner's quest. If I connect, quit, and connect again my terminal looks like this:
Pretty standard. However when I try to search the man page for the text "CTF" by typing /CTF my terminal overwrites old output and it looks like this:
Not quite sure how to fix this.
Here is my .bash_profile
# Bash Prompt
PS1=" \[\e[1;32m\]ᚸ \[\e[0m\]"
# GZip with maximum compression
# usage: zipg <file>.tar.gz <dir>
alias zipg='env GZIP=-9 tar cvzf'
Any way to solve this issue?
I'm running a bash script in the Embedded Command Line that comes with Quartus II. The bash script was sent to me from someone using linux and I was able to get most of the script to work(removing sudo, changing path, etc.). The only two commands that are still giving me errors are mkfs.ext3 and mkfs.vfat. Are these tucked away somewhere in cygwin that I need to add a path or is there another workaround? I've read some people use mkdofsf but cygwin doesn't appear to have that either.
Tried using /sbin/mkfs - t vfat and /sbin/mkfs -t ext3 but this left me with a similiar error where mkfs.vfat and mkfs.ext3 were not found.
UPDATE 2: Installed e2fsprogs to solve the error with mkfs.ext3 but this doesn't solve the vfat formatting issue.
These are part of the package e2fsprogs which is available in Cygwin. I've never tried these commands, assuming that access to the raw devices would be blocked by Windows. But I see that cfdisk seems to work. It at least starts up, anyway. So, maybe it is doable.
If they don't work on raw devices, if your scripts are creating file systems on a file or can be modified to do that, that should probably work.
Anyway, e2fsprogs is what you need, but be careful here. Whenever you start making or editing file systems, you have the opportunity to really screw up your system. Just be attentive to what the script is doing, and don't blindly go forward.
So I am extremely new to any kind of software development. Last week I installed Bash on Ubuntu on Windows to work on some coding for work. Unfortunately I did something wrong and had to reinstall everything.
I was almost done with reinstalling Bash on Ubuntu, when I accidentally closed the screen. Now I get exactly the same errors as previously, but I definately do not want to reinstall this again...
So what changed? Before my terminal was colored purple and green. Now, I only get white colors in the terminal. It looks something like this:
Image of terminal
Furthermore, after googling it said to apply
source ~/.bashrc
But then I get the error: "No such file or directory". Bash is installed because it does actually give
which bash -> /bin/bash
I also read that perhaps it could be my path, where $PATH gives me
bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/mnt/c/Program: No such file or directory
I was hoping that you'd have an idea what could be wrong, and best how to resolve it. I definately do not want to reinstall it AGAIN, because it took me too long already.
Hope you can help me!
As stated by Jack, the configuration for bash should be in ~/.bashrc or similar.
What files are listed if you enter this command?
ls -a ~/
If you see .bashrc, you can edit it.
Here some ideas on colouring your prompt
I'm having a frustrating, but seemingly simple problem. I was recently pushing some files to github and now ls has started listing directory contents recursively when I use the basic command ls. Though, it only appears to do so in my Google Drive folder. It functions normally when used in directories outside of Google Drive. I'm not sure if it is connected to something I was doing with git or completely unrelated. I had been working on a github project in my Google Drive when I noticed the issue.
The output of type ls in the Google Drive directory and outside of it is:
ls is hashed (/bin/ls)
Does anyone have any input on how I can get ls to function 'normally' again? I'm not sure how I could've changed its function but it appears I must have. Let me know if there is additional information that would help in understanding the problem.
Thank you in advance
Your ls might be aliased (perhaps in your ~/.bashrc; look inside file that with your editor) by your interactive shell (or it might become a bash function). Check with type ls (using the type builtin).
Use \ls or /bin/ls to get the real ls program.
If your shell is bash, be sure to read the chapter on bash startup files.
Try also using stat(1) and/or some other shell (e.g. zsh, sash, ...).
I'm not sure why this was occurring, but the issue seems to be related to having updated a Shiny app through rsconnect() in R. I closed RStudio and now the ls command is working properly again in all directories. I have no idea why this would occur and didn't think that would be related at all. Thanks for the troubleshooting help!
I was generally interested to know how people had their go autocomplete set up for vim and was looking for advice on it.
Related to my original question, I think I know I can just go to:
copy the files that they provide there and just start using the vim autocomplete. However, I wanted to know what people thought and how the go community has the vim autocomplete set up.
Also, I have followed the intructions as were posted there and I still cannot make the autocompletion work for my go in vim. So I am looking for other alternatives or ideas on how to make it work. Not sure what the problem is. Currently when I try to autocomplete it simply writes the word PANIC instead of showing me the options for autocompletion.
I was trying to set up my vim such that it could auto complete the Go programming language, however, I was following the instructions in the following page:
and I was not sure what they meant and I was a little scared of maybe changing my vim set up in a way that might be damaging by doing it wrongly.
The first thing that confused me is it says:
Install official Go vim scripts from $GOROOT/misc/vim. If you did that already, proceed to the step 2.
However, I was not sure what that even meant. I did go to that directory in my terminal and read the readme.txt file and I it said how to activate the syntax highlighting which I already had anyway. Is that everything I have to do for that step?
On step 2 it says:
They actually provide the code that is but I was not sure what the beginning of the cp command meant i.e. its:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.vim/autoload"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go"
cp "${0%/*}/autoload/gocomplete.vim" "$HOME/.vim/autoload"
cp "${0%/*}/ftplugin/go/gocomplete.vim" "$HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go"
But what does the ${0%/*} part do? and even if I know what the is, where do I even run this, since this vim/ is done at a relative path?
I know wants me to copy some files to $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go and $HOME/.vim/autoload, but I even did a find from ~ and couldn't find such files, so I am unsure on what to copy. I know where it should go, but not where the file even is. Does someone know where those files are or an easier or more detailed explanation on how to make vim auto-complete for go?
Thanks for the help in advance! :)
Some of the problems that I have discovered that I have, not sure if its expected, but in the $GOROOt/misc/vim/ftplugin/go I do not have the gocomplete.vim file at all. I have other stuff that seems irrelevent like an fmt.vim import.vim and a file.
But the odd thing is that at $GOROOt/misc/autoload I do not have the gocomplete.vim file but I instead have a complete.vim file. Not sure if that the same or why the name of the file would have changed. Anyway has their go autocomplete set up and mind sharing what they have and if they know what the differences might be with what I have encountered? Thanks!
ADDITION to Question
I am also generally interested in how other people have their auto-complete set up for their go in vim. Feel free to share that too!
Have you executed the command already? I'm pretty confident that it will work.
All of your Vim configuration is stored in ~/.vim/, ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc (with Vim 7.4, you can put the last two also inside the first directory). To backup your Vim configuration, just store those somewhere (or put all of your dotfiles under version control, as many now do).
The ${0%/*} manipulates the script's file name ($0) like dirname does: It cuts off the script file name itself (everything at the end * until the last /). With this, you can invoke the script from anywhere, e.g. $GOROOT/misc/vim/ or cd misc; vim/ or cd misc/vim; ./
The script also ensures that the autoload and ftplugin subdirs exist, and creates them if they don't yet. Just give it a try!
first time poster.
This came up in conversation at work this week...
Is there a way, when you connect to git remotely that you can get display current working directory/current git repo/branch in your terminal prompt?
Apparently, there are linux/vim scripts that exist for linux users, and I'd like to add this sort of shell script to my profile.
Currently I'm using some info from this page to address some of this info locally.
Thanks in advance.
Get a copy of the git completion script. You can get this from git itself, or if you have a Linux box handy you could even just copy it from there (it'll probably be /etc/bash_completion.d/git). Then, arrange for this to get "sourced" by bash. You can do this by adding something like this to your .bashrc:
. /usr/local/git-completion
(assuming you named the file /usr/local/git-completion on your Mac).
Finally, you'll want to adjust your prompt. Also in your .bashrc, add something like:
export PS1='[\w$(__git_ps1 "|%s")]\$ '
Here's a blog post (not by me) that talks about this (and some other related stuff) in more detail:
OK, I experimented with this after you pointed me in the right direction, my google searches got more refined results.
A lot of people point to the post you shared with me, like here: but I found some other jewels like these, which I didn't use but were informative: , .
I needed some different guidance on installing git.completion because I use homebrew which I found here: which covers several ways to install it.
Finally, my bash/terminal has been a bit pokey so I upgraded to the latest bash with these instructions before I meshed with any of this: and got some great speed improvement.
I ended up having to rebuild my profile script very carefully but with trail and error (because of differences between Bash 3 and 4, and some syntax errors)- now it looks great, and does the job.
Thanks again.
Sorry about above the security restraints of the site, restrict me (since I'm a newb) to 2 links to combat spam.
You just need 2 steps to do it.
Open ~/.bash_profile in your favorite editor and add the following content to the bottom.
For me it is like
emacs ~/.bash_profile
Add the following content to the bottom.
function git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'}
export PS1='\h:\w$(git_branch) \u\$'
If you want your terminal colorful, try the following content.
export PS1 = '\[\e[1;39m\]\h:\w\[\e[01;39m\]$(git_branch) \[\e[01;39m\]$ \[\e[0m\]'
Another option to get git branch/status info in your shell prompt is to use powerline-shell.
You can see what this looks like in this screenshot:
The magenta/green bar is the current branch name. Its color indicates whether the working directory is clean. There are also markers that appear when there are untracked files, or when there are commits to be pulled-from/pushed-to the upstream remote.
Powerline-shell is compatible with bash, zsh, and fish.