Get only distinct values from an ngrx store selector - rxjs

I have a function which checks whether a grid has loaded or not and if not it triggers the loading. But currently this ends up firing several times for the same Loaded value so it will call the relevant action multiple times. I was under the impression that store selectors emit by default only distinct (changed) values?
My function
private gridLoaded(filters: FilteredListingInput): Observable<boolean> {
return this.settings.states.Loaded.pipe(
tap(loaded => {
`Grid ID=<${
}> this.settings.states.Loaded state = ${loaded}`
// Now we get duplicate firings of this action.
if (!loaded) {
`Grid Id=<${
}> Dispatching action this.settings.stateActions.Read`
new this.settings.stateActions.Read(filters)
filter(loaded => loaded),
this.settings.states.Loaded is selector from NgRx store.
The logging output I get looks like this:
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> this.settings.states.Loaded state = false {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid Id=<grid-reviewItem> Dispatching action this.settings.stateActions.Read {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> this.settings.states.Loaded state = true {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> Calling FilterClientSide action. Loaded=true {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> this.settings.states.Loaded state = true {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> Calling FilterClientSide action. Loaded=true {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> this.settings.states.Loaded state = true {ignoreIntercept: true}
Grid ID=<grid-reviewItem> Calling FilterClientSide action. Loaded=true {ignoreIntercept: true}
How can I make sure that the relevant actions are triggered only once?
Edit - updates
Selector code:
export const getReviewItemsLoaded = createSelector(
export const getReviewItemState = createSelector(
(state: fromFeature.ForecastState) => {
return state.reviewItems;
export const getReviewItemsLoaded = (state: GridNgrxState<ReviewItemListDto>) =>
export interface GridNgrxState<TItemListDto> {
allItems: TItemListDto[];
filteredItems: TItemListDto[];
totalCount: number;
filters: FilteredListingInput;
loaded: boolean;
loading: boolean;
selectedItems: TItemListDto[];
As you can see we are just getting the state.loaded property, it's a trivial selector.
Reducers that change the loading property:
export function loadItemsSuccessReducer(state: any, action: GridAction) {
const data = action.payload;
return {
loading: false,
loaded: true,
totalCount: data.totalCount ? data.totalCount : data.items.length,
allItems: data.items
export function loadItemsReducer(state: any, action: GridAction) {
return {
loading: true,
filters: action.payload
export function loadItemsFailReducer(state: any, action: GridAction) {
return {
loading: false,
loaded: false
export class LoadReviewItemsAction implements Action {
readonly type = LOAD_REVIEWITEMS;
constructor(public payload?: FilteredListingInput) {}
export class LoadReviewItemsFailAction implements Action {
readonly type = LOAD_REVIEWITEMS_FAIL;
constructor(public payload: any) {}
export class LoadReviewItemsSuccessAction implements Action {
constructor(public payload: PagedResultDtoOfReviewItemListDto) {}
export class ReviewItemsEffects {
private actions$: Actions,
private reviewItemApi: ReviewItemApi
) {}
loadReviewItems$ = this.actions$
switchMap((action: reviewItemActions.LoadReviewItemsAction) => {
return this.getDataFromApi(action.payload);
* Retrieves and filters data from API
private getDataFromApi(filters: FilteredListingInput) {
return this.reviewItemApi.getReviewItems(filters || {}).pipe(
reviewItems =>
new reviewItemActions.LoadReviewItemsSuccessAction(
catchError(error =>
of(new reviewItemActions.LoadReviewItemsFailAction(error))

I was able to work around the issue by refactoring the gridLoaded method into waitForGridLoaded and moving some of its logic outside of it. This works well but I couldn't solve the original issue of why the tap(loaded => ...) logic is triggered many times.
Now the relevant bits look like this (it doesn't feel like the nicest solution):
private initializeLoadingState() {
const loadingStateSubscription = this.settings.states.Loading.subscribe(
loading => {
this.loading = loading;
private initializeLoadedState() {
const loadedStateSubscription = this.settings.states.Loaded.subscribe(
loaded => {
this.loaded = loaded;
onLazyLoad(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
// Do nothing yet if we are expecting to set parent filters
// but we have not provided any parent filter yet
if (
this.settings.features.ParentFilters &&
(!this.parentFiltersOnClient ||
!this.parentFiltersOnClient.length) &&
(!this.parentFiltersOnServer || !this.parentFiltersOnServer.length)
) {
private loadAndFilterItems(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
if (this.settings.features.ClientSideCaching) {
if (this.loaded) {
// Load only once and filter client side
new this.settings.stateActions.FilterClientSide(
this.buildFilters(event, GridParentFilterTypes.Client)
} else if (!this.loading) {
// Start loading in from server side
new this.settings.stateActions.Read(
this.buildFilters(event, GridParentFilterTypes.Server)
// When we have finished loading, apply any client side filters
const gridLoadedSubscription = this.waitForGridLoaded().subscribe(
loaded => {
if (loaded) {
new this.settings.stateActions.FilterClientSide(
} else {
new this.settings.stateActions.Read(
this.buildFilters(event, GridParentFilterTypes.Server)
private waitForGridLoaded(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.settings.states.Loaded.pipe(
filter(loaded => loaded),


Why using a createSelector function in another file causes re-render vs creating "inline", both with useMemo

I have this app that I'm working on that is using RTK and in the documentation for selecting values from results, in queries using RTK Query, they have an example with a createSelector and React.useMemo. Here's that code and the page
import { createSelector } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
import { selectUserById } from '../users/usersSlice'
import { useGetPostsQuery } from '../api/apiSlice'
export const UserPage = ({ match }) => {
const { userId } = match.params
const user = useSelector(state => selectUserById(state, userId))
const selectPostsForUser = useMemo(() => {
const emptyArray = []
// Return a unique selector instance for this page so that
// the filtered results are correctly memoized
return createSelector(
res =>,
(res, userId) => userId,
(data, userId) => data?.filter(post => post.user === userId) ?? emptyArray
}, [])
// Use the same posts query, but extract only part of its data
const { postsForUser } = useGetPostsQuery(undefined, {
selectFromResult: result => ({
// We can optionally include the other metadata fields from the result here
// Include a field called `postsForUser` in the hook result object,
// which will be a filtered list of posts
postsForUser: selectPostsForUser(result, userId)
// omit rendering logic
So I did the same in my app, but I thought that if it's using the createSelector then it can be in a separate slice file. So I have this code in a slice file:
export const selectFoo = createSelector(
(result: { data?: TypeOne[] }) =>,
(result: { data?: TypeOne[] }, status: TypeTwo) => status,
(data: TypeOne[] | undefined, status) => {
return data?.filter((d) => d.status === status) ?? [];
Then I created a hook that uses this selector so that I can just pass in a status value and get the filtered results. This is in another file as well.
function useGetFooByStatus(status: WebBookmkarkStatus) {
const selectFooMemoized = useMemo(() => {
return selectFoo;
}, []);
const { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError } =
selectFromResult: (result) => ({
isError: result.isError,
isFetching: result.isFetching,
isSuccess: result.isSuccess,
isLoading: result.isLoading,
error: result.error,
foos: selectFooMemoized(result, status),
return { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError };
Then lastly I'm using this hook in several places in the app.
The problem then is when I'm causing a re-render in another part of the app causes the query hook to run again (I think), but the selector function runs again, not returning the memoized value, even though nothing has changed. I haven't really figured it out what causes the re-render in another part of the app, but when I do the following step, it stops re-rendering.
If I replace the selector function in the useGetFooByStatus with the same one in the slice file. With this, the value is memoized correctly.
(Just to remove any doubt, the hook would look like this)
function useGetFooByStatus(status: TypeTwo) {
const selectFooMemoized = useMemo(() => {
return createSelector(
(result: { data?: TypeOne[] }) =>,
(result: { data?: TypeOne[] }, status: TypeTwo) =>
(data: TypeOne[] | undefined, status) =>
data?.filter((d) => d.status === status) ?? []
}, []);
const { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError } =
selectFromResult: (result) => ({
isError: result.isError,
isFetching: result.isFetching,
isSuccess: result.isSuccess,
isLoading: result.isLoading,
error: result.error,
foos: selectFooMemoized(result, status),
return { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError };
Sorry for the long question, just want to try and explain everything :)
Solution 1 has one selector used for your whole app. That selector has a cache size of 1, so if you call it always with the same argument it will not recalculate, but if you call it with 1 and then with 2 and then with 1 and then with 2 it will always recalculate in-between and always return a different (new object) as a result.
Solution 2 creates one such selector per component instance.
Now imagine two different components calling these selectors - with two different queries with two different results.
Solution 1 will flip-flop and always create a new result - solution 2 will stay stable "per-component" and not cause rerenders.
Does the following work:
const EMPTY = [];
const createSelectFoo = (status: TypeTwo) => createSelector(
(result: { data?: TypeOne[] }) =>,
(data: TypeOne[] | undefined) => {
return data?.filter((d) => d.status === status) ? EMPTY;
function useGetFooByStatus(status: TypeTwo) {
//only create selector if status changes, this will
// memoize the result when multiple components
// call this hook with different status in one render
// cycle
const selectFooMemoized = useMemo(() => {
return createSelectFoo(status);
}, [status]);
const { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError } =
selectFromResult: (result) => ({
isError: result.isError,
isFetching: result.isFetching,
isSuccess: result.isSuccess,
isLoading: result.isLoading,
error: result.error,
foos: selectFooMemoized(result),
return { foos, isFetching, isSuccess, isError };
You may want to make your component a pure component with React.memo, some more information with examples of selectors can be found here

Providing two combined Reducers for my redux saga store prevents my websocket channel message from triggering, but only one does not?

Configured my store this way with redux toolkit for sure
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
const store = return configureStore({
devTools: true,
reducer: rootReducer ,
// middleware: [middleware, logger],
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware({ thunk: false }).concat(middleware),
And thats my channel i am connecting to it
export function createSocketChannel(
productId: ProductId,
pair: string,
createSocket = () => new WebSocket('wss://somewebsocket')
) {
return eventChannel<SocketEvent>((emitter) => {
const socket_OrderBook = createSocket();
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('open', () => {
type: 'connection-established',
payload: true,
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if ('bids')) {
type: 'message',
payload: JSON.parse(,
socket_OrderBook.addEventListener('close', (event: any) => {
emitter(new SocketClosedByServer());
return () => {
if (socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
if (socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN || socket_OrderBook.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) {
}, buffers.expanding<SocketEvent>());
And here's how my saga connecting handlers looks like
export function* handleConnectingSocket(ctx: SagaContext) {
try {
const productId = yield select((state: State) => state.productId);
const requested_pair = yield select((state: State) => state.requested_pair);
if (ctx.socketChannel === null) {
ctx.socketChannel = yield call(createSocketChannel, productId, requested_pair);
const message: SocketEvent = yield take(ctx.socketChannel!);
if (message.type !== 'connection-established') {
throw new SocketUnexpectedResponseError();
yield put(connectedSocket());
} catch (error: any) {
yield put(
reason: SocketStateReasons.BAD_CONNECTION,
export function* handleConnectedSocket(ctx: SagaContext) {
try {
while (true) {
if (ctx.socketChannel === null) {
const events = yield flush(ctx.socketChannel);
const startedExecutingAt =;
if (Array.isArray(events)) {
const deltas = events.reduce(
(patch, event) => {
if (event.type === 'message') {
return patch;
{ bids: [], asks: [] } as SocketMessage
if (deltas.bids.length || deltas.asks.length) {
yield putResolve(receivedDeltas(deltas));
yield call(delayNextDispatch, startedExecutingAt);
} catch (error: any) {
yield put(
reason: SocketStateReasons.UNKNOWN,
After Debugging I got the following:
The Thing is that when I Provide one Reducer to my store the channel works well and data is fetched where as when providing combinedReducers I am getting
an established connection from my handleConnectingSocket generator function
and an empty event array [] from
const events = yield flush(ctx.socketChannel) written in handleConnectedSocket
Tried to clarify as much as possible
ok so I start refactoring my typescript by changing the types, then saw all the places that break, there was a problem in my sagas.tsx.
Ping me if someone faced such an issue in the future

Passing value from one RxJS operator to another

Here is my code:
export class TraitementDetailEffects {
ingoing_loadDetail: { traitementID: number, obs: Promise<any> };
loadTraitementDetail$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action: LoadTraitementDetail) => action.payload),
switchMap((traitementID) => {
if (this.ingoing_loadDetail && this.ingoing_loadDetail.traitementID === traitementID) {
return this.ingoing_loadDetail.obs;
const obs = this.traitementsService.loadDetail(traitementID);
this.ingoing_loadDetail = {traitementID: traitementID, obs: obs};
return obs;
map(result => {
this.ingoing_loadDetail = null;
//here I don't have access to traitementID :'(
return new LoadTraitementDetailSuccess(traitementID, result);
private actions$: Actions,
private traitementsService: TraitementsService
) {
I'm trying to pass the variable or value traitementID to the last map.
I tried to avoid the last map with an async await but then I get a weird errors "Effect dispatched an invalid action" and "Actions must have a type property" (FYI all my actions have a type property).
Try to bake this id into observable's resolve, like:
switchMap((traitementID) => {
return this.traitementsService.loadDetail(traitementID).pipe(
map(detail => ({detail,traitementID}))
map(({detail,traitementID}) => {

How to load AJAX and update state in componentDidUpdate?

I have a component that renders a list of credit cards. It receives a contract as a prop. A contract id can have multiple related credit cards. This list is fetched from the API via AJAX. The component can be visible or hidden on screen.
I fetch the list of credit cards via AJAX in state cards which is a tuple (key/value): [number, ICreditCardRecord[]]. That way I can keep track of which contract id the list I have in state belongs to.
So in componentDidUpdate I check if the component is not hidden and if the selected contract matches the one on which I saved the list. If not, I fetch the list again for the new contract.
Problem is, it triggers an endless loop. I read that it's not possible to setState inside componentDidUpdate as it triggers a re-render which triggers the function again which ... (endless loop).
So how can I do this? BTW I also use state to manage whether to show loading overlay or not (isLoading: boolean). I update this state prop when ever I start/stop loading.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { IApiVehicleContract, ICreditCardRecord } from '#omnicar/sam-types'
import * as api from 'api/api'
import { WithStyles, withStyles } from '#material-ui/core'
import CreditCard from 'components/customer/Contract/Details/CreditCard'
import NewCreditCard from 'components/customer/Contract/Details/NewCreditCard'
import AddCardDialog from 'components/customer/Contract/Details/AddCardDialog'
import { AppContext } from 'store/appContext'
import LoadingOverlay from 'components/LoadingOverlay'
import styles from './styles'
import alertify from 'utils/alertify'
import { t } from '#omnicar/sam-translate'
import { loadScript } from 'utils/script'
interface IProps extends WithStyles<typeof styles> {
contract: IApiVehicleContract | undefined
hidden: boolean
interface IState {
cards: [number, ICreditCardRecord[]]
showAddCreditCardDialog: boolean
isStripeLoaded: boolean
isLoading: boolean
class CustomerContractDetailsTabsCreditCards extends Component<IProps, IState> {
public state = {
cards: [0, []] as [number, ICreditCardRecord[]],
showAddCreditCardDialog: false,
isStripeLoaded: false,
isLoading: false,
public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IProps, prevState: IState) {
const { cards } = this.state
const { contract, hidden } = this.props
// selected contract changed
const changed = contract && contract.serviceContractId !== cards[0]
// visible and changed
if (!hidden && changed) {
public async componentDidMount() {
// load stripe
const isStripeLoaded = await loadScript('', 'stripe-payment')
this.setState({ isStripeLoaded: !!isStripeLoaded })
public render() {
const { classes, contract, hidden } = this.props
const { cards, showAddCreditCardDialog, isLoading } = this.state
return (
<div className={`CustomerContractDetailsTabsCreditCards ${classes.root} ${hidden && classes.hidden}`}>
<ul className={}>
{cards[1].map(card => (
<NewCreditCard className={classes.card} onToggleAddCreditCardDialog={this.toggleAddCreditCardDialog} />
{({ stripePublicKey }) => {
return (
<LoadingOverlay open={isLoading} />
private getCreditCards = async () => {
const { contract } = this.props
if (contract) {
// this.setState({ isLoading: true })
const res = await api.getContractCreditCards(contract.prettyIdentifier)
if (res) {
if (res.errorData) {
// this.setState({ isLoading: false })
alertify.warning(t('A problem occured. Please contact OmniCar If the problem persists...'))
// sort list: put active first
const creditCards: ICreditCardRecord[] =!.sort((a, b) => +b.isDefault - +a.isDefault)
const cards: [number, ICreditCardRecord[]] = [contract.serviceContractId, creditCards]
this.setState({ cards, isLoading: false })
private handleDeleteCard = async (cardId: string) => {
const { contract } = this.props
// show spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: true })
const req = await api.deleteCreditCard(contract!.prettyIdentifier, cardId)
if (req && (req.errorData || req.networkError)) {
alertify.warning(t('A problem occured. Please contact OmniCar If the problem persists...'))
// hide spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: false })
return console.error(req.errorData || req.networkError)
// remove card from list
const creditCards =[1].filter(card => card.cardId !== cardId)
const cards: [number, ICreditCardRecord[]] = [[0], creditCards]
// update cards list + hide spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: false, cards })
// notify user
alertify.success(t('Credit card has been deleted'))
private handleMakeDefaultCard = async (cardId: string) => {
const { contract } = this.props
// show spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: true })
const req = await api.makeCreditCardDefault(contract!.prettyIdentifier, cardId)
if (req && (req.errorData || req.networkError)) {
alertify.warning(t('A problem occured. Please contact OmniCar If the problem persists...'))
// hide spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: false })
return console.error(req.errorData || req.networkError)
// show new card as default
const creditCards =[1].map(card => {
const res = { ...card }
if (card.cardId !== cardId) {
res.isDefault = false
} else {
res.isDefault = true
return res
const cards: [number, ICreditCardRecord[]] = [[0], creditCards]
// update cards list + hide spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: false, cards })
// notify user
alertify.success(t('Credit card is now default'))
private toggleAddCreditCardDialog = () => {
this.setState({ showAddCreditCardDialog: !this.state.showAddCreditCardDialog })
private appendNewCardToList = (data: any) => {
const {cards: cardsList} = this.state
let creditCards = cardsList[1].map(card => {
return { ...card, isDefault: false }
creditCards = [data, ...creditCards]
const cards: [number, ICreditCardRecord[]] = [cardsList[0], creditCards]
this.setState({ cards })
// notify user
alertify.success(t('Credit card has been added'))
private handleAddCard = (stripe: stripe.Stripe) => {
// show spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: true })
const stripeScript = stripe as any
stripeScript.createToken().then(async (result: any) => {
if (result.error) {
// remove spinner
this.setState({ isLoading: false })
// notify user
alertify.warning(t('An error occurred... Please contact OmniCar if the problem persists. '))
return console.error(result.error)
// add credit card
const prettyId = this.props.contract ? this.props.contract.prettyIdentifier : ''
const req = await api.addCreditCard({ cardToken:, isDefault: true }, prettyId)
if (req.errorData) {
alertify.warning(t('An error occurred while trying to add credit card'))
return console.error(req.errorData)
// remove spinner and close dialog
this.setState({ isLoading: false }, () => {
export default withStyles(styles)(CustomerContractDetailsTabsCreditCards)

Redux async action triggered after request finished. Why?

I have problem with my async action. I would like to set 'loading' state to true when action fetchPosts() is called and 'loading' state to false when action fetchPostsSuccess() or fetchPostsFailiure().
With my current code it works almost fine except 'loading' state change when fetchPosts() receive response from server and I would like to change this state at the beginning of request.
Here is simple code which shows my steps.
I'm using axios and redux-promise (
// actions
export function fetchPosts() {
const request = axios.get(`${API_URL}/posts/`);
return {
type: 'FETCH_POSTS',
payload: request,
export function fetchPostsSuccess(posts) {
return {
payload: posts,
export function fetchPostsFailure(error) {
return {
payload: error,
// reducer
posts: [],
loading: false,
error: null,
const postsReducer = (state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, loading: true, error: null };
return { ...state, posts: action.payload, loading: false };
return { ...state, posts: [], loading: false, error: action.payload };
return state;
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
postsList: postsReducer,
// store
function configureStore(initialState) {
return createStore(
const store = configureStore();
// simple Posts app
class Posts extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
const { posts, loading } = this.props.postsList;
return (
{loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{ => <li key={}>{post.title}</li>)}
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
postsList: state.postsList,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
fetchPosts: (params = {}) => {
.then((response) => {
if (!response.error) {
} else {
const PostsContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Posts);
// main
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={browserHistory}>
<Route path="posts" component={PostsContainer} />
), document.getElementById('appRoot'));
Can someone guide me what I'm doing wrong ?
It's turned out the problem is with 'redux-promise' package. This async middleware has no such thing like 'pending' state of promise (called 'optimistic update') .
It changes the state only when promise has been resolved or rejected.
I should use different middleware which allow for 'optimistic updates'
Your problem ís with redux-promise. You should use redux-thunk instead that allows you to return a function and dispatch multiple times. Have a look at it ;)!

