Apollo graphQL - can you query local state using variables without having to use a resolver? - graphql

I am using apollo-cache-inmemory, apollo-client, react-apollo.
My local state contains a users array like so: -
users: [{
__typename: "User",
userId: "hashid1",
__typename: "User",
userId: "hashid2",
Now I can obviously run a simple query to retrieve all the users from the local state: -
import gql from "graphql-tag"
export default gql`{users #client {userId}}`
However, what I would like to do is to be able to query the users array directly, passing variables like so: -
const userDetails = await client.query({ query: USER_DETAILS, variables: {id: "hashId1"}})
Is it possible to run this query without using a resolver? I have attempted the following but { data } returns as null: -
export default gql`query user($id: String!) {users(userId: $id) #client {userId}}`
I already use resolvers and can easily write one to take care of this issue but I am wondering if there it is possible to perform this task without one?

It looks like you're looking for some magic ;)
You must write customization code (overwrite default resolver - return all records) to have a customized behavior (return data filtered by your criteria). That should be obviuos.
There is no default/ready/built in searching/filtering syntax in graphql - therefore, there is no default behaviours for them in apollo-client (no matter local/remote server/data). It is up to you to implement what you need.


Updating Apollo Cache for external query after entity mutation

I'd like to display a list of users, based on a filtered Apollo query
// pseudo query
if (user.name === 'John) return true
User names can be edited. Unfortunately, if I change a user name to James, the user is still displayed in my list (the query is set to fetch from cache first)
I tried to update this by using cache.modify:
id: cache.identify({
__typename: 'User',
id: userId,
fields: {
name: () => {
return newName; //newName is the input new value
But I'm not quite sure this is the correct way to do so.
Of course, if I use refetchQueries: ['myUsers'], I get the correct result, but obviously, this is a bit overkill to refetch the whole list every time a name is updated.
Did I miss something?

GraphQL | How to implement conditional nesting?

Please consider the following GraphQL schema:
type User {
id: ID!
events: [Event]
type Event {
id: ID!
user: User!
asset: Asset!
type Asset {
id: ID
price: Number!
name: String!
GraphQL is a fantastic framework for fetching nested objects, but I'm struggling to understand how conditional nesting is implemented.
I want to retrieve all events for a specific user where asset.price is greater than x.
I want to retrieve all events for an asset that belongs to a list of users [].
Question: Is conditional nesting a concept in GraphQL and how is it implemented?
Side note: I use AWS AppSync and resolvers are fetching data from AWS DynamoDB.
You can define a filter/condition on any GraphQL query such as:
query {
users(permission: 'ADMIN') {
The permission param is passed to your resolver (say DynamoDb VTL template, Lambda etc) to be handled however you want - to GQL this is just another parameter.
You can carry this concept into nested field by creating an events resolver and you'd then call it like this:
query {
user(id: '123') {
events(minPrice: 200) {
nodes: {
In above case I am using a simple minPrice param but you could do more complex things such price ranges, even pass operators (eq, gt, ...). It's all irrelevant to GraphQL - all gets passed to the resolver.
How you implement that on backend depends on your setup. I use AppSync without Amplify and write my own VTL templates and build the DynamoDb request using the provided GQL fields.
Here is an SO post that shows how to create a date filter.

how to get the Graphql request body in apollo-server [duplicate]

I have written a GraphQL query which like the one below:
posts {
author {
I want to know how can I get the details about the requested child fields inside the posts resolver.
I want to do it to avoid nested calls of resolvers. I am using ApolloServer's DataSource API.
I can change the API server to get all the data at once.
I am using ApolloServer 2.0 and any other ways of avoiding nested calls are also welcome.
You'll need to parse the info object that's passed to the resolver as its fourth parameter. This is the type for the object:
type GraphQLResolveInfo = {
fieldName: string,
fieldNodes: Array<Field>,
returnType: GraphQLOutputType,
parentType: GraphQLCompositeType,
schema: GraphQLSchema,
fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinition },
rootValue: any,
operation: OperationDefinition,
variableValues: { [variableName: string]: any },
You could transverse the AST of the field yourself, but you're probably better off using an existing library. I'd recommend graphql-parse-resolve-info. There's a number of other libraries out there, but graphql-parse-resolve-info is a pretty complete solution and is actually used under the hood by postgraphile. Example usage:
posts: (parent, args, context, info) => {
const parsedResolveInfo = parseResolveInfo(info)
This will log an object along these lines:
alias: 'posts',
name: 'posts',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: {
Post: {
author: {
alias: 'author',
name: 'author',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: ...
comments: {
alias: 'comments',
name: 'comments',
args: {},
fieldsByTypeName: ...
You can walk through the resulting object and construct your SQL query (or set of API requests, or whatever) accordingly.
Here, are couple main points that you can use to optimize your queries for performance.
In your example there would be great help to use
https://github.com/facebook/dataloader. If you load comments in your
resolvers through data loader you will ensure that these are called
just once. This will reduce the number of calls to database
significantly as in your query is demonstrated N+1 problem.
I am not sure what exact information you need to obtain in posts
ahead of time, but if you know the post ids you can consider to do a
"look ahead" by passing already known ids into comments. This will
ensure that you do not need to wait for posts and you will avoid
graphql tree calls and you can do resolution of comments without
waiting for posts. This is great article for optimizing GraphQL
waterfall requests and might you give good idea how to optimize your
queries with data loader and do look ahead

Pass through GraphQL variables to second function in an elegant manner

I'm working with GraphQL and having some trouble finding the best way to pipe variables from the query to the result.
I have a schema like so:
type Fragment {
# The id of the fragment
id: String!
# The key of the fragment
key: String!
# The type of component
component_type: String!
# The params used to build the fragment
params: JSON
# Component data
data: JSON
children: [JSON]
items: [JSON]
The fragment is meant as a "cms" fragment. I want to pass some query data through to another backend after this resolves.
My query looks like this:
query getFragmentsWithItems($keys: [String!]!
$platform: PlatformType
$version: String
$userInfo: UserInput
$userId: Int
) {
fragmentsWithItems(keys: $keys, platform: $platform, version: $version, userInfo: $userInfo, userId: $userId) {
Here's the problem: I have some query data in the data field from the Fragment. That data is not available until that Fragment has resolved. I want to take that data and send it to a different backend. I want to do this with GraphQL, and I was hoping to do something like:
Fragment: () => {
async query(obj, args, context, info, {modles}) => {
const items = await models.getItems(obj.query_string);
But I need the user_info and user_id that I passed to the original query. Apparently that is only accessible from the info argument which is not meant to be used.
The other path I've taken is to have a manual resolver that does something like so:
const resolveFI = ({ keys, platform, version, userInfo, userId, models }) => {
if (!keys || !keys.length) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return models.release.get({ platform, version }).then(release =>
keys.map(key =>
release: release.id
).then(data => {
const promises = [];
data.rows.forEach(r => {
if (r.data.query_data) {
const d = {
// Can just ignore
filters: r.data.query_data.filters || {},
user_info: userInfo,
user_id: userId
new Promise(resolve => {
models.itemSearch.get(d).then(i => ({ items: i.items, ...r }))
...etc other backends
This works, however a manual promise chain seems to defeat the purpose of using GraphQL.
The last thing I tried was making items a non-scalar type, something like:
type Fragment {
items: ItemSearchResult(user_info: UserInput) etc
But since I can't pipe the actual result from Fragment to the ItemSearchResult that doesn't work.
I realize this is pretty long-winded so I'm open to edits or clarifying.
I'm looking to see if I've missed a better approach or if I should just bag it and have the client apps do the item query after they get the Fragment data back.
It's not that you're not supposed to use info -- it's just a tremendous pain in the butt to use ;) In all seriousness, it's meant to be used for optimization and more advanced use cases, so you shouldn't hesitate to use it if a better solution doesn't present itself. There are libraries out there (like this one) that you can use to parse the object more easily.
That said, there's a couple of ways I imagine you could handle this:
1.) Inside your query resolver(s)
getFragmentsWithItems: async (obj, args, ctx, info) => {
const fragments = await howeverYouDoThat()
const backendCalls = fragments.map(fragment => {
// extract whatever data you need from the fragment
return asyncCallToBackEnd()
await backendCalls
return fragments
Unfortunately, if you have a lot of different queries returning fragments, you'll end up with redundancy.
2.) Inside the resolver for an existing field (or an additional one) on the Fragment type.
If you go this route, and you need args passed to the query field, you can extract them using the info. Alternatively, you can also mutate the context object inside your query resolver and attach those arguments to it. Then, all resolvers "below" the query resolver (like the resolvers for your Fragment fields) can access those arguments through the context.
3.) Apollo Server lets you define a formatResponse function when configuring its middleware. This essentially provides a hook to do whatever you want with the response before it's returned to the client. You could parse the response inside that function and make the calls to the other backend from there.

can some one explain this code to me

Good day im newbie here and im tackling graphql and im having some problem on mutation can someone explain this block of code for me thank you
RootMutation: {
createAuthor: (root, args) => { return Author.create(args); },
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
Sure, this is an example of two mutations in a GraphQL server. We can break it down to understand what is going on.
First let's look at the type system. A GraphQL schema normally has two root fields query and mutation (and sometimes subscription). These root fields are the root of your data hierarchy and expose the queries (GET requests) and mutations (POST, PUT, DELETE, etc requests) that you have access to.
By the looks of it you are implementing a schema with a root mutation type that looks like this:
type Mutation {
createAuthor: Author
createPost: Post
A type in GraphQL is made up of a set of fields each of which can have an associated resolver. Resolvers in GraphQL are like the event handlers you would attach to endpoints in REST.
The code that you have above is defining two resolvers that will handle the logic associated with the createAuthor and createPost mutations. I.E. the code in the createPost resolver is what will be run when I issue a query like this:
mutation CreatePost($post: CreatePostInput!) {
createPost(input: $post) {
The GraphQL runtime parses the query and routes the operation to the correct resolver depending on the content of the query. In this example, it would see that I am calling the createPost mutation and would make sure to call the createPost resolver which in your case looks like this:
createPost: (root, { authorId, tags, title, text }) => {
return Author.findOne({ where: { id: authorId } }).then( (author) => {
console.log('found', author);
return author.createPost( { tags: tags.join(','), title, text });
To understand how a resolver works, let's look at the GraphQLFieldResovler type definition from graphql-js
export type GraphQLFieldResolver<TSource, TContext> = (
source: TSource,
args: { [argName: string]: any },
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => mixed;
As you can see a GraphQLFieldResolver is a function that takes 4 arguments.
source: The source is the parent object of the current field. For example if you were defining a resolver for a field fullName on the User type, the source would be the full user object.
args: The args are any input arguments for that resolver. In my query above it would contain the value of the $post variable.
context: Context is a global context for a GraphQL execution. This is useful for passing information around that a resolver might need. For example, you include a database connection that you can use from your resolvers without importing it in every file.
info: The info object contains information about your GraphQL schema, the query, and other information such as the path to the current resolver being executed. This is useful in many ways. Here is one post talking about how you can use it to precompute queries: (https://scaphold.io/community/blog/querying-relational-data-with-graphql/)
This idea of having types and field resolvers is part of what makes GraphQL so powerful. Once you've defined you type system and the resolvers for their fields you can structure your schema however you want and GraphQL will always make sure to call the correct resolver no matter how deeply nested a query might be.
I hope this helps :)
