How to correctly install umbraco 7.10 or 8 getting stuck on db configuration - installation

I am trying to install and configure Umbraco 8.
The NuGet installs umbracoCms well then I run the app to configure the database (custom DB).
And it crashes displaying:
Error during installation
See the log for full details (logs can typically be found in the App_Data\Logs folder)
The log doesn't tell e much:
{"#t":"2019-04-24T04:04:00.1230739Z","#mt":"An error occurred in InstallStatus trying to check upgrades","#l":"Error","#x":"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\n at Umbraco.Web.Install.InstallHelper.GetDbProviderString(ISqlContext sqlContext)\r\n at Umbraco.Web.Install.InstallHelper.InstallStatus(Boolean isCompleted, String errorMsg)","SourceContext":"Umbraco.Web.Install.InstallHelper","ProcessId":1180,"ProcessName":"iisexpress","ThreadId":13,"AppDomainId":3,"AppDomainAppId":"LMW3SVC2ROOT","MachineName":"Machine1","Log4NetLevel":"ERROR","HttpRequestNumber":4,"HttpRequestId":"{requestguid}"}
The DB connestring is correct, the database tables are getting created although from the error message I am not able to figure out it's a problem with DB or the app.
The same things happened with Umbraco 7.10.
I am running the project on .NET 4.7.2, in VS 15.9.11 and MSSQL 2016


Self-Hosted Integration Runtime times out after ADF pipeline loads a few tables

I have recently installed Integration Runtime for a local server which hosts an Access DB. The idea is to pull data from it and store in in Azure SQL DB. I have done the following:
Integration Runtime Services Installed on local machine hosting the MS Access DB and connected to it using ODBC
Created linked services in ADF to connect to the DB
Created Datasets for source and destination DB for each table required. One for the source msaccess and one for the target in azure sql db
Created a pipeline to copy the data from the source and sink into the asql db mentioned in step #3
Basically, all the connections work however when I trigger my pipeline to load around 10 of these tables, it runs and loads the first two and then fails afterwards by timing out. I must restart the Integration Runtime everytime to get it back up and running otherwise I can no longer query the tables.
To mitigate this I figured there was too much traffic and the server needed to rest between calls so I added wait timers in between each step of the pipelines but not much success. It did help a bit but that might be coincidence.
The error log in the monitor spits out at the failed step is :
Error: 2200
btw the integration runtime install service running is 5.12.7984.1 and the version of access installed is through office 365 x64. The exact MS access driver is 16.14430.20006. The OS is Windows Server 2019
I am getting the exact same error. To start, I did check the event viewer logs and saw some errors to do with access. So I gave the user running the IR more access to the registry keys/general log on as a service rights. This helped a little, but I am still stuck with the same problem.
When copying from an Access DB located on the SHIR itself to flat files in lake storage, I encountered the same error.
Removing Office 365 from the machine, then re-installing the Access runtime solved the problem.
This answer is from #ezaidi comments above.

War file working on my PC but 404 error with older Tomcat

I had to develop an app with Flutter for my dissertation. The app was an update and an extension of an old app devepoled by another student of my university, 2 years ago.
He developed also the backend that was written in Java using Spring and Maven.
Developing my app, I had to do some changes and additions in his code.
Some days ago I tried to export the backend project as a war file compiling with the JDK 15 (during the developing I used the Intellij's build-in Tomcat to test the new features) and I did the deploy on my Tomcat and I got error 404.
After reading many posts about this error on this site I found the solution by simply installing and compiling with java 12.
At that point, excited by the idea of finally being able to use my application and start the tests necessary for my thesis, I deployed the same war file to the Tomcat running on university server and I got error 404 again:
"HTTP Status 404 - /backend-api/
type Status report
message /backend-api/
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.52 (Ubuntu)"
I tried to install the same JDK (1:7:0 79) that was used by the developer of the backend during his dissertation, but the problem wasn't solved.
In the second anwser of this thread it seems that they are talking about a similar problem, the point is that I can't modify any setting of the server of my univeristy and, right now, I can not even access to the logs of Tomcat.
I think the problem may be an outdated version of the JDK or Tomcat running on the university server.
But what seems strange to me is that the old version of the backedn is still running on that server and working without problems, and I have not made any changes to the configuration files, but only added a couple of functions.
Do you have any suggestions for me to solve the problem or understand what the cause is?
In a few days I should graduate and without my backend the application is not usable.
On my PC i deployed the war file on Tomcat 7.0.107 with JVM version 1.8.0_271-b09, while the university is running Apache Tomcat / 7.0.52 (Ubuntu) with JVM version 1.7.0_79-b14.
Thanks a lot to anyone who takes their time for trying to help me.

MVC 3, IIS 8.5 deployment = 404 - File or directory not found

I have an existing deployed ASP.NET MVC3 application using Entity Framework 4.1 and .NET 4 that I need to copy onto a new server. Problem is I have little or no documentation about how the deployed environment was configured. On the up side I do administrator access to the deployment environment and full access to the source code to the application.
So starting from bare metal I have:
Fresh install of Windows Server 2012, SQL Server 2014 Enterprise
Installed MVC 3 and Tools via Web Platform Installer
Copied entire website from existing deployment to its own folder under C:\inetpub
Added website under IIS and started it with the App Pool configured as
Browse to website and it returns the default.htm page in the root folder. This is not expected behaviour as it should serve up the default controller view.
Check to see that I can access a html file elsewhere within the website eg. and it serves that up
See if it will hit a route I know exists eg. and I get
Various readings indicate that occasionally this is caused by "UrlRoutingModule-4.0" not being installed in modules. It wasn't so I added same server wide and ensure it was present for the website (Made no difference):
There is also mention of ensuring runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" was present in the web.config which it is
.NET is installed:
So before I post a "Failed Request Trace" can anyone give me any suggestions on how I proceed to get MVC working in this environment?
I have read may SO posts and Googled but nothing seems to work.

An error occurred during deployment plan generation. Deployment cannot continue

I had been publishing a Lightswitch app to an Azure website and a linked SQL database. Publishing quit working with the following error in Lightsswitch.
Error 1 An exception occurred when deploying the database for the application.
An error occurred during deployment plan generation. Deployment cannot continue. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\LightSwitch\v4.5\Publish\v2.4\Microsoft.LightSwitch.Publish.targets 1565 10
I recreated the application and setup a new and website and link SQL database on an Azure account and continue to get the same error.
After being able to publish a different app to a different Azure Subscription from the same computer I started from scratch in VS and Azure (again) and was able to publish. I conclude that something was wrong with the project.

Exception while using Windows Azure Caching : No such host is known

I am trying to get started with Azure and am trying to use the Caching feature. I created a cloud service project and added a Cache worker role and a web role. I installed "Windows Azure Caching" nuget into projects for both the roles and added the name of cache worker role as identifier in DataCacheClients element in web.config of the web role.
I added the following code into the web role:
DataCacheFactory cf = new DataCacheFactory();
DataCache c = cf.GetDefaultCache();
When I try to run this locally on the emulator, I get the following exception:
ErrorCode<ERRCA0017>:SubStatus<ES0006>:There is a temporary failure.
Please retry later. (One or more specified cache servers are unavailable,
which could be caused by busy network or servers. For on-premises cache clusters,
also verify the following conditions. Ensure that security permission has been granted
for this client account, and check that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through
the firewall on all cache hosts. Also the MaxBufferSize on the server must be greater
than or equal to the serialized object size sent from the client.).
Additional Information : The client was trying to communicate with the server: net.tcp://MvcWebRole1:24233.
Inner Exception : No such host is known
Can you please tell me what I am missing here?
Azure SDK used : v2.0
Timing of your question couldn't be better. We also faced exactly the same issue and were scrathing our head as to what the problem could be. We had one project where everything worked perfectly fine and in one we were getting the same error. Based on our research, we have identified the problem with the Nuget package for caching. It seems a new version ( was released yesterday and we found that if we install that package, we get this error. Can you check the package version in your case? The documentation states that this new version can only be used with the latest SDK (2.1) released today.
One solution would be to uninstall version and install version To install version, open Package Manager Console (View --> Other Windows --> Package Manager Console) and type following command there:
Install-Package Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Caching -Version
This fixed our problem. Hopefully it should fix yours too.
Here is a link to the Windows Azure Cloud Integration Engineering blog on how to deal with this same issue. They recommend upgrading to Azure SDK v 2.1 or rolling back as the accepted answer states.
This exception could also occur under compute emulator if for the role in the client library configuration there is no cache configured. In my case this happened on purpose, since the cache emulator has some problems that can slow down the test and debugging on the service.
In previous version of Windows Azure Caching, in this scenario the construction of DataCacheFactory would fail with an exception (handled by my code); with Windows Azure Caching 2.1 (and Azure SDK 2.1) in this same scenario the code would consider the role name as a server address and thus on DataCache construction would try to communicate with the non existing cache -- this leads to a 3 minute wait and the exception reported in the question.
I have changed my code to detect the new situation for this scenario -- you can find more detail in this SO question.
