Debugging and updating values in APEX Interactive report - oracle

I have two problems in my Interactive Report APEX 4.2.5 application. I have seen several examples of this functionality but they have not help me so far..
1 - In the report SELECT statement I am selecting some of the fields using apex_item.text, as I want user to be able to updated these fields. This part is working fine. My problem is with writing the updated values back to a table (the SELECT is on a view). I have a SQL Autonomous block process that is supposed to be doing this (looping through the rows and accessing values using APEX_APPLICATION.G_Fxx) but it is not working. No errors are returned after Submit, instead the values revert to original values. How can I get these updates to save in the table?
2 - Within the SQL process I have enabled and added some APEX_DEBUG.MESSAGE statements, but I do not see the result of these statements anywhere in the debug log or table. How can I see the result of these debug commands?
Here is the SELECT:
,apex_item.hidden(50,REQUISITION_LINE_ID,10,10) rid
,apex_item.text(10, SUPPLY_PO_NUMBER, 10, 10) SUPPLY_PO_NUMBER
,apex_item.text(20, SUPPLY_PO_LINE, 10, 10) SUPPLY_PO_LINE
,apex_item.text(30, SUPPLY_PO_SHIPMENT , 10, 10) SUPPLY_PO_SHIPMENT
from camlb.xxcb_requisition_reference;
And here is the SQL process:
id number;
poorder number;
poline number;
poshipment number;
APEX_DEBUG.ENABLE(p_level => 9);
for i in 1..APEX_APPLICATION.G_F50.count
APEX_DEBUG_MESSAGE.LOG_MESSAGE('ID is ' || id || ', PO is ' || poorder || ', SUPPLY_PO_LINE is '|| poline || ', SUPPLY_PO_SHIPMENT is ' || poshipment);
APEX_DEBUG.MESSAGE('ID is ' || id || ', PO is ' || poorder || ', SUPPLY_PO_LINE is '|| poline || ', SUPPLY_PO_SHIPMENT is ' || poshipment);
update APPS.po_requisition_lines_all
set ATTRIBUTE1=poorder,
where requisition_line_id=id;
end loop;

Note, the checkbox array will be dense, while your text box arrays are sparse, thanks to HTML behaviour. There are a few posts out there on this topic, plus some other general checkbox processing posts
You need to put your application in debug mode, using the developer toolbar usually found at the bottom of your runtime page (if you're also logged into the builder).
This will set the relevant URL parameter to YES. Look for the log related to the page submit, not render. It might also pay to log the relevant array counts before entering the loop.


Oracle apex filling form from shared component LOV

I have a query written to fetch some concatenated values as a display value, and the ID of a customer as the return value, however, the display value only shows the first part of the display value, and on clicking any of the options, buffering icons appear next to the field and continue infinitely.
SELECT (Customer_ID || ' ' || First_Name || ' ' || Last_name) as display_value,
Customer_ID as return_value
FROM tbl_Customer;
This query works perfectly when run on its own, and I have used something similar for another table, which also works, both in theory and in actual use
SELECT Customer_ID d,
License_Plate r
FROM tbl_Vehicle;
I've tested the original query in as many different ways as I can think of, including making it almost identical to to the formatting/syntax of the second query and the issue still persits.

how to make the output from checkbox to select statment?

I am currently using apex 19.1. I have this problem where I can't (or don't know how to) select certain columns from checkbox meaning I have this checkbox
which gives me the ability to check the columns names I want to use that output (:P3_COLUMN) from the check box to select a specific columns in a table. My solution was :
select :P3_COLUMN
I also tried :
select case :P3_COLUMN when 'currency' then currency when 'nationality' then nationality end as test from input_table
which gave me this output
str varchar2(100);
str := 'select ' || replace(:P3_COLUMN, ':', ',') || ' from input_table';
execute immediate str;
which gave me this error
I don't know what to do, any help will be really appreciated.
Here's a walkthrough (my page is #51). Suppose that we want to display some column from Scott's DEPT table.
create a region whose type is classic report
create a page item (let's call it P51_COLS which is a select list item; its source is a query which looks like this:
select column_name d,
column_name r
from user_Tab_columns
where table_name = 'DEPT'
Page action on selection should be "Submit page"
region's source should be a PL/SQL function body that returns a SQL query and look like this:
return 'select case when :P51_COLS = ''DEPTNO'' then to_char(deptno )
when :P51_COLS = ''DNAME'' then dname
when :P51_COLS = ''LOC'' then loc
end as result
from dept';
Its "Page items to submit" should be set to P51_COLS
That's it ... run the page; select any column from the select list item and the result should be displayed.
Yes, I know - the query itself looks stupid as you have to name all cases. For some reason, Apex expects literally return 'select ...' statement. Concatenation, replace function, ... won't work. Perhaps someone knows why or - even better - can demonstrate how to workaround it. Meanwhile, try what's been written above.
first option use server side condition on the columns.
second option use dynamic sql> create function returns sql statement> call the function in your region source.

Oracle Cursor Scripts errors

I have to construct a block to pull information from two tables using a cursor. As a further challenge, I have to identify the first item on the pull. I tried to use an IF statement to work through this. It errors out in several areas and I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Not asking for the answer per say, just enough of a push to get me moving again. Thanks. Here is the code I've put together so far:
CURSOR cur_pled IS
SELECT dd_pledge.idpledge, dd_pledge.pledgeamt, dd_pledge.paymonths, dd_payment.paydate, dd_payment.payamt
FROM dd_pledge, dd_payment
WHERE dd_payment.idpledge = dd_pledge.idpledge AND
dd_pledge.idpledge = 104
ORDER BY dd_pledge.idpledge, dd_payment.paydate;
TYPE type_pled IS RECORD
(pledID dd_pledge.idpledge%TYPE,
pledAmt dd_pledge.pledgeamt%TYPE,
payMonths dd_pledge.paymonths%TYPE,
payDate dd_payment.paydate%TYPE,
payAmt dd_payment.payamt%TYPE);
rec_pled type_pled;
lv_id_num dd_pledge.idpledge%TYPE := 0;
OPEN cur_pled;
FETCH cur_pled INTO rec_pled;
IF rec_pled.type <> lv_id_num THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First Payment');
CLOSE cur_pled;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(pledID || ' ' || dd_pledge.pledgeamt || ' ' ||
dd_pledge,payMonths || ' ' || dd_payment.payDate || ' ' ||
There are loads of errors in your code. If you had formatted it correctly, you would have spotted some of them yourself!
Things that leapt out at me:
You're referring to dd_pledge in the final dbms_output.put_line, but dd_pledge isn't a variable. I think you meant to use rec_pled instead.
You refer to pledID in your final dbms_output.put_line statement - but this is a field defined in the record type, NOT a defined variable. I think you probably meant to use rec_pled.pledid
You're selecting the results of the cursor into rec_pled.type - however, "type" is not a field declared in the type_pled's definition! Did you mean rec_pled.idpledge instead?
You have dd_pledge,payMonths in your final dbms_output.put_line statement - the comma should be a full stop: rec_pled.payMonths
You're outputting the results after you've closed the results. Because this is just a record variable, you're only going to be outputting the results from the last row in the query.
Why aren't you doing a cursor for loop? That takes care of the exiting and declaring a record for you.
Anyway, I think you can achieve your results by using an analytic function in your query, rather than needing to use PL/SQL to do the work:
SELECT plg.idpledge,
case when row_number() over (partition by plg.idpledge, pay.paydate) = 1 then 'First Payment'
else 'Other Payment'
end type_of_payment
FROM dd_pledge plg
inner join dd_payment pay on (pay.idpledge = plg.idpledge)
--WHERE plg.idpledge = 104 -- add back in if you really need to do it for a single id
ORDER BY plg.idpledge, pay.paydate;

Oracle pipelined function cannot access remote table (ORA-12840) when used in a union

I have created a pipelined function which returns a table. I use this function like a dynamic view in another function, in a with clause, to mark certain records. I then use the results from this query in an aggregate query, based on various criteria. What I want to do is union all these aggregations together (as they all use the same source data, but show aggregations at different heirarchical levels).
When I produce the data for individual levels, it works fine. However, when I try to combine them, I get an ORA-12840 error: cannot access a remote table after parallel/insert direct load txn.
(I should note that my function and queries are looking at tables on a remote server, via a DB link).
Any ideas what's going on here?
Here's an idea of the code:
function getMatches(criteria in varchar2) return myTableType pipelined;
...where this function basically executes some dynamic SQL, which references remote tables, as a reference cursor and spits out the results.
Then the factored queries go something like:
with marked as (
select id from table(getMatches('OK'))
fullStats as (
avg(nvl2(, 1, 0)) isMarked,
sum(mainTable.val) total
from mainTable
left join marked
on =
group by
The reason for the first factor is speed -- if I inline it, in the join, the query goes really slowly -- but either way, it doesn't alter the status of whatever's causing the exception.
Then, say for a complete overview, I would do:
select sum(total) grandTotal
from fullStats
...or for an overview by isMarked:
select sum(total) grandTotal
from fullStats
where isMarked = 1
These work fine individually (my pseudocode maybe wrong or overly simplistic, but you get the idea), but as soon as I union all them together, I get the ORA-12840 error :(
EDIT By request, here is an obfuscated version of my function:
function getMatches(
search in varchar2)
return idTable pipelined
idRegex varchar2(20) := '(05|10|20|32)\d{3}';
searchSQL varchar2(32767);
type rc is ref cursor;
cCluster rc;
rCluster idTrinity;
BAD_CLUSTER exception;
if regexp_like(search, '^L\d{3}$') then
searchSQL := 'select distinct null id1, id2_link id2, id3_link id3 from where id2 = ''' || search || '''';
elsif regexp_like(search, '^' || idRegex || '(,' || idRegex || || ')*$') then
searchSQL := 'select distinct null id1, id2, id3 from where id2 in (' || regexp_replace(search, '(\d{5})', '''\1''') || ')';
end if;
open cCluster for searchSQL;
fetch cCluster into rCluster;
exit when cCluster%NOTFOUND;
pipe row(rCluster);
end loop;
close cCluster;
when BAD_CLUSTER then
raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid Cluster Search');
when others then
raise_application_error(-20999, 'API' || sqlcode || chr(10) || sqlerrm);
end getMatches;
It's very simple, designed for an API with limited access to the database, in terms of sophistication (hence passing a comma delimited string as a possible valid argument): If you supply a grouping code, it returns linked IDs (it's a composite, 3-field key); however, if you supply a custom list of codes, it just returns those instead.
I'm on Oracle 10gR2; not sure which version exactly, but I can look it up when I'm back in the office :P
To be honest no idea where the issue came from but the simplest way to solve it - create a temporary table and populate it by values from your pipelined function and use the table inside WITH clause. Surely the temp table should be created but I'm pretty sure you get serious performance shift because dynamic sampling isn't applied to pipelined functions without tricks.
p.s. the issue could be fixed by with marked as ( select /*+ INLINE / id from table(getMatches('OK'))) but surely it isn't the stuff you're looking for so my suggestion is confirmed WITH does something like 'insert /+ APPEND*/' inside it'.

Looking for tips on debugging Oracle row-level security functions

I'm looking for tips in debugging some of my row-level security predicates in an Oracle database. These predicates use a few concepts to determine whether the current user can see a record:
current user's Oracle username
current user's assigned Oracle roles
current user's affiliation with a record in one or more tables
I'm having trouble debugging this kind of thing on real data because I can't figure out a good way to simulate actually seeing what a specific user could see. So, I'm looking for tips. Is there a good basic framework for this kind of thing?
Here's an example of one of my predicates:
predicate := 'project_id in (' ||
'(select upr.projectid project_id ' ||
'from chemreg.usergroups_projects_vu upr, ' ||
' chemreg.usergroups_personnel_vu upe, ' ||
' chemreg.personnel pe ' ||
'where upr.usergroupid = upe.usergroup_id ' ||
' and upe.personnel_id = pe.person_id ' ||
' and upper(pe.username) = USER) ' ||
'union ' ||
'(select project_id from chemreg.project ' ||
'where active = ''Y'' and private = ''N'' ) )';
If you're trying to work out why some rows are appearing when they shouldn't, and/or why some rows are not appearing when they should, try this:
Remove all the row-level security predicates.
Run the queries, but add in the row-level security predicates by hand.
Check the results.
You can then easily change the predicates one by one (e.g. comment out individual bits) until you work out why they are giving the unexpected results.
