Squeak: Creating a Matrix with Specified Rows and Columns - matrix

I'm just trying to do an assignment in Squeak (Smalltalk), and I can't figure out how to create a matrix with a specific number of rows and columns.
I know that one can create a 3x3 matrix with something like A := Matrix new:3., but I need something like a 3x2 matrix. The System Browser isn't much help to my understanding of how to do this, and I've been searching the internet for awhile and haven't found much of anything to help. Could anyone give an example line of code of how to create something like a 3x2 matrix?

What you should understand is how Smalltalk deals with constructors - always check the Class class.
If you check the Matrix class you will find out that the #new: internally uses ^ self rows: dimension columns: dimension. That means your:
aMatrix := Matrix new:3
actually does
aMatrix := Matrix rows: 3 columns: 3, which happens to happen to be what you are searching for.
In my eyes, the #new: message is not a good choice. I would prefer to have a #squareSize: or something like it.
Note: Don't use capitals for variables (comment based on your A := assigment)
Edit: Why not to use capitals for local/instance variables?
The capital letter at the beginning is reserved for global variables. You have such like Transcript, Smalltalk, etc. For example, class names are also globals that is why you have Matrix and not matrix. For class instance you use previx with a or an like I have used aMatrix is an instance of class Matrix.
There can be suttle differences among different Smalltalk flavours. For example, in Smalltalk/X the class variable starts with a capital letter, which is, as far I could see, not the case in GNU Smalltalk.

I now have the solution, for anyone else ever wondering about how to do this. It's
var := Matrix rows: A columns: B. to create a matrix (A x B), where A and B are integers.


Ada random Integer in range of array length

It's a simple question, yet I can't find anything that could help me...
I want to create some random connection between graph nodes. To do this I want do two random indexes and then connect the nodes.
type randRange is range 0..100000;
n1: randRange;
n2: randRange;
package Rand_Int is new ada.numerics.discrete_random(randRange);
use Rand_Int;
gen : Generator;
n1 := random(gen) mod n; -- first node
n2 := random(gen) mod n;
I wanted to define the range with length of my array but I got errors. Still, it doesn't compile.
Also I can't perform modulo as n is natural.
75:15: "Generator" is not visible
75:15: multiple use clauses cause hiding
75:15: hidden declaration at a-nudira.ads:50, instance at line 73
75:15: hidden declaration at a-nuflra.ads:47
And I have no idea what these errors mean - obviously, something is wrong with my generator.
I would appreciate if someone showed me a proper way to do this simple thing.
As others have answered, the invisibility of Generator is due to you having several "use" clauses for packages all of which have a Generator. So you must specify "Rand_Int.Generator" to show that you want the Generator from the Rand_Int package.
The problem with the "non-static expression" happens because you try to define a new type randRange, and that means the compiler has to decide how many bits it needs to use for each value of the type, and for that the type must have compile-time, i.e. static, bounds. You can instead define it as a subtype:
subtype randRange is Natural range 0 .. n-1;
and then the compiler knows that it can use the same number of bits as it uses for the Natural type. (I assume here that "n" is an Integer, or Natural or Positive; otherwise, use whatever type "n" is.)
Using a subtype should also resolve the problem with the "expected type".
You don't show us the whole code neccessary to reproduce the errors, but the error messages suggest you have another use clause somewhere, a use Ada.Numerics.Float_Random;. Either remove that, or specify which generator you want, ie. gen : Rand_Int.Generator;.
As for mod, you should specify the exact range you want when instantiating Discrete_Random instead:
type randRange is 0..n-1; -- but why start at 0? A list of nodes is better decribed with 1..n
package Rand_Int is new ada.numerics.discrete_random(randRange);
Now, there's no need for mod
The error messages you mention have to do with concept of visibility in Ada, which differs from most other languages. Understanding visibility is key to understanding Ada. I recommend that beginners avoid use <package> in order to avoid the visibility issues involved with such use clauses. As you gain experience with the language you can experiment with using common pkgs such as Ada.Text_IO.
As you seem to come from a language in which arrays have to have integer indices starting from zero, I recommend Ada Distilled, which does an excellent job of describing visibility in Ada. It is ISO/IEC 8652:2007, but you should have no difficulty picking up Ada-12 from that basis.
If you're interested in the issues involved in obtaining a random integer value in a subrange of an RNG's result range, or from a floating-point random value, you can look at PragmARC.Randomness.Real_Ranges and PragmARC.Randomness.U32_Ranges in the PragmAda Reusable Components.

How can I use the float version of nfp()?

I'm trying to use the nfp() function in Processing to present my floats on screen with a certain number of decimal places. In the manual page for this function, it says that
There are two versions: one for formatting floats, and one for formatting ints.
However, when I'm trying to use the function with a float variable (and an int variable for the number of decimal points), I get the following error:
The function "nfp()" expects parameters like; "nfp(int,int)".
Am I missing something here? How can I access the float version of the function?
The nfp function formats numbers into strings and adds zeros to it.
This is done for integers always before the given number, which is why the function npf(int, int) requires only one more parameter for the digits.
The function nfp(float, int) does not work. The function requires for a float input two integers: nfp(float, int, int).
This is, since it needs to know, how many digits will be added before the dot (left) and how many should be added after the dot (right).
nfp(1.2, 1, 2) will lead to +1.20
nfp(1.2, 2, 1) will lead to +01.2
Not a big issue? NO! This is a perfect example to learn two things:
It is important that thrown Errors have to make clear what the problem really is about.
Documentation has to be clear about the usage of functions, especially, when they accept different variations of parameters.
If both are not considered well enough, when designing a framework, developers (like op in this case) get stuck on problems that could have been easily avoided.

store if loop results in a matrix (Octave)

I have a matrix with many random values ranging from -600 to +600. These values are intermixed with each other inside of the matrix.
What I want to do is separate the negative values and positive values into their own matrices. Maybe even separating the values that are greater than 400 into its own matrix as well.
I'm fairly new with coding, so the first thing that popped in my head was an if statement. I am using Octave. I don't know if theres a better way to go about it, but I would appreciate all help I can get. Thanks
The best way to do this is to use logical indexing. You can create a logical matrix the size of your data based on the criteria you want.
So for example to get only the values that are negative:
negatives = your_data(your_data < 0);
And positive values
positives = your_data(your_data >= 0);
You can alter the expression used to generate the logical matrix to suit your needs.
Also if you're simply using Octave, you can stop tagging C++ since they are different languages.

Casting strings to numbers in App Inventor

The title is perhaps misleading but I don't know how this is called. I do want to know how to type cast for example an int variable to create a string image_number, where number is the value of that variable.
But the thing that bothers me the most is how to call for example an imageSprite with a string constructed in similar way.
I have 16 sprites in a list and some for loops, and have trouble calling sprites. I want to for example check whether that particular sprite has an image set. I know I can use the block that tells me whether that's the case or not, but I want to say:
if the number you are increasing is n, I want you to check whether imageSprite_n has an image set or not (without using if number == n, use imageSprite_n).
I hope my question is clear. Is there any way to do that or should this be done without a loop?
Learn how to work with lists
How to work with Lists by Saj
How to work with Lists and Lists of
lists (pdf) by appinventor.org
and learn how to use the advanced blocks
Then you can do it like this
The example uses 4 image sprites and checks, if image sprite 3 has an image set

Efficient Algorithm for comparing only the lists that have been updated

Even describing this problem is hard, But I'll give it a go. I've been struggling with this for a few days and decided to ask here.
OK, so I'm trying to model "concepts", or "things" as I call them. Just concepts in general. It's to do with processing logic.
So, each "thing" is defined by it's relationship to other things. I store this as a set of 5 bits per relationship. A 'thing' could be like this:
class Thing {
char* Name;
HashTable<Thing*, int> Relationships;
So, I model "Things" like that. 5 bits per relationship. Each bit stands for one possible relationship. Like this: 1 equals, 2 inside, 3 outside, 4 contains, 5 overlaps. Having all 5 bits on means we totally don't know what the relationship is. Having 2 bits means we think the relationship could be one of two possibilities. Relationships start off as "unknown" (all 5 bits are true) and get more specific as time goes on.
So this is how I model increasing knowledge over time. Things start off in a fully unknown state, and can pass through partially known states, and can reach fully known states.
A little more background:
I try to add extra definition to my modelling of "concepts" (things), by using extra classes. Like this:
class ArrayDefinition {
Array<Thing> Items;
And my Thing class becomes like this:
class Thing {
char* Name;
HashTable<Thing*, int> Relationships;
ArrayDefinition* ArrayDef;
This "ArrayDef" doesn't HAVE to be used. It's just there to be used, if needed. Some "things" don't have arrays, some do. But all "things" have relationships.
I can process this "ArrayDefinition" to figure out the relationship between two things! For example, if X = [ A B C D E ] and Y = [ C D E ], my code can process these two arrays, and figure out that "Y inside X".
OK, so that's enough background. I've explained the core problem, avoiding my real code which has all sorts of distracting details.
Here's the problem:
The problem is making this not run ridiculously slow.
Imagine, there are 2000 "things". Let's say 1000 of these have array definitions. Now, that makes 500,000(ish) possible "array-pairs" that we need to compare against each other.
I hope I'm starting to finally make sense now. How to avoid processing them all against each other? I've already realised that if two "things" have a fully known relationship, there is no point in comparing their "array definitions", because that's just used to figure out extra detail on the relationship, but we have the exact relationship, so there's no point.
So... let's say only 500 of these "things with arrays" have unknown or partially known relationships. That still makes 250000(ish) possible "array-pairs" to compare!
Now... to me, the most obvious place to start, is realising that unless a relationship used to define two arrays changes (Becomes more specific), then there is no point processing this "array-pair".
For example, let's say I have these two arrays:
X = [ A B C D E ]
Y = [ Q W R T ]
now, if I say that T=R, that's very nice. But this does not affect the relationship between X and Y. So just because T's relationship to R has become known as "equal", whereas before it might have been fully unknown, this does not mean I need to compare X and Y again.
On the other hand, if I say "T outside E", this is a relationship between things used to define the two arrays. So saying that "T outside E" means I need to process X's array against Y's array.
I really don't want to have to compare 500,000 "array-pairs" just to process logic on 1000 arrays when almost nothing has changed between them!
So... my first attempt at simplifying this, was to keep a list of all the arrays that a thing is used to define.
Let's say I have 3 arrays:
A = [ X Y Z ]
B = [ X X X X ]
C = [ X Z X F ]
Well, X is used in 3 arrays. So, X could keep a list of all the arrays it is used inside of.
So, if I said "X inside Y", this could bring up a list of all the arrays that Y is used to define, and all the arrays X is used to define. Let's say X is used in 3 arrays, and Y is used in 1 array. From this, we can figure out that there are 2 "array-pairs" we need to compare (A vs B, and A vs C).
We can futher trim this list by checking if any of the array pairs already have fully known relationships.
The problem I have with this, is it STILL seems excessive.
Let's say X is a really common "thing". It's used in 10,000 arrays. And Y is a really common thing, used in 10,000 arrays.
I still end up with 100,000,000 array-pairs to compare. OK, so let's say I don't need to compare them all, actually, only 50 of them were partially known or totally unknown.
But... I still had to run over a list of 100,000,000 array-pairs, to figure out which of these was partially known. So it's still inefficient.
I'm really wondering if there is no efficient method of doing this. And if really all I can do is make a few effective "heuristicish" strategies. I haven't had too much luck coming up with good strategies yet.
I realise that this problem is highly specialised. And I realise that reading this long post may take too long. I'm just not sure how to shrink the post length or describe this in terms of more common problems.
If it helps... My best attempt to express this in common terms, is "how to compare only the lists that have been updated".
Anyone got any ideas? That would be great. If not... perhaps just me writing this out may help my thinking process.
The thing is, I just can't help but feel that there is some algorithm or approach that can make this problem run fast and efficient. I just don't know what that algorithm is.
Thanks all
In general, you won't be able to come up with a structure that is as-fast-as-possible for every operation. There are tradeoffs to be made.
This problem looks very similar to that of executing queries on a relational database - SELECT * WHERE .... You might consider looking there for inspiration.
I'm not sure I understand what you are doing completely (the purpose of ArrayDefinition is particularly hazy), but I think you should consider separating the modeling of the objects from their relationships. In other words, create a separate mapping from object to object for each relationship. If objects are represented by their integer index, you need only find an efficient way to represent integer to integer mappings.
I had a sleep and when I woke up, I had a new idea. It might work...
If each "thing" keeps a list of all the "array definitions" it is used to define.
class Thing {
char* Name;
HashTable<Thing*, int> Relationships;
ArrayDefinition* ArrayDef;
Set<ArrayDefinition*> UsedInTheseDefs;
class ArrayDefinition {
Array<Thing> Items;
Set<int> RelationModifiedTag;
And I keep a global list of all the "comparable array pairs".
And I also construct a global list, of all the "arrays that can be compared" (not in pairs, just one by one).
Then, everytime a relationship is changed, I can go over the list of "arrays definitions" I'm inside of, and add a little "tag" to it :)
So I can do something like this:
static CurrRel = 0;
CurrRel++; // the actual number doesn't matter, it's just used for matching
foreach(Arr in this->UsedInTheseDefs) {
Arr->RelationModifiedTag.Add( CurrRel );
foreach(Arr in other->UsedInTheseDefs) {
Arr->RelationModifiedTag.Add( CurrRel );
I altered both sides of the relationship. So if I did this: "A outside B", then I've added a "modifiedtag" to all the arrays A is used to define, and all the arrays B is used to define.
So, then I loop over my list of "comparable array-pairs". Each pair of course is two arrays, each one will have a "RelationModifiedTag" set.
So I check both RelationModifiedTag sets against each other, to see if they have any matching numbers. If they DO, then this means this array pair has a relationship that's just been altered! So... I can do my array comparison then.
It should work :)
It does require a bit of overhead, but the main thing is I think it scales well to larger data sets. For smaller datasets say only 10 arrays, a simpler more brute force approach could be used, just compare all array-pairs that don't have fully known relationship, and don't bother to keep track of what relationships have been altered.
There's further optimisations possible. But I won't go into those here, because it just distracts from the main algorithm, and they are kind of obvious. For example if I have two sets to compare, I should loop over the smaller set and check against the bigger set.
Apologies for having to read all this long text. And thanks for all the attempts to help.
Well, first of all, some vocabulary.
Design Pattern: Observer
It's a design pattern that allow objects to register themselves into others, and ask for notifications on events.
For example, each ThingWithArray could register itself in the Thing they managed, so that if the Thing is updated the ThingWithArray will get notified back.
Now, there is usually an unsubscribe method, meaning that as soon as the ThingWithArray no longer depends on some Thing because all the relations that use them have been used, then they could unsubscribe themselves, so as not to be notified of the changes any longer.
This way you only notify those which actually care about the update.
There is one point to take into account though: if you have recursive relationships, it might get hairy, and you'll need to come up with a way to avoid this.
Also, follow ergosys advise, and model relationships outside of the objects. Having 1 BIG class is usually the start of troubles... if you have difficulty cutting it into logical parts, it's that the problem is not clear for you, and you should ask help on how to model it... Once you've got a clear model, things usually fall into place a bit more easily.
From your own answer I deduce that the unknown relations are greatly over-numbered by known relationships. You could then keep track of the unknown relationships of each thing in a separate hash table/set. As a further optimization, instead of keeping track of all definitions that a thing is used in, keep track of which of these definitions have unknown relationships - which relationships can be affected. Then given a newly defined relationship between X and Y, take the affected definitions of one of them, and find the intersection of each of the unknown relations with the affected definitions of the other one. To keep the acceleration datastructure up to date, when a relationships becomes known, remove it from the unknown relationships and if no unknown relationships remain go over the array def and remove the thing from can-affect sets.
The datastructure would then look something like this:
class Thing {
char* Name;
HashTable<Thing*, int> Relationships;
Set<Thing*> UnknownRelationships;
ArrayDefinition* ArrayDef;
Set<Thing*> CanAffect; // Thing where this in ArrayDefinition and UnknownRelationships not empty
class ArrayDefinition {
Array<Thing> Items;
