Java DB in jdk 10 not possible? - derby

I'm creating a simple Java DB in my netbeans application, but I noticed the 'Create Database' option is greyed out and when I looked at the properties, there is no Java DB folder filled in. I recently started using JDK10, and I've noticed this doesn't have a DB folder anymore, therefore I can't set the Java DB installation folder and database location. Is this something new since JDK10? I remember it used to work fine with JDK1.8


Unable to run Oracle Forms application through FSAL mode

Hello guys thats my problem.
Forms is on weblogic 12c and its version is also 12c.
I've downloaded FSAL jar from my host and configured .env files to permit FSAL to run them. After that, trying to execute my application got the following error
error image 1/2
errir image 2/2
If you need any information related to the enviroment or configuration files, I will edit the post and add it here.
Thank you in advance.
It appears that there may be several possible issues.
You are using an unsupported Java version. You appear to be using Forms You can only use Java 8 with this version. If you want to use Java 11, you must upgrade to
You have a demo JAR file configured (TimeoutPJC.jar) but it cannot be found. Be sure this file is located in a virtually mapped directory. IF you stored this file in \forms\java, you must restart WLS_FORMS after copying it there or it will not be found.
The old demo JARs were created with very old Java versions and likely need to have their Java code recompiled and new JAR files created. Those JARs should also be properly signed.

Setting up database for TeamCity in Windows 7

I am trying to setup TeamCity 9.1 in my windows machine.
In the Database setup portion, I downloaded the sql driver and copied the
sqljdbc4.jar file to folder "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.BuildServer\lib\jdbc" folder as mentioned in the instruction page.
But still I am getting this message upon clicking Refresh JDBC drivers
The MS SQL Server JDBC driver is not found in the
Download the driver from the Microsoft Download Center and follow the
instructions and place the driver jar file into the
directory on the server.
Any ideas??
Did you correctly modify your file? If you're running TC server as a windows service, make sure you stop the service and make the change and start it back.
I ran into the same issue when setting up TeamCity 9.1. At this point of the installation the folders .BuildServer\lib\jdbc didn't exist under C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile. I reinstalled TeamCity and installed it again but defined the data directory manually as C:\TeamCityData.
When the setup wizard asked for the driver I copied the sqljdbc4.jar file to C:\TeamCityData\lib\jdbc (This time it existed), clicked refresh JDBC drivers and it worked. Hope this would help you
on a normal TeamCity Installation the JDBC jar file needs to be in the "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\lib\JDBC\" folder where Program Data is a hidden folder in the C drive.
Once you drop the jar file here it should be detected. Let me know how it goes.

SQL Server 2008 Database Changing Read Only state to 'True' After Deployment

I'm creating a Installation Setup for one of my applications using visual studio setup project in VS2010. In which I'm accessing my database from application folder. I have added both MDF and LDF files to Data folder in Application folder.
Everything works fine and I'm able to install the application, but when opening the application I'm getting an error saying 'Cannot update database because its read-only'. I have checked the database with SSMS and see that the Read-only flag is set to True by default and database is showing in gray color. After change the read only property the application works fine.I have done a lot of searching and rebuild-ed the project many times with changing the database. How can i get rid of this issue ?
A couple of possibilities:
In your setup project, on the properties window of the DB file in the File System on Target Machine view, make sure you didn't accidentally set the Readonly property to true.
If the database is in your Application folder in (for example) the Program Files folder, well that location is read-only to limited users. You haven't said whether your app is for all users or just administrators. If it's for a limited user then install the file to User's Personal folder or a location that limited users can write to. If the app requires admin privilege then your app needs an elevation manifest to cause it to run with admin privilege, if that's why the DB is readonly. Running your app as administrator would be a quick test to see if this is the issue.

user.home in windows ts running eclipse rcp project

So me and a friend have created an application using Eclipse RCP. Now we want to distribute it using Windows Terminal Services. I have Windows TS up and running and have added about 6 accounts on it. I have also deployed my Eclipse RCP applications using the TS Remote App Manager. The application needs to create a folder in the users folder to store data, so the configuration is set up to create this folder "#user.home/...." Great, so now we try to access it from our TS Web Access site.
The first two accounts we have tried to run it on work fine, and are performing the way we desire. However, the remaining start the application but immediately give me an error message saying that we dont have access to the configuration folder at C:/Users/Administrator/... I can see the problem is that my users don't have the authority to write to the Admin folder, but I am confused as to why the user.home is referencing the Admin folder instead of the users folder. I have tried changing the users home folder in the profile and Terminal Services section of their properties but neither of these makes a difference. Does anyone know why user.home would return the Admin folder. Thanks!
Turns out the "Home" key was not set up in the users directory. It could be fixed by following the directions in the answer found here. Java user.home is being set to %userprofile% and not being resolved

VB 6 legacy app migration to Oracle 11g

I have a legacy VB (visual basic) 6 application that connects to Oracle 8 database. We have to migrate this to Oracle 11g. (Heads up: I have never worked on VB)
The application is shipped to 1000+ users as an EXE file. Here is what i need help on:
For Developers, I understand they will need to install new oracle client for the ODBC drivers and once they test their application on 11g. Once they are done they will publish a new EXE file.
Users, Will install this new EXE file but will this be sufficient ? or the users will need to install something extra other than the new application (like a oracle 11g client, DLL files etc) on their end as well ?
Can a VB 6 app be packaged in such a way that it copies all the DLL/dependencies along with it so that end users do not need to install anything else ?
-- Vivek
I can't believe the previous developers just copied the EXE file! I know that the run-time is installed on most recent versions of Windows, but that is ridiculous!
You can use VB6's "Package and Deployment Wizard". Why not try it out? It will pick up all components contained in the References and Components dialogues, and any DLLs referenced in a Declare statement. However, if those components have dependencies, you might have to add them manually.
