Issue with defining a graphQL schema for an object - graphql

I have an object with some properties but unable to define the schema.
Structure of the object
"1": {
average: 40,
count: 15
"2": {
average: 11,
count: 2
"3": {
average: 30,
count: 2
My schema
const typeDef = gql`
type Query {
scoreByRank: Count
type Count {
"1": obj
"2": obj
"3": obj
type obj{
average: Int
count: Int
But this query is failing because of the object prop with "1", "2" etc. Is there a better way to build this schema?

GraphQL field names must follow certain rules. Specifically /^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/. As you can see, a field name must not start with a number 0-9. Certain field names might be inconvenient for a consumer of your GraphQL API depending on what languages they are using. The field name restrictions are defined so that most common languages can easily use the data provided by a GraphQL API.
The recommended solution is to follow the rules and come up with better field names, like _1, two or field3.
You could return an array instead of an object, but there is currently no easy way of enforcing a specific length for an array. On top of that, the indexing of an array would start at 0 rather than 1.
You could define a custom scalar for your object, but then you would lose the ability to leave out unnecessary fields and it would require far more convoluted code to work. As such, I would consider it bad practice. Only do it if you're dealing with an inflexible and opaque third party application that leaves you no other way.


FaunaDB search document and get its ranking based on a score

I have the following Collection of documents with structure:
type Streak struct {
UserID string `fauna:"user_id"`
Username string `fauna:"username"`
Count int `fauna:"count"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `fauna:"updated_at"`
CreatedAt time.Time `fauna:"created_at"`
This looks like the following in FaunaDB Collections:
"ref": Ref(Collection("streaks"), "288597420809388544"),
"ts": 1611486798180000,
"data": {
"count": 1,
"updated_at": Time("2021-01-24T11:13:17.859483176Z"),
"user_id": "276989300",
"username": "yodanparry"
Basically I need a lambda or a function that takes in a user_id and spits out its rank within the collection. rank is simply sorted by the count field. For example, let's say I have the following documents (I ignored other fields for simplicity):
If I throw in fgh as an input for this lambda function, I want it to spit out 1 (or 0 if you start counting from 0).
I already have an index for user_id so I can query and match a document reference from this index. I also have an index sorted_count that sorts document based on count field ascendingly.
My current solution was to query all documents by sorted_count index, then get the rank by iterating through the array. I think there should be a better solution for this. I'm just not seeing it.
Please help. Thank you!
Counting things in Fauna isn't as easy as one might expect. But you might still be able to do something more efficient than you describe.
Assuming you have:
name: "sorted_count",
source: Collection("streaks"),
values: [
{ field: ["data", "count"] }
Then you can query this index like so:
{ after: 10, size: 100000 }
Which will return an object like this one:
before: [10],
data: [123]
Which tells you that there are 123 documents with count >= 10, which I think is what you want.
This means that, in order to get a user's rank based on their user_id, you'll need to implement this two-step process:
Determine the count of the user in question using your index on user_id.
Query sorted_count using the user's count as described above.
Note that, in case your collection has more than 100,000 documents, you'll need your Go code to iterate through all the pages based on the returned object's after field. 100,000 is Fauna's maximum allowed page size. See the Fauna docs on pagination for details.
Also note that this might not reflect whatever your desired logic is for resolving ties.

Elastic Ingest Pipeline split field and create a nested field

Dear freindly helpers,
I have an index that is fed by a database via Kafka. Now this database holds a field that aggregates a couple of pieces of information like so key/value; key/value; (don't ask for the reason, I have no idea who designed it liked that and why ;-) )
93/4; 34/12;
it can be empty, or it can hold 1..n key/value pairs.
I want to use an ingest pipeline and ideally have a "nested" field which holds all values that are in tha field.
Probably like this:
{ "93": 7,
"82": 4
The use case is the following: we want to visualize the sum of a filtered number of these categories (they tell me how many minutes a specific process took longer) and relate them in ranges.
Example: I filter categories x, y ,z and then group how many documents for the day had no delay, which had a delay up to 5 minutes and which had a delay between 5 and 15 minutes.
I have tried to get the fields neatly separated with the kv processor and wanted to work from there on but it was a complete wrong approach I guess.
"kv": {
"field": "IncomingField",
"field_split": ";",
"value_split": "/",
"target_field": "delays",
"ignore_missing": true,
"trim_key": "\\s",
"trim_value": "\\s",
"ignore_failure": true
When I test the pipeline it seems ok
"delays": {
"62": "3",
"86": "2"
but there are two things that don't work.
I can't know upfront how many of these combinations I have and thus converting the values from string t int in the same pipeline is an issue.
When I want to create a kibana index pattern I end up with many fields like delay.82 and delay.82.keyword which does not make sense at all for the usecase as I can't filter (get only the sum of delays where the key is one of x,y,z) and aggregate.
I have looked into other processors (dorexpander) but can't really get my head around how to get this working.
I hope my question is clear (I lack english skills, sorry) and that someone can point me at the right direction.
Thank you very much!
You should rather structure them as an array of objects with shared accessors, for instance:
[ {key: 93, value: 7}, ...]
That way, you'll be able to aggregate on categories.key and categories.value.
So this means iterating the categories' entrySet() using a custom script processor like so:
POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
"pipeline": {
"description": "extracts k/v pairs",
"processors": [
"script": {
"source": """
def categories = ctx.categories;
def kv_pairs = new ArrayList();
for (def pair : categories.entrySet()) {
def k = pair.getKey();
def v = pair.getValue();
kv_pairs.add(["key": k, "value": v]);
ctx.categories = kv_pairs;
"docs": [
"_source": {
"categories": {
"82": 4,
"93": 7
P.S.: Do make sure your categories field is mapped as nested b/c otherwise you'll lose the connections between the keys & the values (also called flattening).

How to transform nested JSON-payloads with Kiba-ETL?

I want to transform nested JSON-payloads into relational tables with Kiba-ETL. Here's a simplified pseudo-JSON-payload:
"bookings": [
"bookingNumber": "1111",
"name": "Booking 1111",
"services": [
"serviceNumber": "45",
"serviceName": "Extra Service"
"bookingNumber": "2222",
"name": "Booking 2222",
"services": [
"serviceNumber": "1",
"serviceName": "Super Service"
"serviceNumber": "2",
"serviceName": "Bonus Service"
How can I transform this payload into two tables:
services (every service belongsTo a booking)
I read a about yielding multiple rows with the help of Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder at wiki, blog, ... etc.
Would you solve my use-case by yielding multiple rows (the booking and multiple services), or would you implement a Destination which receives a whole booking and calls some Sub-Destinations (i.e. to create or update a service)?
Author of Kiba here!
This is a common requirement, but it can (and this is not specific to Kiba) be more or less complex to handle. Here are a few points you'll need to think about.
Handling of foreign keys
The main problem here is that you'll want to keep the relationships between services and bookings, once they are inserted.
Foreign keys using business keys
A first (most easy) way to handle this is to use a foreign-key constraint on "booking number", and make sure to insert that booking number in each service row, so that you can leverage it later in your queries. If you do this (see you'll have to set a unique-constraint on "booking number" in the bookings table target.
Foreign keys using primary keys
If you instead prefer to have a booking_id which points to the bookings table id key, things are a bit more complicated.
If this is a one-off import targeting an empty table, I recommend that you arbitrarily force the primary key using something like:
transform do |r|
#row_index ||= 0
#row_index += 1
r.merge(id: #row_index)
If this not a one-off import, you will have to:
* Upsert bookings in a first pass
* In a second pass, look-up (via SQL queries) "bookings" to figure out what is the id to store in booking_id, then upsert the services
As you see it's a bit more work, so stick with option 1 if you don't have strong requirements around this (although option 2 is more solid on the long run).
Example implementation (using Kiba Pro & business keys)
The simplest way to achieve this (assuming your target is Postgres) is to use Kiba Pro's SQL Bulk Insert/Upsert destination.
It would go this way (in single pass):
extend Kiba::DSLExtensions::Config
config :kiba, runner: Kiba::StreamingRunner
source Kiba::Common::Sources::Enumerable, -> { Dir["input/*.json"] }
transform { |r| JSON.parse('bookings') }
transform Kiba::Common::Transforms::EnumerableExploder
# SNIP (remapping / renaming of fields etc)
first_destination = nil
destination Kiba::Pro::Destinations::SQLBulkInsert,
row_pre_processor: -> (row) { row.except("services") },
dataset: -> (dataset) {
dataset.insert_conflict(target: :booking_number)
after_read: -> (d) { first_destination = d }
destination Kiba::Pro::Destinations::SQLBulkInsert,
row_pre_processor: -> (row) { row.fetch("services") },
dataset: -> (dataset) {
dataset.insert_conflict(target: :service_number)
before_flush: -> { first_destination.flush }
Here we iterate over each input file, parsing it and grabbing the "bookings", then generating one row per element of "bookings".
We have 2 destinations, doing "upsert" (insert or update), plus one trick to ensure we'll save the parent rows before we insert the children, to avoid a failure due to missing pointed record.
You can of course implement this yourself, but this is a bit of work though!
If you need to use primary-key based foreign keys, you'll have (likely) to split in 2 pass (one for each destination), then add some form of lookup in the middle.
I know that this is not trivial (depending on what you'll need, & if you'll use Kiba Pro or not), but at least I'm sharing the patterns that I'm using in such situations.
Hope it helps a bit!

Protocol buffers Fieldmask on Collections within resource

If I want to update the "amount" field within a particular element inside "f_units" collection in the below resource (protocol buffer), how will the FieldMask look like to update the amount field? Does the field mask operate on array index for collections?
"f_sel": {
"f_units": [
"id": "1",
"amount": {
"coefficient": 1000,
"exponent": -2
"id": "2",
"amount": {
"coefficient": 2000,
"exponent": -2
Will it be "f_sel.f_units.0.amount" ? How can I update the amount using FieldMask?
As far as I know, there is no way to replace individual elements of a repeated field with an index in a FieldMask.
Instead, you'd update the amount field for the element within f_units you wish to change and set the FieldMask to
It would be slightly more efficient to only have to send a delta to the original list, but it would be hard to prevent bugs. For example, what if the proto was modified in the meantime and the specified index (presuming there was a way to specify one) for the repeated field was no longer in range?
As an aside, Google does propose the concept of MergeOptions which defines semantics for how repeated fields are to be handled when merging. Currently, it appears they intend for you either to replace the repeated field in its entirety or append to the end of the destination field. Both of these merging strategies avoid the aforementioned bug that could be caused by specifying an invalid index.

Should I store strings directly or their numeric tokens in elasticsearch

I can't decide which way to save event information to elasticsearch. The information is stored in mysql, and since I want to make them filterable, I've decided to use elasticsearch to index the events. Each of the fields have a limited number of options, but multiple options are allowed. Should I store the information directly like this:
"name":"Event A",
// + 80 fields alike
Or use some backend work to turn the string values into numeric tokens before saving to elasticsearch:
"name":"Event A",
"type":"1 3 5",
"industrialSector":"2 3",
// + 80 fields alike
There will be a map object to reference the field options before saved or after fetched:
let options =
The first one requires less work, but does it perform slower and require more diskspaces than the second one?
I think your second solution has no benefits. I would just store the options as an array:
"name":"Event A",
// + 80 fields alike
