Visual Studio -> wrap every parameter - visual-studio

Using Visual Studio 2019, I found a really useful refactoring option in 'Quick actions and refactoring':
(might come from PowerTools, whatever)
I just wondered how:
I can make this wrapping settings a default formatting settings
Or apply this formatting on my whole solution at once (without resharper)
For the later, a solution with Visual Studio Code would be perfect as well !
Thanks for your help

You can try using Rewrap extension which formats code, comments, and other text to a given line length (80 by default).
The main Rewrap command is: Rewrap Code / Comment, by default bound to
Alt+Q. Put the text cursor inside a comment line, block or plain text
paragraph and invoke the command to wrap. You can also select just a few lines, or multiple comments in one selection.
There is currently an Open request for this in the VS Code Issue tracker on GitHub


Can we change all the word at once in visual studio

If I made the same mistake several times in the same code. Is it possible for me to change all the mistakes at once rather than finding each mistake and correcting it.
For Ex:- If I have written prnt instead of print several times at different places can I change it at once and apply it for all others rather than going at each place and correcting it manually.
You can use the Find and Replace feature in Visual Studio to find prnt and replace it with print. Use Ctrl+Shift+H as a quick shortcut to find and replace.
visual studio support multiple edit.
You can use Shift+ALT+; to edit all the same words in current file.
For this blog: Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Multi-line and multi-cursor editing you can get more infomation.
You can also change it in for the whole solution.
Use Ctrl+Shift+H on visual studio set the word you want to replace, type in the new word to be replaced, set whether it should be replaced for the entire solution or for that document alone. click replace.
Cool right?

What's the easiest way to use vertical and horizontal splitting in Visual Studio at the same time?

As seen on the screenshot below, marked by red arrows:
If I use Vertical Tab Split subwindow, I lose the ability to split insert another tab and split it horizontally. Is there any addon or setting I can change to be able to put my code tabs in sort of rectangle-grid?
Just to clarify - I don't want to see the same file contents twice. I want every tab to show a different file. I can't find the reason why such an oversimplification to ide was introduced.
I know it can be solved by opening many standalone windows, but that's hardly an answer for me.
Here's the example of how it looks like in Sublime 2
As you have discovered it's not a feature of the VS shell. For reference, it wasn't possible in VS2010 either.
You can vote for this feature on the Visual Studio Developer Community site - there's a specific request for it here

How to triple-slash selected text in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio 2010 we can Comment selected text via Ctrl+E,C - This prefixes selected lines with the double-slash.
Is there a way to select text and have VS2010 prefix the selected lines with a triple-slash?
For the curious; I am adding XML comments to my c# code. Specifically, I am adding example code within the <example><code></code></example> section of my comments. I'm am building the sample code in a throw-away console app (just to make sure I'm creating code that works). When satisfied with the sample code, I copy/paste it into my app that I'm adding XML Comments to. When I paste the sample code, I have to manually add all the triple-slashes. I'm getting kinda bored doing this, so I'm hoping there is a way I can have VS2010 do this for me.
There is no built-in command to do that, AFAIK.
However, you can do it using VS's built-in advanced text-editing features.
Hold down Alt, select a zero-width column of text at the beginning of the lines, then type ///. This will type into all of the lines simultaneously.
You can select that with the keyboard by pressing Home (as applicable), then repeatedly pressing Alt+Shift+↓.

Cleanup spacing - C++ / Visual Studio 2010

Is there a built-in feature or available add-on for Visual Studio 2010 that will clean up spacing in C++ code so that annoying blocks like this:
will become
RandomVar = RandomList.RandomMethod();
(Same goes for spacing in loops, etc.)
...or do I need to do this myself with find/replace and regex?
I think You are looking for Edit->Advanced->Format document. This will re-format your current document according to settings in Tools->Options->Text Editor->c/c++->Formatting.
It's keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E+D in my case.
Although originally for C code formatting lint has been modified to cover C++ and ported to many platforms.
Some lint variants only report inconsistent layout, others can fix it for you. some are free others paid for versions.
This would be an outside the IDE fix as this is a sperate tool (at least traditionally it is!)
This wikipeadia article lists a few possible sources for lint tools
(this was a footer in my orginal question, but as that posed two solutions I extracted it here so you can accept a specifc answer should you find one apropriate)
This is not a proper "Solution" but a possible work-around without the need for finding external tools
In the "Tools" menu pick "Options..."
In this dialog navigate to
"Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting"
Set the layout options as you
would like your code to look.
Click OK.
Now in a unit with "bad"
formatting from the menu select "Edit->Advanced->Format document" and the IDE wil reformat the
document to match your settings.
For C#, VB etc the "Formating" option has several sub nodes that provide a fine grain of control for the sort of spacing options you ask for. The list for C/C++ is flat and very limited by comparison. I suspect there is not enough flexability for the layout you want.
So you probably cannot get the formatting you want directly. How about...
Set the spacing rules you want for C++ in the C# settings
Temporarily adding a C# project to your solution
adding a class to that
emptying it.
paste the C++ in (causing a reformat)
copy back to the original file
rinse and repeat
remove the temporary C# project
I have to say this is not pretty, but given the syntactical similarities between C++ and C# its probably a close match.
The auto-formatting settings for C++ in Eclipse are more extensive than in Visual Studio, so I ended up using that instead.

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2: Can I print in color?

I have to turn in a hard copy of some code with an assignment. Is there any way in Visual Studio 2010 to print C# source code with syntax highlighting?
PS: The assignment is solving a math problem, so the choice of language isn't important and the teacher doesn't need to compile and run the program. She just wants to see our approach and results.
There is an extension now :) Visual Studio 2010 Color Printing Extension
Works well! :)
The best way I've found to accomplish this is to copy from Visual Studio and paste into something like MS Word or OpenOffice Writer.
This gives you full source code, with syntax highlighting. You can then print from Word (including adding your intro documentation before the code, etc).
Just to let everyone know, unfortunately printing in color was cut from Visual Studio 2010 because of resource constraints. Since we've rewritten the editor from scratch in WPF, we didn't have time to reimplement everything so we had to sacrifice this feature. We will try to implement this in the next version of Visual Studio. For now, copy to clipboard and paste into other app such as Microsoft Word is the recommended solution for printing code with color.
If you go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors you can change settings to print with syntax highlighting (change 'Show settings for' dropdown to 'Printer'). But you will need to change all the individual settings to match your IDE (I don't know of a way to make it automatic)
Edit: you can use that "Use..." button next to the dropdown to copy settings from the Text Editor
Simplest of all copy code to clipboard and paste into MS-Word is the way I do and it works...
Have a look at VS.NETcodePrint 2010 availabe from You will be able to print and export the color coded output to PDF.
Joginder Nahil
Due the fact MSVS does not support it anymore I think the best way is really to copy the code and paste it into WinWord.
The advantages are listed below. You can
set the font/size exactly how you want it.
set the format of line numbers.
have your own header/footer.
remove #region from printing.
add a watermark to the output.
For me - I print once in 2 months a source code - it is a very comfortable way which I never could achieve with any 3rd party extension.
