Setting error order preferences in filepond - filepond

Is there a way to set error ordering preferences in filepond? I ran into an issue where the error being thrown is not in the order that I would want an error thrown.
I'm using a filepond with the following two options:
maxFileSize: "10MB",
acceptedFileTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']
When I try to drag an mp4 file that is over 10MB, I receive a file-size error. In this scenario I would like to receive an invalid filetype error first. Is it possible to have filepond preference one error over another or is the ordering always set?


Wordpress gutenberg custom block — issues with preview loading

I created a plugin with custom blocks. I am have trouble with the block preview. When I set the block on preview mode and reload the page editor — I get a error message on all the blocks I've preview Error loading block: You are probably offline.
In the console I am also getting the following errors:
pd-admin.js?ver=2.20:12 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).live is not a function
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
wp-auth-check.min.js?ver=5.5:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasClass' of undefined
Any ideas what I am doing to cause this?
I find issue with the RichText field — if the RichText is too long I can't preview the block at all and in the block I get the same error message saying Error loading block: You are probably offline.
To fix console error : WordPress 5.5 stopped using jQuery migrate. This change has been causing problems with old plugins and themes. If you are noticing issues after upgrading to WordPress 5.5, installing this plugin might fix it:
For RichText long text error, you need to increase LimitRequestLine in your apache configuration. Ref : how to increase Apache 2 uri length limit

Having Nikola ignore certain files

So basically all I want is to add data to my Nikola post folder (CSV, KML, ESRI Shapefiles, JSON, XML...), my posts are written in Jupyter notebooks so naturally need to reference data for writing posts and I would like for those who view the blog to access to data to replicate the results (though I'm flexible on that point). For a while I was able to place extra folders and CSV files in the post folder without Nikola throwing a fuss that those are not a post. But now when I add new files to the posts folder and run nikola build it throws an error, so I may have either forgotten the method I used the first time or messed something up along the way.
Here's the error:
Scanning posts....[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Missing date in
file posts/SnowGIS_SHP/README.txt
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: scan_posts: Error reading post
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Error reading timeline
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: Error loading tasks. An unhandled exception occurred.
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] ERROR: Nikola: ValueError: Missing date in file posts/SnowGIS_SHP/README.txt
[2017-12-16T01:18:56Z] NOTICE: Nikola: To see more details, run Nikola in debug mode (set environment variable NIKOLA_DEBUG=1)
I'm so silly, basically all I had to do was remove the README.txt file.

Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: No enum constant org.geotools.mbtiles.MBTilesMetadata.t_type.BASELAYER

I am trying to load my .mbtiles file in geoserver. I have installed the mbtiles plugin. But when I try to upload the file it gives me following error:
Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: No enum constant org.geotools.mbtiles.MBTilesMetadata.t_type.BASELAYER
I know I have to change the BASELAYER to OVERLAY but I have no idea how to do it.
Can anyone suggest how to do it?

Displaying error for specific file in codeigniter upload

I have ha form, the form have more than one file uploading field like upload logo, upload background. While I am uploading the files using Codeigniter I can display uploading errors using using $this->upload->display_errors() call. But in my form I have two files to upload. I want to make error message more specific. Like:
=====Logo error====Codeigniter uploading error message for logo
=====Background error====Codeigniter uploading error message for background
As both of the files are uploading in the same form the display_errors() method return all the file uploaded error messages as combined. I tried to keep the errors at variable when logo upload error occurred. Then add just only the background error messages with that variable. But when adding the background error calling the method display_errors(), it return not only the background error but also the logo uploading error. It may be possible by clearing the display_errors() methods return value after the logo errors. But is it possible with codeigniter? Or how to get my desired output. Thanks.

CKEditor Error on Image Upload

I receive the following message when I select an image to upload and then click "send it to the Server":
Unable to get property 'setCustomData' of undefined or null reference.
I searched for CKEditor setcustomdata but came up with nothing...
Making an assumption that you are using the CKSource Image plugin. I received this error when I used the advice from this post about setting the default open tab to the Upload tab. I moved the this.selectPage('Upload'); into the onLoad event and no longer receive the error but it doesn't default the selected tab to upload on subsequent show events.
I hope this helps or at least gives you a direction to look.
