How to install two oracle versions, 11g and 12c? - oracle

I want to install Oracle 11g and 12c in my computer for 2 diferent applications.
I have already Oracle 11g installed and it works very well, but when I installed 12c it didn't work and 11g stop running not knowing why. I had to uninstall it, and now 11g is working again, altought I still needing to install 12c but I don't know how to do it wothout crashing 11g.
I want to know if someone of you can tell me how to do it and how can I change between both instances.

If you want to install both Oracle 11GR2 and 12C, then install in different Oracle Homes.
Please note that when you install Oracle 12C, the service account for that database, will override any other Oracle permissions. So if you're using directories where your table-spaces are living in the same place for each database version, then the permissions for 11G will be overridden by 12c permissions. You'll need to manually adjust the permissions on the file locations respectively.
If you have troubles with listeners, then you'll need to indicate different listeners and their associated Oracle Home.
Please take a look here if you find any troubles with the listeners after having both databases installed.: Oracle 11g and 12c on same windows machine, 12c listener fails to start
If you have any problems then you can always review the trace files on the database, to determine why one isn't starting.


Mapping Standard Edition DB Instance to Standard Edition 2 Version - Oracle

One of our Development Server is running with Oracle SE. The v$version, gives the result as,
Oracle Database 12c Release - 64bit Production
In the same server, I have installed Oracle SE2 version, in a different folder. The v$version, gives the result as,
Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production
Both are working fine independently.
Is there any possibilities, to map the Older DB Instance with Newly Installed Oracle Version.?
or should i need to create a new DB instance, and import the older data.?
Yes, you can upgrade to This is a lot quicker than export/import actions and also requires less space.
Start reading the documentation Upgrading with Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) given the question I guess that DBUA, the DataBase Upgrade Assistent is a nice help.
you can also do this manually. This comes down to
run the pre upgrade checks using the scripts from the new version. See new $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/preupgrd.sql
check the results of step 1 and fix what is needed. preupgrade_fixups.sql can help with some issues.
if your database is ready for the upgrade shutdown immediate
edit your /etc/oratab and reload your environment with oraenv
copy your spfile and paswd files to the new ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory
startup upgrade
run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbupgrade
run postupgrade_fixups.sql if needed
A more complete write down can be found by Tim Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c
Don't forget that the upgrade procedure leaves the database files on their original location. A backup is recommended.

Oracle Version requirements for ORA2PG tool to migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL

I am trying to figure out what is the minimum and maximum versions or Oracle supported by ORA2PG tool for migrating Oracle database to PostgreSQL. I cannot locate it in their documentation. If someone has a link to this guidance, I will appreciate it.
I never used the tool, but - it seems that all it cares about is Oracle Client (or the Server itself) installed as ORA2PG needs "something" to use to establish connection to the database.
The lowest Oracle database version I found to be used with ORA2PG is 8i, while the highest is 18c. I presume that 19c would work as well as both 18c and 19c actually represent 12c releases (but Oracle decided to change the way it numbers the releases).
Therefore, I'd say that it covers all currently supported (by the Oracle corp.), as well as quite a few unsupported Oracle database versions.

Error while installing Oracle Apex

I want to install Oracle Apex 5.1.1 in my Oracle 11g database. While installing it was not properly installed so I uninstalled it. I cross checked it with dba_registry table that there is no more Oracle Apex installed. But when I tried to install it again I am getting an error that already there is an Oracle Apex installed. I crossed checked again with db_registry table but there is no Oracle Apex installed.
I am getting the error:
'APEX_050100' already exists.
When I checked in the dba_segments table I found there is an owner 'APEX_050100'. I don't know if this is creating issue.
I have a database connections between local and production region which is in a different virtual machine. Both are having same username and password. The production one has Oracle Apex installed. I am trying to install the Oracle Apex in my local one.
You can try running the #apxremov.sql script before installation starts. This script is used to remove all currently installed versions of Oracle Apex from the database.
Oracle APEX will definitely work on Oracle 11. Just run #apxremov.sql as sysdba within APEX directory (on the server) and you'll be good to reinstall it.
First of all Apex 5 will not work on Oracle 11, it only works on 12. The problem you are having is due to existing schema, possibly a failed installation. See Apex docs for "failed installation" removal step.

Oracle XE and Oracle 11g

Is it possible to install both Oracle XE and Oracle 11g in my machine? What is the difference between the two? I want to connect to Oracle using Access. Does this require Oracle 11g or can I also use Oracle XE?
You should be able to install as many (vaguely recent) versions of Oracle as you would like so long as you install them in separate Oracle Homes. There can be a bit of complexity in having multiple versions of Oracle installed because each Oracle Home will have a separate client installation with separate configuration files by default (though you can centralize some of that with appropriate environment variables). That can cause a bit of confusion if you're using the "wrong" client where, for example, you haven't configured a connection to a particular database.
Oracle XE is a free product that has various limits that make it sufficient for a smaller system (4 GB of user data, 1 GB of RAM, 1 CPU core if memory serves). Oracle 11g is a family of different database products that Oracle sells (enterprise, standard, and standard edition one). The feature difference between 10g and 11g is incremental-- probably nothing to be terribly concerned with if you're just building a simple system with an Access front end.
You should be able to connect to essentially any version of Oracle using Access by configuring an appropriate ODBC connection. During the installation process, you will want to ensure that the Oracle ODBC driver is installed for whatever database(s) you use-- that's probably not in the default install.

Installing Oracle XE (older) AFTER installing APEX 10g?

Awhile back I installed the Oracle 10g XE database on my dev machine. Since then, I installed Application Express over top of the XE installation. In other words, it's APEX running on 10g. I found I don't really need APEX after all (it's turned out I'm developing in ASP.NET and Oracle instead), and I recall having more of a GUI to manage the XE 10g instance BEFORE I installed APEX.
Can I remove APEX while leaving my original XE installation? I tried to re-install the original XE, but I didn't see a way of doing this without installing a new HOME (which I'd rather not do; it confuses me). TIA.
Oracle XE comes with APEX installed, along with a ( from memory ) APEX based XE management tool. What it sounds like you actually did was was upgrade/over install a newer version of APEX, then remove APEX all together.
Probably the easiest thing to do would be to backup your user schema's using exp or expdp ( data pump ) , uninstall XE, reinstall XE and then import your user schema's. This will get XE back to how you want it.
There's a bunch of stuff (such as the PL/SQL embedded gateway) that is there irrespective of what you did. You also get a bunch of stuff under the FLOWS_020100 (I think).
What happens when you install, for example, Apex 3.2 on XE is that it creates a new schema (FLOWS_030200 or APEX_0400000 or whatever), and repoints a bunch of synonyms from FLOWS_020100 to the new schema.
Sometimes (because of the space restrictions in XE) you drop the FLOWS_020100 schema. If so, your best bet is probably to copy out anything in the database you need, un-install XE and reinstall it.
If you still have the old schema, you can have a go at following the 'reverting' instructions as you would for a failed upgrade.
AFAIK Apex installs web server and some scripts into the database. Your gui to manage xe should change, though. Are you sure you are accessing the same port?
Also, there is SqlDeveloper, quite good tool for oracle databases.
Finally, have you tried oracle ADF for application development?
