Using a custom window with ajax form to add new grid row - kendo-ui

I need to create a more advanced method of adding new elements to a kendo grid, so in short I have replicated the following example as it does exactly what I needed:
And it works just fine. Only difference is the new row is added in it's correct spot in the grid, and not on the top as per usual. How can I, using the example linked to, place the new row on the top?
(I'm thinking it's not necessary to show my code here as it very closely resembles the code given in the link above)

So If you want to add a row up top I am thinking you could use a custom template. I may not be very clear on what you are doing but , I will attempt to help you.
Here is the grid in the code:`
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(c => c.Message).EditorTemplateName("MessageEditor");
.DataSource(datasource => datasource
.Read(read => read.Action("GetOrders", "OrdersData"))
Then write the template like this:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="MessageEditor">
<div class="k-header k-grid-toolbar">
<div style="display: inline-block; font-size:1.25em; padding:
Well this may not be the best solution , however it is the only way I know to create a custom column in a Kendo grid

Ended up finding the solution myself eventually. Going by the example in the link I made in the original post, this is what I did:
Firstly when a new "order" is made, I make sure that the model returned in the "Create" method in OrdersDataController has an ID from when the model is added to the DB.
So when this part gets executed in "_OrdersCreate.cshtml":
#if (Model != null && ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
I send information on the new Order created. So to that end I have modified "closeCreatePopup()" to handle arguments.
So for the finished results I will just use a piece of code from my own project, the following is my implementation of "closeCreatePopup()":
function closeCreateEmployeeWindow(name, rHPersonID, personID, organizationID) {
if (name !== undefined
&& rHPersonID !== undefined
&& personID !== undefined
&& organizationID !== undefined) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.dataSource.insert({ Name: name, RHPersonID: rHPersonID, PersonID: personID, OrganizationID: organizationID });
var wnd = $("#createEmployeeModal").data("kendoWindow");
wnd.refresh({ url: '#Url.Action("CreateEmployee", "Employee", new { Area = "Administration" })' });
The important part is this:
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
grid.dataSource.insert({ Name: name, RHPersonID: rHPersonID, PersonID: personID, OrganizationID: organizationID });
What is happening here is I use the "insert" method from the grid, and add a new object. "Insert" inserts the new object to the very top of the grid. Remember to call the "sync" method right after.
By doing it like this, the normal "create" method built into the grid is replicated.


MVC3 C# TextArea/CkEditor validation issue

I have an MVC3 C# .Net Web App. We are using the ckEditor library to enhance the TextAreas in our app. When using a standard TextArea, the Validation operates correctly. However, in the enhanced TextAreas (implementing the ckEditor), when submitting the page, the Validation fires an error. "Description is Required" even when though there is data present in the TextArea. Upon a second click of the Submit, the form submits fine.
Domain class property:
[Display(Name = "Description")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Description is required.")]
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
<td style="border: 0;text-align:left " >
#Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Description,
rows = 5,
cols = 100,
#class = "celltext2 save-alert"
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Description)
I think that applying the ckEditor attributes is messing it up somehow. Ideas?`
Let me clarify more. We have a .js file that queries the controls and then does ckEditor initialzation. when I remove the $(this).ckeditor({}) it works fine.
JS File:
$('textarea').each(function () {
Something like this might work:
$('textarea').each(function () {
var textarea = $(this);
$(this).ckeditor({}).on('blur', function() {
textarea.html( $(this).html() );
EDIT(I've never used the jQuery adapter, after a small lesson I found this to work, the above the blur never fires and $(this).html() is not defined):
$('textarea').each(function () {
var textarea = $(this);
textarea.ckeditor(function () {
textarea.ckeditorGet().on('blur', function () {
textarea.html( this.getData() );
I think it's a little simpler than that. CKE creates an iframe that it is used instead of the actual textarea and you do correctly need to update the contents of the textarea with the data inside CKEditor before submitting. I would suggest, however, that you do this on submit instead of on blur. I would recommend setting an id to the relevant DOM elements but you get the idea.
// Replace textarea(s)
$('textarea').each(function () {
// Bind on submit event to update the text
$('form').submit(function() {
// Upate textarea value with the ckeditor data

How to properly disable an Html Helper Textbox or TextBoxFor?

I have a razor display that is being used for entry. In one case, I would like the user to be able to populate the text box, in the other case, I would like to prevent the user from populating it. I am using code like:
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Goop, new { #class = "text-box", maxlength = 2, onfocus = ";" })
if (Model.Review.ReviewType.Equals("M"))
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#Goop").prop("disabled", true);
I have tried to do this several ways, jQuery (above), CSS attribs, javascript, ASP.NET... but all have the same issue: When the form is submitted, if the Goop textbox is disabled, the value for Goop in the model is Null. Ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe it's not as cool without jQuery, but when I do this in my apps I do something along the lines of
if (Model.Review.ReviewType.Equals("M"))
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Goop)
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.Goop)
#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Goop)
If a form element is disabled, it does not post a value. That's how it's supposed to work.
To work around this, you will need to do one of several things. You can enable the fields just before posting by intercepting the submit method. You can use a hidden field to store the data in addition to the disabled control. Or you can just assume the values on the controller side.
by the way, it should be .prop("disabled", "disabled"), which renders as disabled="disabled", that's standards compliant.

Telerik ASP.NET MVC 3 Grid - setting row background

I'm using Telerik Grid. I need to set background color for the entire row based on some property in view model. I've tried to do it as below by setting a background in IF statement for each column but backgound applies only on element not all cell (td). Also it seems it's a very "dirty" way to accomplish this task.
.Columns(columns =>
#if (Model.IsOfSpecialColor)
<div class="gridRowBackground">
You can change it using onRowDataBound event
.DataBinding(d => d.Ajax().Select("Select", "Home"))
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
and the function is
function onRowDataBound(e) {
if (e.dataItem.ID == 2) { = "grey";
If you are using server data binding, you can use CellAction. However, if you are using ajax data binding, you will need to use a solution like Tassadaque suggests.
.CellAction(cell =>
if (cell.DataItem.IsOfSpecialColor.Value)
cell.HtmlAttributes["style"] = "background-color: red";

How to bind a telerik mvc dropdown using javascript

I have an application with two telerik mvc drop-downs - region and country. I need to populate the country drop-down using an ASMX Web Service every time the region drop-down change. In other words I need to pass a parameter to the web service and a way to call the bind method form the client. This is what I have but it's not working.
.BindTo(new SelectList(Model, "value", "value"))
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnChange("onChange"))
.ClientEvents(events => events
.DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding
Now the scripts
<script type="text/javascript">
var RegionDDLv;
function onChange() {
//Get the region
RegionDDLv = $("#RegionDDL").data("tDropDownList").value();
var countryDDLv = $("#countryDDL").data("tDropDownList");
countryDDLv.dataBind();//THIS IS NOT WORKING
function onDropDownListDataBinding(e) { = { region: RegionDDLv };
After some research, I found the answerer here
It is
instead of

SelectedValue on html drop down list in MVC

I am new to MVC, so sorry if I am being a bit thick. I am using VB
I am trying to fill an html drop down list using data from a db, but the first item is always selected, no matter what.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is my code - In the controller:
ViewData("MatchTypeList") = New SelectList(_db.GetMatchTypes.ToList(), "MatchTypeID", "MatchTypeName", SelectedValue)
And in the view
<%= Html.DropDownList("MatchType", CType(ViewData("MatchTypeList"), IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)), "Any", New With {.class = "forminput"})%>
This is a problem with mvc. One work around would be to change the name of the dropdownlist to anything but the name of the property. Then, before submitting to change the name back to the true name of the property.
An example:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("form").submit(function () {
function () {
$(this).attr("name", $(this).attr("name").replace(/ZZZ/, ''));
<%= Html.DropDownList("MatchTypeZZZ", CType(ViewData("MatchTypeList"), IEnumerable(Of SelectListItem)), "Any", New With {.class = "forminput"})%>
I place the javascript (it uses JQuery) in my master page so any form in the app that has a dropdownlist can safely have its name appended with ZZZ and then set back to its original name on submission.
