Proper formatting of a JSON and multiplepart Guzzle post request - laravel

I have two different Guzzle post requests that I am trying to merge (solely because they basically do a united job and should be performed together).
Initially I have my donation data:
'donation' => [
'web_id' => $donation->web_id,
'amount' => $donation->amount,
'type' => $donation->type,
'date' => $donation->date->format('Y-m-d'),
'collection_id' => NULL,
'status_id' => $donation->status_id,
And then I have my files that go with it, which are basically two different PDFs that are enabled or disabled for donors, sometimes they have both. I know the multipart would look something like below, but I'm not sure.
foreach ($uploadDocs as $doc) {
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'donation_id',
'contents' => $donation->web_id,
'name' => 'type_id',
'contents' => $doc->type_id',
'name' => 'file',
'contents' => fopen($doc->path, 'r'),
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf'],
Since I've usually only handled one file at a time and I'm not sure how to merge the first block of code with the second for an appropriate Guzzle post request.

You can try this:
$donationData = [
'web_id' => $donation->web_id,
'amount' => $donation->amount,
'type' => $donation->type,
'date' => $donation->date->format('Y-m-d'),
'collection_id' => NULL,
'status_id' => $donation->status_id,
$multipart = [];
foreach ($uploadDocs as $doc) {
$multipart[] = [
'name' => 'donation_id',
'contents' => $donation->web_id,
'name' => 'type_id',
'contents' => $doc->type_id,
'name' => 'file',
'contents' => fopen($doc->path, 'r'),
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf'],
Than perform your request:
$r = $client->request('POST', '', [
'body' => $donationData,
'multipart' => $multipart,


Tweaking Lingo parameters with carrot2 (with PHP)

I'm trying to tweak the call to the Carrot2 REST API :
$client = new Client();
try {
$params = [
'multipart'=> [
['name'=> 'dcs.c2stream', 'contents' => $xml],
['name' => 'dcs.algorithm', 'contents' => 'lingo'],
['name' => 'dcs.output.format', 'contents' => 'JSON'],
['name' => 'dcs.clusters.only', 'contents' => 'true'],
['name' => 'MultilingualClustering.defaultLanguage', 'contents' => 'FRENCH'],
['name' => 'preprocessing.labelFilters.minLengthLabelFilter.minLength', 'contents' => 5],
['name' => 'preprocessing.documentAssigner.minClusterSize', 'contents' => 4]
'debug' => false
$response = $client->request('POST', 'http://devbox:8080/dcs/rest', $params);
The lingo parameters 'preprocessing.labelFilters.minLengthLabelFilter.minLength' and 'preprocessing.documentAssigner.minClusterSize' have no impact in the request.
I've found them in the documentation of the lingo algorithm.
Thanks for help !
With the good docker image, everything is fine (docker pull touane/carrot2) :
$c2Payload = [
'algorithm' => 'Lingo',
'language' => 'French',
'parameters' => [
'preprocessing' => [
'documentAssigner' => [
'minClusterSize' => 4
'labelFilters' => [
'minLengthLabelFilter' => [
'minLength' => 8
'completeLabelFilter' => [
'labelOverrideThreshold' => 0.35
'scoreWeight' => 1, // Tri par score
'clusterBuilder' => [
'phraseLabelBoost' => 2.5
'dictionaries' => [
'wordFilters' => [
['exact' => $this->getParameter('carrot2')['stop_words']]
'matrixBuilder' => [
'termWeighting' => [
'#type' => 'LinearTfIdfTermWeighting'
'boostFields' => ['title']
'documents' => []
$client = new Client();
$params = [
'body' => json_encode($c2Payload ),
'debug' => false
$response = $client->request('POST', $this->getParameter('carrot2')['url'], $params);

How to send image API From laravel to slim

I have an API created by SLIM to save an image client side.
this is my controller code
$response = Http::withOptions([
'verify' => false,
', [
"title" => $request->title,
"alias" => $request->alias,
"description" => $request->description,
"image" => $request->file('image'),
"status" => $request->status,
And it through back error when i return that response
When i use with Postman it work fine and saves a file but when it from Laravel app it give that error
Everything is given in the docs. use attach()
$response = Http::withOptions([
'verify' => false,
'image', $request->file('image'), "image" . $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalExtension();
)->post('http://localhost/events_platforma/create/event', [
"title" => $request->title,
"alias" => $request->alias,
"description" => $request->description,
"status" => $request->status,
2nd Approach
$response = Http::withOptions([
'verify' => false,
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'image',
'contents' => $request->file('image')
', [
"title" => $request->title,
"alias" => $request->alias,
"description" => $request->description,
"status" => $request->status,

Laravel GraphQL UUID as ID does not work as expected

I'm using GraphQL in Laravel and I'm encountering this issue:
I've set id type to string but when I get my query through GraphQL, I get 553366 instead of 0553366c-6ebe-4340-8929-419ad46f4d15.
Here is my type definition:
public function fields(): array
return [
'id' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'name_en' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'name_fa' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'description' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'img_url' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'created_at' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'updated_at' => [
'type' => Type::string()
'SubBusinessFields' => [
'type' => Type::listOf(GraphQL::type('SubBusinessField'))
I've dd() the id and it was correct.
I've also tried id type instead of string but nothing changed.
How to fix this issue?
Just added this line to my Model and it got fixed!
public $incrementing = false;
It was weird that I couldn't find any similar problem anywhere else.

laravel array validation - work out depth for array

I am trying to validate recursive data which could have any number of levels e.g.
'name' => 'test',
'children' => [
'name' => 'test2'
'name' => 'test3',
'children' => [
'name' => 'test4'
'name' => 'test5',
'children' => [
'name' => 'test6'
'children' => [
'name' => 'test7'
In this example I would require the following rules to ensure that a name is specified at each level:
$rules = [
'name' => ['required'],
'children' => ['array'],
'children.*.name' => ['required'],
'children.*.children' => ['array'],
'children.*.children.*.name' => ['required'],
'children.*.children.*.children' => ['array'],
'children.*.children.*.children.*.name' => ['required'],
How could I dynamically generate the validation rules based on the data coming in?

How to always show single validation message in ZF2 validators?

I have the following input:
private function addBirthdayElement()
return $this->add(
'type' => 'DateSelect',
'name' => 'x_bdate',
'options' => [
'label' => 'astropay_birthday',
'label_attributes' => array(
'class' => 'astropay-label'
'create_empty_option' => true,
'render_delimiters' => false,
'attributes' => array(
'required' => true,
'class' => 'astropay-input',
It has the following filter:
public function addBirthdayFilter()
$time = new \DateTime('now');
$eighteenYearAgo = $time->modify(sprintf('-%d year', self::EIGHTEEN_YEARS))->format('Y-m-d');
'name' => 'x_bdate',
'required' => true,
'validators' => [
'name' => 'Between',
'break_chain_on_failure' => true,
'options' => [
'min' => 1900,
'max' => $eighteenYearAgo,
'messages' => [
Between::NOT_BETWEEN => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date_18',
Between::NOT_BETWEEN_STRICT => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date_18',
'name' => 'Date',
'break_chain_on_failure' => true,
'options' => [
'messages' => [
Date::INVALID => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
Date::FALSEFORMAT => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
Date::INVALID_DATE => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
return $this;
However, putting an empty date, I get the error message defined for:
But it's not the overridden one. The break_chain_on_failure works for the two validators I have defined, but the default Zend message is always there. For example I get this as an error in my form:
The input does not appear to be a valid date
How can I display only the overidden error messages and 1 at a time?
You can use a message key in your validator configuration instead of a messages array to always show a single message per validator.
For example, replace this:
'options' => [
'messages' => [
Date::INVALID => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
Date::FALSEFORMAT => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
Date::INVALID_DATE => 'astropay_invalid_birth_date',
with this one:
'options' => [
'message' => 'Invalid birth date given!',
