Renaming files after folder name - macos

I need to rename multiple files after the folder that they are in using automator. e.g. index.html renamed to folder1.html
I have about 900 folders with one file in them each all named index.html.

This is straight forward as using Terminal:
Open the Terminal app
type in "cd " (note the space) and then drag the folder containing all the folders on to the terminal window. Then press return.
Paste this in the terminal window and press enter:
for f in `ls -1`; do
if [[ -f $f/$index.html ]]; then
cp $f/index.html $f/$f.html;
Note that I am using the cp command here so it copies the index.html file instead of moving it. Just incase... :)
You can add this to a 'Run Shell Script' action in Automator. Just need to make sure your automator script is saved in the folder with all the sub folders.


How to get name of folder for Shell Script in Automator?

I'm using the newest version of macOS Monterey.
Sometimes I have to merge/combine all files that are in a specific folder into one txt file.
I currently do that by typing this in Terminal:
cd /Users/my_name/Desktop/test_folder ; cat * >merged.txt
This will merge/combine all files in folder test_folder into one file called merged.txt. The file merged.txt will get saved into the folder test_folder.
Every time I need this I have to open Terminal copy/paste the command and replace test_folder with the right folder name, since it's not always the same.
I want to make this easier by just make a right click on a folder, go to Quick Actions and select e.g. Merge all files to merge/combine all files inside the folder I just clicked on.
But I stuck at getting the folder name. How can I dynamically get the folder name and path I clicked on to start this Quick Action instead of the hard coded /Users/my_name/Desktop/test_folder?
Or, is there another and easier solution?
This is what I have so far:
I wouldn’t do this with AppleScript, especially if all it’s ultimately doing is calling out to a shell script.
Stick with the Run Shell Script action except change the option for passing the input as arguments rather than to stdin.
The folders selected in Finder will then be available to your script via $#, so you can do something like:
for d in "$#"; do
cat "$d"/* > "$d/merged.txt"
open -R "$d/merged.txt"
done 2>/dev/null
This loops through the selected directories and concatenates the files to merged.txt in the respective directory. The open -R line reveals the merged.txt file in Finder.
Errors are written to /dev/null, i.e. discarded, as cat will throw an error if any of the directories, themselves, contain directories.
Instead of adding a Run Shell Script to your workflow, try adding a Run AppleScript command instead. Copy this following AppleScript code to the Run AppleScript command.
on run {input, parameters}
do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of input & " && cat *.txt > merged.txt"
on error
do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of input & " && rm merged.txt"
end try
end try
end run

Moved file to trash from command line, but it's not there

I used "mv .ghcup/ ~/.Trash" in terminal to delete the Haskell platform. It's a pretty big file, but when I checked Trash it wasn't there. I didn't empty the Trash before checking. I also tried creating a text file and moving it to trash using the same command, and I found the text file in the trash as expected. So where did .ghcup go?
You should be able to see it in the Trash if you show hidden files.
This is because you moved a hidden file in .ghcup to the trash. The . preceding the filename marks the file as hidden on most Unix based systems such as macOS and Linux. Moving it to the Trash preserves its filename and its hidden-ness.
You can view hidden files:
In the terminal with ls -a. Navigate to your Trash folder and run the command.
Or in Finder, by opening the Trash and using the following shortcut CMD + SHIFT + .

Applescript to move incoming pictures to other folder with delay

I'm an applescript noob. So I don't know anything about this type of coding.
I want to make a script for a watch folder. I work with an image program that processes images. The process takes a second to create the jpg. So the folder has to wait for a few seconds to move the image to another file.
So this is what I'm looking for: Empty folder - jpg in the folder - wait 2 sec - move jpg to another folder - empty folder.
Thank you!
This AppleScript will accomplish what you asked. By the very nature of AppleScript, reading it should be very self explanatory as to what each line does:
on adding folder items to ThisFolder after receiving SomeFiles
set ThatFolder to POSIX file "/path/to/new/folder"
delay 2
repeat with TheFile in SomeFiles
tell application "Finder" to ¬
if name extension of (TheFile as alias) is in {"JPG", "JPEG"} then ¬
move TheFile to ThatFolder
end repeat
end adding folder items to
This is designed to run as a folder action, which makes the folder you choose automatically monitored by MacOS so that, whenever it detects a change to that folder, it executes the script attached to it. In this instance—as you can infer from the first line of the script—this will automatically run each time a file is added to the folder in question.
To set up a folder action:
Copy the AppleScript above into Script Editor. Edit the second line to replace "/path/to/new/folder" with the path to the new folder into which you want your jpegs to be moved (keep the quotes). I wouldn't bother trying to run the script from inside the editor—it won't work. The path you type out must be in full, i.e. "/Users/Richard/Pictures/Processed" and not "~/Pictures/Processed".
Save it as whatever you like. However, it must be saved in the following directory: ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts where ~ indicates your Home folder (i.e. /Users/Richard/ or whatever it is). If the folder "Folder Action Scripts" doesn't exist, create it.
Close Script Editor. Navigate to the folder that is going to be watched, i.e. the folder that your images will be waiting initially. Now navigate one level up, into the directory containing said folder.
Right-click on the folder and hover over the Services menu item at the bottom. Then select Folder Actions Setup...
Enable folder actions by checking the box at the top. If you folder doesn't already appear in the left-hand list, you can add it. Then, in the right-hand list, click the '+' at the bottom and the script you just saved should be one of many in the list of scripts that pop up. Select it and add it.
Make sure the check boxes next to your watched folder and your chosen script are both checked, and you're done.
Now, whenever the folder receives any files whatsoever, that script is executed. The script will move any files with extensions .jpg or .jpeg into your new folder. Just make sure the new folder already exists (I didn't incorporate a line to create it if it doesn't; the script will just throw an error and your image won't be moved).
Here is a little sample script which you could save on your Desktop as monitor:
# Source directory to watch and destination directory to copy to
# Create directories if not existent
mkdir -p "$SRC" "$DST"
while : ; do
find "$SRC" -type f -iname "*.jpg" -Btime +2s -exec mv {} "$DST" \;
sleep 5
It basically watches a directory called Desktop/source and looks for any files in there whose name ends in "JPG" and which have not been modified in the last 2 seconds. If it finds any, it then moves them to directory called Desktop/dest and sleeps for 5 seconds before checking again.
You would need to start Terminal and make the script executable by typing:
chmod +x $HOME/Desktop/monitor
Then, whenever you want it running, you just double-click on the icon of monitor on your Desktop.

Folder action not triggering shell script

I have some software that exports a file called My Library.bib to a folder called thesis. Assume that the name of the exported file is fixed. Every time I export such a file, I want to:
Delete any old files called MyLibrary.bib if they exist.
Remove the space from this new file so that it becomes the up-to-date MyLibrary.bib.
I've tried making an Automator 'folder action' as follows:
... However, while the shell script works perfectly if run manually, the folder action itself never appears to trigger.
Folder actions are nonetheless enabled (see below settings), and other folder actions do seem to work.
Summarily, I just want any files named My Library.bib entering the thesis folder (at any time, automatically) to become renamed to MyLibrary.bib, replacing any existing MyLibrary.bib files. Any ideas what's going wrong, or how else to achieve this? Thanks in advance.
When you use the "Run Shell Script" action, the current directory is the Home folder, not the "thesis" folder.
So, you must use the cd command to change the current directory
The "Get Folder Content" action is useless for what you want to do,
you can remove it.
The rm command is not necessary, you can use the mv -f to
overwrite an existing file
read firstLine ### get the path of the first dropped item
myDir=$(dirname "$firstLine") ### get the parent (this folder action)
cd "$myDir" && if [ -f "My Library.bib" ]; then
mv -f "My Library.bib" "MyLibrary.bib"

Copy One Folder/Subfolder into Multiple Folders (Finder/Mac)

I have a situation where I need to copy the same folder and subfolder into multiple parent folders. For example: I have 100 folders named from Folder_001 to Folder_100; I need a Folder "A" with a sub folder "B" put into each of those 100 folders, so they all look like this:
etc. etc.
I'm working on a Mac with Finder, etc. Is there some way to do this?
This is most easily done in Terminal. Suppose your 100 folders are on your Desktop, you would start the Terminal application and type this
cd Desktop && for f in Folder_*; do mkdir -p $f/A/B; done
If your 100 folders are in a folder called Freddy Frog in your HOME directory, you would do
cd "Freddy Frog" && for f in Folder_*; do mkdir -p $f/A/B; done
If you don't normally use Terminal, just hit Cmd+Spacebar and start typing Terminal till it guesses correctly and then hit Enter.
