Bing API related searches - bing-api

How does one get related searches to be included in response from Bing search API?
I am trying to apply responseFilter with value RelatedSearches as per the documentation here:
Below is my code based on sample from Bing. I have added "&responseFilter=RelatedSearches" to the URL that is fetched by file_get_contents().
The error I get back is:
PHP Warning: file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Clearly I am applying it wrong. What can I change to be making it working?
$accessKey = 'abc123';
$endpoint = '';
$term = 'burrito recipe';
function BingWebSearch ($url, $key, $query) {
$headers = "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: $key\r\n";
$options = array ('http' => array (
'header' => $headers,
'method' => 'GET'));
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($url . "?q=" . urlencode($query) . "&responseFilter=RelatedSearches", false, $context);
$headers = array();
foreach ($http_response_header as $k => $v) {
$h = explode(":", $v, 2);
if (isset($h[1]))
if (preg_match("/^BingAPIs-/", $h[0]) || preg_match("/^X-MSEdge-/", $h[0]))
$headers[trim($h[0])] = trim($h[1]);
return array($headers, $result);
if (strlen($accessKey) == 32) {
print "Searching the Web for: " . $term . "\n";
list($headers, $json) = BingWebSearch($endpoint, $accessKey, $term);
print "\nRelevant Headers:\n\n";
foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
print $k . ": " . $v . "\n";
print "\nJSON Response:\n\n";
echo json_encode(json_decode($json), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
} else {
print("Invalid Bing Search API subscription key!\n");
print("Please paste yours into the source code.\n");

The "403 Forbidden" is the hint. You don't have permission to request RelatedSearches unless you are on the S1 instance as per here:


upload image to ckeditor in laravel Incorrect server response

i am trying to upload image through ckeditor 4
when i press send it the server
getting this Error Incorrect Server Response
here is my controller
public function mediauploadpost(Request $request){
$CKEditor = $request->input('CKEditor');
$funcNum = $request->input('CKEditorFuncNum');
$message = $url = '';
if (Input::hasFile('upload')) {
$file = Input::file('upload');
if ($file->isValid()) {
$filename =rand(1000,9999).$file->getClientOriginalName();
$file->move(public_path().'/wysiwyg/', $filename);
$url = url('wysiwyg/' . $filename);
} else {
$message = 'An error occurred while uploading the file.';
} else {
$message = 'No file uploaded.';
return '<script>'.$funcNum.', "'.$url.'", "'.$message.'")</script>';
I had this same issue recently, and the solution was to add this line to my ckeditor-config.js file:
config.filebrowserUploadMethod = 'form';
If you are using java as your backend server: return string response:
"{\n " +
" \"uploaded\": 1,\n" +
" \"fileName\": \"foo.jpg\",\n" +
" \"url\": \"/files/foo.jpg\"\n" +
See this link fro more information.
Also remember to to have annotation: produces = MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE over your rest API.
Remove this one
$res = "<script>" .$funcNum. "," . $url . "," .$message. ")</script>"
Use this code in your return .
return response()->json([ 'fileName' => 'your file name put here', 'uploaded' => false, 'url' => $url, ]);
$res = "<script>" .$funcNum. "," . $url . "," .$message. ")</script>"
return response()->json(['data' => $res]);
set the these propertis in your file
filebrowserUploadMethod: "form"
in laravel 7
CKEDITOR.replace('body', {
filebrowserUploadUrl:'/admin/general-topic/images', // Route
filebrowserImageUploadUrl:'/admin/general-topic/images', // File location
filebrowserUploadMethod: "form"

Magento 2 oauth 1 get request token

Am not able to get request token in magento app. Signature is always invalid.
This is the code i use to generate the signature. The consumer key is the one is i get from localhost:8000 (magento shop) request to localhost:3000.
I tried changing the url both to localhost 8000 and 3000.
Followed these instructions: Magento instructions
function getSignature($consumerKey)
$params = array(
'oauth_nonce' => uniqid(mt_rand(1, 1000)),
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_version' => '1.0',
'oauth_consumer_key' => $consumerKey,
$baseString = strtoupper('POST') . '&';
$baseString .= rawurlencode('http://localhost:8000') . '&';
$baseString .= rawurlencode(buildSignatureDataString($params));
$signature = hash_hmac('SHA1', $baseString, getSigningKey(), true);
return base64_encode($signature);
function getSigningKey()
return rawurlencode('magento_private_key') . '&';
function buildSignatureDataString(array $signatureData)
$signatureString = '';
$delimiter = '';
foreach ($signatureData as $key => $value) {
$signatureString .= $delimiter . $key . '=' . $value;
$delimiter = '&';
return $signatureString;

How to use Ajax pager in Drupal7

I want to use ajax_pager in my block.
I've installed Libraries API and Ajax Pager API (as it described on the AP API page). But it's still not working.
When I use 'pager' instead of 'ajax_pager' it works.
What I'm doing wrong?
function latest_news_block_info() {
$blocks['latest_news_block'] = array(
// info: The name of the block.
'info' => t('Latest News'),
return $blocks;
function latest_news_block_view($delta = '') {
// The $delta parameter tells us which block is being requested.
switch ($delta) {
case 'latest_news_block':
// Create your block content here
$block['subject'] = t('Last news');
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
//change news by the name of your content type
$entities = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->pager(5, 0)
->entityCondition('bundle', 'news')
->propertyOrderBy("created", "DESC")
$content = "";
foreach($entities['node'] as $obj) {
$node = node_load($obj->nid);
$content .= "<img src='" .file_create_url($node->field_image['und'][0]['uri']) . "' width='200px' height='200px'>" . l($node->title, "node/" . $node->nid) . truncate_utf8($node->body['und'][0]['value'], 200, true, true) . '<br><hr>';
$block['content'] = $content;
$pager = theme('ajax_pager', array('parameters' => array('selector' => 'block-system-main')));
$block['content'] .= $pager;
return $block;

set a chosen image-file-input as a featured image from wp frontend

SCENARIO : I allow to create posts from front-end. The form also has four image upload fields. I use the code pasted below for image attachments and setting the post thumbnail.
//insert attachments
if ($_FILES) {
foreach ($_FILES as $file => $array) {
$newupload = insert_attachment($file,$pid);
//attachment helper function
function insert_attachment($file_handler,$post_id,$setthumb='false') {
if ($_FILES[$file_handler]['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){ return __return_false();
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php');
$attach_id = media_handle_upload( $file_handler, $post_id );
//set post thumbnail
if ($setthumb) update_post_meta($post_id,'_thumbnail_id',$attach_id); //you will need to comment out this line if you use my solution
return $attach_id;//you will need to comment out this line if you use my solution
The post-thumbnail/featured image that is set through this code is the LAST image that is uploaded. I tried a google search for "set post thumbnail from frontend wordpress" and grazed through a lot of articles but none came close to what I am asking here. Majority of threads I came across at SE in regards to front-end posting, either talks about setting the featured image or about multiple uploads. I have also checked all the suggested questions which were prompted, while I was writing this question just to make sure if it has been asked before.
If it matters, here is the html that is used in the form, pretty standard.
<input type="file" name="image-one" id="image-one"/>
<input type="file" name="image-two" id="image-two"/>
<input type="file" name="image-three" id="image-three"/>
REQUEST : It would be great if I could get a solution that helps to assign any chosen image-input-field as a featured-image but at this moment, at least what I need to set the FIRST image input to be set as a featured-image/post-thumbnail. Kindly suggest a solution.
Bottomline is that I do not have an issue with setting post-thumbnail
but question is about having a choice to choose any of the uploaded
images as post-thumbnail or at least the first image, instead of the
last image as set by the current code.
Never know if it would help in cracking this issue. But when I print_($newupload), I get the id eg. 54287 ,of the last-image-input attachment that is saved as post-thumbnail.
This thread suggests a way to set a featured-image with the first image found in the post so I thought of working on that idea. But the code does not seem to work either.
$attachments = get_children(array(
'post_parent' => $pid,
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'ID'
if ($attachments) {
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
set_post_thumbnail($pid, $attachment->ID);
FINAL WORD : The code in the progress report momentarily gets the job done for me, that is.. setting the first image-file-input as a featured-image/post-thumbnail and I am not even sure if this is the best way to do this. I am still looking for a solution which could give a flexibility to choose any image-input-field as a featured-image. If you decide to use this feature remember to comment out the second last and third last lines from the original code.
Saving a post_meta with _thumbnail_id as meta_key and the attach_id as meta_value won't make that image a featured image, you can use wp_insert_attachment that will help you a lot in this. Make sure you read the codex and the examples there. The function should be used in conjunction with wp_update_attachment_metadata() and wp_generate_attachment_metadata() this way your feature image will be created properly by wordpress.
I've looked over your code and I'm gussing it's easier to use it then my schetch in this case. I've added a file count and a parameter to insert_attachment. Check this code let me know what happens.
//insert attachments
if ($_FILES) {
$i = 0;//this will count the posts
foreach ($_FILES as $file => $array) {
if ($i == 0) $set_feature = 1; //if $i ==0 then we are dealing with the first post
else $set_feature = 0; //if $i!=0 we are not dealing with the first post
$newupload = insert_attachment($file,$pid, $set_feature);
$i++; //count posts
//attachment helper function
function insert_attachment($file_handler,$post_id,$setthumb='false') {
if ($_FILES[$file_handler]['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK){ return __return_false();
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php');
$attach_id = media_handle_upload( $file_handler, $post_id );
//set post thumbnail if setthumb is 1
if ($setthumb == 1) update_post_meta($post_id,'_thumbnail_id',$attach_id);
return $attach_id;
We can set post featured image from frontend using following function,
simple you need to call this function
after creating new post. and add following function in functions.php
if ( ! function_exists( 'post_imgs_update' ) ) :
function post_imgs_update($new_post_id) {
$data = array();
$attachment_ids = array();
// code for save featured image
if( isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce'], 'image_upload' ) ){ // here nonce text is "image_upload" you need to add in form
$files = reArrayFiles($_FILES['files']);
//$i = 0;
$set_featured_img = 0 ;
foreach( $files as $file ){
if( is_array($file) ){
$attachment_id = upload_user_file( $file, basename($file['name']) );
if ( is_numeric($attachment_id) ) {
if ($set_featured_img == '0') {
set_post_thumbnail($new_post_id, $attachment_id);
$attachment_ids[] = $attachment_id;
$attachment_ids[] = $attachment_id;
//add to array
$mediaurl = array();
foreach ($attachment_ids as $img_id) {
$imgurl = wp_get_attachment_url( $img_id );
$image_gallery[$img_id] = $imgurl;
update_post_meta( $new_post_id, '_stw_property_multi_images', $image_gallery); // 2nd arg field key
else {
$data['status'] = false;
$data['message'] = __('Nonce verify failed','realestate');
return $new_post_id;
if ( ! function_exists( 'reArrayFiles' ) ) :
function reArrayFiles(&$file_post) {
$file_ary = array();
$file_count = count($file_post['name']);
$file_keys = array_keys($file_post);
for ($i=0; $i<$file_count; $i++) {
foreach ($file_keys as $key) {
$file_ary[$i][$key] = $file_post[$key][$i];
return $file_ary;
if ( ! function_exists( 'upload_user_file' ) ) :
function upload_user_file( $file = array(), $title = false ) {
require_once ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/admin.php';
$file_return = wp_handle_upload($file, array('test_form' => false));
if(isset($file_return['error']) || isset($file_return['upload_error_handler'])){
return false;
$filename = $file_return['file'];
$attachment = array(
'post_mime_type' => $file_return['type'],
'post_content' => '',
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'guid' => $file_return['url']
$attachment['post_title'] = $title;
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $filename );
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
$attachment_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $filename );
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $attachment_data );
if( 0 < intval( $attachment_id ) ) {
return $attachment_id;
return false;
function my_handle_attachment($file_handler,$post_id,$set_thu=false) {
$attachurlarray = array();
// check to make sure its a successful upload
if ($_FILES[$file_handler]['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) __return_false();
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php');
$attach_id = media_handle_upload( $file_handler, $post_id );
return $attach_id;

Incorrect Signature in facebook stream_publish call

I am having a facebook error on stream_publish call. I actually used an extension for Magento for Fconnect. Fconnect & Flogin is working fine. But it is requirement that when user place an order it should be posted on user's wall. For that I have implemented like this
document.observe('click', function(e){
if (e.element().match('a[rel^=facebook-connect]') || e.element().match('button[rel^=facebook-connect]')) {
if(response.status=='connected') setLocation('');
}, {perms:"email,publish_stream"});
in Facebook Client file generateSignature method is like this
private function _generateSig($params_array)
$str = '';
foreach ($params_array as $k=>$v) {
$str .= "$k=$v";
$str .= $this->_secret;
Mage::log('md5 sigs:: ' . md5($str));
return md5($str);
& My code that is calling the API is like this
$message = 'just placed an order on';
$attachment = array(
'name' => "mystore",
'href' => '',
'description' => 'New order on',
'media' => array(array('type' => 'image',
'src' => '',
'href' => '')));
$action_links = array( array('text' => 'Buy#mystore', 'href' => ''));
$attachment = json_encode($attachment);
$action_links = json_encode($action_links);
// if( $facebook->api_client->stream_publish($message, $attachment, $action_links, null, $target_id))
if($this->_getClient()->call( '',
array($message, $attachment, $action_links,
Mage::getSingleton('facebook/config')->getApiKey() )
) )
Mage::log( "Added on FB Wall" );
} catch(Exception $e)
Mage::log( "Exception in wall write" );
After logging the Signature I found in log is placed an order on mystore.comcall_id=1309345883.3068format=JSONv=1.01={"name":"mystore","href":"http:\/\/\/","description":"New order on","media":[{"type":"image","src":"http:\/\/\/skin\/frontend\/default\/mystore\/images\/logo.png","href":"http:\/\/\/"}]}2=[{"text":"Buy#mystore","href":"http:\/\/\/"}]3=1000025660978094=5070afefb42b162aff748f55ecf44d110d9e2a90117ee1704e2adb41f1d190fa
I have never done any development on Facebook SO I have no Idea what to do? Please help me with solution. & let me know if u guys need any other info to understand this.
Oh yeah One more thing the Client File code that is calling Api (call method) its like this
private function _prepareParams($method, $params)
$defaultParams = array(
'api_key' => $this->_apiKey,
'call_id' => microtime(true),
'format' => 'JSON',
'v' => '1.0'
$defaultParams['session_key'] = $this->_sessionKey;
$params = array_merge($defaultParams, $params);
foreach ($params as $key => &$val) {
if (!is_array($val)) continue;
$val = Zend_Json::encode($val);
$params['method'] = $method;
if(isset($params['sig'])) {
$params['sig'] = $this->_generateSig($params);
return $params;
public function call($method, $args=array())
$params = $this->_prepareParams($method, $args);
$client = self::_getHttpClient()
try {
$response = $client->request();
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new Mage_Core_Exception('Service unavaliable');
if(!$response->isSuccessful()) {
throw new Mage_Core_Exception('Service unavaliable');
$result = Zend_Json::decode($response->getBody());
//json decode returns float on long uid number? is_json check? old php?
$result = $response->getBody();
if(is_array($result) && isset($result['error_code'])) {
throw new Mage_Core_Exception($result['error_msg'], $result['error_code']);
return $result;
For calling API I used two ways $this->_getClient()->call( '',
& $this->_getClient()->call( 'stream_publish',
None of them are working
ok GUys I figure out the mistake
look at my code
format=JSONv=1.01={"name":"mystore","href":"http:\/\/\/","description":"New order on","media":[{"type":"image","src":"http:\/\/\/skin\/frontend\/default\/mystore\/images\/logo.png","href":"http:\/\/\/"}]}2=[{"text":"Buy#mystore","href":"http:\/\/\/"}]3=1000025660978094=5070afefb42b162aff748f55ecf44d110d9e2a90117ee1704e2adb41f1d190fa
where u can see format=JSONv=1.01={....}2=[{.....}] the problem was I used numeric arrays for parameters. they should be associated arrays
like message={new order}attachment={....}
Once I fixed the associative array problem my code start working correctly
here is a link that'll give u detail about parameters to pass to stream.publish
Hope this will help somebody else too.
